HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1988 RECEIVED ' FEB-'t-? Igsg STATE OF NEW YORK) } ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JEAN T. ZA~RA, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I reside at 1830 Pike Street, Mattituck, New York, and am employed by WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.C., Main Road, Mattituck, New York, 11952, attorneys for Mattituck Park District. That on the 22nd day of November, 1988, I posted five (5) copies of the NOTICE OF ELECTION for the Mattituck Park District, copy of which is annexed hereto, in five (5) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, New York, as follows: 1. ® ® Bulletin Board, United States Post Office, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York Bulletin Board, Nattituck Fire House, Pike Street, mattituck, New York Bulletin Board, Mattituck-Cutchogue School UFSD (Mattituck High School) Main Road, Mattituck, New York Bulletin Board, Nattituck Free Library Main Road, Mattituck, NY Bulletin Board, The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. 245 Love Lane, Mattituck, NY Sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, 1988. g- otary ubZl'ic MATTITUCK PA~K DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE is hereby siren, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended~ of a meeting of the legal voters of the Nattituck Park District to be held on the 14th day of December, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time~ at the Hattituck Park District Office, Main Road, Mattituck, New Yor 11952, for the following purpose: To elect a Commissionsr for a term of three (3) years to succeed WALTER P. SABAT whose term sxpirss December 31, 1988. Polls will be open from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Nominations shall be submitted in petition form, subscribed by 25 qualified voters, and filed with the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such election. Every elector of the Town of Southold shall have resided in the Mattituck Park District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding any election of the Park District shall be qualified to vote. Dated: November 21, 1988 EDWARD ADAHS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter P. Sabat Park Co,~issioners Hadeline S. Haas, Secretary COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELEC'FION NOTICE is hereby given, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 14th day of December, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, at the Mattituck Park District Office, Main Road, Mattituck, New 'fi)rk 11952, for {he following purpose: 1. To elect a Commissioner ' for a term of three (3) years to succeed WALTER P. SABAT whose term expires December 31, 1988. Polls will be ope~¢from 7:~ P.M. to 9:00 P.M.~d Nont~c~tiOn~ ~all I~ ~l~it- ~ ted n i~i6n foEm; ~fll~scril~d byi25 qualifigd Ootersc and fil~l with the Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the d~fe of such election. Every elector of the Town of Southold shall have resided in the Mattituck Park District for a period of thirty O0)days next p~eceding any election of the Park District shall be qualified to vote. Dated: November 21, 1988 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Go~hringer · ,~er~P. Sabat Pa~k ~mmissioners Madeline S. Haas, Secretary 3X, 11/24/88, 12/1/88, 12/8/88 (42) Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspape~ printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long island Traveler-Watchman once each week for ................... ".~) ....... weeks successively, commencing on the .......... .: .......... dayof .... /./,~ ,..- ....... 19 .:.3.~.. Sworn to before me this ..................... day of ...... ~ < ~ ' :~ ~>-: ....... 1 9 f Notary Public BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER NOIAR¥ PUBLIC, State of New York No. 4806846 Qualified in S',Jffoik County CommL%ion Expires MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICB-;o ~'-,"~_~given, as pre- scribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York. 1941. as sme,adcd, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 14th day of December, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. Eastern S~ndard Time, at the Mattituck Park District Office, Main Road, Mattituck, New York 11952, for the following pun~ose: 1 To elect a Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to succeed WALTER P. SABAT 31, 1988. Polls will be open from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. N°rmnations shall I~ submittexl in petition form, subscribed by 25 qualified voters, and filed with the Secretety at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such election. Evcod elector of the Town of Southold shall have resided in the Mauituck park District fcc a period of thirty (30) days next preceding any election of the Park District shall be qualified to v~.~. Dated: Nove~nber 21,1988 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter P. Sabat Park Commissioners Madelin¢ S. Haas, Seminary 6133-3TN24,D1,8 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Chris'elna Contento ofMattituck, in said County, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 3 weeks successively, commencing on the 24 day of Nc,zembc r 19 88 Principal Clerk WE, THE UNDERSIGNED QUALIFIED VOr~a<S IN THE MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT, DO H~REBY NOMINATE VICTOR G. LESSARD, WHO RESIDES AT 1800 WESTPHALIA ROAD, MA~ITUCK, NEW YORK, TO RUN FOR THE OFFICE OF PARKS CC~V~EISSIONER FOR A '£~M OF THREE YEARS TO SUc~:~:~) WALT~ P. SABAT WHOSE T~{M EXPIRES D~ 31, 1988, AND DO FURTHER REQUEST THAT MR. LESSARD'S NAME APPEAR ON THE D~C~ER 14TH BALLOT AT WHICH TIME L[[7~%L VO,'~2~S OF THE MA~ITUCK PARK DISTRICT WILL HOLD A ~'I'ING FOR TEE PURPOSE OF SUCH ~.RCTION. ~o~--F.~ _ (Permenant Address) · . ' . ....... ' . /~,~.-~...- ~he undersigned, all being 9~1 ified ~.~ of the Mattitu~k Park District, Mattituck New Yoxk, hereby n~minate ~na~5 ~o/~,-s~q for Cu,,~ssicmer of Mattituck Park District for a texm of three (3) years to succeed Walter P. Sabat, whose term expires December 31, 1988. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 2O The undersXsned, aXX bo~nS quaXifXed voters of the HattXCuck Park D~oCrXcC, JhtCiCuck, New York, hereby no~Lnace #&lief P. Saber for Coue~.ss~onere of the HaCCituck Park District for a teru of three (3) years co fil! the Cem of Walter P. Saber vhoee corm expire December 31, 1988. ADDRESS The undersigned, all beins qualified voters of the l~ttituck Park District, l~atCl~uck, New York, hereby no~naCe Wal~er P. Saber for Commissioners of the ~a~tituck Perk Distric~ for · Cem of three (3) year8 to fill the ter~ of Walter P. Seba~ whose Cer~ expire December 31, 1988. ADDl~SS says: being duly sworn, 1. I reside at ~ deposes and and am registered to vote at this address with the Suffolk County Board of Elections. 2. -I ma~e 'this affidavit under penalty of perjury in order to induce the Mattituck Park District to permit me to vote in the election for commissioner on December 14, 1988. Sworn to before me this 14th day of December, l~Si// ERIC JONATHAN BRE88LER I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a resident qualified elector under New York State Law of the Hattituck Park District in the Tovn of Southold and that ! am eligible to vote for a ComLtseioner Jill the term of Walter P. Saber vhoee term expires December 31, 1987. ADDRESS ? I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a residsnt qualified elector under New York State Law of the Nattituck Perk District in the To~m of Southold end that ! am elt$tble to vote for a Co~misstoner to ftll the term of Walter P. Saber ~hose ter~ expires December 31, 1987. ADDRESS I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a resident qualified elector under New York State Lay of the llattituck Perk District in the To~n of $outhold and that ! am eligible to vote for a Go~a/ssioner to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose ter~ expire8 December 31, 1987.~ NAME ~ ~D~SS // I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a resident qualif~ed elector under New York State Law of the M~Ctituck Park D~etrict in the Town of Southold and thaC I am eli$ible Co vote for a Coentas~oner to fill the Cern of Valter P. Sabac vhose Cern exp~re8 DecemberS//87. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that ! am a resident qualified elector under New York State Law of the Hattituck Park District in the Town of Southold and that I am eligible to vote for a Coumiesioner to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1987. ADDRKS8 I, the underslsned, do hereby certify that I am a resident qualified elector under ~ew York State Law of the Hattituck Park District in the Torn of Southold and that I am elisible to vote for a Co~iesioner to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat vhose term expires December 31, 1987. ADDRESS Z7 I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I ma a resident qualified elector under Nay York State Lam of the llattituck Park District in the Town of Southold and that ! am eli$ible to vote for a Com~issioner to fill the ter~ of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires Deceaber 31, 1987. ADDRESS OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~- VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the squats opposits his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT %~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retnrn it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Hadeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMHISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~9 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS [~ATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COt4HISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Hark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote for a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a cheek (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w9 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS \ ~l WALTER P. SABAT \j VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~Q mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Hark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (V~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any srasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS ~ATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT y VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~Q mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~,~/ VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT >~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain anothsr. Vote for a Park Cor~nissionsr for a term of thrse (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires Decsmber 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD / - INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2./'To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (pt) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT J VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. T~ vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Conumissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~'~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSAP~D INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK P/~RK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT / ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name.' 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly iu blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (V0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (V) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~l VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the squats opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormnissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawfui. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTEIFOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD ,\ INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite hie name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ,-...__ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  G. LESSARD VICTOR 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~,issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~mlissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years ~o fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. ~ OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT .~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~aissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE 'FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cou~aissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (p~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or defacs or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~flSSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~i VI~TO~ G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his nams correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT .~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas 'Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT X VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~O mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Coranissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Hadeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE :FOR ONE COI~4ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT V VICTOR C. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F9 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARR DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w$ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS / WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT J VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESS~RD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his hams correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT X VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen havin8 blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Auy other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~isstoner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~MISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~/ VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his nams. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTEFOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS · WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARR DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. ~ 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT ~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having-blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corranissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madellue S. I1aas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT  VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot ts unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Saber whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUUK PARK DISTRICT Hadeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COHMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS J WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT \~ VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite hie name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite hie name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary ~OT~ FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS M~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS i~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cor~mtssioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary ! VOTE~F~R ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS V WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cou~nissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comxnissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~nissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his nams correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his hams. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure mads on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COHMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w9 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR~ONE CO~ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark In the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COHHISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Com~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w$ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~' WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having, black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in ths square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead~ 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~O mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormuissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE F~ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Saber whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X WALTER SABAT P. VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormnissio~er for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cou~uissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his nams correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w$ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Waiter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS V WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the t~rm of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blus or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS J~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in bla~k space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary TE:FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS f WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ' X WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name cor{ectly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~mnissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTEiFOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS y WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1.i Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (v0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR O~O~O~O~ COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS ~ATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~/~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w9 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con,missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~R~ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS f' WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas ~ Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (pr) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, ot any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lsad. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, t988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE~OR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YF-~RS Y WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot ts unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whoss term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE~FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~m~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check ([/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w$ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS ~ATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS [~D~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con~nissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary ! VOTE~OR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. V~te for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS /~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly tn blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~IISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co.missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE!FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite hie name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS V WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite hie name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cormmiseioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COI~ISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (p~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~unissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARR DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or dsface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE!FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR O. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARR DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Saber whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE .~RONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS f WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sahat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CONMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~t) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blauk space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~mmissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~aissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS i WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~m~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sahat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (v0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Conunissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOT~EFOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cor~nissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Naas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (v0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Conuuissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary iFORONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS - WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE!FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS NATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMHISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  ~ALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or With a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corm~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS ~ Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTf FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS J' WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~m~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary FORONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS I~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a chsck (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or.wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term sxpires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~[ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w$ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS P~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for. a Park Co~uissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposits his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Couuuissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS y WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write hie name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE F~g--ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (W0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS k WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil havinB black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark tn the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secrstary To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (¥~ mark in the square opposite his name. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~O mark in the square opposite his name. Any othsr mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Cou~nissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOE 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSAND Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (vO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeltne S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (v0 mark in the square opposite his name. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~<~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park CoBissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil haVing black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOT~ ~ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT M~deline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~A~LTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE CO~ilSSIONER FOR 3 YEARS J WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (g9 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (W) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Con,missioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~i WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (F~ mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (w0 mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONS Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~O mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~m~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sahat whose term expires December 31, 1988. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK P~RK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~/ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen havin$ blue or black ink, or with a pencil havin$ black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~9 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wron$1y mark the ballot, return it and obtafn another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS  WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Comissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (FO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Co~r~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FO~E COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his hams. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (wO mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Conm~issioner of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sab~ term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS I~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE~OR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his nams correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~z) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Corr~issioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS , WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. S~bat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark ~n the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~0 mark ~ the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS MATTITDCK PARK DISTRICT Hadeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS X~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (PO mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank spacs and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~ mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires Decsmber 31, 1988. OFFICIAL BALLOT ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENTS HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~ WALTER P. SABAT VICTOR G. LESSARD INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote~or a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check (~/) mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (~') mark in the square opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. MATTITUCK PARK COI~IISSION ~attituck, Long Island New York December 14, 1988 We, the undersigned appointed election inespectors hereby certify the follow- ing results as the vote cast at the meeting of qualified electors of the Mattituck Park District on Wednesday, December 14, 1988 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Mattituck Park District Office, Mattituck, New York, for the election of a Commissioner to fill the term of Walter P. Sabat whose term expires December 31, 1988. Number of Voters Registered Number of Ballots Cast Number Votes Cast for Walter P. Sabat Number Votes Cast for Victor G. Lessard Number Votes VOID for Walter P. Sabat Number Votes VOID for Victor G. Lessard Total Number of Ballots Counted SIGNED: Bonnie Adams Barbara Mathewsk-  David Haas · Haas / Secretary