HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/1983MATTITUCK PARK CO~fISSION Mattituck, Long Island NEW York 11952 August 16, 1983 We, the undersigned appointed election inspectors hereby certify the following results as the vote cast at the meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Mattituck Park District on Tuesday, August 16, 1983 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Mattituck High School, Mattituck, New York, on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 198h. Number Votes registered ~ Number Ballots cast Number voted YES Number voted NO N,~mber votes VOID Total Number Ballots Counted Se cret ary Signed: Clarence R. Bennett STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) GAIL A. COF~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she resides at (No#) Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York and is e~uloyed by WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BI~ESSLER, PC, M~{n Road, Mattituck, New York, attorneys for the Mattituck Park District. That on the 1st day of August, 1983, she posbed four (4) copies of the Notice of Budget Meeting for the Mattituck Park District copy of which is annexed hereto, in four (4) public places in Mattituck, County of Suffolk, New York, as follows: 1. Bulletin Board - Matt/tuck Post Office Love Lane, Mattituck, New York 2. Bulletin Board - Mattituck Firehouse Pike Street, Mattituck, New York 3. Bulletin Board ~ Matt/tuck Free Library M~n Road, Mattituck, New York 4. Bulletin Board - The North Fork Bank & Trust Oa~any 245 Love Lane, Matt/tuck, New York Sworn to before me this 2nd day of August, 1983. FRANKLYN A. ~mm. E,~ires I~lj~-~ MASTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE CF BUDGET ~TING NOTICE is hereby given of a meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 16th day of August, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. ~tern Daylight Savings Time, at Mattituck High School, M~n Road, Matt/tuck, New York 11952, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for th~ fiscal year beginning January 1, 1984. Voting will take place in the foyer of the High School and polls will be kept open f~LL 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The C~,~Jssioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the ssme as said budget: 1984 Ex~_nses: Insurance $ 7,500.00 Site M~ntenance 43,300.00 Site Improv~rents 6,225.00 Utilities 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery M~ntenance 4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage 400.00 Equilarent Purchase 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary 750.00 Secretary's Salary 750.00 Lifeg,~ards 6,500.00 Custodial Service 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt. 5,000.00 Interest 450.00 Legal fees 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 $ 92,300.00 Revenue: Interest Inccme Concessions Keys Amount to be raised by taxes 2,000.00 200.00 300.00 89,800.00 $ 92,300.00 Dated: July 27, 1983 FRANK MURPHY, Chairman Michael Burke Frank Murphy Park Cc~missioners Madeline S. Haas, Secretary ~[, the mderei~ned, do hereby certif~ that ! m a resi~_-~t qu~f~ed elector ruder Ne~ York ,~t~e Y~w o~ the M~tt:~tuck Pa.-k D~str~.ct ~n the To~n o~' Southold ~ud that I m e~ble to ~ote on the budget off the .l~ttituck Pemk Distr~ct f~r the ~9~ year. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Perk District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ( mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 15, 1~83 PROPOSITION [-] Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted a~ the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shal,I the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the AAattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fisca,I year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 $92,300.00 REVENUE: Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcesslons ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Pork District SecretaP/ INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION 1--] Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shatl the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the tnxoble property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District hove submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt .................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 $92,300.00 REVENUE: Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secre~aP/ IHSTRU~rlONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cot~cessioos ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRU~"rlOHS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400~00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUGTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION F-] Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mottituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and sha~l the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance .~ .......................... 4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ............................... ~. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ !,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,3OO.0O MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park Dist~iet Secretory INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark Jn the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check C/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure rr~:le on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. Yes No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 1G, 1983 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted n~ the Budget for the Fisol Year beginning January I, 1984 and sha~l the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ !,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income .......................... ;...~ ....................... $ 2,000.00 Co~cessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Hoes Perk District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('~ mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. [-] Yes No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 15, 1983 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Pork District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January I, 1984 and shatl the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the t~xoble property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Mair~tenance ............................ 4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Coflcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Medeline S. Haas Park Di~ict Secreta~y INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shah the estimate of expenditures of t~e Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the FJsal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shah the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property Jn said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattltuck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park District' Secretary INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with o pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check C/) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasura made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 1G, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted n~ the 0udget for the I:isal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and sha~} the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the s~id sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same os said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ............................................... 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ..................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Co~cessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Heas Park District Secretary I~STRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with o pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot i$ unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION /Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the FJsal Year beginning January 1, 1984~ and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ..................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 AmOunt to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS !. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (¥) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. [ es I--] No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted n~ the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shall the Pork District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattltuck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................ 4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.0O MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 ~edeline S. Haas Park Di~rict Secretory INSTRuCtIONS 1. Mark only with o pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check C/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 15, 1983 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January i, 1984 and sha~l the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mottituck Pork District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: [ Yes 198, No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements Utilities ................................................6,225.00 .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................ 4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Coflcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secre~aP/ INSTRU~I'IONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with o pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted na the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shaJf the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the fallowing estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCI'IOHS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('/) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginoing January 1, 1984 and sha[I the Park. District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300:00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. EST/MATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and prapose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: I--] No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.0O MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Made#ne S. Haas Park DislTict Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (×) mark or check (¥) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. [ /Yes [--I No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ..................................................... ~$ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Mede#ne S. Heal Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Praposition, make a crass (X) mark or check C/) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, tatum it and abtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January I, 1984, and sha~l the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park DisJrict have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: ! 984 EXPENSES: I-] No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Co~cessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeliea S. Haas Park District SecretaP/ INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check C~ mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of t~e Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and sha~l the Pork District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: I-] No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Co~cessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIOHS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the I~mposition, make a cross (X) mark or check CZ) mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes No SHall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January i, 1984 and shaJl the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Concessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park District SecretaP/ INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and o~toin another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of tJ~e Mattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January !, 1984 and shal~l the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Se~ice ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park Di~dct Secretary INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark Jn the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, tatum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park Di~-trict be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January !, 1984 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy' a tax therefor upo~ the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the JV~attituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: I--] No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10~525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ............................................... 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,3O0.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcesslons ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16~ 1983 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRU~rlONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the squbre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrangly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the AAattituck Park District be adopted ns the Budget for the Fisol Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy o tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the some as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: I-] No Insurance ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. §,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Co~cessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00 MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1983 Madeline S. Haas Park Diseric~ Secretary INSTRUt~I'IONS I. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ('~ mark in the squhre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 1G, 1983 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted n~ the Budget for the Fisal Year beginning January 1, 1984 and shah the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $92,300.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: 1984 EXPENSES: No Insuronce ............................................................ $ 7,500.00 Site Maintenance .................................................... 43,300.00 Site Improvements ................................................ 6,225.00 Utilities .................................................................. 10,525.00 Truck & Machinery Maintenance ............................4,000.00 Notices, Printing & Postage .................................... 400.00 Equipment Purchase ................................................ 3,000.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................. 750.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 750.00 Lifeguards .............................................................. 6,500.00 Custodial Service ...................................................... 2,800.00 Amortization of Bonded Indebt ................................. 5,000.00 Interest .................................................................... 450.00 Legal fees ................................................................ 1,000.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 100.00 REVENUE: $92,300.00 Interest Income ...................................................... $ 2,000.00 Cohcessions ............................................................ 200.00 Keys ........................................................................ 300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes ................................ 89,800.00 $92,300.00