HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-52.-5-59 P.O. Box 181 Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, N.Y. 11724 (516) 367-4255 6/30/86 Southold Town Hall Route 25 Southold, L.I. 11971 RE: Tax Map, ~1000-52-5-59, and Adjoining 2 acres, formerly wickham (now Melrose) Gentlemen: ~e purchased this property when it was zoned "B". We have been informed that the proposed revised Master Plan has now changed the zoning to LIO. We are strongly opposed to this change. Had we known of .this change we would not have purchased the property. We have spent a substantial amount of money on architectural plans, surveys, etc., and we do not feel it's fair to make this change at this time. ~e believe it will be to the Town's advantage to leave the zoning as heretofore, especially as the "B" zoning is directly across the street. Any possible proposed retail business will keep the traffic away from the more congested areas. Sincerely yours, IVORY LAND, IA~C. /~/JACOB FP~IDUS WOOD BURNING STOVES 1986 COPY 'OUR IHFOR[aATION ROUTE 27A, NORTH ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-2313 3une 25, 1986 The Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Board: Re: Proposed Master Plan I am a retail businessman on Route t~-8 in Southold. It is my desire to move from my present rented location to my own owner-occupied premises. For that purpose, I purchased a parcel of land located at the Northwest corner of Route and Young's Avenue. This parcel is currently zoned B-1 and permits my sort of retail operation to be located there without question. The most recent edition of the proposed master plan map has d~signated that portion of Route ~g located between Young's Avenue and Horton's Lane as Limited Business Zone, while designating land lying to both the East and to the West as "B" zone. I can see no apparent logic for creating an island of up-zoned land sandwiched between two stretches of 'B' zone. Let it be known that such designation to Limited Business zoning places a hardship on me by preventing me from using the land for the purpose for which I originally purchased it. Furthermore, from the changes indicated on the current proposed map versus the proposed zones on the previous map which was presented at the hamlet meetings, it is obvious that the other business landowners' wishes have been accomodated. This appears to be favoritism on their behalf and discrimination against me. As this situation is hereby brought to your full attention, I believe it is incumbent upon you as my elected officials not to knowingly discriminate against me nor to cause me direct financial hardship by upzoning my current B-I property to Limited Business. Sin~cer ely, ~ Edward Dart cc: Southold Town Planning Board To: The Town Board, Re: The Master Plan Dear Board Members: Southold, New York RECEIVED JUN 1 8 1986 Ta~,~. C. lo,l,, I would like to put in a word of support for the Board's decision to hold the line at three acre zoning in Orient. Although the opposition has been more vocal, there are, I believe, a great majority of Orient residents who would have preferred the original recommendation of 5-acre zoning to have been upheld. We were, however, unable to discuss the issue at Orient Association meetings and come to a consensus because we were unable to obtain from you or the Maste Planners any information, facts, or reasons for the original recommendations, and we had too much respect for the needs and rights of the landowners to oppose their views subjectively, without real substance for debate. We all fee most strongly the concern to preserve the fragile water supply and the health of our bays and waterways, and ! urge you to hold fast at least at 3-acre zoning. Sincerely, Freddie Wachsberger ~ ~ cc: Editor, the Suffolk Times SUBJECT Souv~o±d Town Plan~!~g Board Main Roaa Sou~hold~ New York 11971 MICHAEL PHARR DISTRIBUTORS P. O. Box 958 · I~di~I~ou.t,e Southold, NY 11971 Phone 516-765.-2972 Dea~ Sirs: I want ko cazl ~ne Planning ~oard's a~en~ion mo ~ne ~acm ~m ~e p~posed new ~mer PA~ xs overAuo~ng ~ ~s~ess. we ~ w~les~e ais~ lo~ed on R~e 4o on ~e wes~e~ ed~ o~ S~I~. We ~ a co~o~g use ~er ~e presea~ code as we ~ a v~---e ~ operame a wnole~e-rez~l bus.ess. T~e n~ pl~ iden~es ~ s~ ~ ~tm~e~. 0ms.ess. ~ wholes~e ~esses ~ a ~med use ~ ~I ~ ~m ~ ~tm~mem ~s~ess. Eider ~ a~ sDo~d 0e ~1 o~les~ ~d ~ p~tte~ ~ ltmtted ~a~ess ~ o~e~ ~ ~e ue We understand the Boax6 is retying:; ~ accomodate ex&sting businesses on our section of Route 48 an~ we appreciate this concex~. It seems everyone else has been accomodmted but o~elves, SPEED-MEMO Sapervisor Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Traveler St, VOLINSKI OLDS Inc. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971-1527 (516) 765-3523 June 13, 1986 .-I 6 1985 It has ~ecently come to m~ attention that under the proposed new Master Plan the parcel of property on which my business is located ( on the corner of Young's Avenue and Traveler Street, across f~om the Southold L~ station) is of a non-conformi~g use. ~ere has been an auto dealership situated here, under various o~mers, for over 50 years. To my knowledge, there have never been a~ compla&nts concer~!ng its present use voiced by any town residents. We contribute to the local economy not only iu real estate and sales ~axes, but also in providing m~y town residents a steady yeam~-~ound income. I believe it is unfair for this parcel to now be considered non-conforming. If my building were destroyed by fire, theoretically I would not be allowed to rebuild and continue in my present business at this location. I fm~gine that there are other circumstances which would preclude me f~om rebui]~t~g or adding on to my p~esent ~uilding. I would effectively he put out of business. Zu view of all the above, I respectfully request that the master plan be amended ~o show m~ parcel as a conforming use. Lly you~s~ Mark A. Volinaki Pre sident