HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituckPOST OFFICE BOX 620, I, iATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 February 21,1984 Dear Neighbor, We would like to bring you up to date on what has been happening lately. The Feasibility Study to form a water district was completed.- The Board of Directors of the Captain Kidd Civic Association felt the water ~ax rate was too high and would especially be unfair to those residents with their own wells, who would not use the service. It also placed an unfair burden upon those properties that are assessed at a higher level. The Southold Town Board will revise the proposal and try to come up with a more acceptable rate for everyone. We have asked the Town Board to investigate the possibility of a grant to help lower the cost~ As soon as the town has presented a revised plan, we will send you an outline of the proposal. Our town supervisor, Mr. Frank ~urphy said, "All residents and taxpayers of the proposed district will receive notices on an informational meeting (open hearing)" It will be held on a Saturday in May, so all can attend. If at least 5% of the water district taxpayers are against the proposal, a referendum (voting) will be held in June. It is very important that everyone in the proposed water district be aware of the water tax and rates and how it will ~ffect them. The Captain Kidd Water Co. has requested the Public Service Commi~ion to allow the company a one time surcharge of $30 with the April 1., billing. This money is necessary to complete the repairs started last summer. It will be deposited in ~he escrow account, which will be controlled by the Director of the Water Division. Five leaks in the water system, which have plagued us in the past have finally been repaired. Of major concern to all of us is the new proposed preliminary Master Plan for Southold Town. A meeting concerning our area will be held on February 27, 1984, 7,30 p.m. at the Mattituck Library. The enclosed literature will try to explain it. Please attend ~his meeting.. ~ ~. ~ Cleo P. Tsounis President of the Captain Kidd Civic Association FEB .2 9 Some of the uses included in Intensive Marine Commercial are: fish orocess~nE~ bo~t building, commercial fishinz ooerations, boatyaTds ~nd s~o~Ee facilities, marinas, launchinz famos, retail shops and restaurants. 0nly one other site in Southold was selected for this designation, the Budds Pond area. (Budds Pond is located on route 25 where the Barge~ Port of Egypt, several marinas and boat storage buildings are.) The preliminary plan states that these activities have been proposed in costal areas and along creeks where they "will not negatively impact on residential neighborhoods or the natural environment." Many residents in Captain Kidd, the surrounding area, on Naugles Drive and across the creek say an Intensive Marine Commercial zone would have a negative impact on our neighborhood --and the environment. Here are some of their comments and euestions: · Mattituck Inlet is ngt located on a main road li~e the Budds Pond area. We are a residential community and do not want to look like the Budds Pond area. Captain Kidd and the surounding area is a heavily populated community, particularly during the summer months when children, adults and elderly walk along Luthers Road to go to the Mattituck Park Beach. The roads leading to the proposed marine zone are narrow and winding. They are not suitable for heavy trucks or additional car traffic. · The Mattituck Park District beach is the only public beach on Long Island Sound in Mattituck. Who will want to swim or picnic on a beach that is located right next to a fish processing plant or a marina? How long wi~ it be before the creek -- the public beach --and the tidal wetlands become polluted from oil, gasoline and the chemicals used to build fiberglass boats? · The tidal flushing action is better at the mouth of the creek. But it will not be able to flush out the pollution created by all of these new and expanded marine commercial operations. The head of the creek is already polluted. We don't need the same pollution problems --and more --up here. · What about the value of the over 250 homes in this community? How desirable is a home across the street from, or near a fish processing plant? · Is it really appropriate to plan marinas, boat building, launch- ing ramps, fish processing plants, restaurants, retail shops and boat storage yards in an area next to a public beach, opposite 60 acres of tidal wetlands and surrounded by one of the most densely populated communities in Mattituck? These are a few of their concerns. Some residents have suggested that the industrial zone on Lathers Road and Naugles Drive be rezoned for residential use or possibly mmltiple dwellings. They say houses or even condominiums would be far better than industry or heavy marine commercial operations. The Captain Kidd Civic Assoc. has long been involved with the many problems created by the industrial zone. We'd like to see this area cleaned-up and rezoned to a use that will enhance o~r community -- not harm it. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? Write and let us know. CAPTAIN KIDD CIVIC ASSOC. Post Office Box 620. Mattituck, New York 11952 (%16) 29~ - 8618 ALERT-- YOUR FUTURE IS AT STAKE A new preliminary Maste~ Plan for Southold was presented in December. The details of what is being proposed for each area in Southold are being presented this month at four separate meetings co-sponsored by the North Fork Environmental Council and the League of Women Voters~ in cooperation with the Southold Town Board. Land use proposals for Mattituck will be presented for your information~ comments .a~d questions on February 27 at the. Mattituck LibrarY at 7.BO p.m.. If you are unable to attend, please take a few minutes and write a letter with your comments to: The Southold Town Planning Board, S?uthold To_wnHall~ ~.ain Road Southold~ 11971. Also~ please sena a copy or your £e~Der · ^ ~ ~t~tn Eidd Civic Assoc. so that we will have a betp~r ~d~t~ of your concerns for the future of our community. It is important that you attend the meeting or write a letter because the preliminary proposals will be Gsed as a base to form future land use policies and zone changes. Of particular concern for our area are two proposals that many residents feel would be detrimental to our community. ~** The first proposal calls for future housin~ development on the. *** Farmland that is owned, and now being farmed, by the Cooper family. Although 10,OOO acr2s of farm~o~s in Southold were recommended for agricultura£ preserva~m , The Cooper farm was not. Instead, the plan recommends residential development of the farmlands at a density of i house / 2-acres. But if a public water smpply --like the Captain Kidd system --is available, the plan recommends a density of i house per acre. I~m sure you'll agree that the Cooper farm, and the farm stand that provides us with a variety of fresh vegetables in the s,~mmer, has a special place in our community. The Coopers say they~ want. to conttuue farming. We feel that as long as they want to continue Farming~ the town plan should encourage them and offer them the same opportunities that other farmers included in the preservation program will be given. · ** The second o~s~ ~a~tf~ ~n'~efMr~i~eC~a~c~iI ~'~ activities ~ e u s on Lathers Road, including most of the property from Naugles Drive to Mattituck Creek, and southerly to the Mattituck Marina. Also included is a large strip of residential property on the east side of the creek. MEDIUM DISTRICT PROPERTY TIDAL WETLANDS LOW b-~NSITY INTENSIVE MARINE COMMERCIAL MATTITUCK MARINA February 27, 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold 11971 To Whom It May Concern: As a property owner in Mattituck, Capt. Kidd, parents, and a lover of dear Mattitick, without a doubt I am opposed to the Land Use Proposals for Matti- tuck. I am presently incapacitated with flu and am unable to attend a most important meeting scheduled for today, Febraury 27, 1984, at the Mattituck Library. Al- though I physically cannot be there to voice my profound disapproval of the plan, I wish to state them in writing. I have been coming to Mattituck for some 16 years, along with my family and have enjoyed the beauty, serenity, wonderful swimming in the Sound, fishing and the Cooper farm produce; all available to us! We own a home in the Capt. Kidd area and pay taxes for the privilege of living in such a place as I have described. We have children who swim continuously in our Mattituck town beach, take Red Cross swimming lessons every summer, fish from the rocks and go bicycle riding along Breakwater and Nagles. It seems to me that no concern for our children, for out beautiful beaches and our quiet serenity is being taken into consideration. Development, polluting, big business, destruction of all community living is the only concern. What will happen to our waters with commercial traffic, boat building, fish proces- sing, commercial fishing operations, boatyards, retail shops and restaurants... pollution, destruction of beaches, quiet summer roads becoming hazardous for our children and elderly to walk on, no bicycling. Again, big business taking over an area consisting of family people, a residential area, where people live and come to relax, swim, fish, enjoy the quiet and natural resources being destroyed. Where are we to be pushed to next in fear of people like you ruining and des- troying all that is nice~ If this is allowed to happen, where will we swim? This is the only public beach on the Long Island Sound in Mattituck. Who will want to swim where there is a fish processing plant or a marina? How long will it be before our waters (continued) Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 February 27, 1984 are polluted - just like most of the swimming waters in Queens, Brooklyn, Man- hattan and Nassau counties? What about our dear neighboors, the Coopers? They are a part, a very vital part, of our community. What would our area be without the Cooper farm? I have been buying from the Coopers for 16 years, our children pick tomatoes and string beans from the Coopers. They provide a needed stabil- ity in our community. This stability that is totally obscure in most places. It is about time that we, the people of Mattituck, stand up to you, big business, and say, "NO!", we don't want what you have to offer our residential, much be- loved community. With profound disapproval, Chris J. ~a~ppas CJP/JP/eb cc: Captain Kidd Civic Assoc. Mr. Cleo Tsounis Joanne Pappas 1150 Captain Kidd Drive Mattituck, New York L JERomE E. BLOOm, D.D.S. MAIN ~OAD February 27, 198~ Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: I wish to address my comments concerning the Southold Towu ~aster Plan, to the Mattituck area and, more specifically to the Captain Kidd - ~ttituck Inlet. It is my feeling that there would be no protection for a home owner if you include variables in the size of the plot. As I understand the plan, it proposes to allow building on two acre plots for one family dwellings, unless there is adequate water. Then, the size could be reduced to one acre. It further states that if there is adequate water and sewage, the plot size could be reduced to quarter acre, thus allowing eight homes on a two acre plot. Certainly th_is would devalue the two acre homes. I have no objection to setting aside an area where the plot size would be one quarter acre, but this should be so designated, and not contingent upon variables. As concerns the Mattituck Inlet, the expansion of the commer- cial character of this area semms contraproductive. It certainly does nothing to beautify the area that has lost its pristine character. The plan proposes down zoning some of the areas from residential to commercial with reference to boat building, fish processing, and enlarging marine areas. This would add to the contamination of the inlet. I doubt whether there is sufficient flushing to keep the area uncon- taminated. As for the areas that are now industrial, I would like to see the zoning elevated to single family dwellings, perhaps one home to an acre, and if this is not economically leasable to allow for multi-family dwellings. I need not remind the planners that this is the only inlet from Orient Point to Port Jefferson, and as such is unique, and FEB 2 9 ]984 RECEIVED k AR 1 6 g84 Town Clerk Seuthold MRS. THOMAS S. ElY March 14, 1984 Gentlemen: Does someone who is in the middle of a five generation epoch in the category "summer people" have a right to react to the proposed Master Plan? As taxpayer, and part of this family of North Fork supporters since the turn of the century, I believe I do. Our land, on the Mattituck Creek, has been recommended for 'marine commercial'. There are already two marinas contaminating the creek (as a daily swimmer, I have had a few disgusting encounters). What was the purpose of designating our land as "wetlands", for the purpose of preservation, when a marina would assuredly destroy the ecological value of this undeveloped property? We know that neighbors on Knollwood Drive, and Grand Avenue, use the land as a neighborhood park. Children build their tree houses, and senior citizens search for the first arbutus. It is not just for our selfish use that we ask the Town Board to reconsider sacrificing this precious piece of unpolluted property. Summer people are important to the economy of the North Fork. But the important question is, how will you ever justify to future generations the destruction of pure water, protective woodland, and a natural refuge for wildlife? Sincerely yours, File Honorable Francis Murphy Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Murphy: Box 294, Bay Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 March 13, 1984 Many of us learned a new phrase, "Strip Zoning," at the Mattituck meeting of February 27th. I imagine it will be an often used term around Southold Town for awhile. 'When I spoke on the night of the meeting, I did not make myself clear. I have thought for quite sometime as I have seen Route 58 being developed, how unattractive miles of shopping malls with miles of tar parking lots are. Of course, as the North Fork becomes more populated, appro- priate areas have to be zoned for business, but the devel- opment could be esthetically pleasing. I would suggest that the building code could specify that the building be built with Victorian or Colon- ial facades in keeping with the atmosphere of a rural com- munity that North Fork residents desire. The structures could also be built on the road or a few feet back with the parking areas in the rear of the businesses. The appear- ance would be of passing through a well-cared-for town rather than passing strip upon strip of modern unsightly shopping plazas. One only has to pass through parts of Long Island, Westchester, or New Jersey to see how devas- tatingly unattractive these strips are. Old buildings are being preserved; but, if inter- spersed with blacktop shopping centers, the result would be, visually if not technically, exemplifying strip zoning. This type of development was said at the meeting to be the most undesirable. Therefore, since this type of incompatible checkboard development is undesirable, let's avoid it. Very truly yours, 2 2 ~FOSD HANAUI~ ASSOCIATES INC ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN 130 WOODBURY ROAD WOODBURY NY 11797 516.692'4404 May 21, 1985 Ms. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: I saw the Master Plan layout and design of the proposed zoning, and I was appalled to learn that the strip along the Sound, between Mattituck and Cutchogue, has been zoned Residential/Resort. I strongly object to the Resort zoning. I can see Sound View Avenue being extended in an easterly direction from Mattituck to Cutchogue. However, I think it would be a disaster to have motels or conference centers in this area as this would destroy the serenity of the lovely residential and farmland surroundings. Also, we ail know that erosion problems exist so why create more density in this location. On the basis of the above, I feel this area should be zoned strictly residential, and I request that this letter be presented to the Board before any final Master Plan is approved. I would appreciate your acknowledging receipt of this letter. SH:cdk JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK R~OISTRAR OF ¥1TAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 May 22, 1985 Sanford Hanauer Sanford Hanauer Associates, Inc. 130 Woodbury Road Woodbury, New York 11797 Dear Mr. Hanauer: This:is'to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 21, 1985 concerning the Master Plan layout and design of the proposed zoning and your objections to the Resort zoning strip along the Sound, between Mattituck and Cutchogue. Your letter is being forwarded to members of the Southold Town Board and Southold Town Planning Board. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Town Board members Planning Board members PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU ATTOF~NEYS AND COUNSELLORS At LAW 20 CHURCH STREET - BOX IIO PATCHO(3UE. NEW YORK It772 TEL. 516 475-5656 January 27, 1986 Mr. Frank Murphy, Supervisor Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Main Street Southold. New York 11971 LT ..... ~i Re: Approval of Site Plan for Premises Zoned M-Multiple at: New Suffolk Avenue.and Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck. NY Dear Supervisor Murphy: We are the attorneys for Richard Carr, the contract vendee of premises in Mattituck, presently zoned M-Multiple. As you are aware, it is Mr. Cart's intent to develop the property in accordance with its present zoning, subject to such reasonable modifications as are required by the Town. We have been advised that the property has not been included in its present zoning under the proposed master plan for multiple residential use. We feel strongly that this property should be continued in its present zoning. There have been no significant changes since the lengthy litigation which affirmed the present multiple zoning as the proper land use for this property. In addition, discussions presently underway will give the Town an opportunity to be a leader in providing an imaginative solution for "affordable" housing, using this project as a pilot. I refer, of course, to the suggestion that developers of multiple residential properties make a cash contribution to the Town for "affordable" housing. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Mr. Frank Murphy, Supervisor Page Z January 27, 1986 In addition, the developer is in a position to provide a source of potable water to nearby properties which now or in the future will suffer from salt water intrusion or other problems affecting their water supply. There are countless other reasons for the project and no legal reasons not to include it in the master plan in its present zoning. We would, therefore, ask that the property be continued in its present zoning and that the proposed master plan be amended to continue it. Very truly yours, PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU JJH:ma cc: Members of Town Board Jean Cochran Ray Edwards George Penny Jay Schoendibare Paul Stoutenburg Richard Cart Henry Raynor 0001C/18-19 SALT LAKE ASSOCIATION - MATTITUCK iii FEI] - 1986 TOWi~i OF SOUt'IiOLD , Box 400 Mattituck N.Y., 11952 Robert Murphy, Supervisor Town ef Southold Southold N.Y. 11971 Dear Supervisor Murphy, On behalf of the residents of Salt Lake Village, Mattituck, I'd like to suggest that forthcoming meetings on The Master Plan and New Zoning be scheduled for July and August (on a permanent basis) so that they can be attended by a maximum number of Summer Residents and others keenly interested in the environment and in our Summer Community, which for many will become our permanent home. Thank you for your cooperation. Kenneth Dunne, President, Salt Lake Association, Mattituck cc, Editor, Suffolk Times, Greenport, N.Y. Editor,L.I. Watchman Traveler, Southold, N,Y. .Telephone: 2~ZS _TOWN OF $OUTHOLD RAYMOND F. NINE P. O. Box~ lZ1-01 NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE, MATTITUCK, N. Sr. 11952 ~ebruary 6, 1986 Supervisor ~'rank ~rphy ,~nd To~,m Board Members Town of 0outhold Southold, New York 11971 Bear Supervisor ?iurphy amd Board Members: It ap;~ears to me that my property located on the ~outheast corner of Westphalia Road and Route a8 in Nattituck has been changed from Business zone to res- idential/o££ico zone. I spoke with ~r. Ben Orlowski, Chairman of the ~:l~.nning Boerd, several months ago regarding th~s and he assured ~e this property would stay zoned business. I have owned this property and operated it £or business for several years. Since there are severalother businesses operating in this area I would like to ask the Town Board to please consider this property to stay business zoned. · Nine 1986 DINIZIO SERVICE CENTER, INC. ROUTE 48 & WICKHAM AVENUE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Mrs. Judith Terry, Town Clerk and Southold Town Board Members Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Master Plan Dear Mrs. Terry and Town Board Members: It has come to my attention that the Proposed Master Plan would change the status of my business property located in Mattituck at the north west corner of Route 48 and Wickham Avenue. I have been at this location for nineteen years and in the past five years I have taken ownership. This is my only source of income and future retirement. The equity that I have built up in this property along with my repair business which has taken me this time to build up, I consider these two factors very important in the value of the property, there- fore I am vehemently opposed to the plan since it would pre- sent a financial hardship on me and my family in years to come. Very truly yours, CAMP MINEOLA ROAD ~lE~,,,.~,~,o.~-~,,~,~ MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 Feburary 13, 1986 Southold Town Supervisor : Frank Murphy Public Meeting Re: Masterplan (516) 298-4770 i ? ig 6 Dear Supervisor Frank Murphy, My name is David Strong and I am the owner of Strong's Marineland in Mattituck. I have read the synopsis of proposed zoning ordinance and am very upset by the wording of the two Marine Zonings, Marine Recreation and Marine Business. My marina is presently operating under a non confirming use and a special exception. When the Masterplan is adapted you will be taking away some of the seruices we presently supply. In particular I refer to two headings. 1. Boat & Motor Repair & Sales Recreation. not permitted under Marine We have a large repair business now and need this part of our business to survive. This heading is a valid and needed operation of any marina and should be a permitted use without a special exception ! 2. Boatyard - Including boat sales and rentals doesn't make any sense. No research was apparently put into this. The word boatyard is generally thought of as a place that maintains and services boats. Sales and rentals should not be included in this heading but should be seperate. Boatyard articles should be a permitted use in Marine Recreation and Marine Business zoning. In short the permitted use are too few and in an effort to please everyone the new plan will require every marina to go for special exceptions or go out of business ! ( Continued ) BRONX lO PENNYFIELD AVE. BRONX. N.Y. 10465 (212) 824-4000 OTHER CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: LONG ISLAND / CONNECTICUT 8Ol w. PARK ST. 29 MAPLE AVE. / CANDLEWOOD LAKE ROAD LONG BEACH, N.Y. 1156t EAST MORICHES, N.Y. 11940/BROOKFIELD, CONN. 06804 (516) 889-5000 (516) 878-4777 / (203) 775-2446 CAMP MINEOLA ROAD ~l~lm,~,,~,~,~. MATTITUCK. NEW YORK 11952 (516) 298-4770 The stated purpose of the Masterplan is to encourage the growth of Marine Recreation since it's a major reason whypeople come to and live in Southold Township. To have to go for special exception everytime a marina wants to do something doesn't promote growth and continued investment it prohibits it. There is a need for more marina's in Southold Town not less. The Masterplan should look more closely at permitted uses and define them under realistic heading that ~eflect the needs of todays boaters and the Marine Industry. Thank - You, David S. Strong President Strong's Marineland BRONX lO PENNYFIELO AVE. BRONX. N.Y. 10465 (212) 824-4000 OTHER CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: LONG ISLAND / CONNECTICUT 801 w. PARK ST. 29 MAPLE AVE. / CANDLEWOOD LAKE ROAD LONG BEACH, N.Y. 11561 EAST MORICHES, N.Y. 11940 / BROOKFIELD, CONN. 06804 (516) 889-5000 {516) 878-47?? / (203) 7?5.2446 April 11, FI.O. lOX 111~S, MIODf.~' ROAD HATTITU~K. L.I., NI'W YORK 111~1S~ 1 ~ 86 Councilman George Penny IV Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold~ NY 11971 Dear Oouncilman Penny: As the owner of Businees propery in Mattituck~ I vehemently oppose the proposal to downzone my property to R-80 Residential. I have owned this property for over twenty years, observing changes taking place in the area. Now that there is a possibility that a business could survive h~re~ you take away the opportunity. There was no reason to build on my business property before this--look at Mattituck's track record: Bohack closed down and remained a vacant eyesore for many, many years. Grant's closed down and remained vacant for many years. Other retail establishments have struggled to make a living through these years. Finally, the North Pork Bank has purchased the former Bohack shopping center and slowly the former Grant's is filling up with the bank~ movie, and stores. Potential business in this area is no~ developing to the point ~here it is economically feasible to open more and varied operations. The triangular piece of property across the street from my property (previously the Snack Bar) has been "permitted" to remain as business zoning and plans are in progress for professional offices to be built. Also~ the property to the west of that is to remain as Business (Twin Fork Fence Co.). In the light of that decision~ to keep those two areas as Bus!ness~ who would possibly wish to build a home to front on a busy high~ay directly across from operating business establishments? The property On the north side of Route 48 from Cox Neck Road to the LILCO power lines was rightly zoned "Business" before we bought it (and in fact that is why we bought it--with the thought in mind of a business there in the future). I strongly urge you to reconsider the downzoning of the business property in Mattituck along Route 48. This is a high traffic area with tremendous "clean" business potential which could bring revenue to the immediate area without sacrificing the beauty of the countryside. NEW LAWNS - SEED & 800 INSECT & WEED CONTROL SHEARING & PRUNING PLANTING - TRANSPLANTING SPRAYING -- TREES & SHR UI~ RETAINING WALLS FERTILIZING - LIMING BRICK PATIO~ & WALKS SEP 2 4 986 Salt Lake Association, Inc. Salt Lake Village, Box 400, Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 September 23, 1986 The Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 The Salt Lake Association, Inc., representing eighteen (18) homes, wishes to go on record in support of the Camp Mineola Prop- erty Owners Association's request for revision of the proposed zoning for the marinas on James Creek. In addition to the health and safety hazards cited in the letter from the Camp Mineola Association, we are concerned with the danger of gasoline fires and explosions which could occur in the marinas. This, indeed, poses a serious threat to the lives and homes of all residents in the James Creek vicinity. We, too, recognize the need for boating facilities for resi- dents of the Town. However, we believe large marine businesses should be sited in non-residential areas. The James Creek area has been-a prime residential area for many years. Homeowners have paid substantial taxes for the privilege of living in this area. As our property values deteriorate due to traffic, air and water pollution, and noise, so does our faith in our elected officials' ability to wisely manage our Town. We request that you respond to the concerns of the James Creek area residents by revising the zoning from "Marine Business" to that of "boat slip facility" for the marinas on James Creek and also in other environmentally sensitive waterways located in residential areas. Very truly yours, The Salt Lake Association, e~n n~%u n~n e-i-' ~i r ect o r E~~irector · lam Warner, Director Inc. PO Box 1074 Mattituck, NY 11952 22 January 1987 Southold Town Board Attention: Mr. F. Murphy, Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Town Supervisor Dear Sirs: I had planned to attend the public hearing on the Master Plan today. Now I assume it will be rescheduled and perhaps I shall not be avail- able. HenCe this letter which I hope you will note. I ~m opposed to several features of this new opened zoning, espec- ially the further commercialism & industrialization of Southold's creeks. Even more, I object to your deliberate scheduling of public hearing during the Holiday Season, at short notice and when you well know many of my neighbors and your taxpayers can not attend. I request this public hearing be postponed until late May or early June, when alltaxpayers may have opportunity to present their comments. Sincerely,