HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport1067 Roselle Place Woodmere, New York 11598 February 6, 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sirs: Proposed zoning changes in ~he Town of Southold have been brought~ to my attention via an article and map from the Suffolk Times. The article was unclear as to the possible effects of these changes and I am writing to you to seek clarification. I own a home in the Pipes Cove area. It would appear from the map that the beach which the Cove Circle Associa- tion presently owns, as well as part of the surrounding residential land, is to be zoned as wetlands. How would this affect our present use and ownership of the beach and surrounding area? Who would control the use of the beach and the adjacent water--the Town or New York State? If there is to be a change, will the homeowners affected be notified individually? I would appreciate a reply to my questions, as well as a calendar of future hearings to be held on this matter. Sincerely, Nancy Strong McMANN-PRICE RlClIVED FEB lg84 tewn Ck~rk Southold February 16, 1984 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Southold Town Board ~// Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: I was very much surprised to learn under the proposed new Master Plan that two pieces of business property owned by me are proposed to be zoned residential. I refer to the property on which is located my office, legal offices and a real estate office. Also a two hundred front foot piece of property on the north side of Route 25 adjacent to the St. Peters Lutheran Church on the west side. I object to this type of re-zoning. I{ is a devaluation of the property and confiscatory in my opinion. When the plan is finalized, I hope that you will reconsider these proposed changes. Very truly yours, William H. Price WHP:kk WALTER H. BURDENIII PIPES COVE GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 February 13, 1984 Mr. Henry P~yn~r, Cha ~ ~man Planning Board Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 ~ Waterfrc~t hca~KT~ners in the Pipe's Cove area west of Greenport, we strc~gly object to ~_h~ proposed ple~ to rez~e certain waterfrc~t areas as "open space". Ours is a urivate c~'m~nity with private access c~ly and should r~ain so. In additlc~, our properties include a deeded underwater grant exter~ng five hundred feet into Pipe's Cove as do several neighboring properties. We are cc~oerned that our properties r~main ecologically sound and as the private e~tities which we c~iginally purchased. P~ZC~L~ng to "open space" classificatic~ w~l~ not c~ly de~y our rights to re~in these properties as we choose but have a drastic effect c~ the property value. ~ ' Path~_r than the uroposed "open space" zc~ing classificatic~ we strc~gly urge the area in questic~ should be rezc~ed as a "low density" area which more accurately describes it's optimum current and future use. It is our hope that the maps which must be prepared for final zc~_~ng and Master Plan approval will show the above suggested changes. Sh~ld this not oocur, we are u~epared to pursue the mattar through appropriate legal channels. Yours very truly, BERNARD KIRSCH MDPC/1217ParkAvenueNew York NY lO028 Telephone 722-1030 February 28, 1984 Mr. Henry Raynor Chairman Planning Board Southhold Townhall Southhold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Raynor, At the public meeting held in Peconic on February 16, 1984 I voiced my opposition to the designation on the Master Plan of Southhold on which Pipes Cove is listed as "open land". I was happy to have your reassurance that no change was contemplated which would effect the residents in the area. I would therefore strongly urge you on behalf of myself and my neighbors in the Pipes Cove community to have the designation of Pipes Cove changed to residential to reflect its actual status and remove any threat to the community which is inherent in the "open land" designation. I understand that you plan to resign your post in April and therefore feel that it is imperative that the changes in the Master Plan be made before you leave office in order to avoid future problems. I would-appreciate hearing from you regarding this. BK:ja cc: Karmen Schwartz Burden Brot Nelson Tendler Loomis Yours sincerely, ernard Kxrsch, M. D. FEIEI ] ? Februar~ 10~ 19~' Torn of Southold Planning Board Greenport, New York ~ent leIn: The undersigned, and more particularly Pat Zeller, formerly Pat Drossos, do most violently object to the downgrading of our property located on Main Road from being cc~vcially zoned property to being rezoned as residential. The rezoning From commercial to residential is devaluating and greatly reducing the property's cos,~rcial value which in effect Constitutes taking of the property without Just compensation. We therefore most veheintly oppose the proposed )faster Plan ~hich has been submitted. We ~urther hereby deInd to be no~i£ied~ in writing, of any future proposed meetings and discussions which would af£ect our proper~y right s. Respectfully submitted, Martin F. Schwartz Foot of Ninth Street Greenport, NY 11944 February 15, 1984 Mr. Henry Raynor, President Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Radnor: As pemanent residents and taxpayers in Southold Town, we consider proposals of the Master Plan, as reproduced in the Suffolk Times, to be an unwarranted and illegal threat to the status of our property along Pipes Cove. Our area has long been and is now private residential. The plan indicates a change to "open land," a change which would jeopardize our right to peaceful enjoyment of our own property. We strongly oppose such a change. Our area should be designated "Residential." Please inform the Planning Board of our position. We are prepared to pursue our r~ghts in this matter vigorously, even to the extent of legal action. Cordially yours, ?'ebruary 25, 1986 Town Board Southold, Yew York Gentlemen and Ladies: On Thursday, February Board requesting consideration of the 3 acre the Consultant for the area on the Main Road in-?.~ovie in Greenport. 13, 1986, we appeared before the zoning as proposed by opposite the old Drive- As stated, we had been approached by a member of the Planning Board some time aEo to consider low income housing on this same tract. We then requested Young and Young to draw up some plans and would like to submit copies of these to the Board. We have already discussed this proposed layout with the Planning Board and they have neither approved it nor disapproved same stating that they would like to have cost figures first. We have applied to the Village of Greenport for Sewer Service but because of a back loE, they have put us on the list for future consideration. ?~ith reference to water hook up, we have been told that this area is already part of a water district. Since it will take some time before this application is acted on, it is virtually impossible to come up with cost figures at this time. The layout as presented could be all residential, all -2- industrial or a combination of both. We feel the latter is the best approach. There is a crying need for small industrial plots of about 10,000 sq.ft. Most of our requests have been for structures about 2500 sq.ft. This would fulfil a need for individuals who wish to open up a carpenter shop, electrical shop., plumbing shop, auto body shop, truck repair, construction equipment repair etc. ~ost are young men who wish to start out on their own but have limited resources and the mere fact that a 5 acre plot would be required eliminates them completely. We understand the desire of many people for open space, unfortunately, it is always some one else's open space that they desire most. We also understand the dilemma the Board finds itself in and how to please both sides will require the wisdom of Solomon. We can only suggest that the members of the Board go back 20, 30 or 40 years when they were first starting out, and try to visualize first hand the obstacles our young people now have to overcome in trying to find jobs or in trying to start out for themselves. Yours truly, Harold Reese HR,g · m ~fI1A~o~-~ee~port '' Se~er Dep~rtaent Proposed Sewer District West Greenport No Scale Aug. lP73 MARCIA Z, HEFTER CHARLES R. CUDD¥ ESSEK$, HeFTeR, CUDDY & ANGEL COUNSELORS AT LAW P. O. Box 279 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 (516) 369-1700 T£L£x-EHCA G852318 UW March 3, 1986 WATER MILL OFFICE MONTAUK HIGHWAY P. O. Box 570 WATER MILL, N.Y. 11976 Town Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Board Members: John Costello is the fee owner of approximately 50 acres of land on the west side of the Village of Greenport all within the Town of Southold. On December 3, 1985 the property was rezoned upon his petition to "M" Light Multiple Residence zoning status. An informational hearing was recently held concerning a proposed amendment to the Master Plan and/or the rezoning of various parcels throughout the Town. From this informational hearing it would appear that the subject parcel, which had recently been rezoned as aforesaid, is going to be rezoned to two acre residential status. This rezoning seems inappropriate. We assume it is an oversight. We call this to your attention and ask for your advice as to whether or not there is any zoning change proposed for the subject premises. We await your advice. Very truly yours, William W. Esseks WWE :cf Copy: John Costello Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York Re: Master Plan and Proposed Zoning Ordinance as They Relatelto Port of Egypt Dear Supervisor ~urphy and Board Members: I have had the opportunity over the last few years to monitor the progress Of the development of a Town of Southold Master Plan and, most recently, the structuring of a Proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. I was encouraged to note that, within the Master Plan Update Summary submitted to the public in December, 1985, the area of Budd's Pond, in which the Port of Egypt is located, was scheduled for marine commercial uses. Specifically, the Master Plan states, "Proposed sites for marine commercial use primarily reflect sites that are currently utilizied for boat mooring and marine commercial purposes. In addition, marine-relate~ areas in the vicinity of Budd's Pond and Sage Boulevard have been proposed for expansion to help in meeting future water-related needs." These catagories of maintain its boat docking, as well as uses permitted Port of Egypt to repair and marine-related services the establishment of a motel complex. It should be noted that this mixture of uses was included within the Marine Business district within the Proposed Zoning Regulations developed by Raymond, Parrish, Pine and Weiner for the Planning Board. From the perspective of the Master Plan, these uses would be consistent with future needs of the Town of Southold by providing a wider range of access to Peconic Bay ~ well as assisting in providing a basis for tourism by establishing a transient motel base. In reviewing the Proposed Zoning Ordinance as revised by the Town Board, we were very much disturbed to ilearn that transient motels were eliminated from the Marine Business district. We did note that transient motels would be per- mitted only within the Marine Recreation district, as a permitted use. Accordingly, we would urgently request that the Town Board either re-introduce transient motels within the Marine Business district, either as a permitted use or by special exception, or put the easterly section of Port of Egypt within the ~arine Recreation district while leaving the westerly portion within the Marine Business district. This easterly section, of approximately four acres has, in recent years, been presented to the Planning Board as a motel complex for transient use. At the present time, we are still considering a motel project for that section of our property and would hope that the Master Plan would allow Us that use. Very truly yours, William Lieblien F'ort o¥ Eq,?pt Harine, Main Rd. Southold. N.Y. 119'71 Mr': Henry Raynor, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Dear Henry~ March 4, 1984 This past Ball we approached the F'lanning Board with our tentative plans Bor the developement oB the Port oB Egypt property at Budd's Pond. As I am sure you will re- call, we had in mind the construction oB a 50 unit motel. It was the consensus o~ the board that 50 units was much too dense. Since that time we have engaged a ~irm special- izing in motel and resort developement, Planning Associ- ates. We asked them to evaluate the Beasabili.l-y oB operating with less than 50 onits and also to help us develope a "master plan" Bor Port oB Egypt. We have been work£ng very closely with the engineering and architectual braoch oB Planning Associates, Ward Associates~ Bor the past several months. They have been instrumental in helping us to come up with a comprehens:~.ve plao for our property. We have just completed work on this plan. When we appeared be.Fore you las'[ .Fall yoL~ told us that the next oBBicial step would be to approach the Town Board with a request ~:or a zone change at which time they would turn our request over to you Bor evaluation and recommend- ations. We will be taking that step in the near Buture. ment plans, the Birst draBt oB the ]~'own's master plan has been released ~or review. We have not had an opportunity to attend an~, o~~ the unoBBicial hearings recently held by the League o'~ Women Voters butt we would like to provide you with some input which we recluest that you Borward to RF'F'W. Our- Birst concern is the developement oB the land surrounding Budd's Pond. We presently owo appro;.~imately 500 Beet on the water and we are in contract to purchase an additional 180 Bee'[, so our stake in this area is quite hiqh. The present business mix 'includes two marinas with docks and drystack capability, ~our restaurants, one boat livery~ one motel and one ~ish market witln the ca0ability o~ unloading commercial ~ishing boats up to about 40 ~eet long. In visting other areas where tourism and commercial and sport~ishing ~acilities are a major part o~ the econo- my~ we have seen how the interests o~ both ~actions can be served by a blending of uses. The nearest example that comes to mind is at Montauk Point where commercial .i~ishinq piers, ¥ish markets, restaurants~ ~ift shops~ motels and marinas for sportfishing and pleasure boats are all blended together. It appears to us that a combination of Marine Commer- cial amd Resort Commercial zoning would be most appropriate to the Budd's Pond area. It would best match what presently exists and provide for the continued developement of the area along similar lines in the future. We trust that be- fore the ~inal draft of the Master Plan is complete the Planning Board will give the public an opportunity to make inputs at a public hearing. There is one other proposal which is not clear to us. We noted that the proposed zoning ~or Port of Egypt's pro- perty at Orient Point is P or Public Access. We presently operate a boat livery at this location. We have allowed our customers to use the beach for ~wimming and launching of their boats since we purchased the property in 1957. We are stronqly opposed to a change in zone to public access for two reasons. We will not be able to control access to our property and at some time in the future we may wish to build a residence there. Again~ we look' forward to the opportunity to address the board at a public hearing with regard to the Master Plan in general and the areas we have discussed in partic- ul ar. In closing, we would like to thank you and the Board for the time and effort you put into trying to ensure that the township is developed in a controlled manner. Each of us taxpayers is looking out for our own intersts and how your actions will effect our properties and lifestyles. You must look to the good of the town in general In many instances it must seem like the public does not appreciate your efforts. We would like you to know that we do appre- ciate your efforts and will continue to do so even if we don't always agree with them. In particular we'd like to thank you Henry., for all the years you I~ave given to the town. Your expertise has been an invaluable asset to the board and your resignation will be a great loss to the town. Speaking as an individ- ual who has served on the Greenport Board for 13 years, I can appreciate what the job has taken out of you and out of your family life. We wish you 'luck and hope that you will make yoursel.~ available, in an advisory capacity, to the board after ~our retirement. Sincerely, STUART D. STAPLES MONUMENT WORKS GREENPORT ±,'ebruary 11, 19~37 6outhold Tow~. Soard }:ain Road Southold, ~.¥. 11971 HALSEY A. STAPLES, Proprietor Markers ~ Corner Posts LONG ISLAND NE~ YORK RECEIVED FEB 1 ': 1987 Iown Clerk Southnld Dear dirs, Ny family has ovmed and operated "Stuart D. Staples Nonument Works" since 1929 at the corner of ~.iain Street and ~ilmarth Avenue. The premise has been used as business property for 59 years and will probably continue for many generations tocome. Since the old zoning code was put into place, my business property has been zoned residential with a non-conforming use. The Town Board is presently considering a new ~.aster ~:lan and ~:~y property has not been zoned properly again. I would like to urge the board to zone ~ay - property "Hamlet Business" or ",2eneral Business" which ever zone is proper for my needs. ~lease recognize my property as a business use as you have done with other business propertiesin the Tovm and rezone my property with the correct zone. Thank you for your attetion to this matter and I submit to you this letter and survey of my property fo~ your review. Very Truly Yours, Halsey A. Staples ~$H/~G TO/V H£1~t-tT,,~