HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1983HENRY E. RAY'NOR, Jr., <Ynairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, h. WILLIAM F. MULLEN, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765-1938 The second meeting of the Workshop and Raymond, Parish, Pine & Weiner, Inc. was held 1:30 p.m. March 23, 1983 at the Town Hall. Present were: Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Member William F. Mullen, Jr. Member James Wall RPP&W Stuart Truner RPP&W Paula Gilbert RPP&W Debbie Parriot Greenport/Southold COC William B. Smith Mattituck COC Peter Kren League of Women Voters Jean Tiedke North Fork Environmental Council Ruth Oliva Southold Police Department Lt. Stanley Droskoski East End Real Estate Henry W. Drum Agruculture Andre Cybulski Mr. Raynor opened discussion stating that the Planning Board office has had no response from Edward Latham, Antone Sepenoski or Demarest & Sons with regard to correspondence inquiring about the usage of water for local farms within East Marion and Orient. A review and discussion was made regarding the four memorandums distributed by RPP&W at the prior meeting. P~ELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF AGRICULTURE - Question was raised on the water withdrawal for various types of agriculture. Members of the workshop group expressed a negative attitude on the potato farming be- cause of the low prices; this was stated as being a temporary situation. Because of the high risk in farming, the youth are more inclined to in- vest in a business with a better income. The youth are leaving the area. County, Town and private funding for the preservation of farmland would be an incentive to keep farmers farming. Horse breeding and grape grow- ing were noted to be advantageous for the-town. Notation was made re- garbing pesticides on page four. Certain p~sticides should be banned. pg. (2) 3/23/83 ANALYSIS OF PUPULATION AND HOUSING - Growth rate of 1.2% per year was noted as permanant population growth, question was raised about summer population projection, second homes, hotels, etc. One-third of the population was noted to be 65 years or older. The relationship of housing to income was not addressed. Mr. Turher stated housing should be a separate item and would be address more thouroughly. Page 15 of the report was missing. Page 16 of the report states condominiums are nonexistant. 30 units have already been built in Southold Town. Members of the workshop stated the condominiums are too costly for the senior citizens in this area. Emphasis should be placed on housing for the young married couples and the senior citizens. Multiple housing should be addressed with the possibility of capping prices and giving tax incentives, with restriction to residents of Southold Town. This would require Town Board approval. It was suggested that the Town allow large farm houses to be converted to two or three family dwelling, Mr. Raynor stated that a study had been made on multiple family dwell- ings and such is a Zoning Board of Appeals action. Question was raised regarding second homes and summer conversion trends noted on page 5. Page 10, last paragraph, it was requested that square footage be used instead of the number of rooms. This was noted to be difficult infor- mation to obtain. Land and building costs were stated to be very high making it very difficult for the young to remain in Southold. EXISTING LAND USE PATTERNS - Farmland preservation should be addressed. M-Districts without water and sewer should be four units allowed. Page 8, paragraph 1, the potential of six units per acre should be 6-3/4 per acre. WATER SUPPLY & MASTER PLAN - Report is based on last ERM Study. RPP&W are refining this on what water is available. The quality as well as the quanity is very important. Page 5, Item A, should be noted as potable groundwater. Mr. Turner stated they are still collecting data, recommendations will be coming for evaluation. The economic aspect as to what to expect in trends (agriculture areas), vineyards, sod farms, horse farms will be taken into consideration. Exploration of economic base, substan- tial portion of population is working nearby with some commuting to the west. Trends by County and Real Estate should not expect expansion of commercial development; Consideration whether to set a~ide land for the future to be addressed. Agriculture and fishing i~dustry is im- pQrtant part of the economy. Waterfront and coastal areas are attrac- tive to outside residents. Agricultural maps were reviewed with regard to potato farming and grape growing, yield, quality, employment, and investment. All seven school districts have had a declining enrollment over the last five years. Financial-implications would be given at a later date. Parochial school enrollment has re~ained fairly consistant. RECREATIONAL AND OPEN SPACE - Water front, swimming, boating, etc. - feelings expressed that accessability is changing. It is not as easy to go to beaches or fishing.. Maps were-reviewed and discussed. Town Par~s located along the coast, county parks along shore but no life- guards provided, public use of waterfront on en~s of-roads to swim or launch boats was noted to be not f~vored by Town. Waterfront areas pg. (3) 3/23/83 noted to be utilized by Homeowners Associations. Question was raised how far does one travel to go to beaches, parks, ball fields, etc. Needs were expressed for year round swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Launching ramps for the future was discussed, as well as the need for parking. Many scenic easements were noted to be located at Orient, and open space areas could be provided by clustering. It was noted that a large number of applications for dredging out creeks have been made to the Board of Trustees and the need for more private marinas was requested for Southold Town. Mr. Turner stated that trans- portaion needs will be duscussed at the next workshop meeting, which should take place in approximately four weeks. Memorandums were dis- tributed to all members of the workshop group for review prior to the next meeting. Meeting adjourned 3:50 p.m. Respectfully su~mitted, Susan . ong, -~ecr~ry Southold Town Planni~t3 Board