HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1984 P I~~R D
kkJ6 1 0 1984
Southold, N.Y. 11971
(516) 765-1938
The Planning Board and the Town Board held a meeting
regarding the Master Plan on August 3, 1984 at 3:30 p.m.
at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold.
Present were:
Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Planning Board
William F. Mullen, Jr., Member, Planning Board
Richard WArd, Member Planning Board
G. Ritchie Latham, Member Planning Boa~
David Emilita, Town Planner
Supervisor Francis J. Murphy
Paul Stoutenbourgh, Councilman
Jean Cocheran, Councilwoman
Raymond Edwards, Councilman/Justice
Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney
Bennett Orlowski presented the revised preliminary master plan
maps and reviewed the Planning Board's recommendations which
were: Two acre zoning in the Town, with the execption of
Orient and Robins Island, Robins Island will have 10 acre
zoning and 1000' west of "private road" adjacent to Dam
Pone in Orient will be 3 and 5 acre zoning; 3 around the
hamlet and 5 south of the Main Road, there will be a
cluster over-lay in the ag district to preserve the farmland.
This would entail a 2 acre zone with cluster to 1/2 acre
if water and sewer are provided. Mr. Orlowski explained
that the only forseeable problem withthe 1/2 acre zoning
is the fact that the Suffolk County Department o f Health
Services does not recognize lots of less than 1 acre. The
Chairman explained, however, that this may be worked out
with the Department of Heal%h Services since E. Hampton
presently has this same policy with clustering of 3/4 acre
lots, which the Department of Health Services approves of.
Mr. Orlowski stated that he has spoken to Mr. Stu Turner of
RPPW and they are presently working on the draft document
for the end of Phase II and this will be presented shortly.
Supervisor Murphy questioned the proposed land use of the
hamlet area. Mr. Orlowski stated that the more definitive
plans will be addressed in phase III due to the fact that
a specific area can not be pinpointed. He further explained
that the Planning Board hoped to work with anyone who
was interested in this (ie. a developer) and would determine
the location based on the availability. Supervisor Murphy
also questioned why the Planning Board is proposing 2 acre
zoning to remain in areas where there is 1/8 zoning in
place. Mr. Orlowski :~
August 3, 1984
Planning Board
Page 2 ~
further explained that the small lots are all in place and
the reason for the 2-acre zoning is due to the water problem,
particularly within the area of Village of GreenDork~ter.
Mr. Stoutenbourgh questioned if the preservatio~]~a~mland
would be mandatory and Mr. Orlowski explained that the
farmland program is voluntary, however, everyo~h~[~ ~'-
farmland is encouraged to participate. He also stated
that the two-acre zoning is more beneficial ~~~!
and sewer. Mr. Tasker, Town Attorney, stated that the
zoning proposed has to be on the map and the map should
indicate the lot lines. This must be so in order that
the people can know exactly what is proposed for their
land. When the maps are too ambiguous, that is when the
public becomes upset. Mr. Orlowski stated that he preferred
not to place the proposed M zones for moderate housing on
the map because there is no further expansion of what is
already in place and the proposed M will not be designated
on the map but rather addressed in the report. He stated
that the area of silver Sands will remain as it is presently
zoned which is M. Mr. Frank Baer questioned if the wooded
area as well as the farmland will be ~eserved and Mr. Orlowski
stated that this could be done by a land bank preservation,
but not with the use of TDR's which the Planking Board does
not favor. He stated that this could also be done by
the mandatory clustering which could preserve any area of
open space. Mr. Orlowski stated that this may be the best
way to preserve the open space since it does not come off
the tax rolls. Mr. Emilita explained that the Planning
Board would like to keep the zone for affordable housing
off the map so that when someone comes in who wants to work
with the Board to build thi~ the zone can be floated into
whereever the builder and Town feel it will be best. He further
stated that he has spoken to Dr. Koppleman and his two
concerns are the zoning for ag/residential and affordable
housing. Mr. Orlowski stated that the Town could get tagged
exclusionary if no provision is made for this. Mr. Emilita
said that the Town should get accomplished as much as could
be done as soon as possible because the Master Plan is a zoning
tool that is needed; and anything that needs more review could
be handled as a special study. Mr. Stoutenbourgh stated that
th~lg~hould be handled according to priority. Mr. Mullen
requested that the Town Board give serious consideration to
the housing problem in the Town. He stated that young people
don't have the money to afford the housing. He said theTown
could work with a housing authority, a bank and the developers.
One way to acheive this would be to have condominium developers,
contribute land for the housing, or a certain amount of units
for the purpose of affordable housing. Mr. Mullen said that
he had done a survey and the~ have been 1000 condominiums built
in 3 years, while there have been on the average 149 homes per
year. There was also discussion on the farmland p~eservation
in all of the hamlets, Mr. Stoutenbourgh stated that he hoped
to see some farmland preserved in all the hamlets, not just in
the center of Town. Ray Edwards mentioned that there was
also a need for low cost housing on Fishers Island because the
year-round residents can't compete withthe summer residents.
He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the work that the
consultants did on Fishers Island. He also stated that 2 acre
zoning is hurting the East End and a new water distribution system
was needed.
August 3, 1980 Planning B~ Page 3
Mr. Tasker questioned the overlay district for ag area. Mr.
Orlowski stated that the area will remain the ag/residential
district, however, there will be the option to go to the
clustering withthe new formula. The districts will not be
seperated, there will only be the overlay. Mr. Orlowski
also stated that the Planning Board is reviewing all the
subdivisions coming along that are along the Sound. He
has been asking people to provide an easement along the
property for the proposed road extension, pursuant to the
proposed master plan. He said that some people are going
along with this so when the Town does build the road, the
land will be there for their use. There was discussion
with regard to ~hether park districts could be exclusionary
in limiting the beach and p~rk to only certain people.
Mr. Tasker stated the only~he b~ach could be limited to
people is with the use of a park ~ee. In the closing
comments it was stressed by Mr. TAsker that prior to
any public hearings on the plan, the map must indicate
everything proposed as to zoning and the lot lines
must be shown. It was agreed that Stu Turner of RPPW
will be called in for a meeting in September/October for
the draft on Phase II and the zoning in Phase III.
Being no further business to come before the Boards, the
meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane ~ Schultze, Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board