HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-5-4February 18, 1986 The Honorable Francis Murphy Supervisor Town Southold Southold, New York Dear Mr. Murphy, We would like to express our opinion on two matters, The master plan and The plan submitted by Mr. Carr on the Norris property. The' Master Plan- We think the orderly development of the town ought to be directed by clearly established codes and regulations duly enacted by elected officials. Control over land by discretionary powers has serious liabilities. The Norris Plan- The water supply is already infested with salt water in Camp Mineola, which is only a few thousand feet from us. In the present plan submitted by Mr. Carr the the density would certainly effect our water supply. It is noT fair to let the developer ruin our water supply then make us pay to rectify what he damaged. The developer should be responsible for any damage he causes, now or in the future. We have no objection to a uniform two acre subdivision which is recommended by both the master plan and The Planning Board. We Strongly object to the placement of a sewer treatment £ -Page two- plant directly behind our back yard. Surely it can be placed somewhere in the 28 acres where it would not be an eyesore. In small towns like ours, as much consideration should be given to the ordinary citizen as is shown for the developers who are trying to get rich at our expense. Thank you for your sincere consideration of these suggestions. Sincerely, /ancis A. Maloney Mary E. Maloney 64~5 Al~~is ~ane~~ Mattituck, N.Y. WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSI_£R, ~'.C. HNN ROAD. P.O. ~OX ~ MATTI'rUCK LONG ISLAND March T, 1986 Southola Town Board Town~-~n~ Southol~, NY 11971 Re: Estate of Bruce A. SCUM% 1000-122.00-05.00-004.000 We rep~ent the Estate of Bruce A. Norris which has reoently sol~l to Ric~ A. Cart a 27 a~= parcel of ~ south of Ne~ ~ffolk Avenue in Mattituck, which is c~y z~ fo= Im/ltiple res.i.(kmce use. This zo~ ~as ~. _e~ by the To~n in a~r~tely 1973 az~ uphel~ by the Suprea~ Court ar~ the Ap~te Division, 2r~ De~ af*~ dlallenges parcel in the Hamlet of Mattituck. ~x~ +4,~ ar~ e~ase has al~ been devoted to this pzoject. ~ ~. ~t ~~ is ~ ~ ~ ~ a4~ of ~T. e~,'~ ~ of ~~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~j~ ~li~ ~ ~ ~fi~t ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ly 7JAbtgail A. Wi: To The Southold Tow~l)ard appear before you to request- a zone change on the property upon which Mr. Richard Carr is petitioning to build 95 condominiums. This parcel is better known as the Norris property. We request that the zone be changed from "Multiple Light" residence to R-80 (2 acre) in order to properly conform with your "original"map of the new Master Plan. Why it was changed back to "M" in later maps is difficult to understand.. The rest of the property surronding the Norris site are all zoned 2 acre and were surely zoned that way for some very good reasons. After considerable research and investigation on the part of a committee representing the West & East Camp Mineola Association; The Ole Jule Lane Association; and the majority of the residences which surroundthe Norris Property, we have formed the following reasons for this rezone request: With all the information you have had recently about the problems of water supply on Long Island and in particular, in the South Mattituck area; and with the information you possess on the problem areas outlined in your new Master Plan - We feel it is unconscionable that YOU expect YOUR constituents to spend thousands of dollars to protect THEMSELVES against developers who are only here to profit for themselves without any regard to the damage done to others. To be FORCED to spend money to prove that the RICHARD CARR PROJECT will only make matters worse in an area that is already plagued with severe water and traffic problems is in a word- Ludicrous- Wouldn't you agree? Page 2- When a parcel of property 16 acres in size, owned by Mr. Appel and located directly adjecent to the Norris site, which is 27 acres in size, is zoned currently and in the new Master Plan at 2 acres, and is presently being offered for sale on a 2 acre lot basis, it becomes unbelievable that the people who PROFESS to controll these situations would deliberately and flagrantly permit 95 condominiums to be built on one when the other is restricted to only seven, yes Seven homes It has been 13 years since the the "M" zone change for the Norris property was suspiciously granted. Since then more than enough information regarding area water problems and knowledge about traffic conjestion has been gained for you to support making the obvious change back to the proper two acre zone. Even the judge who rendered his decision 13 years ago has given you ample reason in his written opinion to enforce a zone change at this time. See attached document. We are sure that there are those who fear a court fight from Richard Carr. Even if our Town Board receives that legal advice -We would suggest that since this case will wind up in court regardless, it behoves you to be on the side of those constituents who are trying to see PROPER development in Southold Town rather than in the corner of those who rape the area for their own personal gains. With the controversy taking place now about the Suffolk County Water Authority entering this area, we have heard some of our Town Representatives saying that the water does not control growth but that zoning does. We feel that this is a most opportune time to prove this. IF EVER THERE WAS A PIECE OF PROPERTY MISZONED IT IS CERTAINLY THE NORRIS SITE--- Let us also take a look at developers who want to make a contribution to affordable housing. To offer money to buy other property in the town in order to accomplish what they want appeares to be analogous to a bribe. We support affordable housing but to buy it at the expense of impropper development of other areas is not the way to go. Richard Carr's plan, incidentally, is a FAR CRY FROM AFFORDABLE HOUSING. It has been mentioned in the past that the ongoing theory that" those who move in last attempt to close the door for those who follow". This is the farthest thing from the truth. Look at the facts: Prior to 1957 there was no control over building and as you can see by looking at some of the areas previously developed- nothing less than a catastrophe of unregulated planning exists. Then you finally established rules to build by. Many of us who come after-and those who are still coming are happy to live by them. All we request is that you continue to protect your interests as well as ours by controlling proper growth without giving in to the pressure tactics of purported "good neighbor" developers. We agree that there may be a need for condominiums but PLEASE put them in an area that will not have a negative effect upon property values of the surronding community such as the Richard Carr project would. Page 4- Another negative effect relating to the Carr plan and one which is of great concern to most is the traffic problems which prevail in this area. You can not get from New Suffolk Avenue onto Rt. 25 now without sitting for many minutes in desperation. We can only imagine the traffic nightmares this project will create. As previously outlined, water supply and quality .~3 i~ are the most crucial factors involved in your consideration for this requested zoning change. To begin with, you should all know that satisfactory water for the Carr project CAN NOT be obtained from the 27 acres where the condos are proposed to be built. Richard Carr was forced to obtain an agreement with the Norris estate on the property adjacent to his for permission to drill wells and obtain ENOUGH water to supply the substantial needs of the project. We, as taxpayers , do not have other property that we can drill OUR wells if OUR wells go bad. There are wells South, East & West of this project. that are presently being moved to ~btain water that'has less salt and less harmful components. Nitrates, Irons, and Temik levels are extremly high in this area. Many residents who replaced their wells as recently as two years ago are already being forced to once again install new supply wells and impurity filters to combat the very poor water quality. As an example , a resident who is located just North of the Carr site has just spent over $3000.00 putting in a new well to replace the previous one which was drilled in October of 1984. This resident has experienced an ongoing deterioration of his water supply as well as it's taste and Page 5- quality since his house was built only nine years ago. This last well, incidently, is the third well this resident has had installed. Many other examples of this water dilemma exist. It is and will continue to be an ACUTE PROBLEM for all our neighbors. We would be happy to provide you with validated proof of costs incurred in our battle to search out acceptable water quality. In conclusion, it is the sincere and truthful opinion of the hundreds upon hundreds of those area residents who have signed the previous petitions objectir~K to the Richard Carr project and as well, the opinion of many other Southold Town residents who support our cause, that we, as a group, have not been given Fair and Reasonable consideration for which we, as you know, are most certainly entitled. Apparently the original threat to"sue the town" made by Richard Carr's flamboyant attorney during the very first planning board meeting has instilled an attitude of" We've gotta watch our step" by both the plannerq and the Town Board. You are all here to" let your conscience" be your guide- Fulfill your obligation to protect and preserve your own piece -of - mind by insuring the respect our Town's heritage deserves. If a positive stand is taken here on behalf of the obvious majority, such as it was by the Riverhead Town Board on the recent West Lane, Aquebogue rezoning, it will surely make your job in the future much, much more self-satisfying. We've elected each and every one of you because we trust your decisions will favor the WHOLE TOWN- not just a few" brassy, image makers" who try to walk in here with their "Threat guns" loaded. Page 6- The final decision is now in your hands- Listen to your people- WE promise and We hope to fight this misplaced zoRing blight together and by your side. Thank you for good day the time you have given me and may you all have a CANDO (Citizens Against Norris Downzoning Or&) CouRT. SUFFOLK coUNTY i,~'L.,~.. ~ .... Ri!;i:.Vl';, ;ii ~ VS. I)(; fenda u ~.n MEMORANDUM B '¥ L 19 i,;T Z ¢ Indux ~¢'. 76-1G~33 sPECIAL TERM J. S. C. 23, 19 75 plaintiffs" properties. Based upon his~ testimony, ~h/s court cnnnot accept th~ opinion (~xpr.vsmod by tlr. Olander, unsup~rtod am it ia by any proof Es~entta!iy, plaintiffs' objection to 'tho re-zoning is l)a~ed upon thair desire prefer that its Appeals s~ated thu~ tho stntut{ ~uo be m~lnt.~ined itl the rural characti~r be continued, lisper.er, as tile Court -; ,, ~ Village of TarrytOWn, 30~ N.Y. 115, supra, iu 3.j{,l~er-- v. ,,_ "i/hki~ stability ~,nti regularity ~re undoubtedly csllontiai to %he operation of zoning plaus, zoning Is Chan%~3d or ch~ngin~ conditions call '.by uo mo;ms static. ~fol' chaugod plans, aud porson:~ who own property iii ~i · .'. 't Qll.~Oy I10 ctommlly vested '"' ~ - . . t,~ poker of n (town) to amend its clearly, decision as to how a community shall be zoned or rezoned, as to how various properties shall be classified or reclassified, restw with the local legislative body; its neighborhood. They at jud~m~}nt and determination will be conclusive, beyond inter- forest9 £1'o~ tile CO%:rts~ t~l~less shu~n to bo arbitrary, ./ and the burden of estublishing such arbitrariness is imposed. ~' upon him who a~sorts it." ..... ' / tile 'fo',vn Board rezoning tho subj Tho I~dvption o~ tho a;,,endment by premises was a lu::lslative act. As such, (Levitt v. Inc. Yilln~e of 5ands Poll!t, 6 N.Y. ad 2 9, 1.%9 ~N.Y.S. 2d 212; ~ .~.lso And~r.qon/ I{.Y. Zouin~ Law nnd Practic~, ¥ol. 1, .~2.0~). And ns the Court of Appeals declared ill 5hep~rd v. Villa,%? of h;kaneateles, 300 N.Y. 1 it i~ presumed to be valid. a t 118: "UDOll parties who nttn¢:h an ordinauco nuctl as the sbo~ln., that t ~'" ro~;ulation present rost~ th(~ bul'd.n of ' ' " ' · a~;~ail~a is not .ju:ittficd und?r the polic,~ po~ver o~ th,~ PETETION TO REZONE THE NORRIS/CARR PROPERTY New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 Official Location: Suffolk County Tax Map District 1000 Section 122, Block 5, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE sOUTHOLD Town BOARD: 'i"n'¥~' ~1-.~- c~n,,thold Lot 4 WE, the undersigned, do herbY request the members of the Southold Town Board to immediately rezone the Norris/Cart property located at New suffolk Avenue, Mattituck from "M" Light Multiple Residence to "A/R" (R-80) Two Acre Zone. It is unanimously agreed that this zone change will duly conform to the proposed land use as outlined in the updated Southold Town Master Plan. Further, we are united in our concern that any or all high density developement as recently proposed for this site would be a blatant encroachment upon the environmental stability, peaceful residential complexion and future well-being of the residents in the / immediate area unless a zone revision ~s promptly granted. , . "' ' , 'si~ ' ~ ,,,<,~/'~ DATE ~ )),y. :::". (please detach & mail) ~ .I support the immediate rezoning of the Norris c0n~ominium property located at New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck from "M" Light Multiple Residence to "R-80" two acre zone. I will further call upon my neighbors and fellow taxpayers to urge the Southold Town Board to "wake up" and prudently weigh ALL FACTS AND OPINIONS in this and all future large scale hous- ing projects which affect the overall well being of Southold Town residents. If you are making a contribution please mail it along with your. pet t on f not, please ma I just your signed petition~. ,... ' , (~ ¢~_Mail to:" : S,gned~r.~ ~ ~ :CANDO~- '- Address: ~ -~ ~ ~' '~P.O. Box917 Mattituck, N.Y. ' Make checks payable to CANDO (Citizens Against Norris Downzoning Org.) (please detach & mail) · I suppod the immediate rezoning of the Norris condominium p¢ope~y located at New Suffolk Avenue, Ma~ tuck from "M' L ght Multiple Residence to "R-80" ~o acre zone. I will fu~her call upon my neighbors and fellow taxpayers to urge the Southold Town Board to "wake up" and prudently weigh ALL FACTS AND OPINIONS in this and all future large scale hous- ing projects which affect the overall well being of Southold Town residents. If you are mak nga contribution please mail it along with yoQr~ petition. If not, please mail just your signed petition. Ma~l to: ' CANDO Address: ~- ~ ~'~ N.~ . 'P.O. Box917 _~' 0~-'~ //Y-~'///~7/ Mattituck,11952 N.Y. Make checks payable to CANDO (Citizens Against Norris Downzoning Org.) PAID ADVERTISMENT -- ACTION LINE we put this reader.jrt the Pa~e 4 NASSAU'COUNTY LANDFILLS,, SUFFOLK COUNTY LANDFILLS ' '~"~?-~*~: P~pulMion: 202.t07 ~-'~ · One section of ~ Klr'~a Park.Landfill Status of Resource Recoveryi Town Implication of landfill LMv: Must ~y 1990. unleSS 0pul~elin~m ere Population: 299.960 ' . Dally Tonnage: 900 ' Hauppauge ~ndfi[I operating under corn Life of Landfllh 198~:":':' · ' Status of Resource Recovery:~To~n: '~':":, i' SOUTROLD'' ::':, , submitted. Ufo of Landfill: 1987 ' Implicagon o! Laedfitl Law: Must close 1990. Status o'f R-~u'f~ Rocovery: Town ~bu~et e~li~ ~ mon~ he ~ Feared seepage;-.. :~ L' *~ .... ~:~ ~n each o~ ~e next two ye~ · ~C~ ~s dump~ite at Merdc~ ~ndfiilsin Isl~ are filli~ HEMPSTEAD Resource ReCoVer/Center was o .~,ned In ~197j?. t~u.t ~se.~,soon. at~er i0acausR oLto~ip~ prot31e.ms. ! .r~as Since bqen ref~?ed to llmK toxin errussrons. ................. ~ ...... ~"~- '~ '~ ~' ................ ~' ~L~-* ~ .............. f~e wa~ ~pp~ ~ '~ ' ~' ~ .... ~" CROSSSECTIONof~e~ Isl~daqisfersystem , , ~ ~au~ ~f~e exe.s' ollu on:encroaches on Ida'nd s a uifers found to be a serious'threat to the · ~roundw~ter supply. Since then there I ~have been 28 bills~lnt~oduced in the Legislature, all of which ~ave.passed ~i*:;Th~ most contr°versial.b! I':Was the one'closing all bm~¢iu, on :'$omewh~.t ~:ont~over~l,::. :*' !::,'"l~e arnou~it of' m~ney' 'being* .what controve, r~ial," sai~ prolos, . '~ But by far the most controversisl. .~::"Cu~rently the EPA' considers :more ~ ~ parts per~tl]inn as not ' ~ 10% of thpse m · problem. . . · · ~ A centu~ a~o, ~roundwater was the main source of~. 'Rain recharged here will continue to carry textc drinking water, not only for Lon~ Island but !or_' contaminants deep and far into the systsm, and (to) Brooklyn a~d Queens as well ' . ::~ ~-': ,., . move these toxics southward to become · potential ' Urbanization, with paved streets, population threat to user~ now downstream, and to the south of · -growth with concomitmlt raw sewage and industrial the front." waste soon sent Br0ok~yn. looking lot a. new water Nassau's' Master Plan recommended a series of Three. aq,ufferS~ : ?.;.~'.; !. '" ' ;: ''technologicai method of,treating used water. ' 'At present, ti~e ~sla~'~ Wa~r su'pply is housed In DesaiinizaUon, which, is an expensive, energy· Contamination 'front', ii ~ ..J . '.. - ~?~.~. ~esult, future options will be sharply limited. :wate~rechafge arem o! the ~hallower water? ~;:~.~ ~ ~;~;~ ~, :. ;.:;, ,,~;7; .::; re 5F~.~::{;: ?- :::.~ ~6~ ~d qu~fiU. ~ ~v~t . ~.l~g's repo~ goes 0n ~ say- .~e ~go~y for ~e ~'~undwa~ · s~pply,~ ~ff'cau~:: g~undwa~r aad-sl~ ~, to ~ * con~tions of the land whea ~e wa~r; ~.ltjs ~ ~e Ma~y,:___: ._ ~ · ,~ ~e s~ ~t re~ on aq~:~or~-'and d~pest o~ ~e ~ree ~jor aqu~ ~e At~ey Gener~ s Office, whlch %t. But ,~l~.~e ~ ~n~n~"~o~nd~fb 3~ e~ '~e smd sa s-~; f~' ~ ' ' ' JERRY CASS~OY ;.,~.~'~.T:~duled~]~U~,what h~-be~ d~ sau~ ~e pol~Uc~ baUl~ ~ffi rage. Hous~g, b~ on r~e- ~~. : ..... u~s~e"mostcomp~hens~e-between ~e ~ono~~ an~*,th~..***.-~he constmc~on g~undwater Problem an~ ~ ~ch~' '~e~ with the ~un~water than ~a* .~c,~::;¢ ~,> ) ..See WZ[LS Page 3, mmk~. , .... , '1:' , ON LoNG'.ISLAND ,~ .:... INSIDE *' '~ 7:,~E~ a day at *Brighton ACTION LINE We put this reader.jrt the driver's seat Page 4 :*TI~UCK e~emB~/de~--bmdrdl~HauPp~uge~$iGn~!*flghtp°Ir~s°utlandflirsplighL ,~i~ ,:~,h:~'~,c-':.'~.*~: ~* :';': ' - '~" "" ' .... " ' .... '-' '"'"~ b~! 1-990 ............... '~' ' "must be:closed ,:iNhie .are~df'flls~ '--With' the Island $ tow~, facing · Huntington a~d Babylon tried a BLYDENBURGll land Hauppa:~gelsnotapmw$g ~. , . . . ,,, .--. - .......... .... . The following Es f~om · repo~ by ;of those tow~ with lan~il]s that :Island Landf~Ll,Law of 1990. Only ~ger to th~ glacial. ~ NASSAU'COUNTY LANDFILLS/ - Dagy Tonnege: 2,4CO ,. -. 19~0 b~',a~,.~e~ivlo]iRe$ :~dal WeUand$ SUFFOLK COUNTY LANDFILLS '.'.~, =~.~'HUNT~NGTON ", ':'. ' State Funde Um~ll for Resource Re- ~opuliRIon: 299.960 Dally Tonnags: 900 ' ' - Hauppeuge lanciflll operiRin9 under con- Status of Ras~urco Recovery:-To~n ,., has permit for facility at'M~hu~ Stets Funds Used for Resource R~- BROOKHAVEN DiRly Tonnage: 1200 Implication of land,il law:After 1990 site Life of Landfill: 1987 [mclicaflon of landfill Law: Must close 1990. Ststul o'f R-~ ~ U~t Ce Recover.j: Town looking Into possible Joint project wtth Southampton. . - SOUTHAMPTON EAST HAMPTON ' :'' '~' :prohibite~, iri thc ¢ Autborltyl~rsueaapoll~'ofstvi.qgw~tertowhoever ~.' ~,,~;' .2.~.:, · : ,; Tainted Wells' · · ~he~' Sh, Said, It demons~-nted that. [':" I '~ ~ ~ ~e ~uc~ of: . "Too~of~g. ~e~t~':': ~ ~ few ~d~ al~lde ~ ~'. .ACTION. LINE· Silver heart for mail-order veteran Page 4 I~y MICHAEL HANRAHAN , : .... Nassau County's 1.3 mtlhon residents are likely to be placed under permadent water- use restrictions as of the first of the year, according .to ..several-local officials, who .asse~t that residential users and the coun- Ly's burgeoning industries are pumping the water out of the ground faster than nature is replacing it. '' 1,000 gallons. At the supermarket, it costs $1.25 fc :- Just qne gallon.:' · - Department of £nvlronmen- Range of restrictions , ~ Sc~U~dr, · member of the ~ ., ~' ? he2~d war~ ~ ~ a pmbem wt~le its ovm discretion on how ~.~. ~ of ~ome navlgaUona] concern to,* /I Ihe Catskills. ' '- - ~' Salant said' that jamaica wat~;; is: s,,o k',,Oi";;'~';'/' ":' ": .... .se." : :, ~,..:;.:. ~;~ .... We believe the caps on:Jama ca R gets hot or letting the water tun Into the sink until it comes out of the tap cold enough to drink." Drinking wkter should be frtgerated and kept cold until con- water is desired, it should be 2000.,:~,_~.,_~ -: ,..,, ~.:~, .....'. 'Industrial revolution' '-~' of ~e faucet ttselI, · ~.:.~.:~ ~-. -, ,. ~... ~ - .. · ' but n~.one does an~g abo~t .~ "For yeats, ~a~e~'spt~d . * waste ~ ~ g~un~? ~d a spoke~ Ll~ on development .-~ ,a~l .......... ~o[~fn~and~ onysaytwastherghtdecsonbut wM the con rovers a A~ceSeven driving ~p~ f~m~ ~d~v~sBa~l°n' -the.c~n~y Bhiss (R-Jamespo~) the P~siding n~icant quan es of oxic or ha~r- aequisiUon p~g~ und~ John: ~lh°tel~°esntgetbuBL sures we~°~l: Wxth these mca- loc~ government, including By .~C.A~L "ANR~H~?:i:~i:~'~r has ;~n address~ 'neither .polluUon of ground-w~ter i~a Ve~ iol~ ~ Leg~slatu~ ~enil~ l~roteethin of ground-water 'is . .~.-~';.,. Philip Barbate, a w~ter:~es~i-~e~ ~h~tWhat- is ~lot .b~m~ tecogmzed is purchase nearly !,000 acres of land S~rah MeY mild, Ula co.chairm,~l~ o~ :. water suppllers,.sald the procrasthla:, ~°II~ aa~cd s lindergrol/nd aql/llers colinty-owaed acres oi pr me water. iWanacte, rFrR<esource Needs ,or Long Is-. tough dec/sions necessary for water ~a0~0i~aessa~ll~ohua~t~vna~rStsuT6 ~Y~ea~ lco~Smpe~leixte~ d~Vu~lloo~:rs of large office ~A'*~.. ' - - . -- · ~--~,~,~'~{~ ~ has been polluted by eheraleais and and e minating deveto men ~:',:~'4.~'f~,,~ ~.~1~...~., t natural filtration system. .... of North Hem-stead. g he Town r~ ~?ll~. ~~;~..~ ..... ~] : In. additloa, Nassau County 'h~s: Nassau Co~ '~ ~~l heavy draw oll the water table. ' ~:a~nog~S~°.~_ad~ptedfile study. The ~-;i:~ ~~ I Cou, nty is ,ar .a. head of Nassau hl Pr°op.:sal' onl.y,[: .P~eC.e. meal. fasblon. "" :"' .'ON LONG ~- r,'~z°r~ing a~d QU ~tyi°fL te al ~fe 'A.BOld stept6 proteC Lrs Water Supply Alteryeamoftalkandvotumeaofstudy, some; dutingdreughts and n~returned with rains, that tl~ gro~Jnd in Nassau. The most recent reports one is fineity doing something alx~t Long Js- thawater tabisinpertsofthecountyisnowectu- say that beyond 180 million gallons there is a land*s most critical long-term problem: water. By ally below sea level and that in the past 20 years sedous lowering of the water table. impeding a cap on pombing frorrr, walis in Nas- it ~ fallen the most where the supply is great- None of this is new. None of it should come as ssu County. the State Department of Environ- est, in r~offhaastsm Nassau, Suffolk, with more a surprise to any elected official. For 20 years mentat Conservation has pot the politicians and land and less development, is in better shape, studies have shown that Long island's waterwas bevelobers on notice that the problem can no poteventuallyitwillfecethesarnediismma, Tha threatanedbydevalopment.ththelastfnreYears longer be ignored. . * probism is that salt water from the ocean and definitive studies, with coi~parisicos to water The statais action is controversial. Developers Long island Sound finds i'com to move inland levels of peat decades, have been c(~mpisted. are already claiming that implementation of the , when fresh-water isvels decline.. * '~ * Sufloil< has taken step~ to protect its major water capwiilcostthamhundredsofmilllonsofdollars: ~ Thisisnotanin~'nediatecrlsis, butwatarpreb- supply area, the pine be,_nens.. But N~l~sa~m,ha~ and serlously sthis growth. But the real issue Is isms take years to develop and years to correct, not. Tnet's ~ the state s act~n, con how thi~ island is going to grow over fha ne~1.25 What we see happening to the water level today as it is. is justmeo, to 50 years. If Nassau anti Suffolk Counties can't is the result of ecfions toXen -- or not tat<an -- 20 Tha point of the cap is to forsa local officials to protect their water supply now. there will be no; years ago. What we do now will not have a vlsi- take water co~ervatlon into account when they ·growth in the future. - : ' .' '~" bis effect until the 21 st Cantu~. But if we wait. plan new development., Until now standard pro- Study after study has shown that Long island's ' until the crisis is upon us, it will be too late to do ce(Jure has been to approve a pro~ect and then groundwatarisnotinexhausfibis. Fifly years ago anythingabcotit. And we are doing things now pomp the watar, Local water disthcts had no BrookJyn had to stop pumping its wells and ira- that will affect the future..~...? ~ . - - . - cho ce but to ask the state for permits to deepen ' port water from upstate. The same thing hap-; The saweting Of Nassau County as well as wells or dig new ones. We can't go on ha that. pened in most of Queens., ~: r ·; ' ~ . , rapid commercial growth will lower the water There must be a comprehensive approach to Nassau is next. The latest studiss show that: supply in 20 years, Currentb/about 200 million water rnanegemer~ stream beds in western Nassau have dded up gallons of water a day are ~3eing removed from ~ Exactly how to implement the water cap is a .................................... - ~, -critical quastipn. De?elopere fear that their multi. ---.-~--.--- 'million-dollar investments will be wasted. Local -Usage.Ca ed,: y Larry Light and Tom Morris -' '. jl the couaty heal~ heard by state o~cials. ~' ' The sta~e said it plans to compel officials w~m/that the state is trying to usu~ their ability to control land use. The state's action is aura to be tested in court. · ,~ 8ut Philip Bartlato, fha mglonet water engthear for Long Island and the perso~ who proposed i'~Water'Cap to Le~ave u's vingaw {e c~i Nassa Ha a r sis: .": ,~?~-~.~.-~,.~.~.~. ~ .. ~~ iNassau a Bit Dr]er ~a~sa~;.~er~-Cr~s~s-Is-;.ao S '~' -' - w~wa~r~m~e~we~out~e~Ev; D~reas~ngwmersupp~threatens~uth .~We By Gwen Young Suoe~ sar Joseoh Colby *esterday [ ~o~ a 1~ ~t env r~o~en~ ~ `% ~t ~e ~'s plan is "a forerunner of ~ %[~} ~n~u~ ~P~e 7 ~b ~fd at a ~ h~l ~ ~e~ ~i' ~ dewlap with°ut depleting ~lf~ . . We ~ ~g no mo~.~ of I: Plans for Nassau County a~d New York million or $9 million price tag. (A pro£de of ~ity to share water dormant ~ine~ the mid- ~llles, Part II/4-5).. lff/0s, are being revived in the wake of new i '.: . The town's water consultant will also draw 'limit~ imposed by the.state on water mn- Up a study on water u~e and c~nServa~ion - . --~ntinu~dbn~aga4~Li ~dtecbu'alr~vlewbeard.~. ~ ,,~.!~;, [~, ~,i,Sup~r~soi'CO!bY~SesmapofwaterdlsVIcisiolllu~ · ' '~'., ,,... ,, -. :.' . '--, ..~ ..~ [,:~, ~ ~,~-.':, .'~, .. · , . . l.: '" ...... ' ........... ......... / State Puts Curbs on Nassau Water upp ~ ~ their au hor tV' }, [tion .s mlposed, It sau County'Psi 41 wa er supp ers ill lin prtva · lind municipal suppliers. But whbe saying they support tO~e~ ?dr eeo ~hP~ l~ng sland Wa er {:on-] n C .... F r~,'What D~ We D The restrictions, to take effect by pi)'plan thecounty itself had projected - T~.e dep}l.ty..eounty ~xec.,llve..Ow~e.n.] limits, Mr. White$lde said, *:*ill be[4'$00 fire bed ran s [o~e~.l offlclss and busine~me, who I80mflllon alonsaday maiorreduc akcnstepsto.conse, rvewater throug~ Mleror ,builder dened .aler ~erv'] .... ?.* impede development in the cotmty. · ,,bi .... id to,o,,. ,:;~t~;]i',K~ii'i;;-~;J/a~-i;;.;ity ^ spokesman for the Long [, andNous tire wha do we do?'* she