HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/2010ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex. 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765-[809 TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) FROM: Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head RE: COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD AND NEW APPLICATIONS/FEES REPORT for: December, 2010 DATE: January 12, 2011 Il. lIl. Requires Immediate Attention: Carryover: Voting from Fishers Island via Videoconfcrencing The Chairperson is pleased to report that Systems Administrator Lloyd Reisenbcrg says that videoconferencing equipment on Fishers lsland and in the Meeting Hall in Southold Town Hall, should be up and running by mid-January 2011. We eagerly await the completion of this important initiative, with the instal lmion of equipment in the Annex first floor conference room used by the ZBA, so that FI Member George Homing can vote on decisions at our monthly Special Meetings Items of Concern: Carryover: Workplace Violence/Harassment A solution to improving workplace safety tbr e~nployecs in the ZBA office remains nndetermined. The initial decision to install an intercom from the Building Department counter to the ZBA office has not been implemented at this time. Our goal of establishing a second form of egress from our office can also be achieved, without any disruption to the Building Department, by installing a simple pull dox;~a counter with intercom in the back hallway between the entrance to the Trustees Office and the fire dooL or a similar arrangement~ As explained in my No~ember, 2010 Depm~tment }lead Report, moving our current office space into a room now used by the Bnilding Department is not a feasible option because thc proposed space is smaller than our space mad cannot adequately meet our staffneeds. Thc ZBA thatnks the Town Board and the Workplace Safety Cmmnittee for their ongoing efforts to address tiffs important issue. Board and Office Policies and Practices: GIS User Needs Assessment Project The Chairperson and Board Assistant Vicki Toth reviewed and edited GIS User Needs Assessment Project Manager Scott Mastellon's notes summarizing our lengthy meeting in November covering the ZBA's potential use of expanded GIS capabilities. The review also resulted in identi[}'ing and updating cutTently incorrect and/or outdated information on the ZBA's website. IV. Financial/Budget Issues: Carryover: Increases in ZBA Fees The Town Board has scheduled a resolution to increase ZBA fees for a public hearing on January 18, 2011. The Chairperson plm~s to be present to represent the members of the Board of Appeals in our unanimous support of this resolution that, i[passed, will result in additional revenue that more accurately reflects the actual person hours and office expenses involved in processing, hearing, deliberating on, and finalizing applications to the ZBA. Hiring an Environmental Consultant As per the Town Board's approval, the ZBA hired Glen Just as an independent environmental consultant relative to flagging wetlands on a specific application before the Board. We have requested that the Trustees consider the comments made by our consultant, LWRP coordinator Mark Terry, and Suffolk County Soil and Water, in making a finding as to the location of wetlands on the subject property, so that the ZBA may properly proceed with the variance before us. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments: Regular Meeting: Date: Dec. 2, 2010 Call to Order: 9:00 AM Adjourned: 3:11 PM Public Hearings: Total: 10 Number of new applications heard: 6 Number of Carryovers from previous hearings: 4 Number closed resetwing decision to later date: 2 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 4 Number adjourned to another date: 3 Number adjourned w/o a date: 0 Number Withdrawn: 1 Number o f Resolutions passed: 15 Number ofdecisions made: 3 Next Regular Meeting: J.'muary 6, 2011 _Special Meeting: Date: Dec. t4, 2010 Call to Order: 5:07PM Adjourned: 6:25 PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 7 Number of decisions made: 4 Number of Resolutions passed: 9 Number of Site Inspections made by Board members: 10x 5 = 50 Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperso~r'Department Head · 12/02 Snpervisor re: ZBA personnel 12/07- Assr TA re: applications before the Board/litigation · 12/08 - Department Head Meeting re: Office Pumbasing throu~ Office Depot · 12/14 - Meeting with ZBA staff 12/28 - Assr TA re: applications before the Board/litigation Staff Activities Number of people assisted at the counter: 58 hours spent assisting: 12 hrs. (Assistance inchules filling out new applications, mailings and Postings, providing copies of decisions, FOIL requests anti other materials, and general inquiries) Meetings attended by ZBA staff ,, 12/08 - Vicki Toth attended Department Head Meeting re: Officc Purchasing through Office Depot · 12~14 - Meeting with Chairperson/Dept. Head and ZBA staff YE MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES Total Applications Received for the month of December, 2010: 6 Total trees Collected in December, 2010: $2,150.00 Respectt'ully Submitted Leslie Kancs Weisman Chairperson/Department Head 3