HomeMy WebLinkAbout34712-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-34764 Date: 12/28/10 THIS u~KTIFIES that the building ACCESSORY GARAGE Location of Property: 2445 HAYWATERS RD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) County Tax Map NO. 473889 Section 111 Block 7 subdivision Filed Map No. Lot NO. CUTCHOGUE Lot 8 (HAMLET} conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MAY 27, 2009 pursuant to which Building Permit NO. 34712-Z d~ted MaY 27, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is UNHEATED NON-HABITABLE ACCESSORY TWO CAR GARAGE WITH ATTIC STORAGE ABOVE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to KENNETH A & LINDA J NEWMAN ( OWNER ) of the aforesaid building. SuFMOLK CO~FI"f DEPA~T~T OF H~ALTH APPROVAL N/A EI~C~]~ICAL C~KTIFICA~ NO. 112334H 12/11/06 PLIERS ~KTIFICATION DA'r~u N/A Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34712 Z Date MAY 27, 2009 Permission is hereby 9ranted to: KENNETH & LINDA NEWMAN 2445 HAYWATERS ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 for : DEMOLITION & COMSTRUCTION OF AN UNHEATED GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR REPLACES EXPIRED BP # 31~35 at premises located at 2445 HAYWATERS RD CUTCHOGUE County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 111 Block 0007 Lot NO. 008 purst~lt to application dated MAY 27, 2009 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on NOVEMBER 27, 2010. Fee $ 323.00 ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 31935 Z Date APRIL 24, 2006 Permission is hereby granted to: KENNETH A NEWMAN 2445 PiAYWATERS ROAD CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 for : DEMOLITION & CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY UNHEATED GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 111 pursuant to application dated APRIL Building Inspector to expire on OCTOBER 2445 HAYWATERS RD CUTCHOGUE Block 0007 Lot No. 008 11, 2006 and approved by the 24, 2007. Fee $ 323.00 Authorized Signature Rev. 5/8/02 COPY Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 BLDG. DEPT. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP ,NC¥ TOV~r'! OF SOUTHOLD This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage_disposal (S_9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwritem. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit PI.arming Board Appreval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings {prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the apPlicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $50.00, Additions to dwelling $50.00, Alterations to dwelling $50.00, Swimming pool $50.00, Accessory building $50.00, Additions to accessory building $50.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 5. Temporary Cegificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 New Construction: LOcation of Property: House No. Street Owner or Owners of Property: ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~.~N4~ ~ ~ Suffolk County Tax Map No i000, Section ~ -~ 3 ~ ~ ~ Subdivision Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) Hamlet Block Filed Map. Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: Permit No. '~ tq'q [ '-L- -~ Date of Permit. Health Dept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ -~-~ check one) Applicant Signature I,~s ue Date 12/11~0~ Electrical Inspection Certificate Ele,~"ic, al lnlpeetion 8e~vi~e, Inc. Application* 375 Dun~n Awnue 11~H ~hog~, N~ York 11772 Issued To: Rapisardi Construction Street; 2445 Haywaters Road Village: Cutchooue Zip: 11936 Town: 8outhold 8ecUon: Block: Lot: Contraotor. Lie. # WaS e,Xl mil~ ~'ld ~,und ~O ~ In cempllanc~ w~ the Natb~l EJe~ieel C~e. [] ComnleroJal [~ NVOe~eet~ [] Pool ~ ~etFIoor [] Indoor [] Baeement [] HotTub ~.1 Re~entJal [] DeL C~'~e ~ A~o [] 2nd Floor [] CXJtdoor [] Addltlo~ [~ Survey R~p~o~ PI~ ~ H~ ~ Fens 2 6 2 WeaheffAmpa D~ Ov~ Ra~ ~ Furnace 0tl Ga4 Circula~ta Smoke Detector Bell ,Met~ An~e Pheae UO/OH Jacuz~J / Bldg. Permit: 31952 Other Equipment .60 AmP Sub Panel" MOtion Set. or Garage Door Open.er Recept t-20 amp Spec. Outlet CO Detector Hugo $. Surdi President John MO Mahon UI Rnal ir~: t 2/06/2000 ]reid; Jch~l Mr~ Mahen iii TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [~FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: ] RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] RRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE /~-~ '~ ~ INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-t 802 INSPECTION FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMAR~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUG~tl~PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] I~iSULATION [ ] FRAMING/S,~PING ~/] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ]F~S~ST,~'tCO. S'mUc'r~ [ ]F~RE~S~S'r,VIT~IETRA'IIO. INSPECTOR~ OCG Architects, LLP Thursday, April 20, 2006 Town of Southold Building Department Atto: Patricia P.O. Box 1 !79 Southold, NY 11971 Re: The Newman Garage 2445 Haywaters Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Patricia: Please be advised per our discussion, the proposed garage has been designed in conformance with 120 mph windspeed. The plumbing notes on page 1 of the drawings are boiler plate notes and do not apply to this particular project, there will be no plumbing in this garage. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at any time. TOC:mk 60 Carleton Ave. · Suite 202 · lslip Terrace, NY 11752 · phone: 631-859-3488 · fax: 631-859-3489 OCG Architects, LLP Monday, June' 12, 2006· ' Town of Southold Building 13~artment · 53905 Mm Street Southold, NY 11971 Re: Newman Residence ' 2445 Haywatcrs. Road Cutchogue,.NY 11935 Permit # 31935' To whom it may eoncem: Piease be advised the'foundation and fooling at the above-referenced location meets and exceeds tes~denlial code of New York State and.approved plans prepared.by this office. This is.mY professionallopinion based on an' inspeefi6a of site Conditions.' please feel fi'ee to eonta~:t OU~ Office wlth.any questions or concerns you may have. Todd O'Connell, AIA ' TOC:mk 60 Carleton Ave. · Suite 202 .'[sBp,Terraee, NY 11752; phone: '631~859~3488 ' fax: 631-859-3489 ~ 'd ogtt'°N dll SO~IIHOiV O O 0 ~ldg~:l; 900~ '~['unl' I0'II~LD INSP]~CTIONRIRN~RT ] DATE [ FOUNDATION (1ST) ROUGH FRA1VIING & PLU'M~ING x~,~A~O~ ~ ~. ~. ~ t/~Z STATE ENERGY CODE . / '~[ / I · ADDITIONAL COMMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BU~.LDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765.1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. north fork.net/Southold/ Disapproved a/c Expiration /o f.l. ,~ Building Inspector BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION cHEcKLIST Do you have ~r need the following, before applying? Board of Hc~th 4 se~s of Buff ding Plans Phone: A~ ~ 9 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ~ ~ ~STRUCTIONS ~ST be ~le~ly fi~ ~ by ~r or in ~ ~d sub~ to ~e B&~g ~e~r ~ 3 s~ of pl~ ~plot p~ to s~e. F~ ac~g to s~e~le. b. PI~ pl~ &o~g lo~fion of lot ~dof b~d~ ~ ~ses, re~o~g to adjo~g ~ ~ public ~ee~ or ~ ~d ~s. c. ~e ~rk ~v~dby ~s a~li~on may mt ~ ~ ~f~ ~sm~ of ~ild~g ~t d. U~n a~v~ of ~ ~pli~m ~e ~ld~g ~r ~ issue a ~g ~t ~ ~ ~p~cmt Su~ a ~ be ~t on ~ses av~bl~ f~ ~m ~out ~e wo~ ~. No b~l~g ~I be o~upi~d or ~ ~ ~ole ~ ~ pm for ~y p~o~ ~t so ev~ ~fil ~ ~g ~s a ~fica~ of ~pm~. f. Ew~ b~l~g~t s~ e~im if ~e ~ ~o~ ~ not ~e~ ~ 12 mon~ ~ ~e ~ of ~s~ or ~ not ~m ~mpl~ ~ lg mon~ ~ such &~. If no zon~g ~m or o~ re~lafiom ~g ~e p~ have been ~a~d ~ ~e ~tem~e B~g ~r may ~o~, ~ ~ ~e em~sbn of~e p~t f~ ~fion s~mo~. ~r, a ~w p~t ~ be ~qu~& ~PLICA~ON IS ~BY ~E ~ ~e B~g D~t for ~e issu~ of a ~l~g P~t ~t B~ld~g ~ne ~ of ~e To~ of ~u~o~ S~o~ Co~, New Yor~ ~d o~ appl~able La~. ~ or ~fion~ for ~e com~on ofbufld~ ~di6~, or ~fi0ns ~ f~ r~o~ or demo~fon ~ h~ des~. a~licmt ~s to ~mp~ ~ ~1 ~ la~, o~s, building ~de. hom~ ~de, ~d ~la6om, ~d to a~ au~omd ~ on promises ~d ~ ~ld~g f~ necess~ ~ecfi~.~lJ ~d (Si~e~appl~ ~ n~, ifa ~ ~g'~dr~f ~p~c~t) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor. :lectrician, plumber or builder Name of owner of premises ~'~ -e 'C',,¢'X to~l'~ {As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. ~ / A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. Co yT apNo, lOOO s ou II Lot Subdivision ~ ,,,"X~ ~ . Filed Map No. ~ e~[~ Lot ~ ~ O 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and oeeupancy of proposed cons~a-uction: a. Existing use and occupancy <,',~ ~e ~ c~x~l~ ~-%'~or~ C~( t-~e n b. Intended use and occupancy ~t~,~__ ¢ c~ ~r o c~ ~, ~ <~ ~ ( & e ~ o_~ ~ f'~ 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building. f Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition v/ Other Work 4. Estimated Cost ~ .e-~(.~ C~CDC~. oo Fee 5. If dwelling:number of dwefling arlrar If garage, number of cam ~ 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, sp eeify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimcnsionsofexistingstmctures, ifany:Front ~ . ~ ' Rear I( . ~ ' Depth Height Number of Stories ~ Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front r~ ~/ ~ Depth ~', ~'~ ' Height / ~ ~ Number of Stories (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dweliin-g units on each-floor Rear I 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ~h ~ Rear__J[l~ Height ( ~, ~ Number of Stories 9. Size oflot: Front ,/ ~r~ Rear _~_~ Depth 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner. 11. Zone or nsc district in which premises are situated ~ ,~ t~-~ C~ 12. Does proposed conslxuction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO/Will excess fill be removed fi.om premises? YES 14 Nam ' tq:~q ~s iO~.~z_ ga}- . es of Owner of premtses ~.~ddress ~ - ~ Phone No. ~~- Name of Architect oc~ J~e~-,~ h- c~ ~ t t_i°Address~Phone No Name of Conhuctor {~ ,a~:.~,-,~ ~ ( C~.<,¥ .Address ~.~ °~q~ePhone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland ora freshwater wetl~ .~*Y~ S NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO ~ IF YES. D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK} SS: COUNTY OF ~.~_ ~0 v~ V'X o~"t ~'xo s..~..5~'NXO ~ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (sltc is the applicant (Name o findividual signing contract above named. (S)He is the (Contracto:~ Agent, Corporate Officer. etc.) of said or, net or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performedthe said work and to ~ and file this applicatiea; that all statements contained in th/s apglinatlco are hue to the best of his knowledge and bellef; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forthin the applieafic~ filed therewlfa. Sworn lp.~efere me this ~Ommlesti:m~p~res Signature o fApplicant Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 15, 2010 Kenneth & Linda Newman 2445 Haywaters Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ¢ Following Items Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy Application of Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) ~ Electrical Underwriters Certificate. ~ A fee of $50.00. __ Final Health Department approval. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees #765-1892) Final Planning Board approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshal. Final Inspection from the Building Dept. Final Landmark Preservation approval. Building Permit:: 34712-Z unheated garage O, 87'59'00"E ;2 4 ~7g 520.00' ~3~0.0o' LOT 3~0 MAP OF SECTION D NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES, INC. SITUATE CUTCHOGUE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SUDVEY£D FOR: CHRISTOPHER B ZAIA MARk B. ZAI~ SUP,,VE ~'ED STAI4LE': P 0 BO ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE o,,,0 r~o~Jc~ THI~ CER~ATE 15 ~ED ~ A ~ER OF INFO~N Burn Instance ~oup O~Y~DCONFER3NORIOHTSU~NTHECER~TE ~Ut~ 41~ HOLDER, TH~ CERT~;~TE DOES NOT ~ND, EX~D OR EO C~t~ ~1[ ~ad ~TER THE ~VE~E AFFORDED BY THE ~LIQE~ BEL~, ;B~J~ LLq~flY ~C~ CC~ s 1000000 ~&~v ~Y t 1000000 GE~~ ~-~ 12000000 TO~ OF ;OUT}IQLD .53095 )&~,3t~ ~ aOUT~OL,O ~ 1~9"/1 ACORO Z~ (2Dol~) O ACORO CORPORATION 1981 New York State Insurance Fund Workers' Compensation & Disability Benefits Specialists Since 1914 8 CORPORATE CENTER DR, 2ND FLR, MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747-3166 Phone: (631) 756-4000 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE RAPISARDI CONSTRUCTION CORP 380 CAMEO DR MASSAPEQUA NY 11758 POLICYHOLDER RAPISARDI CONSTRUCTION CORP 380 CAMEO DR MASSAPEQUA NY 11758 POLICY NUMBER H 1057 289-9 i CERTIFICATE HOLDER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 CERTIFICATE NUMBER PER[OD COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE DATE 412509 09/18/2005 TO 09/18/2006 3/8/2006 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 1057 289-9 UNTIL 09/18/2006, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. iF SAID POLICY tS CANCELLED, OR CHANGED PRIOR TO 09/18/2006 IN SUCH MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE, 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER ABOVE. NOTICE BY REGULAR MArL SO ADDRESSED SHALL BE SUFFICIENT COMPLIANCE WITH THiS PROVIStON. THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GiVE SUCH NOTICE. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT APPLY TO BUILDING DEMOLITION. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. U-26.3 NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND DIRECTOR,INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING This certificate can be validated on our web site at https://www.nysif, com/cert/cedvaLasp or by calling (888) 875-5790 VALIDATION NUMBER: 130455057 Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631 ) 765-1802 Fax (63 I) 765-9502 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 8*h, 2009 ?.rgST NOTICE Kenneth & Linda Newman 2445 Haywaters Road Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 RE: 2445 Haywaters Road (Unheated Garage) 5CTM: # 1000-111.-7.8 bear Mr. & Mrs. Newman, Please be advised that your Building Permit # 31935 issued April 24th, 2006 has expired. According to the Code of the Town of 5outhold, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued before the use of the structure. To renew your Building Permit, please submit a fee of $323.00: at that time we can schedule an inspection by one of our Building Tnspector'S. If you have any questions, please call us at 765-1802. Respectfully, $OUTHOLD TOWN BUILD]-'NG DEPT THE F:~REMIS~S ~NALL I~ KEPT ALL INOOD SILLe AND INOOD IN T~MITE ~NI~L~ AT ~ILL To ~E OOPPEA EXPENSE (A) 15 ATTRIBUTABLE TO XC~2NTI~.AOTOR. SHALL INSTALL)~ATB~ N~LUOIN~ THE LO~ O~ USE 5HUT-~P VALES AT ~LL P XTURES. ALL PA~T B~ A PA~ NO~NNIPI~ LAVAT~ I I/~% HErEUNDer. ALL HATB~IAL~, ~hO~ A~EMB lea AND METHO~ OF TO L~ ~"/MATOH FI~ O~TLBT IN AOOOROANOE ~ltH THE O~A~INeS, 5~STEH 5~OLL O~PL~ TO THE ~FEGIFIGATIONS, APPLICABLE CODE5 APPLIGA~NTT DEPARTMENT tH~ ~ONT~A~TO, 5HALL ,~ 5H~ nUT, OP~5 LAYOUT A~B TO ESTABLISH ALL ANP BENCHMARKS. VE~IF~ ALL ¢IVEN PANS UNDER ALL SLIDER, DOORS, AND ~INDOINS INITHIN A ~ll OF AN EXTERIOR NO LESS THAN 5 YEA~5. ALL HINOO~5 To BE ANDERSEN UNLE55 IN~IOATED ASPHALT ROOF SHINdLES INSTALLED AS PER SEC, TION 1~05.2 OP THE RESIDENTIAL C.,ODE OP N ALL SLOPED ROOF SHINdLES SHALL BE ~AP-~,LASS-A ASPHALT SHINgLEd OR APPROVED E~L~AL. SHINdLE5 SHALL BE APFLIE~ I~¢ ASPHALT PELT p~!NTIN¢ AND OTAININ~ THE POLLOININ¢ I~ INOLUDEO FOR THE ~',ONVENIENC-.E OP THE PA~NTIN~ OON~A~TO~ AN~ ONL~ A5 AN IN~LOATION OT THE T~B~ dF PAINT~ ~Ul~ FOR VARIOU¢ ~PAdE~, IT I~ T~ INTENT OF THESE ¢PECliFICA~ION~ TO ~MOVI~E A ~N A UNIF~H MANNE~ Tn B~ INSTALLE~ AS P=~ ~OTION INALL KEY E'XlST TO BE RE~tOVEP E~;%IST TO REI"4AIN I NEIN INOOD P~AHE ~NST ~ N~ POUREP IN/ ~ATT~R~ ~A¢~-UP ~ OPM FAN TO EXTERIO~ ~0 HA~P MI~D OA~BON ~ONOXI~E UP HIN ~2" A,~.P. A5 PE~ ~EdT COHF'ONENT E)ETAIL: UPL F:T ONNECTO . OETAIL CONNECTION OF MULTIPLE PIECE8 OF TOP.LOADED BEAM8 1~" Width · Minimum of 2 rows 16d (3,~") nails at 12" o.c. · Minimum of 3 rows 16d (3~") nails at !2" 0,c. fur NOTE= PROVIOE INOOD STRUCTURAL PAN~:L5 INITH A HINIHUNI THIOKNESS OF 1/le"'AN~ A ~AXIMU~ ~PAN OF ¢'-0" PO~ OPENIN~ ~OTEOTION IN ONE AN~ T~O ~TO~ F~AME~ BUILPlN¢5. PANEg5 TO BE P~EOUT TO OOVER THB eLAZEP OPENINe5 ~lTH ~TTAOH ~ENT HAnDMAdE. ATTAOH~NT HA~ARE TO ~ IN O0~LIANOB ~lTH TABLE ~B01.2.1.2 OF THE ~ YORK STATE ~ILOlN~ COOB. (¢~E BELOW) 14" and deeper beams · Nailed colnnectians require an additional row of nails when ,n0il size is,,sm011er !hah spedfied ~ ubove (minimum 0.131 x 3,~5') : ~ :t · Mip,imum of 2 rows ~" bolts at ~: / 24 o,c. ~steggered ~ TABLE P41NIDBOI~NE OEBRI5 PI~.OTEOTION FASTENIN~ 50HEOULE FO~ ~000 5T~UOTU~AL PANEL5 PAdT~N~ T~PE 4 FOOT 8 FOOT PANEL ~4 FOOT ~ ~ FOOT ~ ¢ FOOT 2-1/2" ~ 2-1/2" ~ ~OOO 50~E~5 16I' I¢" 12" AddWonal nailing or belting may ~i reqf~lMd Mdt ~ld~ded muM ~? member beam~_. Rear te cu.'eM predu;t iliemtum. ~,LlivfATIO IANO ~EcO~t~,APHIC, OESI®N CRITERIA I TABLE ~01.2(I) NYS RESIOENTIAL OOOE ~ CEILIN~ LIVE LOAO 20 PSF ~ INSULATION THICKNESS FOR HVAC PIPES PIP~' SYST~i'4 ~' PLL)ID TE~v~P. ~NSULATION THI~K. NESS IN IN~,HES SY PiPE SIZE TTPES AANdE (P) 2" RUNOUTS I" AND LESS 1.25" TO 2" I 2.5' TO ~ 1.5 2,0 2.0 HEATING SYSTEMS LOiN pRESSURE/T~I,4PE P-A'flJRE 201-250 1.0 I 1.5 LOIN TEi,-1PER/~TU~E iNATER) 120-200 0'~ / ,.0 ~TEAM CONDENSATE ~0~. FEES) ANY I.o 1.0 COOLING SYSTEMS AND BRINE 120-200 0,~ 1.0 1.0 1.5 ZONIN® INFO ivlATION SECTION: III DLO~,K: '/ LOT(S): bi. PLOT PLAN ANO F~AME CONSTRUCTION ~A~UAIL ~A ONE ~NP TNO-~ANILY ~BLLIN¢~ (ANSI/AF ~ P~ PINIO,H55 SIDE YARD (NIlN) E FT. ~ .0 FT. BU, ILDIN~ HEIdMT I~, PT. 18.0. ~T. NO ~FY BUlLplqC DEPARTMENT AT t FOUREB , ,CNCRETE ~,, ~HAL - 3 ,r o~ RL'~ N MUST i~ THE ?U L COu%TF, Mc%Ir ; ~HALL ME~ ~ OF ~. YORK STATE. NOT RE~UONS BLE FOR 9ESIGN OR 60NSTRUOTION ERRORS. I00.0' 4AILING & REQUIREQ; /E STATE; )R HA"I>k',!ATE WITHOUT CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY SG,ALE: I" = I STORM W ,~TER RUNOFF. [' '" COLLUNIN 5TRAPPIN¢ Of=TAIL ~J III 7 (2) a.~ (4) g,d ,~e'-o" (e) (INGHE~, E ~ I E1 F FOUNDATION PLAN ~.,ALE~ I/4" = I'-O" (~FOUN~ATION ~ I~,,OOF IDETAIL5 N,T,.~. II N.T,~. III 7'<( 7