HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979Publi¢~ff~eial's Bond N BND2 18 46 71 KNOW AI.I. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: hereinafter called the Ptlndpal, and ........ .~...~...s..t...~..~-..Q~.~.~.-~.-~.~]~-~-~.n.y-~..~.n.~.s..-u~.r...a.~.c.9~.~---m-~.~.q.~ ............................................. hereinafter ch!led the Surety, a corporation orgnniTed under the laws o{ the State o[ ..[~.a_~:~h.~.s.~.~,..t.s. .......... having an office and place of business at 534 Broad Hol 1 ow Rd. ,Mel vi 11 e ,~l~Ydr licensed to do business in the State pf New York ....................................................... are held and fu-mly bound unto ........... ~.~..t_t.~_.t....](E]iE~Eii~.'~i~iff~]ZZ]]]]]]_._..: ...................................................................................................................... of ~..t...t_i...t..u.._c._k.. ................................. State of ....... N...e.~_...Y..o..r._k. .............................................................. hereinafter called the o6~.., in the s~ of ......... [~°..~.~Lh...°..u..~..a..n...d.~.~..n.~.~.~.~./.~L~9..-..-~.-...-~:~::~!.~.~.~.~.~:..~)~:~:~.:.:~.::~.:; bolla.; for the payment whereof m the Obligee the Prindpal binds himself, his heirs> executors~ administrators, and assigns and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, joindy and severally 6~mly by these presents. · · March 79 Stgned, sealed, and dated ~ .....and ................ day of ............................................ ,19 ............... Whereas, the above-named prindpal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of -~LD-!~_.t..~!.c..t....?~.!~.s..!.°..~.~ ............................... o~ the ...... ~.t.~.!~.c.L~..a..~L!?.!_~..t_.~l.c...t. ................................. State of New York {or the term of office beginning on ........... !/!/79 .............................. and endin~ on ......12/.D}/.Tg ................................. Now, therofore, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such that if the Pringipal shnl! faithfully perform such dudes as may be imposed on him by hw and shall honestly account for all money that may come into his own hands in his off~,i~l capacity during the said term, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it uhall remain in force. Signed sealed and delivered in the pre~ence of (as to the Principal) Boston Old Colony Insurance Company Susan Goumas Attorney B~d ?IOA-2 (Public OfllclaFs Bond) Public Official's Bond 'rm.m I~.. Tm'zn Encl~: ISSUED TO 19__ 19__ AT FINANCIAL STATEMENT Boston Old ColOny Insurcmce Compon¥ AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1977 ASSETS Cash ......................... $ 145,352 Bonds a~d Stocks .............. 29,533.840 Interest, DIv~lands & :Rents, AcCrued ............. 329,775 Agents' Balances Receivable ..... 1,649,101 Real Estate .................... 1,014,000 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate.. 60,937 Other Assets ................... 99,515 Total Admitted Assets .......... $32,832,520 LIABILITIES, CAPITAL & SURPLUS Reserve for Unearned Premiums . $ 7,705,792 Reserve for Losses ............. 16,242,941 Reserve for Loss Expenses ...... 1,630,800 Reserve for Taxes & Expenses... 652.501 Reserve for Other Liabilities ..... 771,183 Total Liabilities ............... $27,003,017 Capital ....................... 2,000,000 Surplus ....................... 3~829~503 Policyholders' Surplus ........ 5,829,503 Total Liabilities, Capital & Surplus. $32,832,52'0 STATE OF NEW YORK ~ COUNTY OF NEW YORK}. SS: CITY OF NEW YORK J F.M Colalucci, being duly sworn says: That he resides in Glen Head, New York and that he is Secre- tary of BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY, that said Company is a {~orporation duly organ- ized, existing, and engaged in business as a Surety' by virtue of the Laws of the State of Massachusetts and has duly complied with all the requirements of the Laws of Said State and the Laws of the State of New York applicable to said Company, and is duly qualified to act as Surety under such laws; that said Company has also complied with and is duly qualified to act as Surety under the Act of Congress approved July 30, 1947, 6 U.S.C. sacs. 6-13 to qualify aa sole surety on recognizances, stipulations, Bonds and undertakings permitted or required by the laws of the United States, to be given with one or more sureties; and that the foregoing is a full, true and correct'statement of the financial con- dition of said Company on the 31st day of December 1977 to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn to before me this 3rd day March 1978. New York State of County ~of Suffo'l k x~ilxx~x On this 2nd before me personally came SURETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ss': March dliy of Susan ~oumas Secretary , in the year 19 79 , , to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Me'l vi I 'l e Np~ Ynek ; that he is the Attorney of Boston Old Colony Insurance Company, the corporation described in and which executed the attached instrument; that he knows the ~orporata seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; end that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of the said corporation, and that he algned his name \ ~ Notary Public thereto by like order. NOTARY FUBUC, STATE CF flEW Y:P,X NO, 4666023 .Q..U~,,IR~ IN ILL. AU C~IIiIY C~MI,~SIOH EXPIRES MARCil 46 BOND 716D · ' BosUn Old Colony Insurcmce omp n¥ 80 Maiden Lane, New York, New york 10038 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, ?hat BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY ~tl· made. constituted, end appointed, encl by these ;)reSenls does make. constitute, and l;)poinl SusAn ~o~aas of Xelvllle, New Yo~k its true and Ilwtul e~lomey for it and in its name. ;)lace, Ind st·ed to execute on behalf of the said Company, ~s surety, bonds, undertakings end Contracts of ·uretyshl;) to be g~ven to &11 obligees I)rOvided that no bond or undertaking or contract Of suretyship executed under this authority shell exceed in amount the sum of Oae a~m~r&d ?housand ($100,000.) l:)oll&rs. This Power of Atlomey is gr·nted and ia signed and la·led by facsimile under Ind by the authority of the fo#bwfng R®s- ofution idoG)tecl by the Boarcl of Directom of BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meetirt9 duly GIIIICl and held O~ the 21ST ~ly of Fe;)ruary, 1975. In Wltnell Whereof, BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its official le·l to be hereunto Iffix- td, end these ;)resents to be signed by one of its Senior Vice Presidents end a~tested by one of its Amsiatsnt Vice Presidents this ~)2ncl ds), of A;)ril, 1977. BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK. On this 22nd day of April, 1977, before me parson·lly came R. K. Ruesch. 1o me knOWn, who being by me duly sworn, clad bee)cae incl My that he remdes in New Providence, in the County of Un,on, State of New Jersey. at 35 Alden Road: that he is i Senior Vice. President of BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation ~elcribed in end which executed the above instrument; that he knov4 the le·l of the laid corDOr·tion; that the leal iffixerl to the Mid inltrument is luch ~Or;)orate la·l; that it wis so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation Ind that ha signed hit name thereto by like order. CERTIFICATE NOTARY PL~LC StitJB 0~ ~ YOrk #0 ~..1821~5 0oil m Sufloik (~JIIty Can ,dad ,n N Y Ce CIk's Otf~e ~m,~ E~0ife~ kiafch 30. 1979 Signed anti sealed at the City of New York Datod the 2nd M~e 4SlSE ~ ~y of March. . lg '79 I, the undersigned, an Assistant Secretary of BOSTON OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY. · Mass~chuletts cdr* ;)oralion, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney ,em·ms in full force and has not bean revoked, and furthermore the1 the Resolution of the Bcarcl of D~recto~s. set forth ~n the sa~d Power of Attorney. is now in