HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-114.-7-10.2Dt CLARATION ~nade this 14they of J~ly
, 19?5, by
AUGUSTUS ('. ',ARf. LLL, ,'~,din2 at (no number)
Mattit~ k, X,~w Yo~-k, herei~aftec called the "Owner";
WHEREAS, me ~),,~ ncr ,,as title to certain lands
being ~t Mattihmk, ~': m.. '1 ,)~n of Southold, County of
New h ork, said lands heremafter being more parttculmi-ly
~3EGINNING at a poin' on Westphalia l%omd &t a mt~il~m~ I~[
lifter ~ection of the na-fl~ast-rtv line of W~ ~
alon~e land of John 1. Pope to a point; thence N. 46°
feel ~lonf land of John [. Pope to a point; thence N. 45°58~
fee~ land of .lois 1. Pop~. to Malti~ck Creek: ~enee
S. 69° 15' 20" E. 179. ]2 feet to l~d ~ ~e~or
~ 50" W. 444.22 fe~,~ sion2 land of ~e~or Gare~e ~ a ~ ~ce
52~ 30 E. 1:t5 iYet along l~d of ~e~or GareHe ~ ~'~ ~ce
54° 04' 40' E. !46.96 fl~et along land of ~e~or Garde tO
~ek; th~mce ~b ~:~ X;aft~mck Creek S. 48O 39~ 50" E.
~hence S. ~9~ 34~ 10" ~,t. %~ Ma~it,mk Creek
or fo -:erl~ o~ ~t~t~ ~,. ~atterly r~sm~e; thence S.
3.26 feet alo~ lan~ of H~*~ ,~. Sa~erl> Estate to We~a
54° 52' ~,0 W. 0 f. 19 n,a' along West~ha~a Road to the ~tor p~ce
AND, WHERI<A:~, it is me O~t~er's intention that the aforesaid
e subdividt,d into a minor' s'.bdivision consisting of not more
residential lots;
NOW, THEREFORE, DECLARANT does hereby warran~ ~
and represent that on approval of the aforesaid described l_,,,,d8 aa a manor
~rutKlivtsion by the Plannmg Board of the Town of S~uthold, no fUxq~er
application will be made to that Board or to any other Bo~d in the Town of
Southold to further subdivid, any' {,f the lots set forth in said minor ~b-
~LkOR AT ~
DE('LARAN does hem:b., lurther warrant, coveflantalld-
that the aforesaid des,:t ibed ]and.- within the minor subdivisioll
subdivid,-,~ into ,~,c)r~ than four lots and that each such
an area or not less man the area shown on map
revised January 2, 1975, .Map # 74-415A, Young & Youngl i-
DFCI,AR:~Xq Ioes herebx further warrant,
his heirs, su( ,:es~ors and assiaqs, Xr/¢J ag~V and all person.
shall suc~ ced to i.t,v 9wner,.ship ~f anx of tm, lots shown on
described 0r,~mi,4~ _ !ri ~aid mine), subdivision bv tran
IN WI~ Nl.i.qF ~a ~i*:}{.}.C)F, the Ih~elal ant has
to be affixed ·
On thel4fl~day of July
descl'ibed in ava xv~,~ executed
1[~75, before mr:
e to De t}~e
t and:~
to me that hc
-..al t~sd n S,..,~ Cqunt~