HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District P.O. Box 311 Cutchogue, NY 11935-0311 Dec. 14, 2010 Ms. Elizabeth Neville Southold Town Clerk P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Election Results Dear Ms. Neville: The results of the Cutchogue New Suffolk Park District election on Dec. 14, 2010 are as follows: Nancy Midgley-Pestor Eric Izzo Write ~ /v~ Void Total Votes Fred W. Kaelin Jr. - Inspector Mary Ekster -(~/eller Susanne;SYnith - Teller CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT Board of Fire Commissioners 260 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Telephone (631) 734-6907 * Fax (631) 734-7079 E-mall: cutfd~optonllne.net CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTORS £ECE[VED OF ELECTION of Fire Commissioner Cutchogue Fire District in the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York December 14, 2010 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING CHAIRMAN, inspectors of election and Ballot Clerks, respectively, at a election for Fire Commissioner of the qualified voters of the Cutchogue Fire District, in town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, held a the firehouse, 260 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue, New York, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. (prevailing time) on December 14, 2010, HEREBY CERTIFY that we have canvassed the votes at said special referendum in said Fire District for: Total Number of names on the Poll List 242 Total Number of Ballots Cast 255 One Fire Commissioner for 5-year term commencing January 1, 2011. WE HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that the result of the voting is as follows: Total Number of Ballots Cast for: Matthew Martin 109 James R Fogarty Jr. 139 Write ins 7 Total Number of Blank, Destroyed or Otherwise Defective Ballots 4 WE HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that we completed such canvass without adjournment; that the Chairman publicly announced the result; that the said Annual Election was held in an orderly manor and in all respects as provided by law, and that the only persons permitted to vote at said Annual Election, were persons qualified to vote thereon under applicable provisions of law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names this 14th day of December, 2010 Jo~_ I~ ,~L~dem~,C~h~rm tan L, C~/ ~her ~bot Seal M~' ColOmbo Inspectors of election ~d Ballot Clerks