HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormation of Park District TO T~. T0~,~ B0~.BD, of TOWN 0F g0~TTHOLD, Euf£olk County, New York;- - - The undersigned Taxpayer~ ov the Town oT ~o?~thc in the pro~ose~ ~ar~ Bistrict, hereby petition Bo~r~., to form ~ Park District, in ssi~_ Tow~ of ~outhold, in ~ accordance with the Lupron Law, lately e~.~te~. Tot that purpose. IN ~ITNE$~ WHEREOF, We hereto set our h~n~s. ~ounty of ~uffolk, ) State of New York. ) On thi~ 10. day of Ma~, !907, before me personally came H. Howard Huntting, J. N. Hal!oak, George G. Richmond, Jerusha W. Horton, S. Lester Albertson, Albertso~ 0asa, M. Belle Van Dusen, Nancy C. Beokwith, Herbert W. simonS, J. Edwin CoreM, Prank T. Wells, William H. Beebe, William J. Conway, ~penoer W. Petty, Theodore Holnkls, Jonathan B. Te~i;~ George A. Maier, John H. Lehr, Marie Kreutzer, Lewis W. Korn, ~ Agues S. Korn, M. Louise ~ooth, ?red E. Booth, George O. Terr~, Benjamin B. Tuthill, E. Lucky Boisseau, Ernest E. Boisseau, James Thompson, John Korn, D. L. Glover, Benjamin F. Macomberi William T. Voorh~es, Moses T. Horton, Charles E. Terry, James M. ~arroll, Richard $. Sturges, Benjamin ~.. Prince, ~.. May Ne~bold, Oliver A. Mayo, Melrose I. Booth, Edwin O. Harrison, William H. Glover, John Mc Cabe, Theresa Leioht, Nellie Oleve~, land, Gilbert H. Terry, ~alem D. Goldsmith, John Munch, E. WiS- !is Horton , John Wreitstadt, S. Bailey *Grey, George M. How-~ ell, Theodore W. Wood, Thomas H. Wood, E2ra G. Beebe, E. Jewel! and James J. Dona~e and on the ll" dsm of May, 1907, before me personally came Henr~ W. Prince, Abraham E. Lowerre~ Albert A. Wolk, David T. Conklin, Julia L. ~onklin, individu- ally and ss Administrator and Exee~utrix of the Estates of Mrs? Henry Wells, deceased, and of Julia M. Landon, de,eased, ~ran~ Cochran, George A. },!aier, 8sTrustee of the Estate of William H. Maier, deoes.~ed, Joseph C. Booth, Carrie J. Lewis, George R. Jennings, William H. Terry, Daniel Terry, Julia Cassidy, C~roline M. Howell, as Executrix of the Estate of Henry G. Howell, deceased, Seth L. Tuthill, William J. Grattan, Joseph M. Hartranft, Fred W. Carpenter, James Matthews, Frederick O. Williams, Orrin A. Prince, Baldwin T. Psyne, Epher Whitaker, J. G. Hunttiug, Hannah ~. Carpenter, Julia Danz, N. Hubbard Cleveland, Helen )~. Morton, Alvah M. ~alnon, Elsie E. Willi~am~, Ers. Katherine Prince, kits. Nancy H. ih:thill, ?red Fiekeissen~ Martin ~.ehr, Charles E. Overton, George H. Wells, Anton 9tel-~ zer, Alvah S. Terry, Thomas M. Hodgins, W. Corey Albertson, Oliver N. Penny, ~lora B. Bliss, J. Edwin Cochran, William f, Lower~y, ~.ouise ~uebs~men, Regina sturmdorf, Metsey Tuthill, Lucy J. Gordon, Albert E. Salmon, Patrick care.y, Bernard Rabbit%, Thomas Farley, William H. Gagen, Henry C. Prince, Albert W. Albertson, G. Frank Hommel, William O. Salmon, Michael Mc Oab~, James J. Gagen, Jr., William Gagen, Daniel W. Grattan, John R~ TillinEhast, James M. Grattan and Susan T. Salmon, all of the! village and Town of Southold, in the County of ~ffolk and state of New York, personally kno~rn to me and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed and signed the foregoing petition, and they duly and severally acknowled~ ged to me that th~ executed end signed the same. That all of the above named persons are tax payers on the last assessment roll of the town of Southold, and owners of property assessed thereon lying within ihe proposed, park dis- trict, ~nd all except the s~id Alvsh M. Sslmon and James Mat- thews are residents of said prooosed park district. Before the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN Of ~0UTH0~JD. In the Matter Of the Application of ~ertain Ta~avers for the Fo~ation of a Park District in the To~ of 8~thold, ~ffolk P E T I T I 0 N To ~he Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form n Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. ~t~t~ of New Yo~-k · . ............................. y ............ ....~.. ................. , , personally came county Of:......~.~/~ ..... i, ~a~ o!Ne, York: 'to m; per~ona!iY known and knOwn to me ac the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the ® · To'the Town Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The under,gaud taxpayer of the Town of 8outhold, owning property in the proposed Park l)ktriet, hereby petitioms your Honorable Board, to form a Park nktriet, in saki Town of Southold, in aeenrdanee with the Lupten Law, lately enacted for that purpose. hte of* New.~ '~oFk Cozmt,. of......~ fe~-. On this..~--.day of....~. ~..(. ......... ~190% before mo persomdly came ........... County of...~...~...., State of lqew York, to me per~0~lly known and known to me as tho mune person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that ho executed the To ~the ToWn Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersfgned taxpayer of the Town of SouthoM, owning property in the proposal Park District, hereby petitioaa your Honorable Board, to form a Park DJ~t, in saki Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupron Law, late~ ~ted for that purpose. J~tstte of Ne ) · ! · To the Town Board, of Town of ~outhoid, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpaye~ of the Town of Southold. owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Hoaot~ble Baax~l, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. fa~e oi~ l~ew York County of same person described in and who exeeuted the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to mo that he executed the To the Town Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk ~ounty, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of 8outhold, OWnin~ prop~y petitions your H~oreble Board, to form a Park District, In/s~d Town of 8oethokl, in accordance with the tmpton Law, lato~y e~aetod for that p~ btm of New York CotmtF of....,~~ .... I sm. O~ this ....... ..'~.:~. ................ day of ....... ~. ............. , 190~, before me pere,m~!!y e~me ~ of ....... ~ .......... , S~ of New York, ~ me ~ally k~ ~ ~ ~ me ~ ~e · · T~ the Town Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of 8oathold, owning property in the proiMeed Park District, hereby petitioim your Honorable Board, to form s Park D'mtrtet, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the (,upton Law, lately e~aeted for that purpoge. / State of' lq',~w Yo~-k ) CoUnty o~m* NOTARY PUBLIC, SUFFOLK COUNT~, CERTIFICATE FILED IN ~tUEEN$ COUNT'/'. To ~he Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk Cof~nty, New York: The u~ler~igned taxpayer o~ the Town of Bouthold, owning property in tile proposed Park District, hereby petitious your Hm~omble Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordamen with the Lupton LaW, lately eaaeted for that purpos~ of New Yox~k ~ of.. :i ..... ? person described in and. who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that .he executed the To the Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York: The unders~ned taxpayer of the Town of So,thoM, ow~_- property Jn the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your H(~orable Board, to fo~n · Park DJstrict, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupron Law, To'the Town Board, of Town of .~outhold, Suffolk (~ounty, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of $outhold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately eeacted for that purpose. ....~~~'(~7~ ~ State of New Yo~'k County of ~/~.~ ~/ff~ ss. On this~~ ~:~ day of/~/../..y.~. .~ , 1907, before me personally came 4.~. ..... ....... ~ ......................................... ~ to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. To,%he Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, ~uffolk County, New York: ?he undereigned toxl~yec of the Tows of 8outheld, owning proi~rty in the pro~o~d Park l)btr~, hereby petitions your Honor~le l~,d, to form a Park I)btriek in ~d Tows of 8outhold, in aeourda~e w~th the ~upt~ Law, lately enacted for that purpose. 8tato of' New Yoz*k Ooun F m. On this.~....day of 190"/, before me persenally came of New York, tome personally krmw~ 8nd knows to me 'sA' the same person described in and who executed the for~,oJ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, K~NOS Com~?Y, To*the Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of 8outhold, owning property in the propmed Park- District, hereby petitions your Honorable Beard, to form s Park District, fn said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Luptml Law, lately enacted for that purpoee. State of New Yox*k On this ........?......~. ...........i**...day of ...... 190'/, before .me pe~omdly~ Came · ..r...~?,......!.:.:...*,..:' ....... !,~:. ...... ~ ...... ;." '.',':..'": ...... . ~.. ,.~ · · ..~'~'~ ~ · .... ~.' ............... .~- County of...~..~ ................. State of New York, to me personally known and known~ to me as the a.m~ pet~m described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the To,the Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk /~ounty, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. State of NeW~ County of ~ 1 County of ..... ~ .......... ; ....................... , s~..~'k'7 p y wn to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the LOCAL-- SUFFOLX COUNTY. [Thirteen foHos.] LAWS OF NEW YORK.--By Authority. · [E~ery law, uniess a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall not take effect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 43, articIe II, chapter 8, General Laws.] Chap. 23 . AN ACT to authorize the formation of a park district in tho town of Southold, Suffolk county, to acquire lands for park purposes, and to issue bends therefor. Became a law, April 29, 1907, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, ti~ree-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York. represented in Senate and Assembly. do enact as follows: Section 1. The town beard of the town of Sonthold, iu Suffolk county, New York, may on the written, verified petition of the taxable inhabitants of a proposed park district, to be coterminous with Southold union school district, number five, whose names appear on the last preceding assessment roll of said town of Southold, as owning or representing more than one-half of tho taxable real property in such district, or as owning or represent- lng more than one-half of the taxable real property of such dis- trict owned by the residents thereof, establish such district as a park district, for the acquisition, holding, and owning of land in said town of Southold, for park purposes, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line or side of the highway leading southerly from Bay avenue, so called, to Town creek adjoining lands now or formerly of Johnathan~ B. Tcrry, and run- ning thence by said lands of Johnatban~ B. Terry on a course of south sixty-three east, abeut two hundred and forty-one feet to high water mark as it exists to-day; thence westerly by and with said Town creek to the southerly line of said highway; thence on a course of north nineteen eas~ by said line of said highway, two hundred and thirty-nine and five-tenths feet to the point or place of beginning; also all the lands under water and below high water mark of Peconic bay, frontln~ the said upland which were heretofore conveyed to Johnathan~ B. Terry by the state of New York by letters patent, dated November twenty-third, eighteen # So in original. t/undred and seventy-two, together with ail the rights, title~ in- terest, property, possession, and demand, conveyed by said letters patent to said Jonathan 13. Terry, his heirs and assigns and now held and owned by them or either of them;--and for the issue of the bonds of the said park district for acquiring and' improv- ing such land for an amount not exceeding thirty-five hundred dollars. § 2. When such park district has been established in the man- ner above provided, the legal voters thereof may elect three resi- dents thereof to be the park eo~mnissioners, one of whom may be a female over twenty-one years of age, for a teem of one, two, and three years respectively; and may also elect a treasurer in such park district for a term of three years, who shall be entitled to receive and have custody of the funds of the district and pay out the same for the purposes herein provided for, on the order of the park commissioners, which treasurer, before entering upon the duties of his oiflce, shall give such security as the board of park commissioners may require. § 8. The first election of such park coxnmissloners and treas- urer shall be called by the clerk of the town of Southold, within thirty days from the formation of said district by the posting of notices conspicuously of such election in at least four of the most pnblie places in said district and publishing the same in a news- paper published therein for two weeks immediately preceding such election. § 4. All subsequent elections shall he called in the same man- ner by the clerk of the town of Southold, not less than thirty days prior to the expiration of the term of office of any such com- missioners or of the treasurer; special elections to fill any vacan- cles shall be called in the sa~ne manner, within thirty days after any such vacancies shall occur; all elections for commissioners and treasurer shall be by ballet. § 5. Such district shall be known by the name of the Southold park district, and said park commissioners ~nay acquire the land above described by purchase frown the owners thereof. Upon the acquisition of such land said park commissioners shall cause the same to be laid out and improved as a public park, which shall be free to the use of the public, subject only to proper regulations adopted by the park commissioners governing such nsc. § 6. 13ends issued under authority conferred by this art shall be signed by the park commissioners and attested by the town 8 derk~ Such bonds shall become due within six years [ro~n the ~te of issue and shall be so issued as to provide for the payment o£ the indebtedness in equal annum installments. They shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding tlve per ccntnm per annum, and shall be sold for not less than their par value. They shall be sold on sealed proposals or at public auction upon notice pub- 1/shed in a newspaper printed in the town, and posted in at least five public places in said park district, at least ten days before the sale, to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest. Such bends shall be consecutively numbered from one to the highest number issued and the town clerk shall keep a record of the number of each bond, its date, amount, rate of interest, when and where payable, and the purchaser thereof or the person to whom they are issued. § 7. Said park commissioners shall have power to make any and all contracts within the appropriation voted by the resident taxpayers of the said park district for the purpose of carrying out the authorization and powers herein granted. Whenever the park commissioners in said park district shall submit a request in writ- ing for an appropriation of any sum of money for the purposes herein authorized, the clerk of the town of Southold shall call a meeting of the resident taxpayers of said district for thc purpose of voting upon the question of appropriating such money; such meeting to be called by a notice posted conspicuously in at least four o£ the most public places of said park district, and published in a newspaper published therein, for two weeks next before the holding of any such ~neeting, which notice shall state the ~ime, place, and purpose of the meeting. § 8. At any such meeting, such resident taxpayers may appro- priate the amount requested by said park commissioners or any less amount, and when any such appropriatien is made, the a~nount appropriated and also such amount as shall be necessary to pay the installment due on the bonds hereinbefore authorized to be issued, and the annual interest due ou said bonds, shall be assessed, levied and collected on such park district in the same manner, at the same time, ami by the same o~cers as the taxes of the town of Southold are assessed, levied and collected, and when collected, shall be paid over immediately by the superviser of the town to the treasm~r of the said park district; and the town shall be responsible for any and all sums so collected until the same shall be paid over to such treasurer. No person whose property 4 bas been assessed and who has paid the amount levied~ or so ~much thereo£ as is due and payable, shall thereafter be assessed or com- polled to pay any part o£ the cost o£ establishing any other park in the town of Southold. § 9. This act shall take effect immediately. THE LAW IN Rh~FLRENCE TO THE CREATION f~ND OPEHATION OF SO~HOLD PARE DIZTRICT, SOUTHOLD~ NEW YORK. AN ACT to authorize the fo.mation of a park district in the town of Southold, Suffolk county, to acquire lands for park purposes, a~d to issue bonds therefor, Became a law, April 29, 190?,with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-f ii~hhs being presente THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS$- Section 1. The town board of the town of Southold, in Suf- folk County, New York, may on the written, verified petition of the taxable inhabitants of a proposed park district, to be cote~ninous with Southold union !school dim~,~ five, whose names appear on the last preceding assessment roll of said town of Southold, as owning or representing more than one-half of the t~_x,ble real prop- er~y in such district, or as owning or representing more t~-n one- half of the taxable real property of such district o~rned by the resi- dents thereof, establish such district as a park district, for the acquisition, holding, and owning of land in said town of ~outhold, for park purposes, described as follows$ Beg~m~ning at a ~oint in the easterly line or side of the highway leading southerly from Bay Ave- nue, so called, to ~own creek adjoining lands now or formerly of Johnathan B. Terry, and running thence b2 said lands of ~ohnathan B. Terry on a course of south sixty-three east, about two hundred forty-one feet to high water mark as it exists to-day; thence west- erly by and with said Town creek to the southerly line of said high- way; thence on a course of north nineteen east ~ry said line of said h£ghwa~, two hundred and thirty-nine and five-tenths feet to the point or place of beginnings also all the lands under water and below high wat~ r mark of Pecontc Bay, fronting the said upland which were here- tofore conveyed to ~ohnath~ B. Terry by the state of New York b~ letters patent, dated November twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, together with all the rights, title, interest, proper- ty, possession, and demand, conveyed by said letters patent to said Jonathan B. Terry, his heirs and assigns and now held amd ownedl~ them or either of them$ - and for the issue of the bonds of the said park district for acquiring and improving such land for an amount not exceed~;ng thirty-five h~ndred dollarse Section 2~ When such park district has been eotablished in the manner above provided, the. legal voters thereof ~elect three residents thereof to be the park commissioners,~ one of whom may be a female ove~ twenty-one years of age, fo~ ~:~ of one, two, and three .~ears respectively; and may also elect a treasurer in such oo~rk district for a term of three years, who skmll be entitled to ~eceive and have cust~y of the funds of the district and pay out the same for the purposes herein provided for, on the order of the park cozz~;issioners, which treasurer, before ,ntering upon the dutie ofhis office, shall give such security as the board of park ioners may require. Secti n 3. The first election of such park commissioners treasurer shall be called by the clerk of the town of Southold, wi~ in thirty days from the formation of said district by the posting notices comspicuously of such election in at least four of the mos public places in said district and publishing the same in a news- -paper published ~herei~for two weeks iw~diately Preeedlng such elections Sectl~n 4, All subsequent elections shall be called in the s-~ manner by the clerk of the town of Southold, not less ~ thirt~ date prior to the expiration of the telwmof office of a~ stu~h mXestonex~ or of the treasurer; special elections to fill an~ ~aoan- eisa shall be called in the same m~ner, within thirty days after an7 such vacancies shall ~; all elections for commissioners and t~eas- u~e~ shall be by ballot, Se~tic~ 5e Such district shall be known b2 the r~ of the $outhold park district, and said park comm!ssioners ~a2 acquire the to be laid ou ~ ~ .... ~ ~ c..o.mm~ss~oners snell cause th~ t ~.~ ~vvec as a pub~xc pa~k, which shall be ~he use ef the Irablic, subject cml2 to p~o?er regulat~.c~s adopted by the park c~m~Assioners ~ovel-ning such use, 8ecti~ 6. B~nds issue~ ~der authorit2 conferred by this act shall be air, ned by the pa~k cc~mXssione~s and attested by Clerks Such~onds the to~n shell become due ~lthin six 2ea~s f~ the date of issue and shall b~ so issued as to provide for the paint of the debtedness in equal ann~al installments.. The2 shall bea~ interest at a ~ate not exceed-~n~ five per canton per annum, ,~ shall be sold for not lass than their par value, The2 shall be S~d o~ sealed pro- posals o~ at public auction u~on notice published ~n a newspaper print- ed in th~ town, and posted in'at least five public places in said park d!st~ict, at least te~ days before ~ sale, to the pel~on ~ho will ~_~e them at the lo-est late of interests Such bo~ls shall be · eeutivel2 numbered fr~m one to the hi~hest numbe~ ~ssued and 2be town clerk shall keep a record of the number of each bond, its date, amount, late Of interest, when and where payable, and the PUrchaser thereof ~ pe~son to whcun they a~e issuede Section 7. Said ps.rk cc~missioner;~ shall ha_ye po~er to make a~d all contracts within the apPropriation voted by ~he resident tax- payers of the said park district for the purpose of carrying out the autho~izaYion and powe~s he~ein ~anted. Whenever the park c~miss- loners in said park district shall sul~nit a request in w~iting for an appropriation of any sum of money for thc purposes herein authorized, the clerk of the to~n of $outB~ld shall call a meeting of the resld~nt taxpauers of said district for the purpose of votin~ upon the question of appropriating such money; such meeting to be Called ~ a notice · ~--~ ~A.~e~ ~n a newspoper punlished therein , two weeks next before the holdir~ of an2 such~ee~, which notice shall sYate the time, place, and Ptu~ose of the meetings Sectio~ 8e At an~ such meett~, such resident taxpayer ma2 appropriate the a~ount re..uested by said park commissione~s cr ~n2 less amount, and when any such appropriati n is made,th~ PFOp~at?d_and also spchamount as shall be neceasa ap- s~aAAmen~ ~ue on ~e mends her~inbefore authori~e~ 2 to pay the in- be issued, a~ the annual interest duo on said bonds shall be assessed, levied collected on such park district in th~ s~ ~ner, at the same time, and b~~ the same of£ice~s as the taxes of the town of Southold a~e essed, levied and collected and ~hen collected, shell be paid over trr~diatel2 ~ry the supervisor of the town to the treasure~ of the said park district~ and the town shall be respon~lble for ~ and all sums so collected until the same shall be paid over to such treasure~, No person whose property l~s been assessed a~ who has paid ~he a~otu~t levied, or so much thereof as is due and P~yable~ shall thereafter be assessed or comPelled to pay any pa~t of the cost of establishing an2 Other park in 2he town of Southolde T~o aot ohaX1 take ef~eet iw~ed~aY~XTe lands ~ auoh pa~k dis~ete law Apl~ ~p 1~4~ wXth tho app~yeal of tho 0overman, Paomed, th~ee-f$~ being pPooente BLY~ DO I~AC~ A~.FOL;~WSt nau~s appea~ on tho Xaet pPeoodln~ anaes~mon~ ~ll of thc tO~A eg X~ of ~$ aot ~X1 a~PX2 ~ ~ ~s aO~l~ fOr ~k ~po~s ~ This aOt ahaX1 take e~fo~t L'~tatel2e Page ,~HAP. ~4. AN A~T to aut~-orize the formation of a park .distri~~ in the town of 8outhold, ,~uffo~k ~,ounty, to acquire l~s for park purDo~es, an~ to i~m~e bonds therefor. .., ~ecame a law, April 29,' 1907, with the aDproval~6f the Governor P~,~ed, three-fifth,q being present. The People of the ~tate of New Yor~;~ represented i~ ~enate and As'~embly, ho enact as follows~ Mection I. The town board of the town of Southold, in Suffolk ~ounty, New York, may on the written, verified )etition of the taxable inhabitants of a propped park districl :,o be coterminous with ~outhold union school di~trict, n~nber five, who~e name~ aooear on the last preceding assessment rol~ of ~id $~wn ef ,~outhold, a~ owning or representing more than one-half of the taxable real OrooertT in ~uoh district, or as owning or representing more than one-half of the taxable real property of such district owned b~t the residents thereof, establish su6h district a~ a park district, for the ac01t~iai- tion,~ holding, and owning of land in said town of Southold, for park purposes, described a~'i follows: Beginning at a poin' in the e~sterly line or side of the hiEhwa~ leading southerly from Bay Avenue, so called, to Town creed adjoining l~nds now or for~erl~.t of Jonathan _~. Terry, and running thence by said land~ of Jonathan B~ Terry on a course of south sixty-t~ee east, about two hundred and forty-one feet to high water mark as it exists to-day; thence westerly b? and with said Town creek to the southerly line of said highway; thence on a tour: m~ of north nineteen east by said line of said highway, two ~ndred and thirty-nine and five tenths feet to the point or place of beginning; also all the lands un~er water and below highwater mark of Peconic Bay, fronting the said upland were heretofore conveyed to Jonathan B. Ter~ by the State ef .? Page New York by letters patent:,<-~dated November 23rd, 1872, togeth with all the rights, title, interest, property, posses?ion, and. demand, conveyed by said letters patent to ssid Jonathan B. Terr~, ~hi~ heirs and a~i~s and now held and o~ed b~ the or either of th~;~ ~nd. for the isle of the bonds of the sa park ~striet for aoquiriuE and i~oroving ~h l~nd for an amount not exeee~ng thirty-~ve h~m~ed Dollars. Section 2. ~en ~ueh p~rk ~striet has been established i the m~ner above provided, the legal voters thereof maF elect three residents thereof to be p~k oo~is~ions, one of whom may be a female over t~'~ty one years of age, for a te~ of one, two, and three Fears respectively; ~d may also eleet a trea~rer in ~ch park ~strict for a te~ of three Fears, who shall be entitled to receive and hsve custody of the ~d of the ~striet and pa~ out the same for the purpo~es herein provided for, on the order of the park eo~s~ioners, w~eh trea~xrer, before entering upon the duties of his of~oe, sba give ~eh security as the board of park commissioners may r~ ~e~tion ~. The ~r~t election of ~uoh P~rk eo~is~ioner~ and treasurer shall be called bF the ~lerk of the to~ of 2outhold, witch thirty days of the fo~ation of s~d ~stric by the postinE of notices eon~i~ously of ~ch elections in at least four of the most public places in ~aid ~striet and publis~ng the s~e in a n~aper published therein for two weeks i~e~ately preee~ng ~eh election. 9eetion 4. All subsequent eleetions shall be called in the s~e m~uer by the ~lerk of the to~ of 9outhold, not le~ than t~rty days prior to the e~iration of the te~ of offi~ of any such eo~ssioners or of the trea~er; special eleetJ to ~ll any vae~oy shall be called, in the s~e m~er, ~t~ thirty days after ~eh vae~eies shall ooo~; all elections for eo~ssions and trea~rer shall be by ballot. ~r d on~ n Ps~e 3. Section 5. ~mleh district shall be known by the name of th Southold park district, and said park ~omm~issioners may acqui the land above desmribed b~. Purchase from the owners thereof. Upon the aequisiZi, on of m~ch land said Park cormnissioners shall cause the same to be laid out and improved as a public Park, whieh shall be free to the use of the public, subject only to the re~latio~s adopted by the park commissioners governing such use. Section S. Bonds i.~.~ued under authorit? ~onferred by thi aot shall be signed by the Park com~_issioners and attested by the Town Clerk. Such Bonds shall become due within six years from the date of issue and shall be so issued as to provide for the payment of the indebtedness in equal annual installme~ The~ shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and shall be ~old for not les~ than their par value. They shall be sold on sealed proposals or at publ~ auction upon notice public, bed in a newspaper printed in the town, and posted in at least five public plaoes in said park district, at least ten days before the sale, to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest. Such bonds shall be consecutively numbered from one to the highest number issued and the Town Clerk ~hall keep a record of the number of each bond, its d~te, amount, r~te of interest, when and ~here payable, and the purchase~ thereof or the person to whom they are i~m~ed. Section 7. Said park com~,is~ioners shall have power to make ant and all contracts within the appropriation voted by the resident taxpayers of the said park d/strict for the pu/~ po~e of ~arrying out the authorization and powers herein granted. Whenever the park cow~nis~ioners in said park distri shall submit o~ request in writing for au appropriation of an sum of money fom the ourposes herein authorized, the clerk of the town of Southold, shall call a meeting of the resident taxpayers of said district for the purPose of voting upon th~ ts. ~t 12, 16. H 17, '~ 18, ~ 19o ~ Page TO THE TOWN BOARD, of TOWN OF S0UTHOLD, Suffolk Count New York;--- The undersigned Taxpayers of the Town of Smlthold, residi in the proposed Park District, hereby petition your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for thst purPo: IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, Ue hereto ~et our hands. H. Howard Huntting J. N. Halloek G. G. Richmond Jerusha W. Horton ~. Lester Albertson Albert son Mase M. Belle Vandu~en N. ~. ~eokwith H. W. Mimons J. E. ~or~ r. T. Wells W. J. 0onway S. W. P~ Thepdore Hoi~ki s J. B. Terr~ George A. Major John ~H. Le.hr 20. Marie Kreutzer /Lewis W. Eom ~Agnes $. Korn /M. Louise Booth ~.~re~ E. Booth 2S,~¥~George O. Terr~ 26.//, E. B. Tuthill L. Boisseau E. Boisseau 27.?~James Thompson 28.~'~,'John Korn 29~1, L. L. Glover 30.67, B. ~. Naeomber si. T. Voorhees 32. ~,M. T. Horton ~ SS. ~3,~harles E. Terr~ 34~'~, J~mes Y. ~arroll $B.~,R. ~. stu~gess $6.~, Benj L. Prince ~g Page 4. question of appropriating such money; such meeting to be calle by a Notice ~0osted conspicuously in at lea~t four of the most public places of the said park district, and published in a newspaoer published therein, for two weeks next before the holding of any such meeting, which notice shall state the time plsce, and purpose of the meetinE, section 8. At any ~uch meeting, such resident taxpayers may appropriate the amou~.t requested bM s~id Park commis~ione or any le~s amount, and when any such appropriation is made, the a~ount appropriated and also such amount as ~hall be ne~ essar7 to pry the installment due on the bonds hereinbefore authorized to be i~ed, and the annual interest due on said bonds, shall be a~sessed, levied snd colleoted on ~ch park di~.tri~t in the same msnner, at the same time, and by the same officers as the taxes of the town of ~outhold are a~seseed, levied and collected, and when collected, shall be paid over immediately by the .~upervisor of the town ~to the treasurer of the ~aid park district; and the town shall be responsible for any and all sums, so collected until the same shall be paid over to such treasurer. No peri, on whose property ha~ been as~e~sed and who has paid the amount levied, or so rm~oh thereo as i~ due ~,nd paMable, shall thereafter be assessed or compell ed to pay any part of the cost of ~stablishing any other park in the town of Mouthold. section 9. This act shall take effect immediately. state of New York, ) SS: Office of the Secretary of ,State, ) I have compared the preceding with the oriEinal law on file in thi~ office, and do herebv certify that the s~ne is a ~orrect transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. John ~. Whalen, ~ecretary of ~tate. d ~0. 43° 45., 46. ~, 4?° ~, 48. q~', 49. 50.~I, 51.3~, Page 6o TO THE TOWN BOARD, of TOWN 0P SOUTHOLD, Suffolk ~ew York; - - - The undersigned Taxpayers of the Town of Sout~old, resi~ ~n the proposed Park District, hereby petition your Honorable Board, to form a P~rk District, in s~id Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, latelF enacted for that purpos IN WITNESE wHEREOP, We hereto set our h~llde. L. May Newbold 52. I~,T. W. Wood Oliv~ A. Ma~o 53. IOq, T. H. Wood Melrose ~. Booth 54. ~, E. O. Beebe E~n O. Ha~'ison 55. ~,{. F. ~el ~lli~ H. Glover 56. ~, j. j. Don~ue J. Ma~abe 57. $~. H. W. Prince Theresa Leieht 58. $~, A. P. Lowerre Nellie 01evel~d 59. ~]~ Albert A. Polk Gilbert H. Ter~ 60. ~,D. T. Oo~lin ~ilbcrt-~- 70. Mrs. He~ Wells Est) 71. Julia M. L~don Est ) B. D. Goldsmith John tAtneh E. Willis Horton ~ohn Breist adt B. B. Core~ ~eorge M. Howell by Julia L. 0onklin administrator and executor. 72. 17~ Prank Ooohran ?$. W.H. Maier Est, George A. Maier Trustee. 74. 7' J' O. Booth 75. d~, ~arrie J. L~is 78. ~2, ~orge R. Je~ings / 77. ~.~lli~ H. Te~ 78. ~ 80. 81. ~, aS. 3~,, 8.5. ~a 84. 85. 86. lo'a, 87. ~1. 88. Page v~0S . 1~. TO THE TOWN BOARD, of TOWN OP SOUTHOLD, ~uffolk County, New Yor~; - - - The undersigned Taxpayers of the Town o~ ~outhold, reaidd in the proposed Park District, hereby petition your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Towll of 8outhold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpoe IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Daniel Terr~ Julia Cassid~ (H. G. Howell Est ) O. M. Howell ) Seth L. Tuthill W. J. erattan j. M. Hartranft M. D. Fred W. ~,aroenter ~ James Matthews Frederick O. williams O. A. Prince B~. T. Payne Epher Whit aker J. G. Humtting H. L. Carpenter Julia Danz N. Hubbard glevel~nd A. M. salmon Elsie E. Williams Mrs. Katherine Prince Mrs. Nancy H. Tuthill William H. Gagen A. W. Albertson O. H. Hommel Michael Me,abe William Gagen John R. Til.linghast ~usan T. Sa-mort We hereto set our hands. 105.~$. p. pickeissen 108. ~ M. Lehr t07. O.E. Overton 108. IOo. G. H. Wells 109. ~L Anton ~tel~ 110. ~4 Alvah ~. Te~y 1!1. ~$,T. M. Hodgins 11~ W. Cor~ ~lbertson 115. ~$-0. V. Penn~ 114. ~lora B. Bliss 115. 116. ~o~. Lowe~ ll7. L~ise ~bs~en 118. ~a 8tu~dor f 119. ~, Bet~ ~thill 120. ~, Lucy J. ~rdon 1~1. y~, Albert E. salmon 12~. 1BB. V&.B. Rabbett 1~. ~ Thomas ~1~ 125. 7z.H.C. Prince 1~6. ~ G. ~. Ho~el 1~7. 128. 129. ~2, D~iel W. Gratt~ 1~0. J~es M. Gratt~ Page 0 oounty of Suffolk , ) SS: State of New York , ) On this 10, day of ~[ay, 1907, befor, me personally c~6me H. Howsrd Huntting, J. N. Halleck, George G. Richmond, Jer~sha W. HoTter, 9. Lester Albertso~, Albertso~ Oase, M. Belle V~ ~s~, N~oM O. Beok~th, Herbert W. Simon~ J. Edwin Oor~, Fr~ T. ~ells, Willi~ H. Beebe, ~lli~ J. Co~w~, Spencer W. Petty, ~Theodore Hoi~kis, Jo~ath~ B. Te~, George A. ~aier, Jo~ H. 5e~, ~srie ~eutz~, Lewis W. Ko~, A~es S. Kern, N. Louise Booth, Fred E. Booth, George ~. Te~ Be~n B. Tut~lI, E. L~eky Boisse~, ~nest E. Boisse~, ~es Tho~son, Jo~ Kern, L. L. Glover, Benj~in F. ~lli~ T. Voorhees, ~ses T. Herren, Gh~rles E. T~, J~es M. ~11, ~h~d S. ~turEes, Be~in 5. Prince, L. M~ N~ol~, Oliver A. M~o~ Melrose I. Booth, E~in O. H~ison, ~lll~ H. Glove, John Me~.ble, Theresa Leieht, Nellie Olev~ l~d, ~llb~t ~ Te~, Sal~ D. ~ld~th, Jo~ ~oh, E. lis Morton, Jo~ Breistadt, S. B~i~ ~or~, ~orge M. Ho~ ell, Th~re W. Wood, Thomas H. Wood, Ezra G. Beebe, E, J~e~l, ~d J~es J. Don~e ~d on the ll, d~ of M~, 190~, before me personal!~ c~e He~ W. Prince, Abr~ ~. Lowe~e, Albert A. Folk, David T. 'ffonklin, ~lia L. Oonklin, in~vi~ allT ~d as A~nistrator and Exeeutmix of the Estates of Nen~ Wells, deoeased, and of Julia M. ~andon, deceased, Ooe~, George A. M~er, as T~stee of the Estate of H. M~, deceased, Joseph ~. Booth, o~e J. L~is, George R. Jennings, Willi~ H. Ter~, D~iel Tef2~, Julia Osssi~, ~oline M. Howell, as Executrix of the Estate of He~ G. owell, deoeRsed, ~eth L. ~t~ll, ~lli~ J. Gratt~, joS~h M. H~tran~, ~ed W. o~pent~, J~es Matth~s, ~rederiek ~lli~s, O~in A. Prince, Baldwin T. Pa~e, ~her ~t~, J. G. ~tting, Hann~ L. c~penter, Julia Danz, N. ~bb~d Oleveland, Helen M. Horton, Alv~ M. Sa~on, Elsie E. ~lli~ ~s. Katherine Prince, ~s. Nan~ H. Tuthill, ~ed Fiekeissen M~tin Le~, Oharles E. Overton, ~orge H. Wells, ~ton stel- zer, Alvah S. Ter~, Thomas M. ~ns, W. Oor~ Albertson, Oliver V. Pe~, Flora B. Bliss, J. Eden ~o~hr~, ~tli~ Lowe~, L~se ~ebs~en, Regina at--doff, Bet~ ~thill, Lucy J. Gordon, Albert E. salmon, Patriot ~ar~, B~n~d Rabb~ Thomas Farl~, ~lli~ H. Gagen, Hen~ O. Prince, Albe~ W. Albertson, G. ~r~k Hommel, ~lli~ O. salmon, ~chael MeOabe J~es J. G~en, Jr., willi~ Gagen, D~iel W. Gratt~, Jo~ R Tillinghast, J~es M. Grattan ~d ~san T. Salmon, all of the village ~d To~ of s~thold, in the oount~ of suffolk ~tate of N~ York, p~sonall~ kno~ to me ~d ~o~ to me to be the s~e persons described in and who exerted and si~ed the foregoing petition, and th~ ~1~ ~d severallT ae~owled ged to me that th~ exerted and si~ed the s~e. That all of the above n~ed persons ~e ta~awers on the last asses~ent roll of the to~ of southold, ~d o~s of Prop~t~ assessed ther~n, lying witch the proposed P~X trier, and all except the s~d Alv~ M. ~almon ~d J~es th~s are residents of s~d proposed p~k ~striet. ~. A. ~oo~an, Not ~i-y ~bli~, ~ff. ~o., N. Y. ( Marked ) Filed May, 24,, 1907, J. N. Halleck, Town Clerk. tt Page TO THE TOWN BOARD, OF TOWN O~ SOUTHOI, D, SUFFOLK ~OUNTY~ NEW YORK: The undersigned taxpayer of the To~n of 2outhold, owning propertF iN the propo2ed Park District, hereby petitions Tour Honorable B~rd, to form a P~rk District, in said Town of south~ld, in a~oor4ance with the Lupron ~.aw, lately enacted for th~,t ~rP.o~e. isl. ~, H. ~. Van State of New York, ) ~ounty of ~uffolk, ) SS: On this 2Otb day of May, 1907, before me personally came Henry ~. Van V~rck, of 9outhold, C~nty of ,~uffolk, 9tare of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the ssme person de~cribed in and who executed the and he duly acknowledged to me that he foregoing instrtt~ent, executed the same. w~n. A. ~ochran, Notary Public, ~uffolk co., N. Ye ( Narked ) Filed May 30 1907, J. N. Hallock, Town Olerk. Page 10. TO THE TO'tN ~OAMD, OF TOY2{ OM SOTTTHOLD, SUM?OLK COUNTY, NEW YOBK: The ~,~lnder.~igned taxpayer of the Town of .gouthold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby, petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance -ith the t.upton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. ~tate of ~ew York, ) county of ~uffolk, ) Williar~ A. Coehr~n On this Eighteenth day of May, 1907, before Me per~onally came William A. Cochr8~, of Southold, County of Muffolk and state of Ne~ York, to me personally kuown and kno~wn to me ~s the same per,on described in and executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the ~ame. Albertson Case, Notary Public, in & for ~uff. Co., N. Y. Marked ) Filed May, 24,, 1907, J. N. Halleck, Town Clerk. ~age 11. O ~o the Town Board, of Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the Proposed Park District, hereby )etitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, ~aid Tov~ of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law lately enacted for that purpose. 1S3. Ale.$..ander S. De.r~Ran.. .... , in Btate of New Jersey, County of Union, On this twenty third day of May, 1901, before me personally came Alexander S. Denman, of the City of Elizabeth, County of Union, State of New Jersey, to me personally knovm and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the s~e. Martin B. CoDnor, .... , Comr. of Deeds of N. J. Harked ) Filed l~ay, 24,, 190~, J. N. Halloek, Town Clerk. Page 12. To the Tov~ Board, of Tov~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the Propssod Park District, h~reb~ ~!L-/n petitions_ygur Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupron Law, lately enacted for that purpose. 1S4. Vim. H. Jo~st State of New York, County of suffolk, ~ SS: On this 20th day of May, 1907, before me personally came V~. H. Jooet of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who exeouted the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. JOSeph N. Halleck, Town Clerk. ( Marked ) Filed May, 24., 1907, J. N. Hallook~ Town Clerk. Page To the Town Board, of Tovrn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions'your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. state of New York, } SS: County of Queens , On this 20th day of May, 1901, before me personally came W. R. Lewis of Jamaica, L. I., County of Queens, State of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and ~ho executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~ard H. Goodenou~h .., Cozmnissioner of Deeds, City of New York. Marked ) Filed May 24, 1907 J. N. Haltook Town Clerk To the Tov~ Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, ov~ing property in the propesed Park District, hereby petitions yoUr Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupron Law, lately enacted for that purpose. The Long I.sian~ Railroad Company Ralph Peters, President State of New York, ) SS: County of Queens , On this 21st day of May, 1907, before me personally came Ralph Peters, owner of property, Pres. Long Island R. R. Co., at Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the fore- going instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the Prep C..Scudder Notary Public, Suffolk County. Certificate filed in Queens County. Marked) Filed May ~4/07 Jo No Halleck Town Clerk Page 15. C 0 To the Town Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of tile Town of Southold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, sai~ Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupron Law, lately enacted for that purpose. in . Jose. ph H. Marshall State of New York, I County of Suffolk, SS: On this 10th day of June, 1907, before mo personally camo Joseph H. Marshall, of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Jesse L....Case ,, , .., Justice of the Peace. ( Marked ) Pi!ed June 10/O? J. N. Hal!oek Town Clerk Pa~ge C 0 To the To%~n Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of Southold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that Dlrpose. Mary Adelaide Millard ...... , State of New York, ! SS: County of Kings, ; On this 21st day of May, 1907, before me personally came Mary Adelaide Millard, of Brooklyn. County of Kings, State of New York, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that he executed the smne. William Jay Wilson Notary Public, Kings Co. Marked ) Filed May 30/07 J. N. Halio~k Town 01erk Page 17. To the To%rn Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the TOWn of Southold, owning property ~n tl~e proposed Park District, hereby? petitions your HonOrable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordance with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. E. J. 0 German ., State of Now York, ) SS: County of New York, On this twenty first day of May, 1907 before me personally came Edward J. OGorman, of S~mnit, New Jersey, to me personally knovm and knovm to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ho duly acknowledged to me that t~e executed the same. M. O. Campbell, Notary Public, New York County. Marked ) Filed May 30/07 J. N. Halloek Town Clerk Page 0 To the Town Board, of Town of Southold, suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of SoUthold, owning Property in the ~roposed Park District, hereby petitions your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, said Town of Southold, in accordauce with the Lupton Law, lately enacted for that purpose. Sinclair Smith, State of New York,) SS. County of New York, ) On this twentieth day of May, before personally came Sinclair ~mith of New York City, County of New York~ ~tate ef New York, to me Dersonally known and known to me as the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public, Kings Coun~7~ Certificate Piled in New York CountT. ( ~{arked ) F~led May 24, 1907 J. N. Hal!ook TuwH Clerk Pagel9. C 0 To the Town Board, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk New York: The undersigne~ taxpayer of the Town of Southold, o~ning property in the proposed Pa_rk District, here~ petitions Four Honora~e Bo~d, to fo~ a P~k Dlst21ot~ In s~ T~n of s~thol~, in aooor~ee with the 5upton lately enacte~ for that Purpose. Cornelia State of New York,) County of Suffolk, ) Stone~ On th~s 2S, day of May 1907, before me personally came Oornelia C. Stone, of 1370 Dean Street, Brooklyn. county of Kings, state of N~ York, to me personally known and known to me'as the same person deserib~i in and who executed the foregoing instrument,and he duly acknowledge that he executed the same. A~.nold T. Ghe,~an, Not .a..tM. Public, Kings County, N. Y. ( Marked ) File~ May 24, 1907 J. N. Hatloek Town Clerk 142. Pa~e 20. 0 To the Town Board, of Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned taxpayer of the Town of SoUthold, owning property in the proposed Park District, hereby petition your Honorable Board, to form a Park District, in said Town of Southold, in accordence with the Lupron Law, lately enacted for that purpose. J. A. ,Whittaker~ State of New Jersey,) SS. County of Essex,) On this 20" day of May , 1907, before me Personally came Joseph A. Whittaker, of Irvington in the County of Essex, State of New Jersey, to me personally known and known to me as the same person described in and who exe.at~i the foregoing instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. H8..--"l~ Can~Pton~ ,,, Master in Chancer~' of New Jersey. ( Ms_rked ) Pi!ed June 10/07 J. N. Hallock Town Clerk 112. 99- 39. 25. 26. Page 21. 6. 6. C O Tax List Park District, 1906, Real Estate Snly. For. Doubtful. Against. Albertson ~. C. Eet. $ $4500.00 ' S. Leet er $3500. ' W. Corey 45o0. " Albert 6000. Adams qonrad $1600. · Benjamin ;$00. Beekwith ~herburn Est. 3200. Beebe William H. 5200. " Ezra G. 5500. Bem~man Wm. & Wife, 2800. Ba~er Silas J. & Wife, 1800. Breist adt John, 1000. Bu,!er John 2500. Booth, B~rnabas H. Est. 7000. , Joseph ~. 1500. . George E. Est. 150. . Melrose I. 1600. , ~red & Wife, 1000. , Nathe. niel E. 2500. Burke Alioe, 150. Bu/uls John & Wife, 800. Boisseau E. Luck~' 5400. , Jonathan H. 3100. , E. Ernest 1300. B aumann Traugott 2000. qase, Josiah C. & Wife 200. " L. R. 1300. " L. R. 400. " L. R. 300. " Jesse L. 400. " Albert son 500,. " " 700 122. 91. 115. 72. 60. 50. 79. 79. Page 22. C 0 Brought over 38200. 18250. 0ase Albert son, $3800. · ~harles E. ~ogen James · John ~arey Patrick 230~. ~al~ James E',=~t $1200. · Bridget T. 1000. ~enter H~nn~ 1~00. 0handler Bertha 0. ~ochr~ ~. A. 800, · ~. A. & J. E. 800. . J. E. 550. . ~r~k K. 55Q. 01ark Sarah A. 1500. Conklin D.T. 100. " D. T. ~800. . Gilder & Wife, ~onway Patriot & wife, . Willi~ ~O0O. . . ~00. Oor~ J. Mdw~rd ~000. . ~h8rles G. & . M. Bail~ 4500. Clevel~d Moses ~. Est ~800. , Hen~ ~. Est. 900. . Moses Est B000. . Mrs. Virginia Oostello John ~50. Oo~oner s Sh~res 800. Oassi~ Julia ~ ~ ~ la00. 29800. . . ~50. 0arroll J~es M. B00. Davis Nathan lS75o. 1400. 600. 1200. 3200. 8000. 4500. 1200. 1500. 750. 5oo. 92. 56. 105. Page 59. Brought over Davis J. Edward Est . N at hah Downs M. R. Mrs. R. L. Peters Dunlke John Dicker ~on Samuel . George H. · ~amuel Diller Frank ~ Joh~ Danz Julia DuceF J~mes ~st. Donahue ,T~es J. Dimon John Eldreige Samuel Est. Edwards Mrs. Minnie Edgar Henry J. E~ans Alice Mrs. Ebbitt s Robert Fanning Phineas Est · J~mes B. & wife, ~ithian wm. Y. Est. Fox Thomas Est. . Michael & wife, . Johl~ Fickeissen Fred Feltman Philip & wife, Folk Albert A. L 6~!50. 29~00. $ 800. 1~00. 1400. 1400. 300. 2200. 2800. 2200. 1500. SO0. 1800. S400. 2500. 700. $ 6oo. 700. 700. 8500. 2800. 1000. 1800. 500. 700. 2200. 1700. 600. 400. SO0. 120. ~1. 29. 102. 98. 128. Page 24. ~2. 129. 130. Brought over Farl e~., Thomas Goldsmith & Tuthill Gallagher Jemes & wife Gaff~ga Menrv & Wife # # # . Peter A. Gordon Arthur # Martin V. . R. V. W. . ~lsrenoe G~rdiner W~. H. Gome~. ~r~nk Glover Wm. H. # , Henr~ D. Est. # Wm. , Lorreine L. .. Mrs. Eltra Gagen ~chael Est . ~lli~ ~lli~ H. J~es Jr. & w~fe, Green charles N. Est. Grattsn Willie~m J. # Darkiel James 7%250. $6000 . , 200. 1000. 9000. k~4200- 1ooo. 1800. ll00. 2000. 2000. ~'22~0. ,'%~",1500. ,,~. ~ $000;, 53900. $2000. 500. 1~00. 2400. 55,0. 60650. $1000. ?00. 1000. ~50. 2~00. 400. 1800. 1800. 400. ~800. 1600. 800. 500. 80. 51. 8S. 2. 40. 111. 48. 0 48. 16. Page 25. 126. 100. Brought over Griswold Anna B. 115950. Hagerman William J. Howell Henry G. Est. Howell George M. " J. Ernest 4700. Hartranft Joseph M. Dr. \u~. 4S00. Hall.ok Maria J. · Joseph N. d~%% 1600. " " 2800. Harriso~ Edwsrd O. , %' kg 3000. Hodgins Thomas kQ~\ 2600. Hiop ~,onr~d & Wife, " Jaoob Horton 9arab O. E. Willis I~~t 2800. # " Daniel H. ' Jerusha W. ~i(~ 2600. " George E. & Wife . Ann~ Eliza Moses T. %,G%~ 1400. " 750. , E. Willi% " Jeremiah Est. 400. Hoinki s Theodore Howard John Est. 6000. Huntting H. Howard ,?¢,'~ 2000. J. G. ,~?~, 1900. Mrs. Helen Ht~m~el Prank ~ ~1 4000. " " 25~. " Charles a wife k~ 1000. Hutohinson J. Wells ~st.:'- ..--'~,~0~. 60650. ~000. ~600. 2700. 400. 800. 1200. 400. 2200. 250. 700. 3000. 1600. 1200. 700. S200. 500. 979'00. 55. 28. 21. 21. 21. ST. 43. 106. 19. 75. 71. 116. 58. 136. Page 26. S8. Brought over 160500. Hutchinson Elijah Est $ 500. . Fred Hay-ne~ qhar!e~' E. 300. .,~N~$h er W. Jennings George ~. ~' 5~00. ', 2800. Jewel E.F. ~ No Kaelin George F. ?00. Kreutzer F. Est. 9500. Kenn eM John . Kate Korn John ~ ~' 1700. . Lewis W. & Wife "Mrs. 250. Newbold W. S. Mrs. , 3~ 250. Kelly Patrie~ & Wife, Leioht ~re4 · Ohri st i an , E~nest 600. Lehr Martin ~ 6000. . John H. & wife, ~,~Q,'~ 2500. Lewis Mrs. C~rrie ~t~\ 2400. ~,.ndon Julia M. Ewt 500. Luce~ Michael LowerM Willimn [ ~\ 4000. Lowerre Abram F. !~ Long I. M. R. Depot 2000. Moore Benjamin F. ~{auny Daniel Est. 500. ~.~llen JRme~ ~;rs. 600. Mayo Oliver & Wife ~ ~,! 4600.. ~9150. Mahoney Peter 196500' May' P atric~ 97900. $ 900. 400. 1600. 1500. 400. ~000. ~500. 450. 1100. 1800. 1700. 15~~, 47. 75, 18. 101. $0. 107. 57. 57. 36. 96, 87. 125. 88. 15. Page Brought over 196500 Munch Nieho!as M~s John A. ~ 2500. Maier v~m. H. E~t George A. ~ 2500. Me, abe John Miohael ,~ 4209. Maoomber Benj a~.in ~., ~\ # ON~l Jas. Phillips G. Prinoe Geo. ~. . HeurT W. ~9150. 2200. Malone M~rv Est. ~ 1000. NewboldV~m. Mrs. 3000. 0verton ~. watts E~t 500. Oharles E. 4?00. Joshua & Robert Daniel H. Mrs. 600. & wife, wells , Benjamin L. , K~therine Mrs. " O~in A. . Hen~ ~. Penne~ O. V. a Wife Payne Baldwin T. Or~inOrrin M. , Etta H. Miss Pett~ ~penoer W. Quert~ John Rabbitt Barnabas Riehmond George G. sandford Henry ~ ~harle~ L. Skidmore Thoma~ ~. ~ehole~ Andrew Est. ~,~ \', 7500. 300. ! ~'{ 1800. 6o o. ~: Vfife, 7~\~' 1600. % .~$ 4200. ~ ~ 1400. 15o. 1000. 2~0~50. 2800. 2000. ~200. 250. 101700. 1700. 900. 2800. 500. !soo. 400. 600. 94. 121. 127. 9. 9. 109. S5. Page 28. 97. 119. 81. Brought over ~ogs0. ,~mi th Theodore . 01~ndo M. Est. . Mrsnk D. ~lr~on Alv~h M. . St~hen~O. . Albert E. ~ q~ 2700. . Willi~ O. 1400. .mens Herbert & Alfred ~ 2~00. · Herbert · ~1~ Sweez~ John B. . Mrs. Albert Schafer ~lst ave . John singl~ Jo~ ~t elzer Michael . Antone .--~ SO0~ stages Rich,.rd ~. T~'.' 1400. . . 250. Seit~ Joseph Scott Lu~M M. ~outhold Lighting ~o. . ~avings Bank ~dl~d ~ch~d Taylor Wllll ~ Thomas J~e~ A. Ta~age ~thill J. Hals~ Est. P. W. · ~l~ H. Mrs. ~] 1~00. . L~is H. Mrs. · Seth L. ~,,~ SSO0. 101700. SZO00. 500. 6800. 2000. 5400. 200. 9000. 2500. 1800. "~'299'00. 12~o5o. 500. 5200. 600. 600. 500. 2800. 700. 650. 1000. ~00. 500. 1500. 4200. 1500. 6600. 1500. 1~9~oo. 17. 17. 78. 45. 110o 110o SS. lOS. ?. Page 29~ Brought over Tuthill B. B. # " "To 'Byer Eat. Tuthill Samuel L. ~thol~ L~is Ter~ ~tu~t T.~ N. W. Conklin Mrs. Te~ J. B. T~stee~ for R. L. ~eters Ter~ J. B. " Meses ~ Daniel Isreal Oaee Gilbert H Alvah 8. " 0harle~ E. " Willi~ H. ~illi~ H. & Mister Chiles E. Tele~ph western Union . Eastern Union Telephone N. Y. & N. J. Ter-~r,~ George q. Turner John Est. ~ Thompson J~mes & Wife · Louise Tillinghast Joseph A. · Ezra Est. " John R. VanDusen M. B. Mrs. Iail Emily~ G. Vail ~mUel S. Est. 2579oo. 100. ~ ' 7500. ?00. tq¥ S20.0. 5700. $7.G0. 1~00. , ik,~ 47 00. 900. Est ooo. ~200. 129900. 500. 7500. 1S 00. 1800. 400. 1000. 2300. 2000. 500. 3900. 1~9~00. 2500. 3800. 400. ~00. 156 oo. ISl. 'fO. 108. 1!. 86. 95. 53. 59. 89, Page SO. C Brought ovor Vail Wm. B. Est · }vigrgaret ~ir s. Voorhees Wm. p. VanWyok Henr~ Ward Hannh ~. Est Tells 0sear L. Wells J. sidne~ Est. . Henl~r H. George . George H. · Prauk T. WillismSWilliam A. for Charle~ William Est. W~lliams W. A. " ~rederick Wiokham James & Wm. Wood Thos. H. & Wife . Theodore W. Vnitaker Rev. Epher Walters stephen A. " Grace ~rs. 501~00. 152100. $1800. 600. ~oo0. 800. ~'f001 1~00. SOOD. 1800. 1500. 4000. 5000. ~000. 800. 32~100. 6000. 16~00. 1564oo. $ oo. ~600. 800. 3300. 1400. 3000. 9500. 1400. 250. ~7~95o. 114. 8~o .133o 134. 135. 136. 137. 1~7. 158. 85. Page Si. 0 Tax List Town of s°Uthotd, 1906. Assessed as Non Resident Property. in Prk District. Bliss, John A. Est., BiF, Frank A., Barnes, Jennie, Brow~,Her&r~ J., Olapp, Mrs. Adelia, Ca~p ent el-, Fred, Denman, Alex. S., Dales, Robert M., EI~StUS, Helen A., E~stus, Helen A., El~er, O.D., Est., Fiscal, A. W., Godfrey, N. W., Est., Grady, JoD_u H., Hartley & Kaplau, Ho~ton, ~m. A., He.rpe~, Geo. , Higgins, Ghas. M., Howe.rd, H. L., Howell, Maria W., H&kr, John G., Joost, W. Ho, Lewis, Wilbur R., L. I. R. R. 0o., Marshall, J. H., Marshall, J. H., Marshall, J. H., Mc. Lure, S. T. , Est., Millard, Mary, Eatthews, James, ~ott, Mrs. Maria, ~Phy, Patrick E., Ee!sslmer, Theodore, $ 6000.00 700. 1800. 4500. 700. 700. 1400. 1600. 8500. 200. 450. 4000. 2500. 2500. SO0. 500. 11000. 100. 400. 900. 600. 1800. 2000. 2200. 400. 4800. 1400. 500. 1800. 6000. 13500. 1700. 350. 117. 141. 118. 140. 142. 1S6. Page o O O$~a~,E. J., $11000. Price, John, 900. Perkins, Goo. W., ~400. Post, Elizabeth, 3200. Pugsley, Joh~l, 100. Powelt, Adelaide, 200. Remsen, Isaac B., Est., 8000. Rockwell, ~rances, Mrs., 250. Reubsamen, Lucy, 5000. Stone, Arthur G., 3400. Sturmdorf & ~Vife, 3500. Smith, sinclair, 10000. Taber, Charles S., 1600. Thornton, Jno. Jr., 1400. Whittaker, J.H., 1800. Wolferz, Louis, 1400. ~.ong Island Rail Road apportioned to School District No. 5, $ 1/2 miles, S?O00. ~estern Union Telegraph 0o., apportioned to SChool District No. 5, S 1/2 miles, S9B. ~ew York & New J~rse~ Telephone 0o., Apportioned to School District No. 5, S 1/2 miles, 2 st at~ons, 800. Page RESOLVED - That in pursuance of section One, ~hapter 234 of the session Laws of 1907, of the state of New York, entitled ,An Act to authorize the formation of a park distric~ in the Tow~ of Southold, Suffolk County, to acquire land. s for park purposes, and to issue therefor, a park district to be ooterminous with So~thold Union School district, number five, of said Town, be and the same is herebM established, for the acquisition, holding an4 ow~iing of land in said Town of Southold, for park ~u.Tposes, described as follows- Beginning at a point in the Easterly line or side of the highway leadin Southerly from Bay AVenue, so called, to To~n Oreek adjoining lands now or formerly of jonathan B. TerrM, and running thence by said lands of Jonathan B. Terry on a course Of South sixty three east, about two hundred and forty one feet to high watex mark as it exists to day - thence Westerly by and with said To~ oreck to the Southerly line of said highway - thence on a oourse north nineteen East by said line of said highway, two hundred and thir. ty nine and five te~lths feet to the point or pla~e of beginning- Also all the lands under water and below high water mark of Peconic Bay, fronting the said uplan~ which were heretofore conve~ed to Jonathan B. Ter/~ by the Bt~ of New York bM letters patent, dated November twenty third, eighteen hundred and seventy two, together with all the right~ title, interest, property, possession and demand, ~onve~ed by said letters patent, to s~id Jonathan B. Tex-~-¥, his heirs and assigns and now held and owned bM them or either of the~-"and That the sai4 park district, be and is hereb~ .mpowered and authorized to issue its bonds· for a~quiring and ir~grovin~ such land for an sine,mt not exceeding Thirty five hundred Dollars" in accordance with the provisions of said Ohapter. ~e Page 3~. Adopted un~znimously at a meeting of the Town Board held 10th April, 1907. G. ~ra~k Tuthill, Lewelen ~. Ter~F, J.P. Ellsha M. Raokett, J.P. ) Jesse L. ~a~e, J.P. ) Joseph N. Hallook,To~n~ Clerk) Town Board of Town of Southold. ~qotlce of ]~lectlon NOtice is hereby given, as preecribed by Chapter ~34 oft~e ~?sion~.I~,ws ot 1~7 of the S~ of ~ew xorg, en- titled, "An act ~ au~o~ize .~for- marion of a park dist~ct ~n the 'l'own 0f ~uthold, Suffolk ~ty, ~ acquire ~nds for ~rk pur~, ~d ~ issue i~.d~ therefor" that a m~ting of t~]~gal vo~ of said d~strict (~e boundaries o~ which are ~e ~me ~ ~th~e of ~uthold Union Sch~l Di~ trier number five)for the elation of ~thre~ r~idents ~e~f, ~ park com- mission~, one of whom may be a f~ ~male over twenty-one y~ of ~e, ] for a ~rm of one, two and ~reey~ ~ res~ctively, ~d a tre~urer for a term of three ~ea~, will be held at Belmont Hall, m such district, on the ~lls of elation will be op~ ~ ~'cl~k ~d ~losed at five o'cl~k of that day. ~ Da~ this llth day of June, 1~. JOSEPH N. HALLO~, Town Clerk ........................ JoseBk.N...t~llock., ........................ of ..... ~.O'~-~.,Q.~-~.~'. ................... in said county, being duly sworn, says, that on the ....... ~-~.~ ......... day of ..... .J'D.P,~ ............ 19.0.7. five notices he affixed thzcc not,coz cf ca'.o, of which the annexed printed notice five is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in ~_hcc? of the most public places in the town of ............ ~)~,~5.hO.~s ................ in Suffolk County, to wit: ................................................... One at The To~n Clerk's 0fffice, O~e ~t ....... ~..~.9~q%~..~.~M~%.~.~ ................... One at ~he Office of the Long Island ?r~vel~, One at ............. ~Q~..T~a.~x ................................... Par~ D1 ........ %, Town ........ ~9B.'~,f:Q~-.~.~ ............... in said County. in the '.';']'-2'e ~f. Sworn to before me, this Page 35. .... I. :Q.: ....... day of....0.~,.t..q~ er ...... . .01~.$.~. t,.... ~ ~ ~.¢.~ ....................... Justice of tile P(mce. .STATE OF NEW YORK} ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ............... O~tober, ............. /~.Or/. Justice of the Peace. Page ~6o Page Suffolk Cm~nty, ) Town of 2outhold, ) SS: I do solemmly swear that I will the Con~'titution of the United states and the ~nstitution of the 9tate of New York and that I will faithfully dischgrge duties of the office of Inspecter Eleotion according to the best of my ability, and I do further solemnly swear that I not _~ireetly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any mone~ or other valuable thing as a consideration or rew-~rd for the giving or withholding a vote at the ele~.tion at which I was elected to s~id office, and have not made any promise to in- fluence the giving or withholding any ,~ch vo?e. wm. A. CochrRn. ~worn before me this 24" d~ of June, 1907. Albert T. ) Piled J~ne 24, 1907, J. N. HallooS, Tow~q ClerK. Dicker ~on, Not ar~ Public, ~uff. ~,o. ~uffolk countM, ) SS: Town of southold, ) I do solemnly, swear that I will supoort the Constitution of the United ~tates and the constitution of the state of New York and that I will faithfullM discharge duties of the ~ffice of Clerk of election accor~ing t? the bes of my abilitM, and I do further ~olemnlM swear that I have directly or indirectly p~id, offered or promised to pay, contz buted, or offered or oromise to contribute, m~v money or valu?ble thine as a ~onsi~er~tion or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to office, and have not made an? pro~i~e to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Sworn before me this 24" day of June, 1907. Albert T. Dicker~on, Not~r~ Public, ( Marked ) Piled June 24, l~' Oo. J. N. Hallock, T~W~ Clerk, £ B. I,e~ter Albertson Page SS. Offiaial cAnv~s of votes of the $outhold Park District Atthe election held at Belmont Hall ,~outhold, in said District, on Monday, June 24, I907, for the election of three Park Conm~issioners, for one, twoand three years respectively, and a Treasurer for the three years. For Park Commissionerf3 ~ears) The whole m~mber of votes cast was 182 of which Lewis W Kern received I65 votes H~nr~ W Prince . ~ , Joseph N Marshall . 3 " John M Howard " 5 " George H wells . 2 " Rev WE H Murra~ Jonathan B Terr~ · I " Blank " ~ " Total Page For Park Co~m~,~ ssioners(2Mears) votes cast was of w~i ch Hen~ W Prince Joseph N Mar hall ~ H Beebo Thomas Marl~ Le~ W Ko~ Misnk The whole nulnber of 182 votes received 109 votes . 64 . " 1 " Total 182 Wot Park Comls~loner~ (1 year ) The whole n~ber of vote~ of which W~n H Beebo received Thomas Farley " Wm A Cochran " Lewis W Korn Dr. J. N. Marshall " Henry W Prince . ~vm H Glover " D~niel W Gratt2n . 182 votes B 1 ank 114 votes 56 1 " 2 " 1 " ~ . 1 1 " Total 182 Page 40. Pot Treasurer ( ~ years ) The whole number of Votes ~ast was o f ~hi ~h Albert A ?olk received 172 9 Le~i~ter Albertson . 1 W~ ~ ~o~hran . 1 W~ H Beebe . 1 Albert T Dickerson . 1 ~hs~. E ~se , 1 Hen~z W Prince . 1 Blank 4 Tot ~.1 1S2 Wm A ~ochran. Ins~or 9. Letter Albertson ( ~arked ) Piled June 25, 1907, J. N. Hallook, To~II Clerk. votes # # 01erk NO. 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 ~0 21 26 ~7 ~8 ~9 Page 41.gO Park District. vote taken June 24. 1907: Pot three Park Co~ui~sioners and one Treas. Richard 9. ~turges E. Willias Horton George R. Jennings g. Lester Albe~tso~ John ~onklin Henr~ V~n ~ek Leo Thompson Moses T. Horton Joseph N. Hallook Charles O. Booth Charles E. Terry Herbert W. Simons Lorraine L. Glover Benjamin L. Prince John ~ohaefer William Gag~n Richard Hogs/l J. Edward Oor~ Fred E. Booth ~h~les M. Phillips Hen~ C. Prinee Peter M~hon~ ~ern~rd M~bbitt Nar~ ~ost~ ~ A. 0ocean ~ M. Ma~d Theodore Hoinkis Hubert ~,. Howard A. ~. ~imons Olifford H. Prince P~e 42. o ~1 f4 35 ~6 57 ~9 .~9 40 41 42 4~ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 5f 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ~rank K. ~o~hran Albert ^. ~olk Lewi' W. 0verton )eorge H. ~telzer Sereno ~mi t h ~lbertson Menj. B. Tuthill o~la J. ~rey ~lbert T. Dioker~-~on George ~. Prince George Harper John H. Lehr P. J. MoDonald ~. H. Lloyd G. Theo. ~ith M~rtin Lehr Ernest L eight M ~uel Diekerson J~e~ M. ~onklin ~ H. ~r~ Jo~ C. Moesb% ~ J. conway Oliver ~. Penn~ ~hes1 Lu~ Melrose I. wm. H. Terr~ wm. T. Voorhe~: Benj. F. ~c~o~ber V,~. H. Harrison 61 62, 6~ 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 7~ "/3 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8~ 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Benj. F. Pri~e W~n. H. Glover Edwin 0. Harrison D~n'l Terry Addison M. Gold~mith John ~,. Eustace George F. Hawkins E. D. C~hoon Frank R. Mitchell Henry Hemp stead J. B. Terry w~n. A. Williams Valentine M~ubel Nsthsniel E. ~ooth Thomas M. ~urke Johna~han H. Boi~ s~eau Nm. E. Erickson Nathan Davis Lewis A. Tuthill 2eth L. Tuthill ,ros~ph M. Hartrauft Harry 2. Butt George C. T er-~-y ,rohn A. Munch Fred Fickeissen Harry Taylor Jame~ ~. Mahoney vrank P: Pottinger Willis Hob ~on william R. Newbold Page 44. 91 92 9~ 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 10.~ 104 105 106 107 108 109 llC 11] 11~ 11~ 11, 11~ 11 11 11 12 Frank R. Young W~. H. ~lrray John Korn J. W. Stokes Aurin gomes Mioheal Pleming Prank J. Maier E. W. ~hafer Erne,~t C. ~,~ier H. ',~,~. Gordon Dewi~ A. Tuthill ~lx~xx~xxxx ~peucer W. Pettv J~es J. Gagen 1 st P. C. TillinEhast Fre~ A. Themas John ~artv Herbert M. Hawkins ~. H. Oage~ I~ewi~ P. wilkin~on N. ~bbard ~leveland J~es J. Don~hue j~e~ Mo~abe E. ~. Mossie~ W. ~or~ Albertson J~e~ J. Gagen E. E. Bossieau Fred K, Ter~ Arthur Gor4en 12~ 12! 12~ 12~ 1~( 1S2 1~ 1~' lg? lag 1~¢ 141 14~ 148 Page 45. 15~ 15~ 15~ John R. Tillingha~'t Henry Tal~8ge Patrick Patrick Stone~ Gilder S. Conklin John Brei ~tadt Wm. H. Beebe John Jame~ ~ogan Albert E. James A. Thomas Al~ed R. Vail ~her ~it aker Elbert 8weezey ~harle~~, H. Tuthill Gilbert H. Ter~ Ezra o. ~eebe Robert E1obett 9~el L. Benr~ett Noses Taylor Lewis W. Korn ~. ~,. Willies ~. 0. 9alnon Yred W. Carpenter. David H. J~ckson John M. Howard Thoma~ G. Fox H. }{oward Huntting Abr~ ~. Lowerre 0 oar L. Wells S. Grover Gar~ner Charles E. Case Benj ~in Gaffga Page 46~ 156 157 158 159 160 161 16~ 164 165 166 167 168 169 173 17~ 17~ 17', 181 Thomas Bllt let G. Fred. Hom~el Martin V, B. Gorden George H. Diokerson George C. Wells S. Bailey ~orey Charle~ T. Gordon John Kerm ey J. G. Huntting Alvah ~. Ter~ Ed'~ard J. ~tler John ~ut let Fred ~. Leieht ~hrist apher Lei~ht Sal~ D. ~td~th Richard J. Sandlands Peter 9ears Oliver A. Nayo Ed~'ard F. Jewell S. Heu~ ~andford Charle~ U. Ullri~h George A. Maier Robert L. Hadley Henry L. Jewell Silas J. Baker Ball,in T. Payne Albert W. Albertson. Narked ) Filed June, ~, /07, J. N. Haiiock, Town Clerk. Page 47. Southold, N. Y. Jun. 26, 1907. lion. J. N. Dear Sir:- Halleck, Town Clerk, Southold, N. Y. Your Notice of my election to the office of Treasurer of the Southold Park District is received. Aided as was my election by methods that I not only disapprove but do positively condemn I decline the office. If ~fter long and unselfish e~:?fort in behalf *m behalf of the people of th~ district the ladies and gentlemen to whom we are indebted for the success of the bill are lo receive contumely only I will share their lot I am, with respect, Yours very t~ly, Albert A. Folk. Marked ) Filed June 28", !907~ J. N. Hat!ock, ToE Clerk. Notice of Special Election ....................... J~ ~.eph..R... JJa:k!.9~1~, ......................... of ...... ~Of~l,'~l~k, .................. in said county, being duly sworn, says, that on the ....... ~ ......... day of ..... ~Y.~ ............ 19.0~. five notices he affixed '~^~ nntiZL~ cf zz!~, of which the annexed printed notice f±v e is a true copy. in a proper and substantial manner, in *hroo of the most public places in the town of ............. ~OLt. t~o?L(1,, .............. i Surf l ?v.e .......................... One at the office of the Long Island Tr~velel~ One at ...... ]~.e.!.I?-~'~.. ~!~..,.. ~.d ................................... On~ at ..... Th C..P.O,~%..O.f2'i C.C.,. Park District, T in the -:i]}a~c of ....... SOB:~hpl.d., ................. in said County. Sworn to before me, this P~ge 48. J.esae.. L o...u.a.$.., ......................... Ju~tice of the Peace. STATE OF NEW YORKl ss COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ] ' ...... qp~pber, ...................... ~'xO 0.7. ...... Page 49. Justice of the Peace. Pa~e 50,. Sou%hold , N. Y. July 22nd 1907. This is to for Tressurer of Southold Park District was eertif~ that the whole number of votes east o~ which ehsrles T Gor4on received Albert T Diekerson e Albert J Freeman " Void 11 vo~es 1 1 w~n A cochr~u 'Inspector S. Lester Albertson olerk Marked) Filed July, BT", 1907, J. N. Hal!oek, T~wn Clerk. Page July Election for Treasurer of the Park Die, trier 1 Wm A. Co,bran 2 S. Lester Albertson ~ Joseph N Hallook 4 Benj. B Tuthill 5 Charles Tuthill 6 N. Hubbard ~leveland ? Samuel Dickerson $ Orrin A Prince 9 George S Prince lO Micheal Lu~ey 11 Hendr W Prince 12 Fre~ ~ Booth 18 Henry L Jewell 14 Chas. H Phillips 15 P~ehard ~ Sturges 16 ~illiam H Newbol~ 17 Ohar!es T Gordon 18 Herbert M Hawkins 19 D~vid T ~onklin 20 Clinton Tillinghast 21 'Johnathan B Terry 22 . Salem D Goldsmith 2~ Albert W Albertson 24 Lewis W Korn 25 John M Howard 26 Lewis P Wilkinson Marked) Filed July, 27,, 1907, J. N. Haliook, Town Clerk. Pa~e 52. ~l'oti% Sale of Southold Perk Distriot Bonds ~age 55. Page ~4. To Honorable Park Commissioners of Southold Park District of Tov~ of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Gentlemen: We the undersigned propose to purchase the Bonds as designated which are set opposite our respective names- at their Par value of $583.33~ Their proposition however is made with the express stipulation and understanding that prior to paying for same we shall be fully assured and satisfied by the Hon. Timothy M, Griffing that these bonds are in proper legal form and that all the necessary steps have been taken by you to make them a legal debt of said District which can be collected by law. And further that you have the legal right to Bond the District as you propose. J. B. Terry A. E. salmon Fred H. Carpenter Geo. R. Jonnings E. E. Boisseau Nathan Davis $583.33 Due Apr. 1, 1908. $583.33 Due Apr. l, 1909 $5 3.33 Due Apr. l, $583.33 Due Apr. l, 1911 $583.33 Due Apr. l, 1912 $583.33 Due Apr. l, 1913