HomeMy WebLinkAboutEstablishment of Fire District - 1927 ~upervisor David W. Tuthill, addressed the Board, stating there was no opposition for the establishment of a Fire District at Cutchogue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, ~ud State of New York, at a he,ring held on June 15' 1927, at two o'clock P. N., Daylight Saving Time, at Outchogue. On motion of Supervisor David W. Tuthill, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Smith and duly ac!opted by the follov~ing recorded vote, 9 Supervisors voting in favor ~ud one absent, Supervisor Kenneth E. Davis, it was RESOLVED, That the petition for the estsblishment of a Fire District at CutChogue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, now on file in this office bounded and described as follows, be and hereby is established Fire District. BEGIN2~ING at apoint on the Westerly side of Hallls Creek or ~ille's Creek at the shore of Great Pec~nic Bay and running thence Northerly to New Suffolk Avenue; thence again Northerly along the W~sterly line of land of Frank lleck and bounded on the East by said land to the Main Highway and e~ss- lng the Main Highr~y and running thence Northerly and along the East line of land of Luther G. Tuthill and G. B. Tuthill, bounded on the East by lands of Con Cagenski; J. W. Tuthill; Fred Grath- wohl and E. C. Tuthill to the Easterly line of land ~ the Long Island Railroad Company ( the boundary above described being the Easterly boundary line of the ~attituck Fire District) thence E~sterly along the Southerly line of a right of way of the Long Islsnd R~ilroad Company ( including the land occupied by the Long Island Railroad Station and other buildings) to its inter- section with the Easterly side or line of lsnd of Elizabeth G. Horton; thence Southerly ~long the Easterly side or line of land of Elizabeth G. Horton to the Main South Road; thence cross- ing the Maiu South Road and running Easterly to the East line of lsnd of ~oseph Deitz; thence Southerly along the Essterly line of land of ~oseph Deltz and others and follo?~ing the East bound- ary line of School District ~8 to the Creek or B~y; thence Westerly crossing the Road leading to Nassau Point and'following the Northerly line of Nassau Point to Outcho~ue Harbor; thence along Outchog~e Harbor snd Peconic Bay t~ the point o~ olace of beginning, ( The Southerly boundary line of the said proposed Fire District to be the same as School District Numbers 8 ~ud 12 and 15 excepting Nasssu Point and all islands in s~id Bay or 0reek, which are included in the said School Distrzcts) set off and included in a fire district pursuant to the provisions of the statute in s~ch case made ~nd provided, ~ud more particularly pursuant to the provisions of Sebtion 38, Chapter 16 of the Laws of 1909, entitled "An act in relation to Counties, constituting Ohal~ter ll of the Consolidated Laws", and the acts amendatory !ihere°f* Supervisor David W. Tuthill, addressed the Board, stating there was no opposition for the establishment of a Fire District at Cutchogue iu the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, ~ud State of New York, at a hearing held on June 15' 192Y, at two o'clock P. M., Daylight Saving Time, at Cutchogue. On motion of Supervisor David W. Tuthill, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Smith and duly at, opted by the following recorded vote, 9 Supervisors voting in favor and one absent, Supervisor Kenneth E. Davis, it was RESOLVED, That the petition for the estsblishment of a Fire District at CutChogue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ~ud State of New York, now on file in this office bounded and described as follows, be and hereby is established as a Fire District. · BEGI~..ING at apoint on the Westerly side of Hall~s Creek or Wille~s Creek at the shore of Great Pecenic Bay and running thence Northerly to New Suffolk Avenue; thence again Northerly along the W~sterly line of land of Frank Eleck and bounded on the East by said land to the Main Highway and c~ss- lng the Main Highway and running thence Northerly and along the East line o£ land of Luther G. Tuthill and G. B. Tuthill, bounded on the East by lands of Con Cagenski; J. W. Tuthill; Fred Grath- wohl and E. C. Tuthill to the Easterly line of land ~ the Long Island Railroad Company ( the boundary above described being the Easterly boundary line of the ~attituck Fire District) thence E~sterly along the Southerly line of a right of way of the Long Island R~ilroad Company ( including the land occupied by the Long Island Railroad Station and other buildings) to its inter- section with the Easterly side or line of land of Elizabeth G. Horton; thence Southerly ~long the Easterly ~.zoe or line of land of Elizabeth G. Horton to the Main South Road; thence cross- ing the Mdiu South Road and running Easterly to the East line of lsnd of Joseph Deitz; thence Southerly along the Essterly line of land of Joseph Deitz and others ~nd folio?lng the East bound- ary line of School District ~8 to the Creek or Bay; thence Westerl~ crossing th~ ~oad le~n~ to Nassau Point and'following ~l~m~b of ~upe~m~mc~ RIVERHEAD, N.Y. J · 2J[~ i~ to ~e~tifp that I. the undersigned. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors o~ the County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with ~he origltml reoolutlon now on file in this o~ce and which was duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors o~ said County on the..~...~_~.~.._..day of. ..................~-'~JJl~d~ .............. 1~2.7~ .... and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolution and of the whole tk~rzof. In JalitnegS ~lJ~ere0f, I have hereun,~ set my hand and the omcial of the Board of Super~sors o[ the Count~ of Suffolk, this .................... .~.~. ................. day of