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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-34668 Date: 11/09/10 THIS c~KTIFIES that the building RECONSTRUCT DWELLING ~Jo~ation of Property: 54005 CR 48 (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) County Tax Map NO. 473889 Section 52 Block 1 Subdivision Filed Map NO. Lot NO. GREENPORT Lot 1 (HAMLET) conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated FEBRUARY 5, 2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 34466-Z dated FEBRUARY 27, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is RECONSTRUCTION OF A ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH COVERED ENTRY, ENTRY DECKS, OUTDOOR SHOWER AND ONE CAR GARAGE %TNDER AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA #6152, DATED 9/4/08. %~ne certificate is issued to WILLIAM & JOANNE TURNBULL (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. S[;FFOLK CO~ DEPART)lENT OF H]~ALTH ~P~OVAL R10-05-0186 07/01/10 R%R~ICAL ta~KTIFICA~ NO. 05/12/10 PL~ ~TIFICATIONDA-i-~u Rev. 1/81 09-5667 07/22/10 THOMAS MAFFETONE ~Au ho/i z/ig~a t u r e FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34466 Z Date FEBRUARY 27, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: WILLIAM TURNBULL PO BOX 1799 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : RECONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UNDER AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA DECISION #6152 AND TRUSTEES6210C at premises located at 54005 CR 48 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 052 pursuant to application dated FEBRUARY Building Inspector to expire on AUGUST GREENPORT Block 0001 Lot No. 001 5, 2009 and approved by the 27, 2010. Fee $ 1,077.60 ~~Aut h~o~~gnat ure ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building De BLDG. DEPT. ttment A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Swom statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commemial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, 3. 4. 5. New Construction: Location of Property: Owner or Owners of Property: ~/"/t/ Suffolk County Tax MapNo 1000, Section Subdivision Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. ///ZA O x~ Old or Pre-existing Building: ~ (check one) 5-4oos /t/, rT'A House ~o~ Str/cet Hamlet Permit No./~ ~ L~{,~1~' Date of Permit./ Health I~ept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ Block / Lot Filed Map. Lot: Applicant: ~ Underwritem Approval: 5~//Z'//O Final Certificate: ~ (check one) Applicant Signature ElectriCal Inspectors,: Inc. c~,,s~: o9,S667 305 E~t M~adow Aveaue M~#~lc~l~: SOu~O~, To~ Of 11554 ~ ~yvau~n ~ found in the ar~as Richard M. Bivone P President Chief Eleetrie~l FROM : .~3UTHOL~D TO~N PLRNNI'NG ~ 'O FRX NO. : 631 765 3136 MaB. lB L:~O1 02; 19F'l~1 P~. Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Sou~hol~, NewY~ 11971 Fax {516) 765-1823 Telephone (516] 765-1802 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INS,PECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERT[FICATZON (please print) (pZease pr£nt) HI.TECH PLUMBING & HEA'I1N~ ENI' INC. 700 MAIN RD.. RNERNEAD, NY 11901 ~1-722~616 I certify, that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of L% lead. Sworn :o before me this otary u nc, county Gualifi~ in Suffolk County /F~ Commission Ex~ire~ ~i130, 20, ~.~.~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION ~FOUNDATION 1ST ] FOUNDATION 2ND ] FRAMING / STRAPPING ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ REMARKS: [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE /~ -r//~- ~'~ INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION /~FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ]INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FO~JNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [/~RAMIN~ [ ]FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE &~--C-~iMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ R~OUGH PLBG. [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCT10N [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANI' PENETRATION REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FO~J~ATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [i/]~FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]~I~PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [,~INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE&CHIMNEY [ ] FIRESA~-.-.~'INSPECTION [ ] RRE R.ISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: ~/~ O~ DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] ~.LJ~TION [ j-~:INAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE ~ INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-t 802 INSPECTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION ~J-FINAL )~; [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] flRERES~T~IN'rF~NE'rR~'nO. ] FOUNDATION 1ST ] FOUNDATION 2ND ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY ] mERES.TWrC(X, mUCTW REMARKS: DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSUlaTION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [.~]"FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE&CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SA,-.' i I' INSPECTION [ ] FIRERESlSTANTCONSTRUC110, [ ] FIRERESlSI'~TFBILrlI~TION DATE /~ ~--~--- INSPECTOR ~--~/~ Gallagher-Homburger-Gonzalez Architects, PLLC 91 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743 TEL: (631) 385.7722 FAX= (631} 385.7771 e-mail: inf(q~,ghgarch.net Town of Southold Building Dept. Town Hail 53095 Route 25 Southold, N.Y. 11971-0959 Arm: Gary Fish (Inspector) April 1, 2009 REF: William & Joanne Tumbull 54005 North Road Southold, N.Y. 11941 Tax Map # 111-9-4.1 Dear Mr. Fish, Please be advised that on Saturday, March 28, 2009 a site meeting was held to address concerns regarding the existing foundation at the above referenced subject property. Present were the Owner, Bill Tumbull and Contractors David Kelly and Zach Vichinsky of the Further Development Group. During my walk through, I observed several crocks and foundation wails with no spread footings. It is my belief that the condition is unstable and does not meet the minimum required standards of the New York State Residentiai Build'rog code. In order to comply with the code and maintain adequate safety standards, I have made several recommendations and amended the Foundation plan accordingly. I have enclosed the amendments for your review and remain available should you have any questions. Melvin I. Gon~mlez R./A., AIA Galla]gher-Homburger-Gonzaiez Architects, PLLC Cc: Bill & Joanne Tumbull, David Kelly, Zach Vichin DE?l, FIELD INSPECTION REPORT I DATE I COMMENTS FOUNDATION (1ST) ~ ~0~ k.._ ~/, ...................................... ~--~--~ ,,~/~.! ¥ FO~DATION (2ND) PL~G / '~ INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE '~,~YA~o~ I / ), -- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SouthoidTown. NorthFork.net Examined ~-3 ? ' 20 ~ c/ Approved r~/~~' 7, 20 ~ ] / Disapproved a/c Expiration PERMIT NO. Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey_ Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Flood Permit Storm-Watar Assessment Form Mailto: Phone: ~(~0('2 ~ W~> PE~~ 0~, a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building pexmit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance ora Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. ~.~.,_.~~ ~_~, ,, (Signature of applicant or name, ifa corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Name of owner of premises L-LAb, I-'[ (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant ils[~fforporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Namd and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which prom)sed work will be done: House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section O~Z- Block 001 Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occup~cy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ~i~CE ~:/qA~C~,4 b. Intended use and occupancy ~(~.~5 ~&~AiL"( 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Addition / Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work~'e, oVo<~r~ ~6ere-oc~o Pc~L. ¼a~c~,t% ¢~,'~to c_~ cxe. x~r~3 ~ (Description) 4. Estimated Cost ~ 3~0!DO© Fee~ $eFrfc~ (To be paid on filing this;application) [ Number of dwelling units on each floor 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling,uffits If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions ofexisting structures, ifany:Fmnt '~~o~' o' Rear .3~'~1r9" Depth Height I ~>l_ ~,, Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front (~©'- ~" Rear Depth ~-~-~' Height Q~-~I~' Number of Stories 2. 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front lO,x, Rear Depth Height Number of Stodes i Sizeoflot: Front Ibl.~z~' Rear [Dl.O~( Ig ~,) Depth 2.1~. 10. Date of Purehase [ 7-1~'-] Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ¢ - 40 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES__ NO__ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO v/ Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES o/ NO -- ~51-4~b '.Z~'m'* k~e -- 14. Names of Owner of premises ~ icVi~O~ I--~LOLx)~-Address [~v~xT~.-sTo~rx,ld¥1ff'JS-I Phone No. Mb - ~5-7,/- 53q~' Name ofArchitect(;l~,e-C.L~'~c.~q: ~'{~C<~ Address~Phone No.(/,*5 - 5~>5 -~/"7;~ z_ Name of Contractor Address .... Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet ufa tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES >// NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet ufa tidal wetland? * YES ~/ NO__ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES__ NO v// · IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY ~ \'~ \ I~A~ '-~O¢.t~ ~ LJ.--- being duly swum, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, CONNIE D. BUNCH Notary Public, State of New York (S)He is the (.~-.L~'~_;~-'--~, No. 01BU6185050 (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) Oua~meu m ~uffm~ County Commission Expires April 14, 20 I of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed thc said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained i~ this application am true to thc best of his Imowiedgc and belief; and that thc work will be performed in thc meaner set forth in the application filed tbercwith. Sworn to before me th, is~ ~ ~r c~ day of IX.)13~e-x'r'~-%4/ 20 &~; Notary Public Signature of Applicant A1Dert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit #6210C Date: September 21, 2005 SCTM#52-1-1 Name of ApplicantJAgent: En-Consultants, Inc. Name of Permittee: Joanne & William Turnbull Address of Permittee: 157-48 24th Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357 Property Located: 54005 North Rd., Southold, NY 11971 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a 14.5'X 12.5' addition to an existing attached deck, and as depicted on the survey prepared by John C. Ehlers last dated October 7, 2005. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (apply if marked) _ Bluff restoration through a re-vegetation plan is a necessary special condition of this permit. __ A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. __ A maintenance agreement is attached with application and is a necessary special condition of this permit. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/Ims BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 6680 DATE: JULY 24~ 2007 ISSUED TO: WILLIAM & JOANNE TURNBULL PROPERTY ADDRESS: 54005 NORTH ROAD~ SOUTHOLD SCTM# 52-1-1 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on July 24, 2007, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by William & JoAnne Tumbull and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to partially demolish an existing one-story, one-family dwelling for the purpose of renovating and constructing a two-story, one-family dwelling wherein proposed expansion of the existing dwelling shall be situated partially upon and partially beyond existing foundation walls and all seaward expansion shall occur over and in place of the existing wood deck; construct 10'x13' addition to existing deck; construct 20'x37' in-ground swimming pool, masonry pool patio, and 8'x12' shed; and install a new sanitary systemi public water service line, drainage system of drywells, pool drywell, outside shower, and pool enclosing fence, with the condition of the installation of gutters and drywells to Contain roof runoff and in accordance with Chapter 236 of the Town Code-Storm Water Runoff, a line of staked hay bales to be installed prior to construction, a 10 foot non-turf buffer, septic moved out of Trustee jurisdiction, and as depicted on the site plans prepared by John C. Ehlers Land Surveyor, last dated October 18, 2007, and received on October 22, 2007. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. Jill M. Doherty, President James F. King, Vice-President Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. John Bredemeyer Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Bead P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE # 0570C Date~2010 THIS CERTIFIES that the partial demolition of the existing dwelling; renovation and construction of a two-story, one-family dwelling; replacement of all existing decking with masomw patio; 20'X 32' in-ground swimming pool; masonry pool patio; 8'X 12' shed; sanitary system; drainage system of dr~vells; pool drywell; outside shower; pool enclosing fence; and 10' non~turf buffer At 54005 North Rd., Southold Suffolk County Tax Map #52-1-1 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 5/30/07 pursuant to which Trustees Wetland Permit #6680 dated 7/24/07 was issued and Amended on .11/19/08 and conforms to all of the requirements and Conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the partial demolition of the existing dwelling; renovation and construction of a two-story, one-family dwelling; replacement of all existing deckin~ with masonry patio; 20'X 32' in- ground swimming pool; masonry pool patio; 8'X 12' shed; sanitary system; drainage system of drywells; pool drywell; outside shower; pool enclosing fence; and 10' non-turf buffer. The certificate is issued to WILLIAM & JOANNE TURNBULL owners of the aforesaid property. A t~or.~e~ Si~gnatu~r New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUN'Y. Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone: (631)444-0365 · FAX: (631)444-0360 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us Denise M. Sheehan Commissioner LETTER OF NON JURISDICTION - ARTICLE 25 December 19, 2005 Mr. William Tumbull 157-48 244 Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357 Re: Application # 1-4738-01152/00003 54005 North Road, Southold SCTM # 1000-52-1-1 Dear Mr. Turnbull: Based on the information you have submitted the Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that: The referenced property landward of the topographic crest of a bluff in excess of 10 feet in elevation as shown on the survey prepared by John C. Ehlers dated 1/12/05 and last revised 8/3/05, is beyond Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands Act)jurisdiction. Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required. Be advised, no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Article 25 jurisdiction which may result from your project. Also, there cannot be any disturbance to vegetation or topography seaward of the crest of bluff. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hale bay berm. Please note that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility o~essaD, permits or approvals from other agencies or local muni~alities. ~ '~ // / cc: MHP En-Consultants file FORM NO.3 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, NY NOTICE OF DISAPROVAL Date: January 25, 2008 Amended: May 6, 2008 To~ William Tumbull P O 1527-48 24th Ave. Whitestone, NY 11357 Please take notice that your application dated February 11, 2008 For permit for reconstruction of an existing dwelling, plus accy pool & shed at Location of property at 54005 North Road, Southold, NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 52 Block 1 Lot 10 & 1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The construction on this non-conforming 31,972 sq. ft. lot(13,647 sq. ft. landward of CEHL) is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124 which slates: "This section is intended to provide minimum standards for granting of a building permit for the principal buildings on lots which are recognized by the town under 280-9 are nonconforming & have not merged pursuant to 280-10." The required side yard setback is 15'. The survey indicates the proposed construction to be setback 12.5'. Also, the proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to XXII Section 280-116 which states: "All buildings & structures located on lots adjacent to sounds.., shall be set back not fewer than 100 feet from the top of such bluff or bank." The survey indicates construction at approx. 10' from top of the bluff. In addition, the proposed accessory inground pool & shed are not permitted pursuant to Section 280-15F which slates: "In the case of waterfront parcel, accessory ...structures may be located in the front yard, Provided that ... such structures meet the front yard principal setback requirements..." The proposed accessories are partially in the side yard. The pool is proposed at 35.7' & the shed is proposed at 23'. The required front yard setback would be 40'. In addition, the required lot coverage is 20%. The proposed lot coverage is 26.7%. Authorized Signature Amended for clarification of lot coverage amount. ? ~PEALS BOARD MEMBERS //Gerard P. Ooehnnger, Chairman Ruth D. Oliva James Dinizio, Jr. Michael A. Simon Leslie Kanes Weisman http://southoldtown.nor th fork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 · Fax (631) 765-9064 Mailing Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road · P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIO~IS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 ZBA # 6152 - WILLIAM and JOANNE TURNBULL Property Location: 54005 North Road, Southold CTM 52-1-10 and 1 (combined lot) SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SOFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODF: This application was referred es required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated Apdl 17, 2008 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. PROPERTY FACTS: Parcel is 31,972 sq. ft. and contains 13,647 square feet, landward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line (CEHL) fronting on the L.I. Sound and improved with a s~ngle-family home. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Zoning Code Sections 280-15F, 280-116, 280-124, based on the Building Inspector's amended May 6, 2008 Notice of Disapproval for a dwelling, swimming pool and shed construction at: (1) less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff adjacent to the L.I. Sound; (2) less than the code-requi~ed minimum 15 ft. side yard (new dwelling); (3) side yard location and setback at less than 40 feet from the front yard lot line (swimming pool and shed); and (4) lot coverage in excess of the code limitation of 20% (all construction). AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant is proposing the following areas of new construction: 1. Minimum side yar(~ 15 feet for proposed new wood landing and steps, 16.83 feet to a one-story section of the building, and 25 feet to the two-story residence measured from the easterly side lot lines (construction over and/or in place 6f the existing one-story dwelling to be partially dbmolished). Page 2 - September 4, 2008 ZBA # 6152 - WILLIAM and JOANNE TURNBULL CTM 52-1-10 and 1 (combined as one lot) 2. Removal of an existing deck to be removed from its currently nonconforming location at the crest of the bluff, resulting ~n greater conformity for the new dwelling with setbacks all as shown on Drawing St-1 revised 8-18-08 by Melvin I. Gonzalez. 3. Proposed accessory pool structures with a setback at 35.7 feet from the front property line and proposed shed with a 22'1" front yard setback. Both structures are shown in a side yard. 4. Lot coverage is limited by Code with an allowance of up to 20%, and the applicant proposes 19.67% as revised, instead of the odginal proposal for 26%. LWRP: TOWN CODE CHAPTER 268 DETERMINATION: The Board of Appeals received a June 24, 2008 letter from the LWRP Coordinator under Code Chapter 268 policy standards indicating reasons for inconsistency as proposed: The Town Beach and north of CR 48 of which the applicant's property lies is designated a Scenic Byway, and recommendations to buffer the parcel. Recommendations to minimize losses of life and structures from flooding, and erosion hazards, to include but not limited to (non-turf) vegetated non- disturbance buffers, and a covenant filed in the Suffolk County Clerks Office indicating the procedures taken to protect and restore natural protected features of the site. Together with landward placement of the reconstructed/new dwelling in an area away from the top of the bluff and away from the CEHA restricted areas. SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT EVALUATION: The Board of Appeals received an analysis of the Bluff and adjacent area in a 4/22/2008 letter from the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District, noting drywells for pool water and fiber backwash as indicated on the applicant's site plan. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on June 26, 2008 and August 21, 2008, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Based on the Building Inspector's amended May 6, 2008 Notice. of Disapproval, variances are requested Under Code Sections 280- 15F, 280-116,280-124, for a dwelling, swimming pool and shed construction, at (1) less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff adjacent to the L. I. Sound; (2) less than the code- required minimum 15 ft. side yard (new dwelling); (3) side yard location and setback at less than 40 feet from the front yarc lot line (swimming pool and shed); and (4) lot coverage in excess of the code limitation of 20% (all construction). Amended Application: During the June 26, 2008 hearing, the applicants' agent was asked by the Board to remove portions of the proposed reconstructed/new foundation plan, to increase the set back from the bluff, to increase the set back from the easterly Page 3 - September 4, 2008 ZBA # 6152 - WILLIAM and JOANNE TUI{NBULL CTM 52-1-10 and 1 (combined as one lot) side yard, and to reduce the size of the pool, the overall objectives to bring lot coverage into more conformity with the Codes, as well as protect the fragile nature of this parcel while increasing setbacks. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(3)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. Based upon the letter dated 8/18/08, the Architect, Melvin Gonzalez stated the following: A, Lot coverage reduction from 26.7% to 19.7%, landward of the CEHL line. B. The easterly side yard setback has been increased from 12:5 feet to 15 feet to the stairs of the proposed dwelling reconstruction, and 16.58 feet to the building. C. The applicants have removed 138 square feet of decking and replaced it with 45 square feet of masonry walkway. D. After making additional revisions to the plans of the proposed home, approximately 90% of the existing foundation will remain and will be brought up to current code. With these revisions placed in the Board's determination, it is determined that the granting of this application will not cause a detriment to the surrounding properties. 2. Town Law' §267-b(3)(b)(3)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. Even though the lot is almost 32,000 square feet in area, only 13,647 is upland and above the CEHL line which prohibits construction on land below the CEHL line. 3. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(3)(3). The amount of relief requested substantial, however consideration has been given for the amendments as proposed for a reduction of lot coverage to meet the code requirements, and other reasons noted above. 4. Town Law §267-b(3~(b~(3)(5). The difficulty has not been self created. 5. Town Law §267-b(3~¢b)(3~14). Based upon the modifications made by the applicants, there is no indication that the granting of this variance application would adversely impact either the physical or environmental characteristics of the district. 6. Town Law §267-b. Grant of the relief requested is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of the requested construction, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. 7. For the above reasons, it is also determined that the application as amended is consistent with the policies of Code Chapter 268 (LWRP). · Page 4 - September,4, 2008 ZBA # 6152 - WILLIAM and JOANNE TURNBULL CTM 52-1-10 and 1 (combined as one lot) RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Simon, seconded by Chairman Goehdnger, and duly carried, to GRANT the (amended) variances as applied for, as shown on drawing St-1 revised 8-18-08 by Melvin I. Gonzalez, Architect, subject to the following conditions: Follow recommendation for remaining plantings and additional plantings, as per recommendation of the Town LWRP Coordinator by letter dated June 24, 2008 to buffer the site from the Scenic Byway of County Road 48 (a/Ida North Road, Middle Road). This decision is conditioned on the setbacks and information furnished as evidence dudng the final hearing held on August 21, 2008: (a) August 12, 2008 Letter from by Melvin I. Gonzalez, R.A., A.I.A. and 8/12/08 site data drawing 1 of 4; (b) Final site Drawing St-l* as revised 8/18/08 stamped certified and signed by Melvin I. Gonzalez, Architect. * This final site drawing and above noted letter indicate all set backs from all property lines for the primary dwelling as well as all accessory structures. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the variance given such as extensions, or demolitions which are not shown on the applicant's diagrams or survey site maps, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Thc B~ard reserves thc right to substitute a similar design that is~ta.miaim~ in nature for an alteration that docs not incrcasc thc degreeofnonconformity. , ~- / ~ Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehr/nger~/rman), Oliva, ~on al~ Weisman. Tll~s ~on v/a~dulv adoot~l (4-0~. / G~E~DP~EH~N~E~HAI~MAN 10// /2008 ~Approved for Fi~ing THOMAS LAGUARDIA, P.E. CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GILBERT ANDERSON, P.E. COMMISSIONER LOUIS CALDERONE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CR # 48 ............. ..... Project Name: '~ Applicant Name: William & Joanne Turnbull c/o Further Developn~nt ..... '~ Project Location: Southold SCTM # 1000-52-1-1 Date: 3/16/09 [] APPROVED [] DISAPPROVED [] APPROVAL WITHHELD Pursuant to Section 239f of the New York State General Municipal Law and subject to the stated conditions: A permit from this Department will be required pursuant to Section 136 of the Highway Law for the proposed access and any improvements this Department deems necessary along the County right-of-way. MAR I 8 2009 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOL~THOtD SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER · YAPHANK, N.Y, 11980 · (631) 852-4010 335 YAPHANK AVENUE FAX (631) 852-4150 '-~©~4/~,io/ ,4_9'4 iIC~ BUILI)IN(; I) E I~AI~.TM E, NT COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NY 980 In accordance with Section 239f of the General Municipal Law o~e consolidated Laws of the State of New York. this is to notify the Commisstoner of Public Works of the County of Suffolk that 54005- permit in reference to property located on the: OS E W side /l/"~-7'"4 ~t/_) Distance Village As shown on the attached survey or site plan (3 copies needed), dated for the issuance of a N SEW Town Id We shall withhold further action on this application for teu (I0) business days for the aforementioned Section 239f. Very Truly YR.urs, Building I ns p"eM /'~ Building Permits Only /' , Date: S/~,~Z///~ APPROVED / DISAPPROVED / APPROVAL WITHHELD to the Town/Village pursuant to the General Municipal Law subject to the stated conditions: SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS CHARLES J. BARTHA, P.E., COMMISSIONER 1~13{1 '9018 By: ~ RICHARD J. LAVALLE, P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER M R 1 8 2009 ? 81_06. D£P[ TOWN O~FF SOOTHOtD j R£VIEW FEE MAINT SEC SECURITy P EIEMIT FEE BOND # IMPACT FEE: L $20000 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT DE PUBLIC WORKS DATE PAll) pIrRMIT# I~il 4{-25? J TYPE [--~"~l CR# C~'.]{ DA't*£ PA ID PErigEE ~William & JeAnne Turnbull do , , RETURNSECURITYTO ~her Development ~ ~OLLOWING (W OlFFZ~TI ~A~ TO THE PROVISIONS OF SE~ION I~, ART. 6, O~ 'l'~ NEW YORK STATE HIGHWAY ~W, PERMI~I~ HE.BY ~TED TO T~ P~EE Install tempom~ con~t~on ac~s~, Ac~ss to be ~moved and CounW do.-of-way r~red at end ~ const~on. Re.ore the County rlght~f-~y, All wo~ shall be pe~ed in ac~o~an~ ~h the s~maed pe~it plans and in a~an~ with this Depa~ment's most recent genes{, ~ffic and matedai spec~cationm and as dimmed ~ ~ Cou~y engin~r. ~is~ d~inage struc~mm in the ~un~ Hght-of-way must ~ covered during C0ns~u~ion tu ~r~ent debris ~ entedng ~ Cou~y's sys~m. The aapli~nt and/or their ~ntm~or ~11 be responsible ~r cleaning any basins in the Coun~ dght-~-way E eviden~ of ~ns~on debds is obse~ed, On the noah side ~ CR 48, NO~ Rd,, 210 ff. ~st of R~h Lane in the hamlet of So~ld, t~n of 8outhold. ,N THE ,~--Lk"r/VILLAC~ OF: ~u~otd ] tN '.,E TO~ OF: [Sou~old ~ SET FORTH AND REORIENTED ON 'l]~E A~A~D P~S, TVPICA~ SE~ION$ AND PU~UANT TO TH~ GENE~ SPECI~TIONS ~e zoning and subaequen~ use of this ~pe~ Is und~ ~e au~ of ~e ~ ~ ~lch ~la develo~l is I~ated. ~e~bF, the issu~ce ef ~a "Hi.way Work Pe~" ~ouid not ~e construe~ a~ an a;pmval by this Depa~ment la~ use. DA'F~ SIGNED REVI£WED BY GILBERT AN~)ERSON, P.E. : Pg.~ITS E~G~EER: COmm~q~£R~6~' eu~uc woa~ UPON C~P~ION OF WO~ ~HO~ED BY ~HIS PERMIT, PL~SE COM~L~E THE F~ING AND RETU~ TO THIS WORK AUTHORED BY THIS PERM'iT HAS ~E~ COMP~D, RE~O OF DEPOSFI'/BO~D IS REQUESTED, DATE: SIGNATU~ OF i~ER~ AGE~ ALL WORK AUTI~ORIZED BY TIqL~ PERMIT IS; ~ COMPLETED, REFUND DEPOSIT/BOND DATE: PEIUVWI'S INSPECTOR~ SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Fax. (631)-765-9015 JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Tel.(631)- 765 -1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUMN mo~ From: Subject: Date: Pat Conklin James A. Richter SCTM #: 1000- 52- 01 - 01 March 4, 2009 The contractor for this project stopped by and dropped off this revised survey that included the modifications to the drainage design. Drainage calculations have been amended to include the driveway and all impervious surfaces in a satisfactory manner. Another Drywell and Trench Drain has been added to collect storm-water run-off at the southerly end of the driveway. At this time, this plan would appear to meet the requirements of Chapter 236, Storm- water Management. Please inform the contractor that my office should be notified when the drainage is being installed. Inspections are necessary to ensure compliance. Thank you! . Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM PROPERTY LOCATION: $,C,T,M.#: THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A STORM.,WA~ =~, GRADING~ DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN CF.~¥iriED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YOSK, Item Number:. (NOTE: A Check Mark (~) for each Question is Required for a Complete Application) Yes No Will this Project Retain All Storm-Water Run-Off Generated by a Two (2") Inch Rainfall on Site? ('rhis item will include all run-off created by site clearing and/or construction activities as well as all Site ~ J--I Improvements and the permanent creation of impervious surfaces.) 2 Do~s the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicaling Size & Location? t/ r'~ This Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Contrclling Surface Waten=lowl v 3 Will this Preject Require any Land Filling, Greding or Excavation where there is a change to the Naturel Existing Grade Involving more than 200 Cubic Yards of Material within any Pamel? 4 Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Activities Encompassing an Area in Excess of Five Thousand (5,000)Square Feet of Ground Surface? 5 Is there a Natural Water Course Ronning threugh the Site? Is this Project within the Trustees jurisdiction or within One Hundred (100') feet ct a Wetland or Beach? 6 oneWill there be Site preparation on Existing Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen (15) feet of Vertical Rise tOHundred (100] of Horizontal Dislance? r~ 7 Will Driveways, Parking Areas or other Impervious Surfaces be Sloped Id Direct Storm-Water Run-Off into and/or in the d rection of a Town right-of-way? any Item Within the Town Right-of-Way or Road Shoulder Area? (This item wilt NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons.) 9 Will this Project Require Site Preparation within the One Hundred (100) Year Floodp ain of any Watercourse9 r._---~ / NOTE: If Any Answer to Questions One through Nine is Answered with a Check Mark in the Box, a Storm.Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building PermRI EXEMPTION~ Does this project meet the minimum standards for c ass fication as an Agricultural Project? Note: If You Answered Yes to this Question, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is NOT Requiredl Yes No STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY ............... ss That i, ..~,...~..~O~ ~. /~:~Z..Z]../~... bemg duly sworn, deposesandsaysthathe/sheistbeapplicantforPennit' (Name of individual signing Debt,merit) .~md that he/she is the .... . .~.....~..'~...~_../.~...~.....~.........~...~......~..../~...~...~..~~.~......~.,... ~' ~(Owner. Contractoc, AgenL Corpocate Ofl~w, etc.) Owner and/or representative of the Owner of Owner's, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. Sworn to b,,dore me ........... ............................ Notary Public: ~~ ........... l~,~ ~ .p~.l~,~] ........ .~.)~.,.~.~ ..~ FORM - 08/07 T~rm EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1319 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 www. enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING April 24, 2008 Patricia Conklin Building Department Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: William and Joanne Turnbull~ Board of Appeals Application No. 6152 Dear Ms. Conldin: As requested in the attached letter from the Board of Appeals, I am submitting for your review one (1) copy of a site plan for the referenced application, which has been updated since the Building DeparUnent's "Notice of Disapproval" was issued on January 25, 2008 (copy attached). The Department issued its Notice based on a site plan prepared by John Ehlers, last dated 24 January 2008, whereas a site plan prepared by John Ehlers, last dated 25 February 2008, was submitted with our Board of Appeals application. Although the scope of the proposed work has remained unchanged, the site plan was updated for the Board of Appeals application to reflect a correction in the lot coverage calculations of both the existing (from 767 to 787 square feet) and proposed deck areas. Specifically, the area of existing deck that was being removed in favor of new dwelling structure was still being included and thus effectively "double-counted" in the proposed lot coverage calculations, as that same area of new dwelling sm~a~re was also included in the calculations. As a result of this correction, which reduced the ~roposed deck area from 798 to 620 sauare f~ th~ .coverage of "buildable area" h~ been_reduced from 3,827 square, feet or 28.0 percent to 3,~649 .,~_uare feet or 26.7_percent. I al~ noticed a typographical error m the Notice of Disapproval, w~iich is that relief was noted as being required fi'om Article IH rather than Article XXIII, Section 280-124. Based on the above noted changes, would you kindly prepare an updated Notice of Disapproval referencing the enclosed and most recently revised site plan so that I may forward it to the Board of Appeals. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please let me k~ow. APR 2 8 ! ] Enclosures cc: William and Joanne Turnbull Re~_iy yours, ~ Robe~E. He~mann Coastal Managemem Specialist Gallagher-Homburger-Gonzalez Architects, PLLC 91 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743 TEL: (631) 385-7722 FAX: (631) 385.7771 e-mail: inf(~ghgarch.net Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971-0959 REF: William & Joanne Turnbull 54005 North Road Southold, N.Y. 11941 Tax Map # 111-9-4.1 August 12, 2008 F1FCEIVED AUG I 8 200~ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Dear Zoning Board members, Pursuant to the Variance Boards comments at the June 26, 2008 hearing, we have made amendments to the plans and site plan as recommended. As a result, two items have been eliminated from the original variance submission. The overall lot coverage with respect to the area landward of the C.E.H.L has been reduced from 26.7% to 19.67% and the distance setback along the east property line has been increased from 12.5ft to 16.58 ft. at the houses edge and 15 ft at the landing & steps edge. The extent of the proposed amendments to the construction project, as submitted to your office, shall consist of additions and alterations to the existing structure; demolition of the existing roof structure with the exception of the living room and removal of interior and exterior walls as shown on plans. In addition, the Owners have opted to replace all areas of the existing wood deck with masonry pavers at grade and propose to remove 138 s.f. of existing deck just north of the C.E.H.L. and added 45 s.f. of mason~ walkway south of the C.E.H.L The project also includes some first floor additions, a one story covered veranda to the north, a new second floor and alt~mtions to exterior walls with new windows, doors, sheathing, siding and trim. The north and east walls of the existing Sunroom and Bedroom, the east and south walls of the existing Bathroom and Kitchen, and the south walls of the existing Foyer and Study must be demolished and new foundation walls constructed as shown on the foundation plan. Approximately, 90% of the existing foundation will remain in place and be brought up to code compliance. We have however noticed several areas at the exterior wall sill plates with some rotting that will be removed and replaced accordingly. sh Sin~Ui~l~ i_ ~ati°n please c°ntaCt my °ffic¢' Gal~I~nzalei:'~ Architects, PLLC Cc: Rob Hermann (En-Consultants), Bill & Joanne Turnbull EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 1319 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 www. enconsultants.com December 10, 2008 Linda Kowalski Board of Appeals Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Sonthold, NY 11971 Re: Joanne and William Turnbull. Auu. No. 6152 Dear Ms. Kowalski: Pursuant to our recent telephone conv~tion, I am enclosing herewith the materials I understand will be necassary for the Board to process an administrative clarification of the captioned variance approval. We are requesting a clarification because the approved site plan referenced in the Board's 3 October 2008 decision, i.e., the site plan prepared by Gallaghur, Homburger, and Gonzalez Architects, PLLS, last dated $-18--05, contains a draffing error. Specifically, the draflsperson preparing the site plan inadvertently identified as the "crest of bluff" the boundary line actually represeating the existing "edge of established plantings and ground cover,' which is located up to 30 feet landward of the crest of bluff in the westerly portion of the property. (The error is not apparent in the easterly half of the property due to the coincidence of the bluff crest and edge of plantings there). This draffing error consequently depicts the westerly half of the 10-foot nonturf buffer in the wrong location and creates the appearance that the Board of Appeals approved the swimming pool and shed closer to the bluff than they will really be. Please note that no setback or coverage calculations were based on this errant boundary line. Although we agreed that this error therefore does not affect the substance of the project nor even the language of the '~ Board's decision since no crest-of-bluff sethacks were noted in the decision, I believe it would be in the best interests of the Tumbulls and the Board of Appeuls to clarify this matter for the record. To that end, I have enclosed herewith: 1. A copy of the approved site plan striking in red the edge of plantings mistakenly identified as the crest of bluff and highlighting in grmn the corre~ ~mst of bluff line as digitally transferred from the John Ehiers survey; A copy of the site plan most recently dated October 20, 2008, which has beon revised to correctly depict the crest of bluff and ocation of the nonturf buffer and to provide specific setbacks from the approved structures from the crest of bluff(i.e., 25' to shed, 27' to pool, and 20' to hoUSe). Please note although the site plan has also been revised to round the comers of the masonry patio and to relocate the sanitary system farther from the bluff, no changes to the design, scope, or location of any approved or regulated structures have been made nor are proposed. Should you have any questions or require any additional information from me, plense let me know, and I thank you in advance for your lime and attention to this matter. R~ily yom, Co~t~l M~,ngamem Specialist cc: William ,md JoAune Turnbull 08/18/2008 16:00 FAX 6312836136 EN-CONSULTANTS,INC, ~002 SITE DATA ............... PROPERTY: I, ANDWARD OF O.E.H.L. ,, ..-. EXISTING RESIDENCE ' .~440 S.F, PROPOSED FRONT PORTICO & STEPS - 76.59 S.F. PROPOSED FIRb'r FLOOR ADDITIONS ,- 366.59 S.F. PROPOSED REAR N/W VERANDA - 109.68 S.F, PROPOSED (ROOFED OVER) GATE ENTRY - 27 PROPOSED (WEST) LANDING & STEPS - 15.:L1. S.F. PROPOSED (EAST) LANDING a, STEPS - :].7 S.F. OUTDOOR SHOWER - 22 $.F. SUB -TOTAL FOOTPRINT - 2,063.69 S.F. PROPOSED SHED . 96 S.F. PROPOSED KIDNEY SHAPE POOL ' 525.65 S.F. TOTAL FOOTPRINT ,- 2,685..'~1~-~F~.~ ~--c~L PROPOSED LOT 00'¥-'~J~19,67% ALLOWABLE LOT CO~RAGF.: 13,647 S.F/x 20% - 2,729.4 S.F. Proposed alteration to the: TURNBULL RESIDENCE 54005 North Road Southold, New York GALLAGHER HOMBURGER GONZALF, Z ARCHITECTS, PLLC 91 PROSPECT STREET HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 1t743 (631)385-7722 (631)385-7771 (fax) Info~ghgarch,net SURVEY' OF PROPERTY' SITUATE: ARSHAHOHAOUE TOIdN: SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK C, OL/NTh", NY SURVE'r'ED O1-12-2OO5 PROPOSED ACTIONS 02-22-2005, 03-0q-200S, 05-05-2005, 06-23-2005, 07-08-2005, VERANDA REVISED 08-03-2005 DECK REVISED 10-07-200,5 SUFFOLK COUNTf' TAX # IOOO-52-1-1 / / / / / / / / E T~.s f. HoI~ 02-IT \~. / -~G o .,?-.-. NOTES: MONUMENT FOUND PROPOSED DI~T HELL ELEVATIONS REFEt;;~ENCE N~VD '2q DATUbl COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE AS SHOIdN ON AREA MAP SHEET II OF 4q PHOTO No. 55-581-8B S/2q/Iq88 FLOOD ZONE LINE REFERENCES FIRI'4 RATE HAP No. 36103C0158 ® DATED MAT 4, Iqq8 EXISTIN® SEPTIC TO BE ABANDONED AN~ FILLED ~ITH CLEAN SAND DHELLIN® CONNECTED TO PUBLIC I,',IATER EXISTIN¢ BEOROOI"IS 3 NUI"IE~ER OF BEDROOHS PROPOSED 4. AREA OF EXISTIN~ DECK SEAHARD OF C.E.H.L = 313 SF APJEA OF PROPOSED DECK TO BE ADDED SEAP, IAR~ OF C.E.H.L = 3 SF (0.01%) AREA = 28,411 S.F. OR O.(aS ACt;~ES ®F~-APHIC SCALE I"= ~0' JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 R1VERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.\\Server\c\pros\05\05-102a.pro .E:,URVE'r' OF PROPERI"'r' 51TUATI~ AFLSHAHOHA~ TOI~N~ OC:K.rTHOL~ 5UFFOLK ~-r'r, 10-1~-200-/ 5oFr--OLK Cx:::~l'lh" TAX # 1000-52-1-I u~.lu,im~ TO:. Hol~ 02-1~f-200~ 20' ./ / gUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PER~FET ~'O~Z APPROYAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR A o]NGLE FAI~ILY RES,~DENCE APPROVED Z~////,//'/f/. ( ,r /[:' /~', FO}~X~IUM OF ~ ~EDROOMS EXPIP, ES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL / ce with departmen form WWM-~ as f \ N E ROOf= ~.AIN PROPOOEI:;' DRY I,',IF_LL ELEVATION~ RL-h~RENGE N~VD '2q PA'I'Ut,4 GOA,STAL EROSION HAZARD LINE A,S ~ ON AP.,EA HAP ~,~'T II OF ~ PHOTO No. ,~--,~l-e.~ I=LOOI~ ZONE~ LINE r,~-t-L-i,<ENGE--~ FII2J,4 R~TI~ HAP No. ;~10~3CX~150 ~ DATED HAY 4, DkqELLIN6 GONI',L~G'I'E~ TO PUt3L. Id, INATER EXIOTIN~ IBEI::~.OOI'4O 3 I'I,,'t'"IBER OF: BEI::~.OOI"5 I:~,OPO~-J~P 4. AP..~_.A = 2~,411 .~.F. OP. 0.~5 AC.RES ~P. APHIC..E~._..ALE I"= JOHN C. EI-II.ERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STRm~r N.Y.$. LIC. NO. 50202 ~, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fnx 369-8287 Ri~.\~servei~V}SV)5-102 my. 100307 new house.pro .GURVE'K OF F:'ROPER'I'Y' 51TUATE~ A~MOMAGtt, IE TOInlN, .GOUTHOLD ~=t=OLK COUNT'K, NY ~ FOb~IDATION LOCATION O4-22-2OOq .GU~OLK f_XDUNTY TAX # ~'illi~m ~ N / / / / / / ~,OA.GTAL L=I20~ON HAZAR,~ LINE A.G ~ ON AREA HAP 51.EET It OF 4ci Pf'E)TO No..55--581-~D FLOOD ZONE LINE ,I~'T'.'.'.'.'.'.~,.ENCE5 FIRH RATE HAP No. ~IO'JC.,OIS~) ~, DATED I"tA¥ 4, I~lCt~ AREA = 2~5,411 5.F. OR O~.5 AC. RE5 ~RAPHIC, SCALE I'= JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVER.HEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.\\Compaqsexvetkpros~05~05-102 FOUNDATION LOCATIO: SURVEY' OF PROPERTY 51TUA'I'~, AP,..GHAHOMAd~U~ TOIqN: 5~;~rt-IOLP ~UFFOLK C,~IT~, N'f N E:Mt=FOLK COUNTY TAX # IOOO-52-1-1 CER'Jr.m'.~l,~ TO: ~lli~m ~ ~oAnne 'l'~mb~ll / / Hole 02-1~-200D 20' A DRAINAC,-E GALCAJLATIONS~ PRIVEINA¥ AREA 612 ~12 X O.1"/ X 1.0 = IO4 G.F. IO4- / 42.24 = 2.46 V.L.F. REGtUIREg I ,~'-.O* [:;'IA. X D'--O" DEPTt..t DRAINAC:~ POOL 5 VJ-.F. PROVIDED ROOF (DINELLIN~) P~I~LLIN~ R~ ~ 2,DL5 5.F. 2,~15 X 0.1~ X 1.0 = ~:t4 G.F. ~::{4 / 42~4 = ~ VI.~. F2~(~IJREE) 2 ~'"0' Pla. X 5'"O" DEPTH DRAIN,~C,~5 POOLS IO V.L.F. P~OVII:)EP HONLIt,4ENT FOUND ROOf= I:~RAIN ~OSED DRY' I,~-L.L AF~_A = 20,411 .~.f. 0~. O.&D AGR~5 ®I:;~APHIC 5C, AL.E I"= ~oE° SITE DATA: PROPERTY: 3Lg72 SIF PROPERTY: LAI~WARO OF C.E,H,L, 131647 SF EXISTING HOUSE: EXISTING DECK 787 SIF 5 7% JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.\\Compaqservcr~os\05\05-102 rev. 100307 new house.pm SURV~'r' OF: PROPFRT'r' 51TUA~tE.- At::~SHAHOHA(;~ItE TOI,~.. 5OUTHOLO ~Ut=POLK COUNTT, 5A)~.',/E'h' FOUNDATION LOCATION 04-22-200<:1 POOL LOCATION O6-OI-2OOq FINAL O6-2:2-2OIO .~UFFOLK C.,OUN"F'¢ TAX # 1000-,.52-1-1 S.C. DEPT. OF HEALTH _S;=RVICE~ REF. # RIO - 05 - 028~t5 N Wil~i~n Tumbull ~'oAnn~ ~ambull NOTES: MONUHENT FOUND C.,O~.~TAL EROSION HAZARD LINE AS SFIOkqN ON At;~.EA HAP .~:~r'tL=ET II OF 4q PHOTO No, ..55-fi:~1-8~ 5/2q/l'q88 FLOOD ZONE LIHE P-.EFEt:~.ENCES FIRI'4 t;~.,TE HAP No. :~::,10~7,,01~ 6 DA'rED HAh" 4, Iqq8 At;~A = 28,411 .~,F. OR 0.6..5 ACt:~ES ®RAPHIC SCALE I"= 30' JOHN C. EI-ILERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.C:K)ocuments and Scttings\OwnerkMy DocumentskMy Dropbox~05~05V)5-102 FOUNDATION LOCATION.pro 'l'mm I IMI Annex .34 17.~ Mare Road P.O. Box 1179 S(mthohL NY 11971-0!).~9 October 22, 2010 William Turnbull PO Box 1799 Southold, NY 11971 RE: 54005 CR 48, Greenport TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tck. llhonc (631) 76,;-1802 Fax (631 ) 76,3-9,3():2 The following items are needed to complete your Certificate of Occupancy: '"'x-4 Application of Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) ~ ~al~nderwriters Certificate. %'x,/ A fee of $25.00 '"'"'J Final Health Department approval. "x"-4 Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All pe~lnits involving plumbing after 4/1184) "'Xj Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees #765-1892) __ Final Planning Board approval. __ Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshal. __ Final Inspection from the Building Dept. __ Final Landmark Preservation approval. Building Permit: 34466-Z New Dwelling ~u. I~I~I~III'II~/~I~-UI' LIAUILIIY I~U~N~ 1 ~/~/2009 ~O~E~ THIS CER~F~A~ ~ ~UED~ A ~R OF INFO~ ~LY ~D ~NF~S NO ~G~S UP~ ~E CE~ICATE ~ CoF~a~ Co~. HOL~ THIS CERTIF~TE ~ES NOT AMEND, ~EN~ OR ~2 ~O~ ~. ~R ~E C~E~GE AFFOR~D ~ THE PO~ ~ ~. St. J~s, ~ 11780 ~er D~elop~t Gr~ Imc. '~ ~ Ess~ Ins Co 29 Old ~verh~d ~ad INS~E~ C West H~ton ~a~, ~ 11978 ,.~ ~ S~rd Ge~ri~ __ COVERAGES ;~e,~ U^~Lr~ ~C~ occu,,~.c~ ; 1. 000. 000 A X -- ~72408 2/10/09 2/10/10 ,~L~m,~ ~ 1.000.000 ~ X~ u~"[~*~;~m ~ 2.000~000 ~I~CY ~C' ~L~ X~ 1.000.000 I I I D Dis~ili~ DB108 7/24/08 7/24/09 L~ts-S~ ~ ~tains to insure~ o~rations. CEmlFICATE HOLDER Town OfSouthold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NZ 11971 ;ANCELLATION c'd REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Compliance Certificate Location: Construction Type: Heating Type: Glazing Area Percentage: Heating Oegree Days: Construction Site: 54005 North Road Southold, NY 11971 Project Title: Tumbull Residence Report Date: 01/30/09 Data filename: F:\MehGHG Projecte-2004\04*42 Tumbull~Tumbull - Construction Dwgs\Tumbull,rck Energy Code: New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Suffolk County, New York Detached 1 or 2 Family Non-Electric 16% 5750 Owner/Agent: William Tumbull 157-48 241h Ave Whitestooe, NY 11357 Designer/Contractor: Melvin I. Gonzalez, R.A., A.I.A GHG Architects 91 Prospect St Huntington, NY 11743 631-385-7722 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Sciss~ TnJSS: Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic): Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16' o.c.: Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E: Door 1: Solid: Door 2: Solid: Door 3: Solid: Fkx~ 1: All-Wood JoistJTruss:Over Unconditioned Space: 1566 ~ l0 0 . 0 55 204 19.0 0.0 11 2443 15.0 4.0 125 386 0.310 120 48 0.350 17 18 0.350 6 13 0.350 5 1789 19.0 0.0 84 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The pmpesed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Consttucfio~ Code requirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page, they are attesting that to the best ct his/her knowtedge, belief, and professional judgment, such plans or specifications am in compliance with this Code. Name - Title Signature Date Tumbull Residense Page 1 of 4 REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Inspection Checklist Date: 01130/09 Ceilings: I~ Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Sd~ssor Truss, R-30.0cavityinsulation Comments: I~lCeiling 2: Cathedml Ceiling(no atac),R-19.0cavityinsulafion Comments: Above-Grade Walls: Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16# o.c., R-15.0 cavity + R-4.0 continuous insulation Comments: Windows: Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E, U-factor: 0.310 For windows without labeled U-factom, describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Comments: Yes__No Doors: Ct Door 1: Solid, U-factor: 0.350 Comments: Ct Door 2: Solid, U-factor: 0.350 Comments: Door 3: Sotidl U-factor; 0.350 Comments: Floors: I~1 Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space, R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Air Leakage: [-I Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. Recessed lights are 1) Type lC rated, or 2) installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance from combustible matedtas, ff non-lC rated, fixtures are installed with a 3" clearance Eom insulation. Vapor Retarder: [] Installed on the warm-in-winter skJe of all non-vented framed ceilings, walls, and floo~. Materials Identification: Materials and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation insbuctions. Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. Manufacturer manuals for all installed beating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. Insulation R-values and glazing U-factom are clearly marked on the building plar~ or specifications. Insulation is installed acconJing to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value witl~)ut compressing the insulation. Duct insulation: Ct Supply ducts in uneanditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R-8. Turnbull Residence Page 2 of 4 Retum ducts in unconditioned attics or o~tside the building are insulated to R-4. Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to R-8. Retum ducts in unconditioned spaces (except basements) are insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: MI joints, seams, and connections are securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic-plu s-em bedded-fabric, or tapes. Tapes a~l mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181B. Exceptions: Continuously welded and Iocking-typa longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). ~-I The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit has at least one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set paint of the largest zone. Electlic Systems: I~1 Separate electric meters exist for each dwelling unit. Fimplaces: ~1 Fireplaces are installed with tigM tiffing non-eembustible fireplace doors. Ct Fireplaces have a source of combustion air, as required by the Fireplace construclion provisions of the Building Code of New York State, the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code, as applicable. Service Water Heating: I~1 Water heaters with vedicat pipe risers have a heat hap ee both ~e inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. Ct Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: I~ Cimulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: All heated swimming pools have an on/off heater switch and a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: I-I HVAC piping c~nveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. Tumbul[ Residence Page 3 of 4 Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness In Inches by Pipe Sizes Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Heated Water Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5" to 2.0' Over 2" Temperature (°F) 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Fluid Temp. Piping System Types Range(OF) Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes 2~ Runouts 1" a~:l Less 1.25" to 2.0" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate (for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant and 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Bdne Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) Tumbull Residence Page 4 of 4 VENEEK CAP AND CEMENT WASH TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION 40 YEAR ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES CONT, RIDGE VENT 155~ BUILDING FELT 5/~" EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD SHEA~fllNO ROOF RAFTERS SEE PLAN C?LINO JOISTS ~SEE PLANt 9 BATT NSULATION (R-38) 0 FLAT CLG. ~8 /4" .BATT INSULA3ION (R-30C_) _~__~?.OPEO CLO. GRACE ICE & WATER SH ELD At5 K~UU 5MINGLED MIDDEN FLASHING (TYP.) CONY, ALUM GLD'rEP,~ ¢ LDR~ W/ MOULDING OVEP. (WP.) @ FOYER ELEV: 18'-0~" eIST FLR ELEV: 0'-0" D(15TING FOOTING $ F.C. FOUNDATION TO ~M~N i- Fi-- ~ 5TEF FOOTING A5 R~G'D -D I L_ Front Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 ND FEE ELEV: +8'- la 3/4" ~ CLG. HGT ELEV: +8'-0" aRADE NDN P.O. FOUND WALL * FOOT'G HIDDEN FLASHING C Pr F,) STANDING 5EAMCOPPER ROOF ND FLR CLG. HGT. ELEV: +16'-10 3/4" 4" VINYl- WINDOWTRIM -- WINDOW HD. HGT. CEDAR L J Z-_--Zq_-ZEL_2 .... CEO. HOT. ~ BEDIm. 1 AND 2 ELEV: +18'-103/4" T.O. SIJBFL. ~ BEDROOM #1 AND 2 t I I I I I Rear Elevation SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0" CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1) PL/LNS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE 'friTH N,Y,S, DESIGN CRITERIA CODE (R301,2.1,1) 8) SLOPE GROUND AROUND FOUNDATION AS PER (R401,3,) THE GRADE ADJOINING ALL FOUNDATION WALL~ SHALL BE SLOPED AT A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") WITHIN THE FIRST TEN FOOT (10'-0") DISTANCE FROM THE WALL, S) ALL STEPPED FOUNDATION WALL AND FOOTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO N,Y,S, (R403.1,5 SLOPE) 4) PROVIDE FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING / DA~IPPR00FING AS PER N,Y,S. CODE (R406). 5) PROVIDE MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER AS PER N,Y.S, CODE (R32S). 6) PROVIDE MINIMUM 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW FLOOR SLAB AS PER N,Y,S, CODE (R504,2,3), 7) ALL EXTERIOR WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST THE DESIGN WIND LOADS SPECIFIED IN TABLE R801,2(2) ADJUSTED FOR HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE AS PER TABLE R301,2(3), UNITS SHALL BE TESTED BY AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT [~0HATORY, AND BEAR A LABEL IDENTIFYING MANUFACTURER, PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AND APPROVED INSPECTION AGENCY TO INDICATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AAKA/I~DA IOI/1.S,S. 8) WINDOWS SHALL HAVE GLAZED OPENINGS PROTECTED FROM WIND-BORNE DEBRIS 14EETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LARGE MISSILE TEST ASTME 1996 AND 0F ASTME 1986 REFERENCED THEREIN. ~)) PROVIDE 0PERABI~ EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING AS PER R310. ALL SLEEPING ROOMS AND HABITABLE SPACES LOCATED IN BASEMENTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING WITH A MAXIMUM SILL HEIGHT OF FORTY-FOUR (44") ABOVE THE FLOOR, MINIMUM §.7 SQUARE FOOT NET AREA. MINIRIBI TWENTY-FOUR INCH (a4") CLF-~R HEIGHT AND MINIMUM TWENTY INCH (Z0") CLEAR WIDTH, ALL LOCATION 0F EMERGENCY WINDOWS AND SIZES LOCATED ON oL00R PLANS. 0) PROVIDE TERMITE PROTECTION AS PER N,Y,S. CODE (ESE0), 1) PROVIDE PREMISES IDENTIFICATION AS PER N.Y.S. CODE (R3E§), Z) ALL CANTILEVERED JOISTS DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ~S PER N,Y,S, CODE TABLE (RSOE.3.3), 3) ALL HEADERS, TRIMMERS AND BEAMS RUNNING PARALLEL TO & INDER PARTITIONS BHALL BE DOUBLED AS PER FIGURE (R50~2) 4) ALL STONE IN CHIMNEY WILL BE BONDED WITH FULL HEADER iVERY SEVENTH COURSE, 5) PROVIDE F,A.I. ( FRESH AIR INTAKE) AND TEMPERED GLASS )00R FOR FIREPLACE AS PER N.Y.S. ENERGY CONSERVATION 30DI~ 10Z,7 AND N,Y,S, CODE (El005), .6) PROVIDE FIREBL0CIGNG AS PER N,Y,S, CODE, (R60a,8), .?) PROVIDE ROOF VENTS PROTECTED AGAINST THE ENTRANCE OF ZMN OR SNOW. VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ;ORROSION RESISTANT WIRE MESH, WITH ONE-EIGHTH INCH 11/8") MINIMUM TO ONE-QUARTER INCH (1/4") MAXIMUM )PENINGB. THE TOTAL NET FREE VENTILATING AREA SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN ONE TO ONE HUNDRED FIFTY (1 TO 150) OF THE M~EA OF THE SPACE VENTILATED. WHERE RAVE OR CORNICE VENTS ARE INST.~LI.~,D, INSULATION SHALL NOT BLOCK THE FREE FLOW OF AIR, A MINIMUM OF ONE INCH(l") SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE INSULATION AND THE ROOF SHEATHING &T THE LOCATION OF THE VENT. [8) INTERIOR BATHROOMS TO BE MECHANICALLY VENTED DIRECTLY TO EXTERIOR WITH A MINIMUM 50 CFM EXI-IAUST FAN ~N LIGHT SWITCH AS PER N,Y,S, CODE, (R308,3), 19) PROVIDE STAIRWAY LIGHTING AS PER N,Y.S, CODE. (R303,6), ~0) THE CONTRCTOR SHALL PROVIDE RECEPTACLES SO THAT NO POINT ALONG THE FLOOR LINE IN ANY WALL SPACE IS MORE THAN SIX FEET (6') MEASURED HORIZONTALLY FROM AN OUTLET IN THAT SPACE, 21) ALL BATH, TOILET, E/TCHEN AND GARAGE OUTI~TS SHALL BE GROUND-FAULT INTERRUPTER PROTECTION APPROVED DEVICES, rE 22) PROVIDE SMOKE ALARMS PER N.Y.S. CODE (R317), UNITS SHALL D .RING BE HARDWIRED WITH BATTERY BACKUP. WHERE WORK IS BEING .... 'EI{FORMED IN AN EXISTING SPACE WHERE ACCESS FOR WIRING IS 10T PRACTICAL, BATTERY OPERATED UNITS MAY BE INSTALLED eT~©N HTHOUT WIRING. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR LOCATIONS, .', ~,, ,~, ~,3) WHERE MORE THAN ONE SMOKE DETECTOR IS INST.aT.T.RD THE ,,i./FA/%iCY JNITS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED, ~4) PROVIDE ONE CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR (MINIMUM) ON EACH 't/ATER ~L00R AS INDICATED ON THE FLOOR PLANS, ANNOY ;5) 'THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST 0F MY KNOWLEDGE ~ LEAD, ~ND BELIEF, THE PLANS AS SUBMITTED COMPLY IN ALL RESPECTS ~ITH THE RESIDENTIAL CODE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION )F ;0NSTRUCTION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE", '[ONS ~6) "NO WORK TO BE STARTED UNTIL EVIDENCE OF WORKERS' .~0MPENSATION INSURANCE AND DISABILITY BENEFITS COVERAGE IS ,'ILED AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 57 AND ~20 SUBD.8 OF THE t~ORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK", '~'~!1. iT) "A FINAL SURVL"/ MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE GENERAL ONTRACTOR OR OWNER AT THE COMPLETION OF THE JOB", , H ~8) "ELECTRICAL UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE MUST BE SUBMITTED ..... ~-,i :. ~.T THE COMPLETION 0Y THE JOB". ~9) "NO FOOTINGS SHALL BE PLACED OR DRY WELLS COVERED I[T~, JNTIL APPROVED BY INSPECTOR." VE¥ 30) "DRILLING AND NOTCHING OF EXTERIOR W.~T.]~ ~ BEARING ~.T~N El~i PAETITIONS SRALL COMPLY WITH SECTION (R60Z.6). DRILLING AND - NOTCHING OF TOP PLATE SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION (R602,6,1)" DF THE N.Y.S. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, !_ Proposed Addition & Alteration at the: TURNBULL RESIDENCE T~~~) ,,~ ,, 54005 North Road Southold, New York 91 PROSPECT STREET GALLAGHER HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK '11743 !0 fff6 HOMBURGER (631 )385-7722 ~ (631)385-7771 (fax) {TMENT AT GONZALEZ FOR THE ;: info(~ghgarch.net ~qutnEo ARCHITECTS, PLLC ?LUIv;~ING l~~, t~ 1-12-07date: drawingno: )H MUST IALL MEET Tt as noted ;PONSIBLE FC of 5 WATER BUNC :F b4doM{ ,o~ CHAPTER 2311 ~'=~ ' ,:a file no: 04:42 p,.:, ,,-, UT,,-/5,, CfzH / d-IC*l / E OF OCC SOLDER USED IN SUPPLY SYSTEM NAILING & ~L CONa-~ ''''' ' ~' r ME~ THE R~i; CugESOF k~ ~ ~ DO N~ PROCE/E FRAMI~ UNTIL OF FOUNDATION LOCATI HAS BEEN APPBOV~ 0cCUPANC'/ USE IS UNLAWFUL W THOUT CERll[ OF OCUUPANC5 pPagV D AS RETAIN STOR~ PURSUANT TO C OF THE ~OWN '" , ,BEQURED ~F,GALROOFCO.STRUCT,ON CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONTINUED: 40 YEAR ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES CONT, RIDGEVENT 31) "THE M~LXTMUM WATER CONSUMPTION FLOW RATES AND r=i - CONT, RIDGE VENT ("i'YP.) 1,5~.BUILDING FELT QUANTITIES FOR ALL PLUMBING YEC~URES AND YJXTURE Frr~INGS L~ ~ ,518 EX'T. GRADE PLYWOOD BHEATHING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE ~TH TABLE PEB03,E." ~ RIDGE~ ROOF RAFTERS (SEE PLAN) ~ C'~,lT R~3~.EVENT~P/]P~ / ~ CEILINGJOISTS(SEEPLAN) 9"BATTINEULATION S2) "BATHTUBS W[T~ SHOWER HEADS AND SHOWER COMPARTMENT ~ ........ " ~. ==,, / ~ (R-Slt)~FLATCI.G. FLOORS AND WALLE SHALL BE FINISHED W~TH NONABSORBENT ~ I~ '"~'~T~~I~'~ ~ / ~ .8,1/4'BATrlNSULATION(R-30C)@BL?EDCLG. SURFACE EXTENDING TO A HEIGHT OF NOT LESS THA~ SIX (6') ~ ~ ~_ ~~ SL~ ~ ~J~L~L~ .~L~ ~ co~. ~G~',~T m~.~ ~ / ~ O~GE' ,CE &,,V^~-ER S.,Em ^& REQ D ~OVE 'mE FLOOR." COI~r. R1D~RVENT(TY~.) 1~ [~]~-L~ i~~~----- [ ,~T ~ ~ ~ ~a / 12 . 33) "SHOWERS AND TUB/SH0~R COMBINATIONS SHALL BE " ROVlDE'GRACE' ICE&WATER SHIELD FROM' I . ,L JL 4" ~ 9 [7 '" '~ THERMOSTATIC MIXING OR THE COMBINA'~ON PRESSURE BALANCE / ~rj~[. '~N~.w,,~A~,~r~'"a-~'-'' ,~J~,[,,^,~J~ [?1~L[1~L~``~jr[T~1~:B~LJ`~t`j~WA~?HALTR~Frw'~T`~[`~'~L~Jj~]~L~L~L~:~, / / '% %~ ~ / / EDGEOFEAVEANDEXTENDTOAPOINTAT THERMOSTATIC MDGNG VALVE TYPES WITH ~M[T STOPS. i0'- ~illI~C~I"~~Ll~zu~t~ ~IL, ~11~. ~'~LLLTi~IiLLt~iNG[fD ~c[~S~L~J-l~l~h~.L~]ht~i[~i~- NEW ROOF RAFTERH ~ / / '~. %... ~ ~ / LEAST24"INBlDETHEEXTER{ORWALLLINEOF 34) "ALL POTABLE WATER OPENINGS AND OUTLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AIR GAP, ATMOSPHERIC TYPE VACUUM BREAKER, '-4-,. PRESSURE , PE VACUUM ERE*ER oR HOER CO.NECT,O. 7 T.O. PLATEHGT C£0 EOT ~B~D~4 AND= BACKFLOW PREVENTER." t CONT. ALUM GUTTERS & LORd WI ~ BATF~OOM AND KITCHEN," 10 2 5/8 ~ eA[EOE~EL~N~SHO~',~' ~T II~T~'~J~ J~i~J ~]~[~I~L~J .k --'~-- ' . 2NDFL. CLGI{~,T,. / // ~ '~%. ~ O,% WDFASCiABD.{TYP) 36) "ALL CONNECTIONS TO THE POTABLE WATER SHALL CONFORM -~- ~ ~ 37) '~00D F~ED STRUCTURAL ~EMBERS SHA~ NOT BE ~ / / ~ BeSom ~1 x ~ ~ ~ INSU~ON " PROVIDED IN N,Y,S. CODE (R606,6), / / -~4"PL~OODSUBFLtORWl ~ k~ ~ 38) "PIPING S~ BE ~ST~D ~ TRENCHES S0 T~T ~E ~ · ~ / NEWCEIL. JST.~Ia"R-S0 E~.GLU~.GLUED& ~ ~ 9 P]P~G RESTS ON S0~ ~D CO~[~OUS ~ ~.o,.~,, / I/ . . / . ~s. ~~~ ~:,~-~o~,~,,~ s~LL co..~v z~. ~AB~ ~Y~__ ~ / U~shedAffic / ~ ~ , ~ ~~ · S~ROOMPL.~GT. EL~:+IU-~"~ 40) "BU~G SEWER P~G ~D FI~ING ~TER~ S~LL FL. ELEV:+8'q03/4"~/~FL.~V:+SM03/4" ~~. ~ ~ -- JL~ ~.n~o]nmTl~ 1 ~ ~ING 41) "THE WATER SUPPLY FOR DIS~ASHERS S~ BE ~U' Ja~i' ~V: ~[~~ --~ Im 'r .... ~-- ~ .... t~"~.G~EPL~SH~THING PROTECTED BY ~R G~ 0R INTEG~ BAC~W PREVE~ER," ~~ ~ ; } 4~ ~ ~ , __ 5'~__ __~ *2"x4'STUDWALLS~I~O.C. 42) '~E DISC~GE FROM CLOTHES W~HING ~CHINES S~L ~ -- ~lu~ ' ~ ' GE~OT~ RIGID INSUlt]ON (R~) BE THROUGH AN ~R BRE~," ~:~ . · ~ tl2 GYP sD. 43) "THE ENTRE PLUMBING ~STEM SH~L BE TESTED IN -~W~D~ ~o~ . ~ ~ 44) "ALL HEATING, ~NTIMT~G ~D A~ CONDITIO~G ~m~ao~qu~.) =yNENE(R~7) ~ - / --~;T;~'~,,~;~a, ~ ............ ~INSU~TION t HB&GOREQUAL~P.) ALL LOCAL RU~S ~D REGUMTIONS ~D AS SPECEIED BY THE ~f2~%~-~" _ _ ~ ~~ .,.o~. ~~ _ ~v:o,-o~ ~lSTFL~EV:~-O" ~ MUST BE ~STED ~D ~ELED AED ~ED IN ACCORD~CE , ~ i ~ ~ ~~u~ New E~st~w~p~e C~SPACE ~ ~] ] 46) "ALL FUEL, G~ SPACE HEATING ~P~CES ~ RESIDENTIAL ] [ [ ~P. FOUNOATION WALL ' Cmw]Sp~e ~ls~lNarNo~. ~~ ~ BUILD.CS S~LL BE EQUIPPED WITH A ~E SAFEGU~D DEVICE , [ p__j CONS~U~ION: " W~LTOREMAIN E~sfg~~~ ~L-- I WHICH WILL SHUT OFF THE FUEL SUPPLY T0 THE BURNER WHEN ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t6"~' DEEP POURED CONCRETE ~P, FOUNDA~ON WALL CONBTRUCTION: 4?) "ALL E~DIP~DN~ S~LL PERPOR~ IN ACCORD~CE ~?B I I I I ' '_S~- ~ m~t Side Elevation ~ ~ ~m~.o T~m BASE~T J -- ~~ ~ ~ -- ~~ Z'~U~DC~C.S~OVERMIN. 6MIL 40) "DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEA~NG E~PME~ S~ B~ SUBJECT ELEV: -?'-2 1/4" [ ~ -- -- ~ SCALE: 1/4" = 1 '-0" NEW 4" POURED CONC. S~ OVER~ ~9~ S~CTI~N POLYET~ENE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW FLR, TO ~E MINIMUM FEDB~L ST~D~DS AS PER T~ NIt04.1 OVERCOMPACTEDSOILASPER 50) '~HE MI~MUM LO~ FOR UNDERGROUND SER~CE CONDUCTORS N,Y.S. CODE (R~4,2.2). 3.500 PSI CONC.(MIN) ~D SERVICE DE~CBS T~T SER~ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT 0F THE DWE~G ~[T L0~ SHALL BE COUPLED ~ ACC0~CE B3701,g, ALL0W~ ~PMCATIONS FOR WffiING ~ETHODS S~ ~ ~c~r~x*5 INSPECTED ~D CERTI~ED BY O~ER'S P.E. UPON CO~TION." ~.~OE CO~e~alNS,~ 53) ~UE ~N~GS S~LL BE OF TER~ COTTA, E~ENDING ~ ~ - ~ ~ BE SO SIZED, CONSTRUCTED, TREATED OR CO~ED ~ OTHER ~0~__ /~ / ~ ~ ~ ~TER~S ~ TO M~IZE EFFECT~LY ~E POSSIBILI~ OF i 12 '/ ~ / / x ~ PRO~DEP~FO~TED [NJURY T0 ERSONS IN THE ~NT THE G~ING IS C~C~D 0R r,ELEV t0' l03/4'' ~ .... ~:~ ~ I I ' Proposed Addition & ~teration at ~e: ~ ~ T~~L RES~ENCE I I ' ~ = m I I ' 54005 No~ Road Sou~old, New York ms~s~ ~o~ I I ~mcco[~ ~ 91 PROSPECT STREET .~,,,~ I I~ G~LAG~R HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 ~ m~v: ~ ~ - ~~~ II IF II I II II II II II ~~t~. ' ~.~v:-o,4 m.~ HO~~ (631)385-7722 ~SPACE ~~ ~ ~ o I .., I infoeghgarch.net I E~s~g s~ ~o --~ ~C~TECTS, PLLC '- ...... A2 ~ ~ ~ I I I I DEEP "OURED CONCRm FOOTING. ~N ~ [ I ..... ~ --~- 1 2' POURED CONC, S~ O~R MIN. e MIL , ~ ' NEW 4" POURED CONC, S~B OVER as n~ed s~ ow coM.Ae~ so~ ~ .~...~,s. ~ SECTION vA.o. aA..~ mOW ~O0~ S~ Of SCAL~: 1/4" 1'-0" ~ CO~C.(M~N) ~:~-;~o~ ~ ~-~.-~ ae no: 04:42 DEEP (P.C. PIER) (TYPO 2 ND FLR PLATE HGT ELEV: +17'-101/4" 2' x 4· W/COPPER CAP 2' X 8" FASCIA WI COVE MOULDING OVER ('IYP.) -- 6' x 6' ACQ POST MASTER BATH CLG. HGT. ELEV: 6" x §' ACQ POST SET INTO 8' DIA. CONC. PIER -- PROVIDE PREFORATED BEAD OD. VINYL SOFFIT Attic CEILING JOISTS WI B" R-BO BA99' INSULATION Existing Bathroom Clos. ~ ~' 'rrYPE X' GYP. BO. AT CL( Existing Garage Q SECTION CONT, RIDGE VENT (TYP.) -- RIDGE -- RIDGE ROOF RAFTERS CONT. RIImE ~ (TYPO A~c CEILING JOISTS WI g' R-30 BAB'r INSULATION Clos. Hall ROOF RAFTERS NEW F.J. · T.O. PLATE HGT BEDROOM NO.3 Attic ROOF RAFTERS T.O. PLATE ELEV. +8'-11~"e Opeilto Beyond EXIBTING FL Hall NEW'F.J. Wl?l (R-19 BATr INSULATI N Existing Basement NEW CRAWLSPACE B" POURED CONC. FNDTN. WALL ON lfi'xB" DEEP POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. PROVIDE {2) ~5 REBARS CONTINUOUS ~ FOOTING 2" POURED CONC. BLAB OVER MIN. 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW PLR, SLAB OVER COMPACTED SOIL AS PER N.Y.B. CODE (RGB4.2.2), 3500 PSi CONC. (MIN) P.C. GRADE BEAM fl" x 12" DEEP OUTLINE OF NEW MASONRY PAVERS AT GRADE -- BOX Wi ~" DIA. GALV. C BOLTS I~ t6" D.C. 4~ x 4· ACQ POST ON ZMAX METAL POST CAP ON B" DIA. x 36" DP, POURED CONC. FOOTING GYP.) (2) 2" x 8" HDIL NEW WOOD LANDING & ST~PS 2" x 8" ACQ. D.J. ~ 16" O.~ OUTDOOR SHOWER ABOVE 6" x fl" ACQ POST ON ZMAX METAL POST CAP ON 8' CONC' FOOTING (TYP'I" 4'-4' Fo~dation Plan SCALE: 1M" = l'-0" HDQ8 ~ ~16" D.C. EXISTiNG CRAWL SPACE TO REMAIN (TYP) EXISTING ONE CAR GARAGE 2" x 8" F.J. ~16" O.C. NOTE: GC SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING BASEMENT WINDOW R,O. AND REPLACE WI 'ANDERSEN" BASEMENT UTILITY WINDOWS '"'DOU~E AL~J:LR~IBTS EXISTING GARAGE DOOR TO BE REPLACED W/ CARRIGAE STYLE DOOR AS MANUF BY '"WAYNE DALTON" OR EQUAL ×> EXIST'G NEW EXISTING CRAWL SPACE (2) 2" X ii" II EXISTING CRAWL SPACE NEW 4· POURED CONC. SLAB OVER MINIMUM 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW FLOOR SLAB OVER COMPACTED SOIL AS PER N.Y.S. CODE {R504.2.2). 3.500 PSI CONC. (MIN) NEW CRAWL SPACE BY NYS RESD CODE EXISTING 2":: 8" F,J, ~16" O. EXISTING CRAWL SPACE EXISTING 2" x 8" F.J. ®16" O.C. FULL BASEMENT I (2) F.J. NEW NEW CRAWL SPACE ACCESS JOISTS {~16" O.C. (2) F.J. OVER MIN. 6 MIL .3500 PSt CONC, (MIN) DOX VENT B'-5· 29(8" ACQ LEDGER BO. WI FLABHING AND ANCHOR TO NE'VV BOX WI *V'Z" DiA. GALV. CARRIAGE BOLTS ~ 16" D.C. (2) 2" x 8" HDIL NEW WOOD LANDING & STEPS (2) 2" x 8" Iff)IL 2 POST ON ZMAX METAL POST CAP ON 8' DIA, x 36~ DP. POURED CONC, FOOTING (TYP,) STEP FOOTING AS REQD TYP. FOUNDATION WALL CONSTRUCTION: 8· POURED CONC, FNDTN. WALL ON 16'~x8 DEEP POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. PROVIDE (2) ~ REBARE CONTINUOUS FOOTING NOTE"X": .SET ,,(2) # 5 ROOS 18" LONG 1-0 FROM TOP & BOTTOM AT INTERSECTION OF NEW & EXISTING FND WALLS. DRILL 6" INTO EXISTING FND WALL & EPOXY IN PLACE ALIGN TOP OF NEW FND WALL &BoTroM OF FTC SO THAT FINISHED FLOORS WILL BE FLUSH w/ EXmTING BTU ~ BEARING PLATE DOUBLE 2x MINIMUM HEADER DR BEAM J~' ROD REQUIRED FOR BTU ~ HOLLOW COLUMN THREADED ROD CNW COUPLER NUT Hollow Column Uplift Detail H DQ - HOLDOWN ANCHOR PHD5 AS MANUF. BY SIMPSON STRONG 'HI~. REFER TO SHEET SP-1, NOTE: ALL STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING TO BE FOIJNDATION ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS II Proposed Addition & Alteration at the: , I NOTE:ALLCONNECTIONSSHALLCOMPLYWITHTHE2001SBCItlOHW[ND I I TURNBULL RESIDENCE I EDITION OF THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM) FOR ONE I [ ............. -- I A~,~O-V~Y D~[INOS. I [ 54005 North Road Southold, New York I SILL PLATES OR WALL BO~FOM PLATES SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE I ~ NOTE: M~N, aBL. F.O.'S UNOER ^~ PO~N~ LOA~S FROM ^*0VE, I 'i'!~/~~ ~ I I WALLS ^N0 SATH TOS ABOVE, I ! I Ag, I NOTE', *,, ~aL, F~O.'B UNDR. ALL ~OST ~0U FLOOR ABOVE. I I ~I! l~a.~ ~ I X X,.; I BOU~ ~[OC~ a' CO~C~T~E¢ tO^O~N* IOO~> TO STEEL BE~ O~ I~ ~J~/.;~ Im...*l I I m, ~o, 04:42 I ~OUN~A*IO, ~/A~. I ~ · r** I I I' I iI ! I I I I I / / / bouad~y of 1 non-luff buffer TERRACE LIN~ OF EX[~TI~O DECK TO BE REPLACED Wt MASONRY PAVI~.S AT GRADE OUTLINE OF NEW -- MASONRY PAVERS AT GRADE HDQ8 GRADE LEVEL MASONRY TERRACE NEW 10"x10" LOAD BEARING FIBER COMPOSITE ROMAN DORIC COLUMNS W/C-.~P & BA~E A~ MANUFACTURED BY HB&G OR EQUAL (TYP.) (2) 2",10" h~. Sun Room Exist'g ~½,, x ]6" LVL ~mm Master Bedroom Bath Exist'g Living Room 'dia sfl pipe ~ OF BXT~.IOR WALL TO BE RI~MOVED -- wst bar 2668 (2) 1 3/4" X 91/2" LVL tiDE. Dinette d Kitchen Now Master Bath FKENCH DOOR Library ) BE REMOVED op~nmg Foyer (2) CW24 (2) Hallway First Floor Plan SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SETBACK LINE WINDOW ~GAL WINDOW 5TOOL MODEL #5AW G2G ~ PROVIDE HINGE/:OR /~ 5/~. PANEL TO ALLOW t FOP. ACCESO TO 5TOP-AGE -, INSTALL (2)Yt' PL~OOD ~ Section Thru Window Seat 1 1/2' = 1'-0" SITE DATA IPROPERTY: - 31,972 S.F. PROPERTY: LANDWARD OF C.E,H.L. = 13,647 S.F. IEXISTING RESIDENCE = 1,440 S,F,, PROPOSED FRONf PORTICO & STEPS - 76.59 S.F. PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ADDITIONS ' 366.59 S.F. PROPOSED REAR N/W VERANDA~'' 109.68 S.F. PROPOSED (ROOFED OVER) GATE ENTRY"" 27 S.F. PROPOSED OIVEST) LANDING & 3TEPS - 15.11 S.F. PROPOSED (EAST) LANDING & STEPS - 17 S.F. OUTDOOR SHOWER -/2 S.F. SUB-TOTAL FOOTPRINT" 2,063.69 S.F. /~,p,. }t //PROPOSED SHED = 96 S,F. f;~ PROPOSED KIDNEY SHAPE POOL- 525.65 S.F, TOTAL FOOTPRINT - 2,685.34 $.F. PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: 13,647 S.F./2,685.34 - 19.67% ALLOWABLE LOT COVERAGE: 13,647 S.F, x 20% - 2,729.4 S.F. ELECTRICAl. NOTES: THE INSTALLATION OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, EQUIPMENT, AND COMPONENTS INCLUDING SERVICE, POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, FIXTURES, APPUANCES, DEVICES, AND APPURTENANCES, SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 35 THROUGH 42 OF THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS, COMPONENTS, DEVICES, FIXTURES, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED FOR THE APPLICATION, SHALL BEAR THE LABEL OF AN APPROVED AGENCY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED, AND USED, OR BOTH, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFAC'PJRER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, (SECTION E3303) THE CONTRCTOR SHALL PROVIDE RECEPTACLES SO THAT NO POINT ALONG THE FLOOR LINE IN ANY WALL SPACE iS MORE THAN SIX FEET (6') MEASURED HORIZONTALLY FROM AN OUTLET IN THAT SPACE. NOTE: PLANS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE ~[ITH THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFCM 2001 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION) FOR ONE AND T~O FAMILY DWI~.T.r~rGS AS RERqUIRED BY THE RESIDENTIAL CODE 0P NEW YORK STATE SECTION R30L2,1,1 DESIGN CRITER~. SLOPE GROUND AROUND FOUNDATION AS PER (R4OI,S,)'rM~ GRADE ADJOINING ALL FOUNDAT]ON ~ALLM SMALL RS ELOPED AT A )~.NIUUM OF SIX ]NCHDS (S") ~]TffiN THE PIXST TEN DO0? (10'-0") DISTANCE G,C. TO REVIEW' W[TR OWNER: UANUF, / MODEL~ / SIZES/ LOCATION AND GprLLE PATTERNS CF ALL WENDORM & DOORS PI~OR TO ORDERING. WINDOW SUPPLIr~.R SHALL SUPPLY SHOP DRARDqGS TOE REVIEW PRIOR TO YABRICAT[ON FOR F]NAL APPROVAL EY O~NER, ALL WINDOWS SHALL MEET ALL BXTERIOR WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS SHALL BE DESIGNED RESIS~ THE DESIGN ~ND LOADS SPECIFIED IN TARI~ ADJUSTED FOR HEIGHT AND EXPOSUR~ AS PER TABLM R301.~(~). UNITS SHALL BE TESTED BY AN APPROVED INDEPENDENT LABORATORY, AND BEAR A LABEL IDENTIPYING MANUFACTURER, PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AND APPROVEE AGENCY TO INDICATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE OF AAMA/N~tWDA 101/1.S.2. 4OTE flOR TIE5: PROVIDE "SIMPSON STRONG-TIES" AT ALL ffLOOR TO FLOOR CONNECTION5 AND ROOF TO PLATE TO 5TUB CON NECTION$. (]~P.) NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS TO BE MIN, (.3) 2"x 8" UNLESS NOTED OTHER~MSE PROVIDE SOLID T& BLOCKING & WEB STIFF, BETWEEN ALL FLR, JTS, UNDER BRG, WALLS ABOVE, (TYP. PER MANUF, SPECS,) NOTE: STEEL GIRDERS TO HAVE 1/2" BOLT HOLES @ 4'-0" O.C,, PRE-DRILLED IN TOP FLANGES. ALL STEEL CONNECTIONS, SUPPORTS, ETC. TO BE SIZED BY STEEL FABRICATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED STANDARDS, STEEL TO BE SHOP FABRICATED FROM APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. STEEL GIRDERS TO BE SHIMMED WiTH STEEL PLATES ONLY, FABRICATOR TO PROVIDE STEEL SHIMS, SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR STEEL SIZES, COMBUSTION VENT REQUIREMENTS: HVAC CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CAS-3 FAN-IN-A-CAN ASSEMBLY WITH 4" INTAKE AIR HOOD. THIS MODEL IS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE, TO DRIVE COMBUSTION AIR INTO THE MECHANICAL ROOM. THE CAS-8 MODEL AS MANUF BY "FIELD CONTROLS" IS DESIGNED FOR USE WITH OIL APPLIANCES UP TO S.E5 GPH AN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATE OF NEW YORK CODE REQUIREMENTS & FIG. M1703,3(1), HVAC CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY REQUIRED SPECS, WITH BTU OUTPUT OF PROPOSED FURNACE, NOTE: ALL STRUC TURP~ WOOD FRAMING TO BE DOUG FIR #2 OR BETTER ~ 16" O.C. LEGEND EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTroN TO REMAIN VERIFY CONDITION OF PEAMING IN FIELD. EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION TO DE REMOVED (~CMD NEW 2" x 4" WOOD STUD5 @ I G" O.C. NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL CONSTP. UCTION 3500 P,5,1, (MIN) STRUCTURAL HEADER OR STEEL BEAM CARBON MONOXIDE DETEGTOK Q SD 5MORE DETECTOR A5 PER N.Y.5. CODE 3 13, "LEVITON" DECORA, 5INGLE POLE 5WITCH, "LEVITON" DECORA, 3-WAY ILLUMINATED ROCIq~P. 5WITCH W/DIMMER (D- DENOTE5 DIMMER FEATURE) DUPLEX OUTLET G" dia. I OOW MAITE WHITE 5TE? BAFFLE RECESSED/:IXTURE. (INCLUDE HALOGEN BULBS) WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE TO EE 5ELECTED DY OWNER Proposed Addition & Alteration at the: TURNBULL RESIDENCE Southold, New York GALLAGHER HOMBURGER GONZALEZ ARCHITECTS, PLLC 91 PROSPECT STREET HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 (631)385-7722 (631)385-7771 (fax) infa~ghgarch.net date: [ drawing no: of 5 3'-7~" ?'-0~" Bedroom #1 ® dos (2) 2"xlO" hdr. Bedroom #2 d Bedroom Hallway dos Bath unfinished attic (2) 2"xl 0" h0r, I open to Foyer below ;" O.C. AFFW603 HDQ8 Second Floor Plan SCALE= 1/4" = 1'-0" wall below J A 'j COLLAR TIES ~48" O,C. lOL/ - 2" x 8" ~ 16" D.C. Jl I ~16" O.C. lo [7 FI II 2" x 10' R III 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" LVL RIDGE CONL RIDGE ~ CRICKET (3) 2"x10" DOm'mR I I 2" x 10II i ~16" C LI- JIi Roof Plan SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" II II )" R.R. ~16" O.C 2" x 4" 2ND FLR (to 1ST FLR 4" V W 2" W (relocated) 2' V Plumbing Riser Diagram SCALE: 1/4" - 1%0" (RELOCA'iED) Roof Framing: NOTE: PROVIDE CONTINUOUS 50PTIT VENTING NOTE: PP-.OVIDE 5TELL CONNECTOR5 AT ALL INTERSECTION5 OF RIDGES, HIPS, VALLEY5 AND DOUDLE ROOF RAFTERS, NOTE: MIN. DOUDLE FRAME AROUND ALL ROOF OPEN/NG5 AND/OP-. ?ENETRATION5 AT DORMERS, CHIMNEY~. ETC, NOTE: ALL RIDGE5 TO HAVE CONTIN. RIDGE VENTING WITH ROOF SHINGLE OVER TOP. NOTE: PROVIDE "GRACE" ICE * WATER, SHIELD AT ALL PJDGEE, HIPS, VAM~YE, ROOF EDGES, EAVES. ROOF P~TCH CHANGES, DORMERS, CP-JCKETE. ETC. AD PEP-, MANUF. 5PEC5. PROVIDE ICE AND WATER SHIELD AT ALL RAVE EDGES TO A POINT AT LEAST 24" INSIDE THE EXTERIOR WALL LINE OF THE BUILDING A~ PEg. R905.2.7. I NOTE: PROVIDE CONTINUOUS ALUMINUM HALF-ROUND GUI IrK5 AND LEADEP-.5 WITH BAKED ENAMEL FINISH, ClYPICAL) TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION 40 yEAR ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES CONT. RIDGE VENT 'lEg BUILDING FELT 5/8" EXT, GRADE PLYV~3OD SHEATHING ROOF RAFTERS (SEE pLAN) CEILING JOISTS (SEE PLAN) 9" BA~i' INSULATION (R-38) ~ FLAT CLG. 8 1/4" BATT INSULATION (R-30C) ~ SLOPED CLG. "GRACE" ICE & WATER SHIELD AS REQ'D TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION: * VINYL CEDAR IMPRESSION SIDING * 15//BLDG. FELT OR TYVEK BLDG. WRAP * 1/2" EXT. GRADE PLYWD SHEATHING * 2"x4" STUD WALLS/ill §" C.C. * 3 1/2" HD BArT INSULATION (R-I 5) * CELOTEX RIGID INSULATION (R-4) * 1/2" GYP BD, * TERMITE SHIELD AS PER N.Y.S, RESD BUILDING CODE R320 TYPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: * FINISH FLOORING (SEE PLAN) * 3/4' PLYWOOD SUBFLOORING GLUED & SCREWED * FLOOR JOISTS (SEE pLAN) *CROSS BRIDGING ~ fi-ff' C.C. MAX. * 6" BATr INSULATION (R-19) MIN ALT. OPEN CELL FOAM INSUL. AS MANUF. BY ICYNENE (R-27) TYP. FOUNDATION WALL CONSTRUCTION: 8" POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL ON A 16~'x 8" DEEP POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. 3500 P.S.I. PROVIDE (2)//5 REBARS CONTINUOUS ~ FOOTING AND TOP OF WALL REFER TO FOUNDATION WALL DETAIL ALL OVERHANG DIMENSIONS ARE TO FRAME ALL RIDGES TO HAVE RIDGE VENTS BASE FLASHING AS REQ'D NOTE: ALL STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING TO BE DOUG FIR #2 OR BETTER ~ 16' D.C. GENE?AL NOTES: l, G,C. TO VERJFY ALL CONDITION5 AND DIMENSIONS FP-JOR TO START Off CONSTRUCTION. NOTIh-'(THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2. ALL WINDOW DESIGNATION5 AP~ DY"`5ONNEVILLE WINDOW" ALL WINDOW~ TO MEET CODE REQUIREMENT5 FOR LIGHT. VENT, AND EGRI~SS. 3. G.C. TO REVIEW WITH OWNER: MANUFJ MODEL #/51ZEE/ LOCATION AND GffJLLE PATTERNS OF ALL WINDOWS AND DOOR.S p?JOR TO ORDERING FOR CONSTRUCT;ON. 4. WINDOW SUPPLIER 5HALL SUPPLY 5HOP DRAWING5 FOP-, REVIEW. PFJOR TO FABPJCATION. FOR FINAL APFP, OVAL DY OWNER., 5. HEAD HEIGHT OF ALL WINDOW5 AND DOOP-~ AT FIRST FLOOR SHALL ~E G'-,5" TO MATCH EXIEITNG [UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED} G. CEILING HEIGHT THROUGHOUT FIllET ?LOORTO ~E ~'-O". (UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED) 7. "G.C." TO COORDINATE CONTINUITY OF WINDOW $ DP-,. HEAD HGTS. W/FINISHED FLOOR MATE~ALE. ,5, ALL WOOD FRAMING. NAILING AND FASTENING MUST CONFORM TO THE R~SlDENTIAL CODE OF N,Y. STATE. (EEL 5CHEDUL~ ~ DETAILS) 5'. ALIGN ALL EINIDHED FLOOP-. ~DPJ=ACE5 (TYPo U.O.N.) ~ O. ALL DOOR DESIGNATION5 ARE "FOOT-INCH" OTANDAP~D 512E5. (FOR EXAMPLE; 5050 = 5'-O"W x 5MO"H) ALL WINDOW5 TO MEET CODE P,,EQUI~MENTS ~OR. LIGHT, VENT AND EGRESS, WHERE APpLICADLE. NOTE = ALL WINDOW AND DOOR 5TP-JJCTUI~L HEADEP..5 TO BE UFBET, IF Ri~Q~D., TO ACCOMMODATE SPECIFIED WINDOW OP-, DOOR HEAD HEIGHT. Proposed Addition & Alteration at the: TURNBULL RESIDENCE 54005 North Road Southold, New York ~J~ fil~ ~o: 04:42 CONNECTION DETAILS GENERAL FASTENING SCHEDULE STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS: RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE ='= ' ~ , ,o~: ~R to ~GE - Table 2.2B "0~ [ ~ SECTION R301 DESIGN CRITERIA w~ ~ ~"'"~"=~ ROOF ~ WAL-Table 2.2A ,~.~..~,.,.~ ~ ¢.,-..,,~) ~-~,~ ~-'~ ~ Pre&fleeted Holdom ~chor ~QS) a. This ~ble is based on 120 mph wind spe~s and a 33 ~ot mean o,~gv~..~ ~4~- ~fm ~ S~NO~ EPO~. C. Nails shall be 10d common or 12d box nails. W~L to W~L-T~bI¢ 2.2A (POOTNOTE 5) ~ to 8~.T,pPhtemOk~r Gm-n~ 4-~ ~jo~ t~ 1~-2~ A I ~ 1-% 1-A l-V= UPlifT CO~CTIO~S of ~11 exted~ well h~d~r~ minimum ultimate wl~dmwal capacl~ of 490 ~unda. ~OUI~D UPLI~ D~IGN= 4G9.4~ ~.a~,o~.,t¢~-~) 2-~ .~ st~ PROVIDE ALL TOE-NAILING AS PER NAILING SCHEDULE, Exterior Header Tie Detail ~=~<=~ =~ ~ ~=~.~ S~ong-Wall She~l ~o~e; S~pson CS20 ROO~ S~ b. Rmo~s~t~e~gl2f~tinl~to~vid~mm NO. offamers ~tOpwfl112-SDS 1/4x6~ ~ ~LIFT DECK CO~CTION NO~S ~"~ ~z, v' v~ov, m ~.4 ~ 3~,, oc ~r, 0 ~ vm~ ~muo. sw32~s 32" ~ ~3 ~/4" ~ a t/2" ~r / Ridge / R~er Tie De~l upue ~dor m~ks) ¢) wo~ ,~ S~L/BO~OM PLATE to FO~DA~ON ~'~ m" ~ ~-ea ~-~ No, ofmud~ ~*Bors 2-5/8 son CS20 2o OA. (model g's v~ relative m specific ~memions of Pos/& Okder)~~ ~ -Table 3.2A ~ ~]. sd 3,, ~/~. ~ No, ofmud~ ~ors 2-5/8 S~pson E~ Series & HW Series fi~ W~ 5d ~a 7" rage / 10' fmla ~ ~terior Post Cap ~ 90 ~g. ~ Co~. (2) S~pson E~U Series ~ ~~ w~dows ~ v, ~ v ~v ~a ~ ~e~or ~o~ Cap ~ '~' ga~ I~e~on Conn, ~ ~ x m' ~ ~-sa ~ (2) Simpson CC Series 5HA~ ME~ THE REQUI~EMENT~ OV THE MI551L~ C TE5T ~.mm~,c~m, mcb.a,h,ar ~1..,,~1~ ..d~m~tMnfl. lo~ ~TO P~5 TH~ Im A34: 18 GA. I~G" x ~" AND G~rL~ PA~E~50~ ALL WINDO~ AND DO0~ PROIA 1 " ' ~ ~ Ra~er/Plate/ Smd Tie Derail center-to-center NmE: P~S HAVE BEEN DSSIGNED m ACCORD~CE ~TH ~E <~ ~omo~) ~0~ O~g ~O ~0 up ~ 35 f..t m~m~ USE 12-Sd x I~"N~S tom ~ ~, ~o~.~O~ *~a ~ on~ ~ ~ ~.to~ .u.~g~ ST~ ELEVATION DET~ ~ (6-N~Is into plate, 6-N~ ~ ~) d~ mem~m~notbvm~d~.~talinlo~tmno?adj."m~[p'="~.d CODE O"",~. ~T~ ~O*~ ~O".' ' Floor / Floor Tension Tie Det~lE~os~eC~go*: Expos~ B (I~ ShicldUn~la~cnt R~ed) 5~ACE aP UOT L~ ~ '~" B~EN THE WALL ~ ~' Simpson CS20 S~ap & L~4 w~,-,o=~.~...i.., w~. ~.~i..~d~=~,~a~wr.h~a~a~=a~. ALLNe~COSSm~CT~DST~H~LCON~O~TO "~ Lateral Tie PlateDESIGN LO~S o,F~plyp~m.~a~*~=ot~e~12~a~ ~SIDENTIALCODEOPN,Y. fTATE, TOP FLANGE TRIPLE 1.75 LVL HANGER ' USES.Sdxl~"N~S TOT~OF18-10dN~S nmLO~ 15~ H~W~ ~d~.mml ~aH eom~ m ~sV~ A13S.4. ~ (P~CE ~ 1fi" OC.) (Addifionfl hilling ~ plates & ~x) Holdom ~chor Be~een Floors R~er / Plate / S~d Tie De~fl ~s-msa ~oP&aOmm~ ~/8"~,~-a~m~o,& ~z" Proposed Addition & ~teraaon at ~e: ~IC~ ROOF CONS~UCTION ~IC~ FLOOR CONSTRUCTION FO~ATION ~CHOR ~Q~NTS S~pson MTS30 & ~4 ~ g mos~oc~a~rs SmENCE NOT~: PATH 5~L ~ PROVIDED TO T~NSMIT TH~ UPLI~ (6-N~s imo pla~, 6-N~]s ~m box) PE~ ~5. CODE OF NY ~TATE ~E~. 905.2.7. i ~IC~ FO~ATION CONS~UC~ON PRO,DE ~TE S~D PROTEC~ON AS ~R N.y.s. B~D~GCODE (~24). C$ Coll.d Strop T~IC~ W~L CONS~UCTION v' ?OU~D GOUC~E fOUNDATION WA~ L~4 Latw*l n. ON I G"x ~" DEE~ ~OU~D CONC~E ~OOTING. I ~ ~ I~ ' VIN~ CEDAR ,MP~DDION 51DING p~V,DE {2) ,5 ~BA~ CONTINUOUS ~ ¢OOTING ;: 7~~ .~. m. ~,L~o 5,~T,t,* 3soo ~s~ co,cm~(u~,) u.o.,. Dbl. Sill Plate / Floor / Smd Co~ection De~I 3 ~/2.. ~ caw ~,su~r~o, (~-~ 5) ~ - CS20 S~ap & L~4 Later~ Tie Plate S~pson Stung-Tie c~or~ ~s~a ~usu[. ~-4) C~tilever Floor to Smd Derail (~c[, w' oc.) /2" G~ ~D. 12-2-08 TeAMiTE SHIELD ~ eE~ N,Y.S. ~SD S~pson MTS1216 GA. 12" ~ng 20 GA. 24" L DUILDING CODE ~4 (P~CE O ~6" 0C.} USET-10dNMLSTO~ORJO1ST USEg-10dN~8~S~ 1-29-09 . 'V'°" 0,.4 EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS EXISTING FOUNDATtON WALL PROVIDE DAMPROOFING AT EXTERIOR BURl #5 RESARE- 12' LONG SET 6" INTO NON-EH RINK GROUT. (NEW) POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION, (UNDERPiNNiNG) 3,500 PSI -- (2) ~i REBARS AT BOTTOM OF WALL. 12" LONG, SET INTO EACH SECTION. F ACE PROVIDE PREFORATED BEAD RD. VINYL SOFFIT COn. R~G~ VENT CONT. RIDGE VENT (TYP.) -- RIDGE ~ ~o Clos. Hall Lin. ROOF RAFTERS V L~ Attic Attic 2" X 4" Wi COPPER CAP ~*~X;Sf;n~ 2" X B" FASCIA W/COVE MOULDING OVER (TYP.) -- BathToom 6" x 6" ACQ POST 6" x 8' ADO POST SET INTO 8" DIA, CONC. PIER -- 1 ST ~ Et3~V: O'-fi' G]b~DE 36" DEEP (P,C. PIER) (TYPO Clos. ~ ~" '"TYPE X" GYP. BD. AT CL( Existing Existing Garage Basement Open to Beyond Hall NEW F.J. Wt~9 (R4E BA3-r INSULAT ON (TYF) P RovL~I~0 NEW I I CRAWLSPACE I I 1 ST FLR ELEV: 0'-0" SECTI?N ,'-o" rYP. FOUNDATION WALL CONSTRUCTION: 8" POURED CONE. FNDTN. WALL ON 16"x8" DEEP POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. PROVIDE (2)#5 REILARS CONTINUOUS ~ FOOTING 2" POURED CONC, BLAB OVER MIN. 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER BELOW FLR. SLAB OVER COMPACTED SOiL AS PER N.Y.S. CODE (R504.2,2). 3500 PSI CONE, (MIN) P.C. G~E BEAIvl 8" x 12" DEEP OUTLINE OF NEW ~SONRY PAVERS AT GRADE 2"X8" ACQ LEDGER BO, W/ BOX WI ~" DIA. GALV CARRIAG BOLTS ~1 ~8'' O.C. 4" x 4" ACQ POST ON ZMAX " I FOOTING ~P.) (2) 2" x 8" I-IDIL -~. NEW WOOD LANDING & STEPS OUTDOOR SHOWER ABOVE 6' x B" ACQ POST ON ZMAX METAL POST CAP ON 8" CONC. FOOTING 10 DIAX36 DEEP P.C. SONC~TUBE FOOTING-- EXISTING 2" x 8" F.J. @16" D.C. EXIST1NG CRAWL SPACE EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BE P,~MOVED (2) PJ EXISTING ONE CAR GARAGE ~16" S.C. VERIFY EXISTING BASEMENT WINDOW AND REPLACE W/ 'ANDERSEN' EASEMENT UTILITY WINDOWS EXISTING GARAGE DOOR TO BE R~LACED WI CARRIGAE STYLE DOOR AS MANUF BY '"~/AYNE DALTON" OR EQUAL x> Sl*~I EXISTING CRAWL SPACE EXISTING 2": 8" F.J. ~16" O.' III 9'-0" EXISTING CRAWL SPACE II MINIMUM PER N.Y.S. CODE 3.500 PSI CONC. IMli~ EXISTING 2" x 8" FJ. ~16" O.C, TO REMAIN NEW FULL BASEMENT NEW CRAWL SPACE Bi.4m to,-4~. E~ST'O NEW BY NYS KESD CODE -- POURED CONC, Cn~g WALL 3 -0 MIN. BELOW GKADE NOTE"X":- (2)F.J. 8'-5" NEW CRAWL SPACE (2) ACCESS JOIST8 ~16" O.C, (2) rJ. OVER MIN. S MIL I~ARRIER BELOW FLR. 3500 PSI LCONC. (MIN) BOX V~NT 8'5" 2"X8" ACQ LEDGER BD. Wi FLASHING AND ANCHOR TO NEW BOX WI ~z" DIA. GALV. :ARRIAGE BOLT~ ~ 18" O.C, /9 2" x 8" HDR. NEW WOOD LANDING & STEPS (2) 2" x 8" HDR. 4' x 4" ACQ POST ON ZMAX METAL POST CAP ON 8" DIA, X 3E' DP. POURED CONC. FOOTING (TYP.) STEP FOOTING AS REQD TYP. FOUNDATION WALL CONSTRUCTION: E" POURED CONE. FNDTN. WALL ON 18":<8' DEEP POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. PROVIDE (2)#5 REBARS CONTINUOUS FOOTING NOTE"X": ,S~ET :~2) i~ ,5 RODS 18" LONG 1-0 FROM TOP & BOTTOM AT INTERSECTION OF NEW EXISTING FND WALLS, DRILL 6" INTO EXIS'~NG FNB WALL & EPOXY IN PLACE ALIGN TOP OF NEW FND WALL & BOTTOM OF FIG SO THAT FINISHED FLOORS WILL BE FLUSH W/ EXISTING STU ~ BEARING PLATE 90UBLE ax MINIMUM HEADER DR BEAM ~' ROB REQUlREB FOR BTU HBLLD~ COLUMN THREASE9 RGB 'CNW COUPLER NUT Hollow Column Uplift Detail THE GENERAL CSNTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UNDERPINNING WITH THE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY SHDRING AT ALL ADJOINING AREAS DF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE, TO PREVENT ANY SETTLEHENT ~F THE EXISTING STRUCTURE, ALL CDNTRACTORS SHALL USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN UNDERPINNING, CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERPIN IN TWD FOOT SECTIONS MAXIMUM, PDURS ARE TD BE SEPARATED BY A DISTANCE BF TEN FEET BETWEEN SIMULTANEOUS POURS. PROVIDE REBAR TIES BETWEEN ALL ADJACENT SECTIONS, (BEE DETAIL) PRDVIDE REEAR TIES BETWEEN ALL EXISTING FOOTINGS AND NEW UNDERPINNING,(SEE DETAIL> CONTRACTOR SHALL WAIT 14 DAYS BETWEEN POURS, TD ALLOW FOR CONCRETE TD CURE, PRIDE TD PROCEEDING WITH THE SUSEaUENT SECT[SN, AND SO ON, HDQ - HOLDOWN ANCHOR PHD5 AS MANUF. BY SIMPSON STRONG TIE. REFER TO SHEET SP-1. APR NOTE: 10WN OF $0Ul~0tD ALL STRUCTUIL&L WOOD IqLAMING TO BE DOUG FIR #2 OR BETTER (~ 16" O.C. FOUNDATION ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS NOTE :. ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 BBC HIGH WIND EDITION OF THE WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (WFClV0 FOR ONE AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS. SILL PLATES OR WALL BOTTOM PLATES SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ILE~L;]REMENTS OF TABLE 3.2A. INSTALL 5/8" DIAIvIETER ANCHOR BOLTS ElvIBEDDED 7 INCHES INTO CONCRETE FOUNDATION WITH (LBPS 5lB) SIMPSON STRONG TIE BF~GPLATES AT36 D.C. A MINIMUM OF ONE ANCHOR BOLT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN 6 TO 12 1NCHr. S DP FACH EIqD DP EACH BOTTOM PLATE AND WITHIN 12 INC~S OF CORNERS. PROVIDE TERMITE SHIELD PROTECTION AS PER N.Y.S. BUII~ING CODE (R320). NOTE; MIN, DBL, F,J.'S UNDER ALL POINT LOADS FROM ABOVE, NOTE: MIN, DBL, F.J,'S UNDR, ALL PARALLEL PART, WALLS AND BATH TUB ABOVE, NOTE: MIN. DBL. F.J,'S UNDR, ALL POST FROM FLOOR ABOVE~ NOTE; PROVIDE 16" X 8" BOX VENT AT CRAWL SPACES AS PER THE RCNYS CHAPTER 4, SECTION 408.1 50LID BLOCK ALL CONCENTKATED LOADING (DOWN) TO STEEL BEAM OK FOUNDATION WALL. Proposed Addition & Alteration at the: TURNBULL RESIDENCE 54005 North Road Southold, New York GALLAGHER HOMBURGER GONZALEZ ARCHITECTS, PLLC STREET NEW YORK 11743 (631)385-7722 (631)385-7771 (fax) info~ghgarch.net