HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930 _~S IS .TO CERTIFY that at a speoiml meeting of the Qualified voters of the 0utchogue ~'ire District held in the ~ire House in said District mt Outchoguew Suffolk 0ounty~ New York, on the S?th day of September, 19S0, at ?:0Q. otolook P.M. the following propositions were voted on:- (1~ Shmll the petition of ~ohn ~. ~onahan and others verified the ~lst day of June, 19SO, praying that the territory therein described and adjacent to said 0utohogue Fire District be annexed to said Cutchogue Fire'District, be grauted~ and (~ Shmll the petition of ~. H. Thorndike and otters verified the ~$rd day of ~une, 19S0, praying that the territory therein described and adjacent to smid Cutohogue Fire District be annexed to said Outchogue ~'ire Distriot~ De granted? The following votes were cast:- On Proposition No. 1. Yes ---~- ...... On Proposition ~o. ~. Yes -'-~-- ..... Dated at Outchogue, New York, September ~?, 19S0. ~ 01erk. v,~apo?'" 'T~'~N No. ~. g~a. ll tsc Pet;t-ion of J. I%