HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/1932DISTRICT
AUGUST 20,1932.
Mr. J .N. Halleck, Town Clerk
Dear Mr.Hallock:-
Herewith enclosed find minutes of the 5th.Annual
meeting of the Cutohogue Fire District.
The 5th Annual meeting of the Cutohogue Fire District was held in the
Fire House on the evening of Saturday Aug. 20,1932.
Meeting was called to order by Commissioner S.W.Horton at 7-$0 P.M.(D.S.T
Secretary read call of meeting.
R.N.Moore was elected chairman pro-tom.
Minutes of the last annual meeting were read for imformation only.
The Treasurers report was read and on motion was accepted asread and
ordered filed.
Secretary reported having drawn $0 orders and the amount of same is
$6872.56,as shown by Treasurers report.
This report was on motion ordered accepted and filed.
Chairman appointed Goldsmith Herren Teller of Election and S.G.Cas~
Inspector of Election.
Ballots were prepared and voting proceeded.
Chairman instructed the voters.
Ballots on Budget must show the amount and word yes affirmative,No
for opposing.
All ballots on officers to show the name
there being no regular nominations.
Polls were closed at 9-30P.M.,votes were
results as follows:
On Budget for $7000.00 10 votes
yes 9
blank 1
On Fire Commissioner 10 votes
S.W.Horton 8
S.E.Tuthlll 2
On Treasurer l0 votes
H.B.Robinson 9
blank 1
On Secretary 10 votes
Geo.W.Mohlfeld 9
of the nominee,also title,
counted and tellers reported
E.W.Morrell 1
S.W.Horton was elected Commissioner for 3 years,H.B.Robinson was elected
Treasurer for 1 year and Geo.W.Mohlfeld was elected for Secretary for
1 year,also the budget was carried for $?000.00
Minutes read and approved,
A motion was made to adjourn, same seconded and carried.
Geo.W.Mohlfeld, Secy.