HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938 SPECIAL MEETING
Cutchogue Fire District
April 18, 1938
Shall the P'ire C~mrntssioners of Cut-
chogue Fire District be authorized, em-
powered and directed to expend the
sum of Twenty-five hundred ($2500.00)
dollars for acquiring a tract or parcel
of land adjoining said ~ House and
.~orther described as follows: All that
tract or p~rcel of land aituate at
Cutchcgue, in the Town of Southold,
Oounty of Suffolk and State of New
York, bounded northerly by land of the
Cutchogue Fire District; e~zterly by
New Suffolk Avenue; s~utherly by land
of Frank D. Peterson;.:s:~l westerly by
land of Charles P. Tuthlll; or for any
ether purposes authorized by law; and
the sum of Three hll~dr~d sixty-five
dollars and sixty-nine cent~ ($365.69)
for any of the purposes authorized by
law, and shall the sum of Twenty-eight
hundred sixty-five dollars and sixty-
nine cents ($28(~5.59), or so much there-
of as may be necessary, be l~ld out
of ~he accumulated funds now belong-
ing to said l~lre District and now in
the hands of the Treasurer of ~ld
~ District?
Yes '1 1 No
1. To vote "Yes" on any question make a cross (X) mark in the
square opposite the word "Yes."
2. To vote "No" make a cross (X) mark in the square opposite
the word "No."
~ 3. Mark only with a pencil having black lead.
.~ 4. Any other mark, erasure or tear on the banot renders it void.
~) 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this banot, return it
a~d obtain another.
Shall the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred
Eighty dollars ($7,380.00) be raised by tax-
ation for the maintenance of the Cutchogue Fire