HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939Philip ti. Horton, Curtis W. tioFton, 2~J~Jllr, John Z. Machlnchlck Commissioners
Cutchogue Fire District
CUTC~O~U~. L.I., N.Y.
We, The Undersigned, being appointe~ by the ~'ire Commissioners
of the Cutchogue Fire Die,riot to act as Chairman, Teller, Inspector
and $1erk, respectively, of a Special Neeting of the ElectOrs of
said Fire District held at the Fire House 'of said District on Aug-
USt, 15, 1956, do certify as follows:
1. That we are resident tax-payers of said district.
~-. That the propositions set forl~h on the ballots, one of
which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof, were submitted
to said el~ectors.
5. That the polls remained open from ? o'clock P.D~. to 10
o'clock P.M. Dayli~t Saving Ti~e.
A. That on proposition 1. seventeen (17) voted "Yes", none
voted "No", end the proposition was declared approved.
5, That on proposition 2. fifteen(l§) voted "Yes", One(l)
voted "No", One voted blank, and the proposition was declared
8~ That on proposition Z. seventeen(l?) voted "Yes", None
voted "No", and the pr. oposition ~s declared approved.
August 15, 1939
1. To vote "yes" on any proposition, mark "×" in square
opposite the word "yes" under proposition.
2. To vote "no" on any proposition, mark "X" in square
opposite the word "no" under proposition.
1. Shall the Fire Commissioners
be authorized and empowered to
expend the sum of Six Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500.00)
for the following purposes and in
the respective amounts:
Advertising ......................... $ 40.00
Bonds ................................... 1,000.00
Interest on Bonds .............. 200.00
Care and Upkeep .............. 960.00
Fuel ...................................... 160.00
Hose ..................................... 600.00
Incidentals ..........................175.00
Secretary and Treasurer... ?5.00
~anitor ................................. 1,000.00
Electricity and Gas ........... 175.00
Insurance ............................ 625.00
Supplies ............................... 500.00
Telephone ........................... 110.00
Wells and Cisterns ............ 1,000.00
2. Shall the Fire Commissioners
. be authorized and empowered to
expend the sum of Five Hundred
[~1 YES
Dollars ($500.00) for the purchase
of uniforms for the Fire Company.
3. Shall the Fire Commissioners
be authorized and empowered to
sell and convey the following des-
cribed premises:
All that tract or parcel of land
situate at Cutehogue in the Town
of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at
a 'point at the Southeasterly cor-
ner of the premises herein des-
cribed, which point is S. 79° 55'
10" West 100 feet from the South-
easterly corner of other premises
of the Cutehogue Fire District on
the Westerly side of New Suffolk
Lane; thence running S. ?9' 55'
10' West 69.2'/ feet to a point or
monument; thence Northerly $9*
43' 10' l~.act ??.7 feet to a point
or pipe; thence Southerly 9° 53'
20' East 50.01 feet to the point or
place of be~lnrdng.
and receive and acquire in con-
sideratton therefor the sum of One
"'1 YES
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and the
following described premises:
All that tract or parcel of land
situate at Cutchogue in the .Town
of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at
a point at the Southwesterly cor-
ner of the premises herein des-
cribed, which point is N. 59° 45'
10~ East ??.? feet from a monu-
ment. said monument bein~ the
Southwesterly corner of premises
of the Cutchogue Fire District and
· also the Southwesterly corner of
a parcel of land proposed to be
conveyed by the Cutehogue Fire
District; thence continuing N. 39'
43' 10' East 14.2 feet to a point
or monument; thence N. 41' 13'
50' West 52 feet to another point
or monument; thence S. 26' 42'
10' East 56.05 feet to the point
~] NO
Oliver W. Case, Philip H. Horton, Curtis W. LIo~-ton, Stuzrt W. Ho~ton, Johu Z. Mnchluchiek
Cutchogue Fire Distri~
CUTC~O~U~. L.I., N.Y. ~,~ ~ /~32