HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT .... _G~T0.E0.G~.,_ .................... ' ................. IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF .... D_O_T~3~D_~L~ ...................................... COUNTY OF ............. ~.~0 ct-- ....................................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING .... _~ _~_.~__ 33.__ _~g~ ........................... This Report mu~t be filed on or before February first.~ The Fi~.el Year is from January first to December Thirty-~rs+. Town Law - Se~ion 18 I. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE 194o RECEIPTS PROPERTY T,~X~,S ................................ EARNINGS: Services Outside District ....................... Rentals ...................................... Interest ...................................... Other (Specify)t~zF~a .~s~a TOTAL EARNINGS ..................... Temporary Loans ............................... Bonds ......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ....................... Sales of Material and Equipment..O~L!], .l}t~!Lo.s. ..... Contributions ................. ~ ................. Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHF..R RECEIPTS (Give details) ................... Total Receipts ................................... Balance at Beginning of Year (194_~_) ....... : ..... Total Receipts and Balance ...................... ............. ~_. O0 ..... 8~0,00 $ 20~?o0~ 10~67.05 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages .......................... ... . APPARATUS: Purchase .......................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs ............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .... Maintenance and Repairs .............. Hydrant Rental .................................. Insurance .............................. .. .. ..... REDEMPTION 01~ DEBff: Temporary Loans: Principal ............... Interest ................. Bonds: Principal ............... Interest ................. Certs. of Indebtedness: Principal ............... Interest ................. Other Payments (Give details): ~1 g~ & elentzlett ~elephone Total Payments Balanae at Close of Year (194.2_ _ ) .................. Total Payments and Balance ....................... 2000.00 309.~6 459.12 3875,58 6529.37 383Y,66 } ~0367o03 GENERAL INFORMATION OUTSTANDING DEBT: Bo~s: Original Issu~ ............................... Date_ _ _3'- -9_2_8_ ........ Interest Rate_ -5~ ...... Total Payments Thereon ............... 15000.00 Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS: Bai'ance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TEMPORARY LOANS--Balance Unpaid ............... Total Outstanding at Close of Year ............... ASSESSED VALUATION (Reporting Year) Town of _~D_l~ti0Jall_ _. .......................~_.6_.5..~_5._0..,_ ..Q~..._. Town of .................................... Town of .................................................... Town of .................................... TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION ........... CERTIFICATE: OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, _ ........... ~hl~.~:..~,... ~.li~'R~I, ............................................................... do hereby certify that I am the Print Treasurer of ................ IIII[P. ff~II211~T~ ...................................................... First District located in the Town or Towns of ........... ~.0.112t/.~_I~., .................. ~ .................................................... , ............................................... County of....s.'~......K.. ................................ and that the foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year ending_...., l~lill~,lrl:ll~.__...~,. ........................ , 194l~ is true to the best of my knowledge} information and belief. Date~[:-._ J~2:l, 20 ~ 1945 .