HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943Cutchogue Fire District CvTcno~v£. L.I., N.Y. Cutchogue Fire District Cu~c~o~us, L.I.. N.Y. Cutchogue Fire District CUTCI-IOGUE, L.I.. N.Y. 5peol~l M.tin~ of the ~utoho~ue Fire D~otriot, · epeol~l meetin~ off tho lo,al voters of the ~~ F~re ~etriot ~1~ held tn tho ~ro a~ of o~d ~otrtot or ~toho~, N.T. on ~ ~t h. X~3 at 7:~ o'oX~k in ~o eve~ for ~e p~ of vot~ ~ ~e pro~oed ~t. Po~o w~l~ ~ Ol~a for log~ voters fr~ 7,00 P.M. ~ I0{~ P.a. for reoe~pt of b~Xoto. t~r~ratt~ok for ~ ~ppropr~at~on of ~e o~ off ,~x thread five hu~ed Bends lntoreot on ~ondo O~re ~ut upkeep of ~1 ~50 lnotn~n~s 415 ~arot~y ~d T~e~o~ Z~ce Teb~o~ XXO Harry Maoon John Z. MaohinohioR ~,urtis W. Herren -~hllip H. Herren Oor~d Bee{me Dlstriot Cut~hogue, July X?th. X94~ 9oaretary Cutchogue Fire District Cu~c~o~u£. L.I., N.Y. Cutchogue Fire District