HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943FIRE VO K I ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ~r-.'~ ~ DISTRICT TREASURER: NAME OF DISTRICT___0_g~_0_][0_(iJI.,I~__,!~J~, ................................... IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ...... 80'm'~O~ ................................... COUNTY OF ................ ~___0~__0_~__~_ .................................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING_ _ _ ~g ~,_ ~ - - 3,.,9_.~ ................................. This Report must be filed on or before February first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December Thirty-first.. · Town Law - Section 18h DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE RECEIPTS PROrEgT¥ T^XES ................................ EARNIN6S: $ ........................................ Services Outside District ................................................................. Rentals ............................................................................... Interest .............................................................................. Other (Specify) ............................................................. TOTAL EARNIN6S ..... · ............... Temporary Loans .: ............................. Bonds ......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ....................... Sales of Material and Equipment .................. Contributions ................. .................. Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) ................... Refi~ 11 ~an~ TOTAL ............ Total- Receipts ................................... Balance at Beginning of Year (194___) ............. Total Receipts and Balance ........................ ?000o00 15,24 ~837.66 108§~.~0 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages ............................... APPARATUS: Purchase. ........................... $ ................. ~ .................... Rental ............................. Mainten~ance and Repairs ............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs. BUILDINGS: Rental ............................. - ....................................... Maintenance and Repairs ............. ~ Hydrant Rental .. ............................... Insurance ...................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT: Temporary Loans: Bonds: 619.~ Principal .................. - ...................................... Interest ................. , .......................................... Principal 1000. O0 Interest ................. 100,00 Certs. of Indebtedness: Principal ............... Interest Other Payments (Give details): ~elephl~xe ~ ~aa & eleo~xXoi~2 l~uel TOTAL .............................. Total Payments .................................. Balance at Close of Year (194___) ................. Total Payments and Balance ...................... 90,54 ............. :.i..~...~A_ 5844.58 108~5.40 GENERAL INFORMATION OUTSTANDING DEBT: BONDS: Original Issue ........................ $ 17000o00 Date_~__~l__*__l_L_l_~_Z_8__ Interest Rate__$~_ ...... Total Payments Thereon ...... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. CERTIFICATES OF INDE~BTEDNESS: Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TEMPORARY LOANS~Balance Unpaid ............... Total Outstanding at Close of Year ............... $ 1000o00 ASSESSED VALUATION (Reporting Year) Town of .... ~_O'g~___.T~_ ...... ~ ............... $~_...6~_~O0 Town of ....................................................... Town of ......................................................... Town of .................................... TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Print Name of such'F'rt e Distn'ct~ f~r the fiscal year ending._....~.....~...t. ................................... , 194_....~_ is true t~) the best of my knowledge, in[ormation and belief.