HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1960DUTP. HrlGUE FIRE DISTRIP. T OUTrlHO[SUE, L. I., N. Y. August 8, 1960 A special meeting of the legal voters o£ the Cutchogue ?ire District was helc] i~ the .mire House on the '-~bove date for the ~,urpose of votim~ on the proposed budged for the ye~r 1961. Chairm~n of the Bo~rd of ?ire Commissioners )'~alter R. K~elin c~lled the meeting to orde and appointe~l Gerald Beebe (;h~irm~m of the meeting, Ellis F. Billard, Clerk ~,md George qullen,,Inspector, ~-'ter the call of the meeting was read the pol].s were~eclared ope~. at 7: ~fter ~1] voted who wished the polls were ~eclared close~ 10: ?. M. There were 15 Vote cast as follo~,-s: 14 Yes 1 ~'!o. The proposition w~s declared passed by the ch~irm~n Gertl~ Beebe. Whose who voted were : ~tanley G. C~se, W lter R, X~elin Sr., Gerald Beebe, Stanley Simchick, W. Harrison C~se, Milton W. Folts, Theodore Beebe, Ellis F. Billard, l~illi,~o G~?fga, ~ryron Dixon, Adam ~aveski, Harry E. Masom, Albin Pietrewicz, George Mullen, Richard Hortom. Minutes read and approved. Meeting ad joined. Ellis F. Billard, Clerk