HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945CIUTI]HOGUE FIRE DISTRICIT ~UI'I~HO~U~, L. I., N. Y. OUTI]HOGUE FIRE DISTRIOT ~UTCHOGUE, L. I., N. Y. lie ~he uld~rell~ed hereby eertify that a speelal I~etimg of the Outehogue Fire Diat~iet w~a held ia the Fire Ho~e A~t 15~. I945 fez. the pu~oae 9f Bhall ~he ~ of S7775.00 be ral~ed by t~ for the ~i~tai~e of ~he Outeho~e Fire Dlatriet~ Ihall the e~ ~f I750.00 be raiIe~ ~y ~ t~ pureh~ae property ~roa ~e F.D,Petera~a Eat~te ~w ~Jel~l~ the Fl~ DiI~riet preperty ea t2e west~ P~epoiltl~a ~hall the ium ~f I~.O0 be r~iied ~y ~ ~ p~e~ie property frga A.~.RyI~ ~w ~Jelal~ the Dl~i Diitriet oa the Reaulta were aa