HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF .... _8_O_LT_~g~ ............................. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ..... ~),F,C~},,mE~ _,:,%/._ 1.9.G5. ................... The* D IS BU RS EMENTS Salaries and Wages .............................. APPAP~TOS: ~Purchase ................. , ........... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs .............. 4'/7.60 EQUIPMEI~Yr: Purcha~ ........................... Rental .... ..... Maintenance and Repairs .............. 15 3 o BUILDINGS: Rental ............................. ......... -'7-'7- Maintenance and Repairs. 184.02 Hydrant Rental .................................. Insurance ....................................... REDEMPTION' OF DEBT: Tempo,rar~ Loans: Principal ................. 184.92 544.13 Bonds: Interest .... ............. Principal ................ Interest .................. Other Payments (Give details)~elephone Puel Oas & Elect~icity Emergency Sezvice 2umchase of pzppe~ty TOTAL .............................. Total Payments ................................. Balance at Close of Year (194_.fi_) ---~otM---Payme~_ts and Balanc% ................ 116.96 12S.00 _j52oTO_ ; 2121.37 i$ 5331.89 P~o~ : ~ RECEIPTS ~wn of __~_o__u_t_h__olcl $10475~00 town of, __ 5 ....................... Fown of. _: ...................... Fown of ......................... I~-ARNI NC.~: 8ervlce~ Outside District ....................... Rentals ....................................................... Interest .............................................. .... (S~e i~Y) · ' Other c ....... :....' ..... '..'.'.'.'....' TOT~L E,~NINC, S ..................... Tcmpora~ Loans ................................ Bonds ............... ~ .......................... .~ -: ' Sales of Material and Equipment ................ '.t:. Contributions ' ' Refunds (Insurance, etc.) .......................... Orl-l~m RECEIPTS (Give details) ................ · .... TOTAL ............ Total Receipts ................................... BaJance at BeginMng of Year (194_5__) ............. Total Reeeil~ts and Balance ........................ ~Fnen ~etrtct is lo~te~ ~ ~ t~ ~e 10491.25 6576.88 ~1~068,i3 GENERAL INFORIVIATION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Com- missioners? .... ,581;)Rag&to. ~.oaz~. · o;~. Or---,I 5s~LO~Or S ...................... Ou~tis W. HOzton New 3uffolk - N. ¥. . .. BONDS: ~' ' ' Original Issue ................................. Date__-'-- l .......... Interest Rate .......... Total Payments Thereon ......................... Balance Outstanding at Close of Y%ar ............. TEMPOP, ARY LOANS Balance Unpaid ............... ASSESSRD VALUATION OP FIRE DISTRICt' (Reporting Year) Town of .. Town of .................................... 'Town of ....... TOTAL ASS~SS~ VALUATION ........... ~?S91~6.00 co,,n~ of. Su.~61k ., ,,nd t~t thc foregoing s~mnem ~ me ~d~ ~ m~u of ~ch Fire Dis~ for t~ fis~ ~r ~ding~fl~mh-~ ~1 , l~ ~ P.O.A~* ~toho~e~ N. Y.