HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946AC 96O STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTEICT .... 9-U-~--C~9~--~--~-~-?-I-~-?~[--C~ .................. IN THE S OUTHOL~ TOWN OR TOWNS OF ................................................... COUNTY OF ................ $_U~DD ~ ................................... FOR THE RSCAL YEAR ENDING ...... _~_ _~_C_~[]~_ _ _ E,%3. _ _ -3. 94,6 ...... - .............. Thie Report must be filed on o~ before March first. The Fiscal Year is frc~ January first to December Thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30. Town Law - Section 1~1. DAvASION of ~[~NICIPAL AFFAIRS 194 RECEIPTS ~owa of -Southo3.~- ........... $ 85?5.,00 * Fown of PROPERTY' TAXES Fown of ~own of ......................... EARNINGS: Services Outside District ................................................... Rentals .................................................................... I~nterest ........................................................................ Other ....... . ............................................................. TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans .............................. Bonds .......................................... 8ales of Material and Equipment ................... Contributions .................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) .......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) .................... ~-- .............. TOTAL... ......... Total Receipts .................................. Balance at beginning of Fiscal Year (19~ $ ........................ Fund or Account ... Fund or Account $_.; ....... Total Balance Total Receipts and Balance ....................... 8575,00 .......... 5__o 14.30 11736.24 20467,04 *When district is located in more than one 2own, the property taxes received from each toms should be shovm. DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wagesl ................................ 2~,5,Q0 APPARATUS: Purchase .................................... Rental ............................................... Maintenance and Repairs... EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... ;. Rental ............................................. Maintenance and Repairs.. BUIIX)INGS: Rental ............................. · .................. Maintenance and Repairs ............. Hydrant Rental ............................................................. Insurance ...................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT: ,Temporary Loans: Principal ........................................... Interest .................. · Bonds: Principal ............................................... Interest .................. ..................... TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT: ....... ~nth~ay~e~s(Givedetails): c~aen~als Gas & electz£city t~el Telephone 133.2~ 1~0.§~ 173.4~ TOTAL ....... ...................... · Total Payments ................................. Balance at Close of Fiscal Year (19~) Fund or Ac~-~tmt Fund or~ Account ..... ;_._ Fund or Account Total I~a2 e~u ~e Total Payments and Balance ...................... 905°80 6201.51 2046 ?. 04 -GENERAL INFORMATION Is th~ District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board Of Fire District Com- missioners? . .8~a~'at e.-~oa~:~..of..3'~. ~-o · 0.oramt,ss.i-onoz8 .................. G~. ~.BE CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. Chairman of ghe~Boa~d P.0.Address B o~,s: Original Issue ................................. ~atc ........ ? ...... Interest Rate .......... Total Payments Thereon ...................................................... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. $ ............ TEuro~¥ LOANS---Balance Unpaid ............... $ TOTAL OUTSTANDING at CIDSE of YE&R ...... $ ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTglCT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) Town of ........ $ O~/TH(1L~ ................. ~,~9628 .......... Town of ....................................................... Town of ............................................... Town of ---~.--~ ....................... TOTAI~ ASSESS~) VALUATION ........... $ 4259688 ~CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I ........ .~.~.~-...g~...~-~-~--~- ................................................. do hereby certify that I am the TreaSurer of_.~.~0.~U~..-~'v~--~-- Dm ST__..~!_0X ...... F re O str ct located in the Town or Towns of . .................................. , ...................................................................... , ......................................................... County of..........~--:~.~. .................................. and ~hat the foregoing statement of thc receipts and payments Of $1.1cl1 I~F~ Distr~ct for the fiscal ),ear endlng.._~-E.~C..~--~!...--1-.?-(~ ..................................................... , 194 is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.