HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947AC ~[IL_~ STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE , T OF TOWN OR OWNS ................... COUNTY OF ............................................................. FOR THE Th'la l~epc~ ~% ~e fllecl on or before M~rch first. The Fi~,c~l Ye~- ie ffrc~ Je. nu,~.-y f~'e% to December Th~,'ty-fi.ret. ~enera/ Y~niOipal Law - Seotion 30~31 19~ RECEIPTS District ..... tuipment ...... ~0 ~ ~ ~eipts .................. ~ Receipts .............. Year (19~..~ _ .... znd or Account ~nd or Accotuut.. md or Account ~d Balance ............... ~d in more tha! one town, i ~h tov~ should be sho~. REVENUE RECEIPTS: ~ToWn'of ~ Town of *Property Taxes. ToWn'of Town of Total Taxes ...... Other Revenue: From Services Outside Rentals ............... Interest .............. Ssles of Material & E~ Contributions ......... Refunds (Insurance,etc, Ali. Other ............ Total Other Revenue. Total Revenue Recei NON-REVE~YJE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans..~... Bonds ................. Total Non-Revenue Total Receipts.. Balance at beginning of ~otal Balance... Total Receipts *?~en district is located taxes received from each the property DISBURSEMENTS GOVERN~ENTAL COST PAYNENTS: ,: Salaries and l~ages ................... Rental of Apparatus ~Ma~ntenance & Repair of Apparatus .... Rental of Equipment ................... ~Maintenance & Repair of Equipment .... Rentof Buildings... Maintenance & Eepair'~'~.~iiill Hydrant rental ....................... Insurance.......... .... . ............. Interest., .................... , ...... Other Pa~_e~_e~nts.../~ .... ..... .... .~.,.~,.~ ~ ~,v. ~.~ .................. NON-GOVERN~E~TAL COST PAY~ENTS: Capital Outlays(Purchase of Apparatus or Equioment) Temporary Loans ...................... Redemption of Bonds .................. Total Non-Gover~nental Payments .... Total Payments ' Balance at Close of Year (19 ) ........ Fund or Account Fund or Account Fund or Account Total Balance ................ Total Payments and Balance... GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by the Town Board Or a separate Board of Fire District Com- missioners ? · ' Chair~m of the .Boe~l ........... 0UT~TANDi'NO ]~.:~t]~ BONDS: P. 0. lddre~s Original Issue ................................. ~ ............... Date ................ Interest Rate .......... Total Payments Thereon .......................................... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. TElVI?Om4Ry LOANS Balance Unpaid ............... $ TOTAL OUTSTANDINO at CLOSE of TEAR ...... ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) Town of ................ ~' ................... $ ........................... ~.. Town of ............................................... Town of .................................... TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Treasurer of.-.~--~-/~".~.~.-~.-.~-..-.~//~- ~7'~; ~:'~'~-F re District located in the Town or Towns of · .~ .~ r~ ~[~../~.../~ ......................................................................... , ................................................ C ty f L .(~ and that th foregoi g statement of the eceipts and payme ts of such ~re District for the fi'scal ),ear ending_-~_?./-~'__~~.~..:.~?~-./-~_/-..~.._~_i2_ ................... is true.~est o~ my knowledge, information and belief. .......... , P. O.Addrese~'.