HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE: FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER This Report mast be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Munictpal Law -Sectton 30-31 Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF P~JNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER' S OFFICE 19 P~EMUE RECEIPTS: *Property Taxes Town of Town of Town of Town of RECEIPTS Total Taxes ....................................... $11725.00 O~her Revenue: Fro~ Services Outside District ...... Rentals Interest ............................ Sale of Material & Equipment ........ 4, OO Oentrtbutions ....................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... Ail Other ............................ Total Other Revenue ............................... Total Revenue Receipts ........................ 11789.95 Ar~M -REVENUE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans ....................... $ Bonds ................................. Total Non-Revenue Receipts ........................ TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................ . BAI,ANCE AT BEGin/lING OF YEAR (194~. ..... $ 8159.67 Fund or Account .... Fund or Account .... Fund or Account .... TOTAL BALANCE .................................. ~159.67 .TOTAL RECEIPTS A~D BALANCE ..................... $ 19949.59 the property When ~ltrict is located in more than one town, taxes received from each town should be sho~m. DISBURSEMENTS GOVEH2~MENTA~. COST PAYMENTS: Salaries and Wages.; .................. $. JO~. 00 Rental of Apparatus .................... .,. Maintenance & Repair of Apparatus .... 552.50 Rental off Equipment .................. Maintenance & Repair of Equipment .... Renl~ of Buildings .................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings .... Hydrant Rental ....................... Insurance ............................. Other Payments .... ~i epl~o~e ......... 1 ...... ~.~ o. ~r.~. ~;..q~..e.c.~.~.i..c.i/c.j .... ...... ~.n. qi..~.e.n.~ ~ .~p2 .................. ...... ~.ump¢~.qq ...................... Total Current, Expenses ............................ $ 6591o75 Interest .......................................... Total Governmental Cost Payments ............... 'I~O~-GO~EPg[ME~TAL COST PAYMENTS: · Capital Outlays (Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment) ........ $ t860. ~1 Toempo _rary ~'Oans ....................... Redempt[on of Bonds ................... Total Scm-Governmental Cost Payments ........... TOTAI, PAYMI~TS ................................. $ 8~5'2.66 BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (19~8) .......... $ Fund~ or account ........ Fund or Account ........ Fund or Account ........ TOTAL BALANCE .................................. $ 11496.74 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ..................... $ 199~9,~0 GENERAL INFORMATION l's the Distr:lct governedr by ~a.~iBo~, rd or ~a.,.Se~t,'e Board o£ Fire District C~ssioners? ]~?.zd o£ ~i~e Oonmuissio~eZ~ Chairman of the Board ADAL[ ZA~SEI P. O. Address PECOI~IC, l~. Y. OUTSTANDING DEBT --! · ,~ : . ~O~DS: Original Issue ....................... ~ Date IntereetRate__ Total Payments Thereon ............... Balance Outstandin~ at Close of Year ................ $ TE~I)RARY LOA~S Balanc~ Unpaid ~ TOTAL OUTSTANDING AT CLQSE OF YEAR .............. $ TAX BATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE D£STRICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) T~n of Towaof To~ of To~n of Tax Rate Assessed Yaluation S outheld $..£70 $ TOTAL ASSESSED VAIYJATION ........................ $ ~, J55,49~.00 ~E~rrlFICATE OF YI~ I~$TRICT T~EASUI~ I, ~ ~herWmod_C. ~ee. be ., ~e hereby certify %h~t I e~ the c~aby o~ Sufi~olk aad that the fore~oing st~teme~tt of%h& recolpte Il t~e ~o ~the best o~ ~ ~owledge~ informtion ~d belief, ~l~e l~ m 194 8 ·