HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949AC-960 STATE OF NEW ANNUAL REPORT DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE COUNT~ OF ............. ~ .................................. This Report m mst be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal ~ear is from January first to December thirty-first. General Munic[pal Law- Section 30-31 ; ~own Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF ~NICIPAL AFF~RS COMPT~LLER'S OFFICE 19 REVENUE HECEIPTS: *Property Taxes RECEIPTS Town of SouShol~ Town of Town~ of' ' Town of $ 1AAE5. O0 Total Taxes...; ................................... $. 14425, O0 Other Revenue: From Services Outside District ..... $ Rentals ............................. Interest ............................ Sale of Material & Equipment ........ Contributions ....................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... 226e48 Ail Other ........................... Total Other Revenue ............................... ~ Total Revenue Receipts ......................... 14651.48 NON-REVEI~UE RECEIPTS: , , Temporary Loaas ....................... $ Bonds ................................. TO~al' Non ReVenue Receipts TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................. BALANCE AT B~GINNING OF'YEAR (19 ) ...... $ 11496,¥4 Fund or Account .... Fund or Account .... Fund or Account .... TOTAL BALANCE .................................. 11496e74 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ..................... $. 26148,22 * k~en dimtrict is located in more than one town, the property taxes received £rc~ each town should be showm. DISBURSEMENTS GOVERNMENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Salaries a~d Wages[ ................... Rental o£ Apparatus .................... Maintenance & Repair of Apparatus ..... Rental of Equipment ................... Maintenance & RePair or Equipment ..... Rent of Buildings; .................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings ..... ~ydrant Rental ........................ Insurance ............................. 0 ther Payments~ .&. ~$$$$~,'~r~ ~ · - · ~ .............. ............. __ Total Current,,Expenses ............................ $~ Interest .... Total Governmental Cost Payments ............... $--~I~--- NON~O~ERNMENTmL COST PAYM]~NTS:~ Capital Outlays (Purchase of Apparatus or Equl~nent) ........ Temporary Loans ....................... Redemption of Bonds ................... Total Non-Governmental Cost Payments ...... TOTAL PAYM~ITS ......................... ........ BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (]~) .......... Fund or Account ........ Fund or Account ........ Fund ~r Adcount ........ TOTAL BALANCE .................................. TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ..................... GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Commissioners?, BOS.1~(~ O:~ (~Ommt88~l.O~.e~8 Chairman of the Board P. O. Address BONDS: Original Issue ....................... $ Date Interest Rate Total Payments Thereon ............... Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ................ $ TE~3ORARY LOANS - Balance Unpaid ......................... TOTAL OUTSTANDING AT CLOSE OF YEAR .............. % TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE D£ST~ICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for repdrting year) T%x Rate Assessed Valuation Tow~ of Town of Town of To'~ of Southol~ 4,450,981 4,460,9a~,o0 CERTIFICATE or FXRE ]TXSTRXCT TREASURER X, ~ Prin~ Tr~urer 9f ~t ~o~e An~n18 , ~ty of ~0~ ~d t~t the foregoing s~tement of th6 receipts ~d ~yments such ~ire ~strict for the fis~l year end,nE ~$$ ~ ~ 1~4~ t~e to~he Best of ~ knowledge~ inffor~tion ~d Belief. P. O. ld~ress~ , d.o hereby certify that ! mm the Fire District locatod in the Town or Towns of