HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951AC- 960 STAT E OF NEW YORK "FIRE ANNUAL' REPOR'I'~ :' "OF THE ' ' DtSTRICT TREASURER TOWN OR TOWNS OF',., 9Ol]THOLD . - - COUNTY OF ........................................................ FOR THE FISCAL 33~LR ENDING ....... De~ .~X.,..19f~. ......................... - ~ This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year ls,f. re.m,:.J, anuary first ~o DecemJ~er thirty.firs~ .... Gener~i4l i~mioipal Law ~ SectiOn' ~O-31'. ' Town Law - Section 181' DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER,S OFFICE ~ev. '' RECEIPTS HEWENUE P~EIPTS ~ P~per~y Taxes: (When district is located in mor~ than one town, tll~,pe~ .rt~F-~ ~.t~.x~ es rece:Lv~d fFo~.e&ch town mo~L~,-'e~,,,~:') " ' ~ ' "'~ To~m of 8outhol~ $, I4,ZV$oO0 Town of Town of (3) $ X&,SI500 Total Taxes · Other Revenue: · - Fire Protection Ser~_ces Rendered Outside District ...... · ............. Refunds (Insurance, Etc. ) ............ All Other (Itemize) .................. Total Other Revenue.- .................................. (7) $ Total Revenue Receipts ............................ (10) $ · 100.80 14,475.80 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) $ · Bonds Issued .......................... ~ (8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ......... 1 TOTAL RECEIPTS ..................................... I:aZNO ...... Fund or Account..;... Fund or Account ...... $' ' TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) $ ~TAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ........................ (lA) $ 191017.9~ 2 D I SBURSEME NTS CURRENT EXPENZES: Salaries and Wages.. · ~aintonance and Repair (~dgs. EquiP. ).. Light- and Heat ......................... Advertisings'. .............. ~ ........... Printing; ; - Teleph~e .......................... , .... , ~ PremiUB on Treasurer's Bond ............ ~ue~ P~,d~ to Mew York st&re :' Association of Fir~ Districts ........ L, egal Fe~s .......... ~ .......... O~heF rA~S .~.......~ ..... ~. 5~A. 50 .,-'~, 20..55 -..-. 10.00 ?otal Curront Expenses .................................. (1] S CAPITAL OUTLAY: Purchase of Apparatus PurchAse or Erection of B~ildings ...... ,, Total Capital Outlay .................................... (2) DEBT SERYICE: Pa2ment of Motes - Principa~ ....... -~...(S) Payment of Bonds - Principal ....... .... (3) Interest oa Metes &md Bonds ............ (~) · Total De. bt Service ...................................... TOTAL DISBUI~E3~NT$ ................................. a~c,~c~ A? CLO~ OF ~ (1~2.) ..... 16~9.16 Fund Account 02' TOTAL BALAMCE ........................................ (8) S 11 ~OTAL PAYMENTS AMD BALANCE .................... ' ......(9) GENERAL INFQRMAT ION Is the Dis~r~ct ~overoed by the Tam Board or a separate Bo~d of Fire Dietr~ct C~4 satoners? · · - :- ' Notda '~l~zncipa~ Onl : ~ BeE~nn~' Dur~n~ Total During ~ 0f ~ of ~ Y~r ~r Gapit~ ~et .' . ' ......... ~ ..... "' ' ......... ~nue ~ti~ipation ' . , :. ,. ' . .. ~S (P~i~ ~): ~ Year ~te~st ~ts~ ~ssu~ e~ ~s~g (Sh~.~ Zssu~ ~te~ ~ of ~ ~te ~g~ ' Du~ ' ~g : '~ ~d of ?itle ~ h~ of ~ch) Isle iof~Y~r ~ : Y~r ~ ~r . ~T~,- ~S . J To~ of To~ of · TOTAL - A~'~ VAL~ATIO~ (¥aluati~ which was used for .~preading the Property Taxes Collected and Showa on Page 2) Tax ~ate ,B0~hgX~ Per $1,000 AsseSsed Yalttatiom CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I - · , do hereby .certify tha$ I am [{he Treasurer '~f' ' ' Priht N~e . ~ .... -,,. ,,, Pire Dla~'~ ~o~ated in. %h~ TO~ or'Towns of:~ . ~. _. 3~thol{ . ;: ,. :.. :.' Co~ty Of ~9~;' ~ , and Sha~' th~ for~ot~ s'ta{ement of the r~Clipts ~d~a~emts Of ~c~' P~re District for the fiscal year, e~i~ ~ ~ ~[~ , 195~, is t~ue %o ~he J~e~{ ~ my- k~wted~e, information ~d ~elie~. ~ Dated: ~e 10, ~ , '~ ~ A~re~~