HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF TH~ ~ FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME Of' DISTRICT. TN THE ~ow. o. TOW.S o~ ..... A°..~..~.°A.~ .................................. COUNTY Of' ........................................................ FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING Deo, ~1. 195g This Report must be filed on or before Maruh first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General M~nicipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 aev. DIVISION OF M~NICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROT.T.~R' S OFFICE RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIFr3: Preperty Taxee~ To~ of To~n of ?o~n of To~n of (~Jhen d~strlct £e located in ~ore than one to~, the property taxes received fro~ each to~n should be sho~m.) SOUTHOLD $ 12,42§.00 Total Taxes ......... .................................. (~) $ 12.~25~00 . Other Revenue.. Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc. ) ............ A1! Qther (Itemize) .................. Total Other Revenue ................................... Total Revenue Receipts ............................ (10) $ 12~425.00 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total Mon-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... $ BALANCE AT BEGINNING (F YEAR (195~ ...... $ 11.192.46 Fund or Account ...... Fund or Account ...... TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) $ 11,192.4~ TOTAL RECEIPTS AND ~ALAMCE ........................ (1~) $ 2~,617.45 D ISBURSEME NT$ CURRENT EXPENSES.. Salaries and Wages ..... ............... Haintenance and Repair(Bldgs. Equip.). Light and Heat, ......................... ............................... ?el®phone .............................. Pre~u~ on T~easurer' s Bond ............ Dues Paid to New ~ork 5tare Association of Fi~e D~st~cts ........ Le~ Fees ............................. Otaer ~x~e~ses (Specif~) ............... llZ1.50 ~// 1~96o[0 ~ Total Curreat Expenses .................................. (1) $ CAPITAL OUTLAY.. Purchase of Apparatus or Equipnent ......................... $ 2680°A4 Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay ........................... · .........(2) $ 3041.19 DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3.) $ Payment of Bonds -Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... TOTAL DISBURSE~2TS ................................. (5) $ BALANCE AT CLOSE OF YEAR (lO,/'~.)~ ......... Fund or Account ......... Fund or Account ......... TOTAL BALANCE ....................................... (8) S 12941.18 TOTAL PAYHENTS AND BALANCE ............ ; .......... ~..(9) S ?6,3§.08 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District ~overned by the Tom Board or a separate Board of Fire District Cn.~4 ~sioners? COrem rma.n o · (2nt~hn~'t~Aj '1~, ~,. O. Address Motes '(Principal Only): Outstandin~ Issued ~edee~ed Outstandin8 Types of Notes Bos/nning Durin~ Total During ~d of of Year Year Year Year ~o.d An~cipatio. $ .......... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital ..................... ~ ................... ~ ...... Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation ................................................ Hevenue Anticipation ................................................ TOTAL - NOTES Bonds (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstand/ng Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separatel~ by of l~te Beginning During During End of Title and Puruose of Each) Issue of Year Year Year YeaF ..................... $ ..........$ .........~ .........$ .......... TOTAL - ~O~DS TA~ RATE AND A~E3SED VALUAT~ O~ F~ DT~TK~GT (Valuation which was used for apreadL~8 the Property Tax~s Collected and Shorn on Page 2) Tom of 30UTHOLD Town of To~n of Town of TOTAL - AS.~_~qen VALUATION Tax Rate Per $1,000 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Assessed Valuation I. ~W~--~ ~. ~'~ do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Print Name ' Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: ~'/~-~ , , Co~ty of ~&~ and that the fore~oin~ statement of the receipts and pa~ents of such ~ire District for the fiscal year endin~ ~' $/ /~ , 195__, is true to the best of my knowledge~ lnfOrmat~ ~d belief. P. O. '~ddress~