HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954STATE Of NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT ' I '0 F THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ...... {].Q~[T]I~DJ.~ ................................. COUNTY OF ........................................................ FOR THE This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE RECEIPTS REVENUE I~CEIPT3: Property Taxes: Town of Town of Town of Town of (When district is located in more than one towa, the property taxes received fr~ each town should be shown. ) Total Taxes ........................................... (3) $ Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ All Other (Itemize) .................. Total Other Revenue ................................... (7) $ Total Revenue Receipts ............................ glO) $ 14557.51 NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) $ Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ $ TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... $ 14~57.§1 $ 587&,11 BALANCE AT BEGINNING CF YEAR (1954) ...... Fund or Account ...... Fund or Account ...... TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) $ 5876.11 TOTAL RECF~PTS AND mU. ANCE ........................(1~) $ 20AZS. SZ 2 D I SBURSEME NT$ OURRENT EXPENSES .' Salaries and. Wages ..................... Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. Light and Neat ......................... I~ASUl'anC e .................... ,..., ..... Advertising ............................ Printing ............................... Telephone .............................. Premium on Treasurer's ~omd ............ Dues Paid to New York State Association of Fire Districts ........ Legal Fees ............................. Other Expenses (Specify) ............... .............. ?~z. :. ~. :.~.z.~.:.t :. ....... 5083.90 1S54, Z8 675.10 16~-?.44 S8,65 267,69 10,00 9055.16 Total Curreat FA~enses .................................. (1) $ CAPITAL OUTLAY.. Purchase of Apparatus .... or Equipment ......................... $ 29S&.50 Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay ........................... ......... (2) $ DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) $ Payment of Bonds -Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... $ TOTAL DISBURSFJ~ENTS ................................. (5) $11991.66 BALANCE AT CLOSE OF ~ (19~J} .......... Fund or Account ......... Fund or Account ......... $ 84,&1.96 TOTAL BALANCE ....................................... (S) $ 8~A1.96 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE .......................... (9) $ 20ASS. 62 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by. the Town Beard or a separate Beard of Fire District Co,w,t ssioners? P. ~. Address DETAT~,,~.n STATE~24T OF 'INDEBTEDNESS Notes (Principal Only): Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding1 Types of Notes Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Bond Anticipation $ .......... $ .......... $; ........ $ ......... $ .......... Capital ..................... ~ .......................... Budget ·...................................... ....... . Tax Anticipation ................................................. Revenue Anticipation ................................................ TOTAL - NOTES , , , , Bends (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Rate Beginning During During End of Title and Puroose O~ F~ch) Issue of Year Year Year yea~ .................... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... TOTAL - BONDS Town of Town of To~n of Town of TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Valuation which was used for Spreading the Property Taxes Collected and Shown on Page 2) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I. ~/;~Z~'/~W"~ ~. /~' , do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Print Name Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: ~~ County of ..~6. A~'~/~/~ District for the fiscal year endin~ information and belief. and that the fore~oln~ statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire ~)~$~' ~ , 195~, is true to the best of my knowledge,