HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE: FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER N&ME OF DISTRICT.. ~J~.C,~0~f.]i; .~;[~ .]~I~,.~]:P~. ................... IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF .... ~QUT~I~D ................................... COUNTY OF ........... .$.~F. ~Q.~ .................................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDINO .... ~$.C~F~. ~1.,. ,1.9,~5 ....................... This Report ~mst be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COflPTROIJ.£E'S OFFICE RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS: Property Taxes, (When dtetrict is located in mor~ than one town, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) Town of 80UTHOLD Town of Town of Town of.. ?oral. Taxes ........................................... (3) $ ~,~'~ Other Revenue.. F~re Protection ~ervicee Rendered Outside District .................. Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ........... Ail Other (Itemize) ................. Total Other Revenue .................................. (7) Total Revenue Receipts ............................ (10) NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOT~ REC~:~PT$ .................................... BALANCE AT BE~XNNING OF YEAR (1~) ...... Fund or Account ...... Fund or Account ...... TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) TO~AL PmC~.IP~s ~m 2 D I SBURSlr ME NT$ CURRENT EXPENSES.. Salaries and Wages ..................... Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. Light and ~eat .......... , ............... Advertising ............................ Printing ............................... Telephone .............................. Premium on Treasurer' s Bond ............ Dues Paid to New York State Asmciatzlon of Fare Districts ........ Legal Fees ............................. Other Expenses (Specify) ............... $ ~73.00 z~oo.,~ XO.OO Total Our--~t Expenses .................................. (1) $ CAl~TAL OUTLAY~ Purchase off Apparatus or Equipment ......................... Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay .................................... (2) $ 2,O12.87 DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) Payment of Bonds - Princip~l ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... ~OTAL D~U~S~TS ................................. ( BALASCE AT CLOSe, OF ~AR (19 5~ .......... Fund or Account ........ Fund or Account ......... ~OTA~ eAtA~C~ ....................................... (~) $ lX~.~.O~ ~O?A~ PAXmm~S A~D aA~ASC~. .......................... GENERAL INFORMAT ION Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Co-,,4 ssionera? ~tl'l a ~ o · a ~e,o~l~m ~. 5. P. O. Address DETAILED STATEMF~T oF INDEBTEDNESS Notes (Principal Oaly): Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstandingl Types of Notes Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Bond Anticipation $ .......... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital ................................................ Budget ............................................... Tax Anticipation ................................................ Revenue Anticipation .. TOTAL - NOTES Bonds (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued' Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Rate Beginning; During · During End of Title and Puruose of Each) Issue of Year ~ar Year Year ..................... $ .......... $ ......... ~ ......... ~ .......... TOTAL - BONDS To~e~ of To~n of To~n of Town of TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (The Assessed Valuation multiplied by the Tax Rate should, generally, agree with the amount shown for Property Taxes on page 2.) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation ~e~elA $ 27.90 $ CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I. ~J~el"wa~ ~. ~ee~9~ , do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Print Name ~ire District located in the Town or Towns of: County of ~fO~k and that the f~re~oln~ statement o~ the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year endin~ ~,~m~~. , 195w__,~ is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.