HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT in the COUNTY OF ~ ~ for the YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196ff_ This Report must be filed on or before March first. The fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty.firsL General Municipal Law ~ Section 30-3!~ Town Law ~ Section 181(3) DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCES GENERAL FUND Real Property Taxes' (Show taxes from each town in which fire district is located) Town of Town of To~ of Total Re~ Pro.ay Taxes Other Receipts: Feder~ Aid for Civ~ Defeme Equipment $ Fire Protection and Other ~s Pro~ded Outside the District (list each District/rom w~m comr~t payments ~e received): District ....... District ~ ~er: (ltemke) . .~ / Tot~ ~er R~ei~s ............................................................................... (7) Notes Issued (Budget, Tax Anticipation, Revenue Anticipation) ...................................... (9) Transfers from ~her Funds: (specify) TotM Transfers ( t 2) Tot~ Re~ipts, Generfl F~d B~ance at Begining of Year, Generfl F~d (13) Total Receipts and B~, General Fund (14) CAPITAL F~D Capital Notes Issues (9) Bond Anticipation Not~ Issu~ (9) Bonds Issued (8) Premium and A~ed Interest on Bonds .............................................................. (8) Interest on Dep~its and Investments of Capit~ Fund Moneys ................................... (7) Tra~fers from Other Funds: (specie) (]2) Total Receipts, CapitM Fund Batan~ at Beg~g of Year, CapitM Fund (13 ) Tot~ R~ipts and Balance, Capital Fund (14) ~SERVE ~D (Insert Title) Interest on De~its and Inv~tments (7) Transfers from O~er Funds: (specify) ........................................... (]2) ............................................... (]2) Totfl R~ipts, Rese~e Fund Ba]an~ at Being of Year, Resewe F~d .................................................................. (13) Total Re~ipts and B~an~, Re~e Fund ..................................................................... (14) TRUST AND AGENCY F~DS New York Sta~ Withhol&g Tax ................................................................................... United States Withholding Ta ................................................................................. Social ~curiW T~ Foreign F~e Insur~ Tax ..................................................................................... Other (specify) Total R~eipts, T~st ~d Agen~ F~& ........................................................................ B~an~ at Beaning of Year, Trust ~d Agen~ F~ds ................................................ Tot~ Receipts and BMan~, T~st and Agency Fun& (3) $_._~.t ,'Vd q, 1.3 $ 9. t $ $ $ $ $ $ PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCES GENERAL FUND Current Expenses: Personal Services (wages and salaries) ................... S- Hydrant Rental Payment to Fire Department or Company for Serv- ices Provided Outside the District (speci[y) Payment to Outside Agency for Fire Protection Within the District (speci[y) Other Expenses: I, j ...... Purchase of Apparatus ~d Equipment (2) _ Debt ~i~: Redemption of Not~ (3) $ Redemption of Bon& (3) Interest on Notes ~d Bon& (4) Total Debt ~rvi~ Transfers m Other F~ds: (speci[y) Tot~ Tr~sfers ............................................................................................ (7) 7 Tm~ Payments, Gener~ Fund ........................................................................................(5) Balan~ at End of Year, General Fund ..................................................................... (8) Total Payments and B~anm, General Fund ............................................................... (9) $ CAPITAL ~ Purchase of App~atus and Equipment (2) $ Purchase ~d Constru~i~ of Buildings (2) Redemption of Bond ~ticipation Notes .............................................................. (3) Interest on Bond ~ticipation Notes (4) Transfers m Other Funds: (specily) .............................................. ..................................................... Tot~ Payments, Capit~ Fund ................................................................................ (5) $ B~ance m End of Year, Capit~ Fund ............................................................................ (8) Total Payments and Bal~, Cactal Fund ................................................................ (9) $ ~SER~ F~D (I~em Title) Transfem to Other Funds: (speci[y) ..................................................... (7) .................................................... (7) Other Payments: (specify) Total Payments, Reserve Fund (5) $. Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund ...................................................................... (8) Total Payments and Balance, Reserve Fund (9) $ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Withholding Tax ............................................................................ $ United States Withholding Tax ............................................................................. Social Security Tax Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Other (speci/y) Total Payments, Trust and Agency Funds ...................................................................... $ Balance at End of Year, Trust and Agency Funds .......................................................... Total Payments and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds $ DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding NOTES Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Tax Anticipation $ $ $ $ $ Revenue Anticipation Budget Capital Bond Anticipation Total- Notes $ $ $ $ $ BONDS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show each issue separately Year of Interest Beginning During During End of by Title and Purpose) Issue Rate of Year 'fear Year Year $ $ Total -- Bonds XXXX XXXX $ $ COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES TOWN District Total Assessed Valuation of Fire District within Town Tax Rate per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation XXXXXXXXXX Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rate) NOTE: Amount of tax shown for each town in last column should agree with corresponding tax receipts shown at top of page 2. RECEIVABLES CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount Due District at End of Year $_ Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year $ THE DISTRICT IS OOVERNED BY: (Check one) CHAIRMAN .~_~E BOARD: . ~, ... Separate Board of Fire District Commissioners Addr~s ~X~ ~ ~,c~ ~ ~RTI~CA~F ~ ~DIST~CT T~AS~R I, ~' ~ " -- , ' , County /'J , and ~at ~e foreg~g statement of ~e receip~ and payments of such Fire District for the fi~a~year ended De~mber 31, 196~, is tree to the best of my knowledge, i~o~ation and ~ ~ Dated ~,~ ~"r , 196~. ~' P.O. AddressX~Z~W~-Q ~Z 7~