HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962For Del~artment of Audit p,~ C~ o_p~rol Use Only i REPORT YEAR [] COUNTY CODE [] i i CLASS CODE  TOWN NUMBER DISTRICT NUMBER STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT_ CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRZCT COUNTY OF SOUTHOLD SU~FOLK in the ~r ~e YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196-~_~ This Report must be filed on or before March first The fiscal year is from Ja]maty first to December thin~.firs~ General Municipal Law~ Sections 30.31 Town Law -- Section 181(3) DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK 7-62-4M (2D-224) RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCES GENERAL FUND RealProperty Ta~s: (Show taxes from each town in which fire district is located) Town of out;hold ...... $ 27,287.79 Town of ...... Town of ...... Town of TotalRealPropertyTaxes .................................................................................. (3) $_ ~'7s9'87°79 Other Receipts: Federal Aid for Civil Defense Equipment ................ $, Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Outside the District (list each District from whom contract payments are received): District ............ District ............ All Other: Utem~e) Sale of Tires 221.00 Insurance neI'un~ 1E.bb Total Other Receipts ........................................................................................... (7) 23.3.55 Notes Issued (Budget, Tax dnticipation, Revenue .4nticipatlon) ........................................ (9) Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) Total Transfers .................................................................................................. (12) Total Receipts, General Fund .............................................................................................. $ ~7. -gg_!: Balance at Beginning of Year, General Fund~l/ls. 5.~;9.../~lS..le~ts...J~k'~5.,..7~5...~a,nk (13) !O ~ 497 Total Receipts and Balance, General Fund .........................................................e~n.l~x-.) (14) $ -~n, 0!8:4 4 CAPITAL FUND Capital Notes Issued .......................................................................................................... (9) $ Bond Antieipatiun Notes Issued ........................................................................................ (9) Bonds Issued ...................................................................................................................... (8) Premium and Acarued Interest on Bunds ............................................................................ (8) Interest on Deposits and Investments of Capital Fund Moneys .......................................... (7) Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) Total Transfers .................................................................................................. (12) Total Receipts, Capital Fund .............................................................................................. $. Balance at Beginning of Year, Capital Fund ................................ ] ..................................... (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Capital Fund .......................................................................... (14) $_ RESERVE FUND (Insert Title) Interest on Deposits and Investments ................................................................................... (7) $ Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) Total Transfers .................................................................................................. (12) Total Receipts, Reserve Fund ............................................................................................ $ Balance at Be~nnlng of Year, Reserve Fund ........................................................................(13) Total Receipts and Balance, Reserve Fund .......................................................................... (14) $_ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Withholding Tax ..................................................................................... $_ United States Withholding Tax ............................................................................................ Social Security Tax .............................................................................................................. Foreign Fire Insurance Tax ................................................................................................ Other (specify) Total Receipts, Trust and Agency Funds ............................................................................ $ Balance at/Beginning of Year, Trust and Agency Funds .................................................. Total Receipts and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................ $. PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCES GENERAL FUND Current Expenses: Personal Services (wages and salaries) ...................... $ Hydrant Rental .......................................................... Payment to Fire Department or Company for Services Provided Outside the District (,pecify) Payment to Outside Agency for Fire Protection Within the District (sped]y) Other Expenses: Supplies Uniforms 9.460.44 ~864.~9 759.9~ 219.50 Maintenance & Hepa~' Insurance Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .............................................................................. (2) Debt Service: Redemption of Notes ........................................ (3) $ Redemption of Bonds ........................................ (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds .............................. (4) Total Debt Service .............................................................................................. 18,~ 5.58 Transfers to Other Funds: (speci/y) Total Transfers .................................................................................................. (7) Total Payments,.General Fund .......................................................................................... $ 9-1 $ 689.47 Balance at End of Year, General Fund ................................................................................ (8) 16,528.9'7 Total Payments and Balance, General Fund ...................................................................... (9) $ 55,018.44 CAPITAL ~ Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .............................................................................. (2) $ Purchase and Construction of Buildings .............................................................................. (2) Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes ............................................................................ (3) Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes .................................................................................. (4) Transfers to Other Funds: (speci[y) Total Transfers .................................................................................................... (7) Total Payments, Capital Fund .......................................................................................... $ Balance at End of Year, Capital Fund .............................................................................. (8) Total Payments and Balance, Capital Fund ......................................................................... (9) $_ RESERVE FUND (Insert Title) Transfers to Other Funds: (specify) Total Transfers .................................................................................................. (7) $. Other Payments: (speci/y) Total Payments, Reserve Fund ............................................................................................ $. Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund ................................................................................ (8) Total Payments and Balance, Reserve Fund ...................................................................... (9) $. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Withholding Tax ..................... ~ ...................................' ............................. $_ United States Withholding Tax .......................................................................................... Social Security Tax ............................................................................................................. Foreign Fire Insurance Tax ................................................................................................ Other (speci]y} Total Payments, Trust and Agency Funds .......................................................................... $_ Balance at End of Year, Trust and Agency Funds .............................................................. Total Payments and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds .................................................... $. DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Ou~tnndlng Issued Redeemed Outstanding NOTES Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Tax Anticipation $ $ $ $ $ Revenue Anticipation Budge~ Capital Bond Anticipation Total -- Notes $ $ $ $ $ BONDS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding ($hos, each t~ue ~para~ely Year o~ Inte~'e~ Be~min~ During During End of by Title and Purpose) Issue Rate of Year Year Yom' Yom' $ $ $ $ Total--Bonds XXXX KXXX $ $ $ $ COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Amount of Tax TDWN Assessed Valuation of 'Tax Rate per $1,000 (Assessed Valuation Fire District within Town of Asseased Valuation multiplied by Tar Rate) Southold $ '~2-~' $ ~'.~' 4.27 $ 27,287.79 District Total $ XXXXXXXXXX $ NOTE: .dmouat o! tax shown [or each town in last column should agree with corresponding tax receipts shown at top o[ page 2. RECEIVABLES CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount Due District at End of Year $. Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year $. THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) __ Town Board ~ Separate Board of Fire District Commissioners CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Address Cutcho~ue ~ New York CER'iIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, Theodore 0. Beebo ., do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of Cutchoguo Fire District located in the Town or Towns of: Southol d -, , County of ~uffolk , and that the foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year ended December 31, 196__, is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Dated .T~nna~y 3: , 196~_. P.O. Address Cuteho~;ue · New ¥o:Pk