HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966For Department of Audit and Control Use Onl REPORT YEAR COUNTY CODE .c~ss CODE TOWN NUMBER DISTRICT NUMBER STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF _mE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF' DISTRICT TOWN OR TOWNS OF 8outhold COUNTY OF Su/'I'olk for YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196~- Tlds Report must be filed on or before March first T'ne Rind year is from ~'anuary f~st to December thirty.first General Municipal Law--Sections 30-31 Town Law ~ Seetion 181 (3) DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK 10-26-66-6M ~ A~D BEG~G BALANCES FUND (Column 18-1) Real Property Taxes: (Show taxes ~rom each tows is which/irs district is located) Town of .~enlt:he~l_d ~ ~ ;.zi&~. Town of .......... Town of .......... Town of .......... Total Real Property Taxes .................................................................................... (1) Other Receipts: State .Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue ..................... $. Federal Aid for Civil Defense ........................................... Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Out- side the District: (list each District /rom whom controct payments are recei~ed) District .......... District .......... All Other: Interest on Deposits ................................. Rentals ........................................................ Refund of Expenses ................................... ~ Total Other Rec*ipts ..................................................................... (7) Notes Issued (Budget, Ta.~ Anticipation, Revenue ~lntlcipution) ............................................ (9) Tt~sfer fi:om Capitol Fmad .................................................... Tr~sf~ fi:o~ .......... Total T~sfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, General Fund ....................................................................... .., ........................ Bninoce ~t Be~inalng of Ye~, Genial Fu~:l ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, General Fund ............................................................................ (1~) cAPrrAL ~ (Column Bands Issued .............................................................................................................................. (S) Premium and Accrued Interest on Bands ....................... ~ ........................................................ (8) Capital Notes Issued .................................................................................................................. (~) Band Anticipation Notes Issued ..............................................................................................(9) Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................................................. (7) Transfer from 6enerul Fund .................................................. $. Transfer fi:om .......... Total Ttans/ers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, Capital rand .................................................................................................. Balance at Begiunin~ of .Year, Capital Fund .......................................................................... (15) Total Receipts and Balance, Copital rand ........ ~ ................................................................... (14) 0API'~A~ (Insert Title) B~SERVE FUND (Column 18-3) 52.544 ,~ $ ~7,406-98 6,687.98 Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................................................. (7) $. Trunsfer from General Fand .................................................. $ Trunsfer from Reserve Fund .................................................. Trnnsfer from .......... Total Transfers .................................................................. ~ ..................................... (12) Total Receipts, Reserve Fund ... ............................................................................................. Balance nt Beginning of Year, Reserve Fund ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Reserve Fund .......................................................................... (14) $ _ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New Y~k State Income Taxes Wkhheld .................................................................................. $ United States Income Taxes ~ithheld ...................................................................................... S~cial SecoriW Taxes ................................................................................................................ Foreign and Alien Fife Insurance Taxes ................................................................................ Other. (s~eci/~) Total Receipts, Trust and,Agency Funds ..................................................... ~ .......................... $ Balance ar Beginning of Year, Trust and Agency Funds ...................................................... Total Re.ceipts and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ........ : ..............................................$ NOTE: I/more than one reserve /und has been established, .attach a sheet showing the transactions o! each additional reserve. PAYMENTS AND ENDING BAIANCES , (Column 18-4) Current Expenses: ~ Personal Services .......................................................... Hydrant Rental ................................................................ Payment to Fire Department ar Company for Services Provided Outside the District: (specify) ~ Payment to Outside A~ency.fo~ Services Withip the District: (specify agency) ' Other Expenses: R=E45.45 Total Current Expenses .......................................................................................... (1) $ Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) Redemption of Bonds .......................................... (3) ~ f r Redemption of Notes .......................................... (3) Interest on Bonds nnd Notes .............................. (4) Total Debt Service .................................................................................................... Transfer to Capital Fund ........................................................ Transfer to Reserve Fund Ttausfer to CeZ't. .......................... ;oo .oo Total Transfers ............................................................................. . ............................. (7) Total Payments, General Fund ................................................. ,.....2 ......................................... Balance at End of Year, General Fund .................................................................................... (8) Total Payments and Bhlance, General Fund .......................................................................... (9) $ CAPI'I'~ ~ (Column 18-5) Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) $ Construction and Purchase of Buildings ...................................................................................... (2) Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................................................................................. (3) Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes ........................................................................................ (4) Transfer to General Fund ....................................................... $ Transfer to .......... Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (7) Total Payments, Capital Fund .......................................................................................'. .......... 8. Balance at End of Year, Capital Fund .................................................................................... (8) Total payments and Buiance, Capital Fund ........................................................................... (9) $ ~AP~?kL n~.qERVE ~ (Column 18-6) (Insert Title) Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) Construction of Buildings .......................................................................................................... (2) Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................................... $ Transfer to .......... Tdtul Trknsfers .........................................~. ........................... Other Payments: (specify) Total Payments, Reserve Fund ............................................................. .' ....................................$. Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund ................................................................. Total Payments and Balance, Reserve Fund ..................................... :. .......... TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income Taxes Withheld ................................................................................... United States Income Taxes Withheld ..................................................................................... Social Security Taxes ................................................................................................................ Foreign and Alien Fire Insurance Taxes ................................................................................ Other: (speci/y) Total Payments, Trust und Agency Funds .............................................................................. $, Balance at End of Year~ Trust and Agency Funds ................................................................ Total Payme.ars and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ....................................................... ~ $ RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances by Fund at End of Year:. General Fund (from page 3) .............................................................. Capital Fund (from page 3) ........................................................................................................................................ ~0 Reserve Fund (from page 3) ..................................................................................................................................... Trust and Agency Fund (from page Total - All Funds ...... ' .............................................. Bank Balances at End of Year:. Bank Outstanding Net Bank Balance Checks Balance NameandLocatiun of Ba~ Cu~aho~u~: N.Y. FUND Totals ~ ..... $ 90.556.50 $~ $ 29~509.98 Petty Cash Gash or~ Hand ~Fotal Bank Balances and Cash on Hand I Description of lave s~nent Purchase Price DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Islued Redeemed Out ~s$1mdlng NOTES Beginning During Total During End of ~ear year Year of Year Tax or Revenue Anticipation $ Budget Capir ~1 Bond Anficip-';-' lis $ $ lis Total- Notes BONDS Year Outstanding $ Issued Redeemed $ Outstanding (Show e~cb issue separately by of Interest Beginning During During End Title'a~d p~ose) Issue Rate of year year Year of year $ Total- Bonds XXXX XXXX ' COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Amount of ~Tax TOg~N of Fire District per $1,000 (Assessed V~l~ztioa within Town of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tv~c Rate) NOTE; -Amom~t o/ta~ sbow~ /or each tow~ i~ last colmm~ sboekt a~ with c~es~i~g ~ re~ipts s~= at top o/~ge 2, ~Lg.q C~ PAY~LE ~o~t ~e D~i~ at ~d of Ye~ $. ~o~t of Unpaid ~a~ of D~ at ~d of Y~ $ THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: ~ To~ Bo~d N~ . - ~ ~p~a,e Bo~d of Fire Disuict ~.sioners Ad&ess ~!~~ 3 ~ I, ~OOdO~O 0* ~O~O , do hereby c~ti~ th~ I ~ ~e Tress~er of On~h~lm (Please Prin~ or T~e) Fire District located in the To~ or Towns of: ~ ....... , ~ of ~!1~ ~ , and ~at ~e foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fi~ Disttict for the fisc~ ye~ ended Decem~r 31, 196~, is tree ~e best of my knowledge, in.treaSon ~d belief. Dated Fah~un~ ~196~. P.O. Mdress Ct~gt~. N~ ~O~R 4