HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967For Dcpartmer ~dit and Control U~e REPORT YEAR COUNTY CODE CLASS CODE TOWN NUMBER DISTRICT NUMBER STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT TOWN OR TOWNS OF t~)b~F~ OF Suffolk ~r ~e YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196_7_ Tids Report must be filed on or before March first The fiscal yearis from .l'm~ Ik~st to December thirty-first General Municipal Law- Sections 30-31 Town Law-- Section 181 (3) 10- 26-66-6M DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK ~ ~ (Col~m 18-1) Real Propetxy Taxes: (Show taxes/rom sach town in which/ire district is located) Town of .~t~n ~.h c~'] t~ .......... Town of .......... Town of .......... Town of .......... Total Real Property Taxes .................................................................................... (1) It Other Receipts: State .Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue ..................... Federal Aid for Civil Defense ........................................... Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Out- side the District: (li~t each District /rom whom contract payments are received) District .......... District .......... All Other: Interest on Deposits .................................. Rentals ..~ ................... , ................................. Refund of Expenses ............................. Total Other Receipts ..................................................................................................... (7) Notes Issued (Budget, Tcvc .4nticipation, Revenue Anticipation) ............................................ (9) Transfer from Capital Fund: ................................................... It Trunsfer from ~ ~,.,4- ~o ~ .... 4+ Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, General Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Year, General Fund ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, General Fund ............................................................................ (14) 1,517.28 10,000.00 CAPITAL FUND (Column 18-2) Bonds Issued .............................................................................................................................. (8) Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds ................................................................................ (8) Capital Notes Issued ......................................... : ........................................................................ (9) Bond Anticipation Notes Issued .................................................... i ......................................... (9) Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................... / ............................. (7) Transfer from General Fund .................................................. Transfer from .......... Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, Capital Fund ........................................................................... Balance at Beginning of Year, Capital Fund .......................................................................... (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Capital Fund ............................................................................ (14) It ~n~ ~n'] RESERVE lieu'ND (Column 18-3) - 0~n~r~ T/ti,) Interest and Profit on Deposits and Investments .................................................................. (7) Transfer from General Fund .................................................. Transfer from Reserve Fund .................................................. Truns fe~ from .......... Total Transfers ........................................................................................................ (12) Total Receipts, Reserve Fund ............................ Balance at Beginning of Year, Reserve Fund ........................................................................ (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Reserve Fund .......................................................................... (14) It 1,028.86 20~058.15 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income T~xes Withheld ................................ United States Income Taxes Withheld ...................................................................................... Social Security Taxes ................................................................................................................ Foreign and Alien Fire Insurance Taxes ................................................................................ Other:. (specify) Total Receipts, Trust and Agency Funds ~ ...................................... ... ....................................... $. Balance at Beginning of Year, Trust and Agency Funds ...................................................... Total Receipts and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds .......... NOTE: 1! more than one reserve [und has been established, attach a sheet showing the transactions o! each additional reserve. PAYMEN'I~ AND ENDING BALANCES GENF-~i~ ~ (Column 18-4) -Personal Services .......................................................... Hydrant Rentul ................................................................ Payment to Fire Department or Company for Services Provided Outside the District: (speci/y) Payme~nt to Outside Agepcy for Services Withlnr the District: (speci/y agency) 'Other Expenses: 9;'700.00 Total Current Expenses.......................................................................................... (1) $ Parchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) I ;~t.~ --~0 Debt Service: . V~ t' I'~ Redemption of Bonds .......................................... (3) $. Redemption of Notes .......................................... (3) Interest on Bonds and Notes .............................. (4) Total Debt Service ................ ; ................................................................................... Transfer to Capital Fund ........................................................ Transfer to Reserve Fund ..~3.tl~.~.~.rl~..~..l.lllrI .............. '[ O .('}C)O Transfer to ~??n~u~ · ~1]~.13111~1"1'b. ........ Total Transfers .......................................................................... : ............................... (7) Total Paymen,ts, General Fund .................................................................................................. $ ~: ~-84 · 9]. Balance at Enid of Year, General Fund ...................................... ; ........................................... L (8) Total Payments and B~lance, General Fund .......................................................................... (9) ~ ~n,,~on~_o'~ CAPITAL FUND (Column 18-5) Purchase of Apparatus an~] Equipment .................................................................................... (2) $ Construction and Purchase of Buildings ...................................................................................... (2) Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................................................................................. (3) Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes ........................................................................................ Trnnsfer to General Fund ....................................................... Transfer to .......... Total Transfers ............................................................................ . ............................ (7) Total Payments, Capital Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at End of Year, Capital Fund .................................................................................... (8) Total Payments sad Balance, Capital Fund ........................................................................... (9) Cn?~ ~.nl RESERVE FUND (Column 18-6) (linen Title) Purchase of Apparatus and Equipment .................................................................................... (2) Construction of Buildings .......................................................................................................... (2) Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................................... Transfer to .......... Tothl Transfers ........................................... : .......................................... Other Payments: (speci/y) Total Payments, Reserve Fund .................................................................................................. Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund .................................................................................. (8) Total Paymentu and Balance, Reserve Fund ...................................................... J .......... ;. .......(9) -~' '- TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income Taxes Withheld ................................................................................... United States Income Taxes Withheld ..................................................................................... Social Security Taxes ........................................................................................................... . .... Foreign and Alien Fire Insurance Taxes ................................................................................ Other: Total Payments, Trust and Agency Funds .............................................................................. Balance at End of Year, Trust and Agency Fancls ................................................................ Total Payments and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................ $. RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances ~.: . .ua at End of Year: General Fund (from page 3) ...................................................................................................................................... $~.4~l~-- Capital Fund (from page 3) ........................................................................................................................................ Reserve Fund (from page 3) .................................................................................................................................... 3~ ..] 20..~P. Trust a~d Agency Ftmd (from page 3) .................................................................................................................... Total - All Funds ....................................... -". ...............................................................................................$~ Bank Balances at End of Year. Bank Outstanding Net Bank Name and Location of Bank Balance Checks Balance Ou~nhn~u.; N~. VO.k !!9~5 - 10.303.01 Totals ~~ S~ S~ Petty Cash qa~h on. Hand ·otal Ba~ Balanc~ an~ Cash on HanO ~gg .~x_ 5~ FUND Description of Invesuaent Purchasr Pr~.$/Q ~ DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding ] IsSued Redeemed Out stlding NOTES Beginning During Total During End of Year Year Yea~ of Year Tax or Revenue Anticipation $ $ Budget Ca~ itel d Anticipation ] [$ $ S S $ Total Notes BONDS Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed v e~cb issue separately by of Interest Beginning During During Rate Title and P~pose) Issue of Year Year year $ $ ]$ I Total- Bonds Xxxx ×xx $ Is Is Outstanding End of year [$ TOWN To_ma_ of 8outho!d COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation of Fire District within Town District Total Tax Rate Amount of Tax per $1,000 (Assessed Valuatio. of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rate) I xxxxxxx _ : . ~ : RECEIVABLES ,~ount Due District at End of Year $_ THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) [] Town Board ~ Separate Board of Fire District Comndssioners NOTE: Amour o/t shown/o~ each town i. last col~ should a~ w~b c~os~i~g t~ receipts s~s at top o/~ge 2. CL~ PAY~ ~o~t of UnpMd ~a~ of D~i~ at ~d of Ye~ $. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: CERT~'ICA~ OF M~ D~ ~~ I, Theodore ~. R~h~ , do hereby cetd~ th~ I ~ ~e Treasurer of (Please Print or T~e) Fire District located in the To~ or Towns of: , Counw of ~ ~ and ~at ~e foregoing statement of ~he receipts and payments of such Fire District ior &e fisc~ ye~ ended Decem~ 31, 196~ is ~e m th~est of my knowledge, informa~on and belief. Dated __~l~~, 1968. P.O. Address 4