HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 FOR AUDIT AND CONTROL USE Report Year Col. I- 2 ~ County No. Col. 3- 4 ~ Class Col. ~- 6 ~ I I Town No. Col. 7- 9 District No. Col. 10-12 Control (X) Col. 13 ~;~ ~ STATE OF NEW YOt~K DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 196_=_ NAME OF DISTRICT IN THE TOWN C~R TOWNS OF Southold COUNTy OF Suffolk THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) I-~ Separate Board of Flee Commissioners or [] Town Board A~THORIZATION Article 3, Section 70 Of the General Municipal Law ¥l. *Il every ~** fire *** district *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by the *** treasurer of each fire *** district ***. S. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such *** district ***. Every such officer shall also. within sixty days after the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the financial condition of suc~h *** district *** on the date of the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal from office, as the case may be. The refusal or*wilful neglect-of such officer to file a report a~ herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the financial officer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on de- mend of~ the co _mptrol~er." CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER h Theodore ~. Beebo certify that I am the Treasurer of Cutchogue (Ple~e Print or Type) Fire District and that the following report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 196_~ .~ ,, ~p,~ ~ 4 Signature Dated January 2~ , 1969. P.O. Address Cutchogue, N.Y. 11938 ~, . . . CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Name ~,~/~(~ ~,/~,', ./~ ~ Address GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE AIO Real Property Taxes (must agree with Tatal Tax Computation on page d) ........................ (001 I) $ ~. Other Revenues: A20 State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue ........ $ ~_~q__ A30 Federal Aid for Civil Defense .............................. A40 Charges for Fire Protection, Other Services .......... AS1 Interest, Earnings on Deposits and Investments A52 Rentals ....... .P...a. E .k..~ ..n.E ...F..~ .e...1...d. ......................... AS3 Sa~e of Equipment~ · ................................................. A54 Gifts and Donations .............................................. AS5 Refunds of Expenses ....~..~...8..~...~.~.r,..~..e. ................. 54 A59 Miscellaneous Revenues Total Other Revenues ....................................................... (0071) Notes Issued: $ A64 Budget .................................................................... A65 Tax Anticipation .................................................... A66 Revenue Anticipation ¥ ~ ~;; i ' 'fi~;;~' 'i ~'~'~'~i ' ' ' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':. ................................................. (0091) A81 Transfer from Capital Fund ...................................... $. A82 Transfer from Reserve Fund A~..~..:~.~..~..... .......... '7;000.OO Total Transfers ................................................................... Sale of Investments ................................................................................................................ S 46 _.40e/. go. TOtal Receipts ................................................................ , ............................................. Balance at Beginning of Year (0130 Total Receipts and Balance .............................................................................. (0141) $ TO PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE AIO0 OI A602 A603 A610 A&28 A629 A630 A633 A636 A638 Current Expenses: Personal Services .................................................. $ Contractual and Other Expenses ............................ ~q~ ..~C)~5 o Hydrant Rental ...................................................... Fire Department or Company Services .................. Fire Protection ...................................................... Judgments and Claims ............................................ State Retirement System ............................... ......... Police. and Fire Retirement Systam ............ : .......... Workmen's Compensation Insurance ...................... '189 Social Security ...................................................... ~40 olO Medical, Surgical and Hospital Care ...................... Blanket Accident Insurance .................................. 1 :R'7~ _ Total Current Expenses ......................................................(1014) 2 9 a .2...4..2.. ~../~..? ...... (1024) A200 Equipmen~ ................................................................................... Debt Service: A680 Interest on Bonds .................................... (1044) $ A681 Interest on Notes .................................... (I 144) A690 Redemption of Bonds .............................. .. (1034) A691 Redemption of Notes .............................. (I 134) Total Debt Service ............................................................................ A801 Transfer to Capital Fund ............................ $- A802 Transfer to Reserve Fund .......................... (1074) Total Transfers .................................................................. Purchase of Investments ........................................................................................................ Total Payments .................................................................................................. ~ ........... Balance at End of Year (,hoald agree with page 4) .................................................... (1084) Total Payments and Balance .............................................................................. (1094) NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis are for Department of Audit end Control use oely. CAPITAL FUND RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE H51 Interest and Earnings on Deposits and Investments .................................................. (0072) H60 Bonds ~ (0082) H61 Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds .................................................................. (0182) H62 Capital N6tes ............................................................................................................ (0092) H63 Bond Anticipation Notes .................... ........................................................................ (0192) H82 Transfer from General Fund ....................................................................................... (0122) Other (specify) Total Receipts .................................................................................................. Balance at Beginning of Yeer .................................................................................... (0132) Totat Receipts and Balance ..... · ....................................................................... (0142) PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE H200 Equipment ..................................................................................... : .......................... (102S) HS00 Real Property .......................................................................................................... (I 125) H681 Interest on Bond Anticipation Notes ...................................................................... (I 145) H693 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................................................................. (1135) H810 Transfer to General Fund ................. ~ ...................................................................... (1075) Other (specify) Total Payments .............................................................................................. Balance It End of Year (should agree with page 4) ................................................ (108S) Total Payments and Balance .......................................................................... (1095) RESERVE F U N D (S) R1 d~z. Fund Insert-Title of Reserve 455 RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE MS I Interest, Earnings on Deposits and Investments ...... (0073) $ M53 Sale of Assets ..........................................................(0173) M82 Transfer from General Fund .................................... (0123) R.I~Cl M83 Transfer from Reserve Fund .................................... (0223) Other (specify) ( ) Total Receipts .............................................. $ Balance at Beginning of Year ................................... (0133) Total Receipts and Balance ..................... ~ ....(0143) $ PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE M200 Equipment ..............................................................(1026) MS00 Real Property .... ., ................................................... (I 126) H802 Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................... (I 176) M810 Transfer to General Fund ...................................... (1076) Other (specify) ( ) Total Payments .......................................................... Balance at End of Year (should agree with page 4) .. ([0~) Total Payments and Balance .......................... (1096) ~ lhsert Title of Rest'rye' s GTS-?5 15.858,55 $ 22;491o26 TRUST AND New York State Income Taxes .......................................... Federal Income Taxes ...................................................... Social Security Taxes ...................................................... Foreign Fire Insurance Taxes .......................................... Group Insurance Deductions .............................................. Other (~peclfy) AGENCY FUNDS RECEIPTS T2 $. T3 T4 T5 T6 Total Recerpts ........................................................ $ Balance at Beginning of Year .......................................... Total .Receipts and Balance .................................. $- Total Payments ..................................................................................................................... $ Balance at End of Year (should agree with page ~) ........................................................................ Total Payments and Balance ................................................................................................. $ PAYJ~EHTS RECONCILIATION OF CASH ~AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances by Fund at End of Year: General Fund (should agree with page 2) ................................................................................ $ e/=R4.~ 77~1 Capital Fund (should agree with page 3) ................................................................................ Reserve Fund (should agree with page 3) ................................................................................ .'Rq ;.%4c~ ___R! Trust and Agency Fund (should agree with page 3) ................................................................ Total - All Funds ............................................................................................................ $ ~ Bank Balances at End of Year: Name and Location of Bank No~th F o~k Bank & T~ust$ ~o., Cutchogue,NY Bank Balan~ Outstandin8 Checks Net Bank Balance 8m742-51 S 898'81 S 7,843.?0 15,491.26 15~491.26 15,858e35 Totals .................................... $ 40,09:~.12 $ 898.~1 Petty Cash ............................................................................................................................ Cash on Hand (date deposited ) .................................................. Total Bank Balances and Cash on Hand ........................................................................ $ 39,193.31 INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31, 196 Fund Description of Investment I Purchase Price I COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Amount of Tax Town of Fire District per $ 1,000 (Assessed Valuation within Town of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rote) Audit and Control Use Only . Total Assessed Valuation .................. (2100) $ NOTE: Total amount of tax shown in last column should agree with the real property taxes shown at top of page 2. DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bo~ds Year Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstandin8 'Show each issue separately by of ~ntere~t Besinning Durin~ Durln~ End Title ant~Purpose) Issue Rate, of Year Year Year of Year $ $ Total Bonds XXXX XXX ~ $ $ ~- Audit and Control Use Only - Total Bonds as of December 31 ..................................... (2200) $ Notes ax or Revenue Anticipation XXXX XXX $ $ $ udget XXXX XXX apital XXXX XXX ond Anticipation XXXX XXX Total Notes XXXX XXX $ $ $ Audit and Control Use Only . Total Notes as of December 3 I ....... L ............................ (2300) $ RECEIVABLES CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount Due District at End of Year $ Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year