HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1975PRESENT
ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING January 2, 1975 at 7:30 p.m.
Chairman Frank McBride, Cu~t~s Herren, Walter Kaolin,
Bennett ~rlewe~, Treasurer, The~aae CFbulsk~, Secretary,
N'~ll~am M~dgleF ~r.
Treasurer Thomas Cybulski opened meeting and asked for
nominations for Chairman. ~alter Kae~n nominated Frank
Mc Bride. Curt~ Herren seconded the nom~n&t~on. Tr~,surer
Cybulski declared the nom~nation closed. Frank McBride
was unam[nously elected Chairman for the ensuring year.
Walter Kaolin nominated ~erald Wells for Vice-Chairman.
Curtis Morton seconded the nomination. Chairman Frank
McBride declared the nem~n&t~sns closed. Gerald Wells
was unaminousl
by Walter Kaolin seconded b? Bennett 8rlowsk~ ~o designate
the North Fork Band & Trust Cempan~ as the o~f~c~al
depositorF. ~st~en p&~sed.
by Walter Kaolin seconded by ~wnnett Orlowski to appoint
Stanley Salter Secretary for the ensuring year. Motion
by Curtis Herren seconded by Bennett Orlowski that the
partial Treasurer's report be accepted b~t that the full
report be made at the next regular meeting. Motion
passed. The treasurer's report showed as follows 1/2/75
check book balance $965.72. Sav~nsa account balance $4,000.
Capital reserve, apparatus and equipment $29,636.86.
Chairman Frank McBride accepted the m~nutea as read.
by Curtis Herren seconded bF Walte~ Kaolin to adjourn.
Motion passed.