HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1976C:UTGHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT
C:utchogue, H. Y.
! 1935
Jmnu~ryc6, I976
Orgmnizmtional Meeting
The orgmnizational meeting of the Board of Fire
Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District ~s held
on the above date.
Present were Chairman Frank McBride, Germld Wells,
Curtis Wm. Horton, Walter Kmelin, Bennett Orlowmki Jr.,
and treasurer Thomas Cybulski,and Sec. Stanley Salter.
Treasurer Tom Cybulski opened the meeting and aske~
for nominations for chairman of the board.
Frank McBride nominated Gerald Wells. Walter Kaelin
seconded the nomination. Nominations were closed by the
chairman and Gerald Wells was unmnfmnusly elected chair-
m~n for the ensuing year.
Chairman Wells then asked for nominations for Vi=e-
Cha~irman. Frank McBride nominated Curtis Wm. Horton.
Bennett 0rlowski Jr. seconded the nomination. Chairmmn
Wells closed the nominations and declared Curtis Wm. Hort~n
um~nimous~y elected Vice-Chmix~man for the ensuing year.
Motion by ~alter Kaelin, seconded by Frank McBride
to designate the Cutchogue branch of The North Fork Bmnk
mndTrust Ce. as. the official depoaitoFy for the ensuing
year. Motion passed.
Motion by Curtis Horton seconded by Walter K~elin
to appoint Stanley Sa~lter as secretary for the ensuing
year. Motion passed.
~of 2
Cutchogue, N. Y.
T~easumers Report ms follow~:
Check Book Bmlance ....... $338.I7
S~vings Account ........ !~$94,207.39
C~mpitml Reserve ....... $i 39,089.I8
Chairman ~ells mpproved the minutes ms remd.
Motion to adjourn by Frank McBmide,seconded
by Bennett Omlowski Jr. Motion p&ssed.
Commissioners for 1976:
Chmi~mmn Gerald ~. Well~
Curtis Wm. Horton
Wmlter R. Kmelin
Bennett O~lowski
Frmnk J. McBmi~e
Thomas Cybul ski
Stmnley Smiter
Stanley J. Salter,See.