HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1977CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 · anuary 4th, 1977 7:3OP-M-- 7:40P-M- The Annual o~ganizational meeying of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District was held on the above date.Treasurer Tom Cybulski opened the meeting and led in th~ salute to the flag. Roll call showed all members present. M~. Cybulski asked for nominations for chairman of the board for the ensuing year. Mr. Wells nominated Curtis Horton, Mrr. McBride seconded the nomination. There being no other nominations,Mr. Cybulski declared Curtis Herto~ chairman of the board for the ensuing year. Mt.Curtis Horton then asked for nominations for vice- chairman. Mr. McBride nominated Walter KaeIin,Mr. Wells seconded the nomination. There being no other nominations Mr. Horton declared Walter Kaelin vice-chairman for 1977. Mr. Bennett Orlowskl made a motion that was seconded by Mr.Kaelin that the Cutchogue branch of the No~th Fomk Bank and Trust Co. be designated ss the depositoz'y for the ~istrict's money. Motion passed unanimously. Mt.Waiter Kaelin made a motion that the board appoint Stanley J. Salter secretary for the ensuing year. Motion seconded by Bennett Orlowski Jr. Carried'unanimously. Motion made by Walter Kaeltn seconded by Gerald Wells Shat the meeting dates be---The second Tueaday ~f each m~m~ except December which will be the thix~d ~uesday. Mo$ion ca~mie~. The following co.~ittes were appointed: Frank McBride ...... Imsurance Bennett OmtowsL-iJ~.--Pe~sonell~ public relatioms CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 1977 Organizational Meeting Walter Kaelin ........ Wellsand water supply Ge~aldW~lla ........ Trucks and equipmeut Curtis H~on ....... Buildings and Grounds MimAtes were approved as ~ead by chairman H~rton. Motion to ~dJourn by McB~Tde secomded by Bennett O~lo~ski Jr. Motion carried. Stanley 3. Salter, Sec. Time of Meeting 7:3'0 to 7:~0 P.M. ?,ECE, IV~D AND FILED BY THE SOU~kOLD TO~';N DATE/---~'7