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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790RGANIZ~0NAL MEETING JAN.2 1979
CuNhogue, N. Y.
JAN I979
I~wn Glarg Sout~old,
January 2, 1979
The annual organizational meeting of the Board of Fire
Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District was held on the
above date.
Treasurer Thomas Cybulski opened the meeting and after the
flag salute,roll call showed the following present: Treas. Tom
Cybulski, Comm. Bennett Orlowski Jr., Frard~ McBride,Gerald Wells,
Curtis Wm. Horton, Anthony T. Blados and Sec. Stanley Salter.
Mr. Cybulski asked for nominations for chairman of the
board for the comming year.
Comm. Curtis Horton nominated Comm. Bennett 0rlowski Jr.,
Sec'd by Comm. Frank McBride; There being no other nominations
Mr. Cybulski declared Bennett 0rlowski Jr. chairman of the Board
of Fire Commissioners for the ensuing year.
Chairman Orlowskt then took the chair and asked for nomin~-
ations for vice-chairman.
Comma. Wells nominated Comm. McBride for vice-chairman, sec,d
by Comm.Blados ~ _ 1_ 1 I , ; there being no other nominations
Chairman 0rlowSki declared Com~. McBride vice-chairman for 1979.
Comm. McBride made a motion sec'd by Co~.Horton to use the
Cutchogue branch of the NorĀ£.~hFork Bank and Trust Co. as the
depository for the district's ~onies. Motion carried unanimously.
For the district secretary: Comm. Wells nominated Stanley J.
Salter for secretary,,sec'd by Comm.Horton; there being no other
nominations Chairman 0rlowski declared Stanley J. Salter secretary
for the ensuing year.
Motion made by Comm.McBride sec'd by Co.w~..Blados to appoint
CuKhogu~ N. ~
Mr. Richard Lark as the attorney for the district for the
ensuing yea~. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Orlowski appointed the following committees:
Insurance ......... Comm. McBride
Personnel,Public relations ....... Comm. Blados
Water supply ahd~ells ........... Co.~,z.Wells
Trucks and equipment ............. Co..~.Orlowski
Building and Grounds ............. Comm. Horton
Chairman Orlowski accepted the minutes as read. Motion to
adjourn by Comm.Wells sec'd by Cozum.McBride :carried.
Stanley J. Salter, Sec.
Cutchogue, N. Y.
DEC 7.
Town Clerk
December 11, 1979
The election of a fire co~missioner was held on the above date.
The polls were opened at 7:00 P.M. and closed at 10:00 P.M.
Th~ result of the canvass of votes is as follows:
Total votes cast .......................
Bennett Orlowski Jr.- ..................
Georgeanna Fogarty ...................