HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of New York Deportment of Audit and Gontrol Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Re,earth and Statistics Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE R, KmVIQ MAR0 e 1982 FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3], ]9~ NAME OF DISTRICT TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (check one) AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section ~0, of the Genera/Municipal Law "1. *** every *** fire *** dtetrict *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be mode by the *** treasurer of each fire *** district ***." "S. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such *** district ***" CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I,'~'~,',.~-~ ~,,~/.,//~.,~/ certify that I am the Treasurer of ~/~1(~_..~ ~LL~__ ' ' (Pleas.~ Type) ~ Fire District and that the foll~ing mpmt is a tr~ and correct state~nt of the financial transactions such Fire Dis~ict for t~ year ended Decem~r 31, 19~. C.A,.MA. OF T.E Name AC 1962 (11/78) Print Code YZ STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL GENERAL EDP Code A1001 State Aid for Loss in Ra~Doad Tax Revenue .................. A3007 Federal Aid for Civil Defense ...................................... A4305 Charges for Fire Protection, Other Services .................. A2262 Interest and Earnings .................................................. A2401 Rentals ...................................................................... A2410 Sale of Equipment ...................................................... A2665 Gifts and Donations .................................................... A2705 Refunds of Expenses .................................................. A2701 Miscellaneous Revenues (specify) .............. A2770 Transfer from Capital Fund ........................................ A2850 Transfer from Reserve Fund ........................................ A2882 Total Revenues .................................................. AS000 Budget Notes Issued .................................................. A5750 Tax Antlcipatlon Notes Issued .................................... A5760 Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued .............................. A5770 Total Notes Issued ............................................ Sale of Investments .................................................... A5085 Total Receipts ................................................A6000 Balance at Beginning of Year ...................................... A8501 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .............. A8599 RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Al0 RealPropert~Taxes(sameastaxcomputationonpage4) .... A20 A30 A40 A51 AS2 A53 AS4 ASS ~59 A81 A82 A64 A65 A66 A90 PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE Al00 Personal Services ...................................................... A3410.1 A200 Equipment ................................................................. A3410.2 A400 Contractual and Other Expenses .................................. A3410.4 A601 Hydrant Rental ............................................................ A3410.4 A602 Fire Department or Company Services .......................... A3410.4 A603 Fire Protection .......................................................... A3410.4 A610 Judgments and Claims ................................................ A1930.4 A628 State Retirement System .............................................. A9010.8 A629 Police and Fire Retirement System .............................. A901S.8 A630 Workmens Compensation insurance ................................ A9040.8 A633 Social Security ............................................................ A9030.8 A636 Medlcal, Surgical and Hospital Care .............................. A9060.8 A638 B1anket Accident Insurance ........................................ A9060.8 A680 Interest on Bonds ........................................................ A9710.7 A681 interest on Notes ........................................................ A9729.7 A690 Redemption of Bonds .................................................. A9710.6 A691 Redemption of Notes .................................................. A9729.6 A801 Transfer to Capital Fund ............................................ A9550.9 A802 Transfer to Reserve Fund ............................................ A9560.9 Total Expenses .................................................. A9900.0 A900 Purchase of Investments .............................................. A9985.5 Other (specify) Total Payments .............................................. A9999.0 Batance at End of Year (Transfer to page 4) .................. A8507 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ A8599.0 FUND NOTE: EDP Codes are for Department of Audit and Control use. ~59 Copies of recOrdS Social [;oe,~rtty refu~d ]_7. 23.17 6~60. ANNUAl REPORT OF NOTICES OF TORT CLAIMS FISCAL YEAR EMD~HG 19~'/ Claims Pending at Beginning of Year Notices of Claims Filed During Year NUMBER Claims Disposed of During Year Prior to Commencement of Court Action: 4a By Municipality 4b By insurance Carrier Claims Disposed of During Year After Commencement of Court Action: Sa By Municipality Sb By Insurance Carrier Sc By Judgment Other (explain) 6b 7 8 COUNTY Number Amount Amount Paid of of on Claims Claims Claims S $ XXXX to____ XXXX NUMBER TOTAL XXXX TOTAL CLAIMS DISPOSED OF DURING YEAR Claims Pending at End of Year (Line 3 minus Line 7) $ $ AUTHORIZATION AffiCle 4, Section SO-f of the General Municipal Law 3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making ~nd keeping the record of claims shall make an annual report thereof, in summary, to the governing board of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the state comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission. A municipal corporation, authority or commission required by section thirty of tho genera~ municipal law to file an annual report of its fin~no ciol condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection with such financial report. Dated: -- Report Prepared by: Note: It is not necessary to furnish any additional information or details of the above claims or notices of claims. If there were no notices of Tort Clolms filed or disposed of, please state "HONE" and return this repc~t with the Annual Financial Report. DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND COHTROL DIVISION OF MUR~CIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 CAPITAL FUND EDP RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Code H51 Interest and Earnings .............................................. H2401 H60 Bonds .................................................................. HS710 H61 Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds .................. H2710 H62 Capltal Notes ........................................................ H5740 H63 Bond Anticipation Notes ........................................ N5730 H82 Transfer from GeneraJ Fund .................................... H2810 Other .................. N2770 Total Receipts .............................................. H6000 Balance at Beginning of Year .................................. H8491 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ............ H8499 PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE H200 Equipment ............................................................ H3410.2 H500 Real Property (includeinterestduringconstructlbn) .... ~H3410.3 H693 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes .................... H9930. S H810 Transfer to General Fund ........................................ H9510.9 Other .................. H9995.5 Total Payments ............................................ H9999.0 Balance at End of Year(Transfer to page 4) .............. N8497 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ H8499.0 RESERVE RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE M51 Interest and Earnings ............................................ R2401 M53 Sale of Assets ...................................................... R2660 M82 Transfer from General Fund .................................... R2810 M83 Transfer from Reserve Fund .................................... R2882 R2770 Other .................... Total Receipts .............................................. R6000 Balance at Beginning of Year .................................. R8491 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE .............. R8499 PAYMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE M200 Equipment ............................................................ R3410.2 MS00 Real Property ........................................................ R3410.3 M802 Transfer to Reserve Fund ...................................... R9560.9 M810 Transfer to Genera~ Fund ...................................... R9510.9 R9995.5 Other .................. Total Payments ............................................ R9999.0 BaJance at End of Year (Transfer to page 4) ............ R8497 TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE ............ R8499.0 $ $ Type (purpose) of Reserve FUND(S) Type (purpose) of Reserve $ /~;~0 O, O0 T2 New York State Income Taxes .. T21 T3 Federal Income Taxes ............ T22 T4 Social Security Taxes ............ T26 T5 Foreign Fire Insurance Fund.... TS0 T6 Group Insurance Deductions......T20 Other (specify) .... T85 .... T85 TOTALS .......................... T808 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Cash Balance Cash Balance Beginning of Year Cash R-ceipts Cash Disbursements End of Year RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances by Fund at End of Year: General Fund (from page 2) ...................................................................................... Capital Fund (from page 3) ...................................................................................... Reserve Fund (from page 3) .................................................................................... Trust and Agency Funds (fram page 3) ...................................................................... Total - All Funds .............................................................................................. Bank Balances at End of Yeah Name and Location of Bank TOT~ Bank Balance Out*tanding Checks Nat Bank Balance /~'-/~..~ L s~~,~ s ~e~a~ /9 TOTAL BANK BALANCES AND CASH ON HAND ................................................ 8300 ................ $-- '~-"~'."A _,~:~1~, /~ -- INVEST/~ENTS______ = =- -==HELD AT DECE/~B~ 19 Description of Invest.~tt~ Fund TOTAL INVESTMENT: COk~PUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Assessed Valuation Tawn of Fire District Within Town DISTRICT TOTAL 855. ~FT~:I::~- per $1,000 Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) * Must agree with Real Property Taxes shown at tap of page 2. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding I ~.~ issued Redeemed] Outstanding Bonds Year ntetest Beg nn ng yU;ian' OyU:i~g Notes TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING A~ ~F DECEMBER 31 ~ax Antielpation Notes 891, 892. Revenue Anticipation Notes Budget Notes 893. Capital Notes 895. Bond Anticipation Notes 896. TOTAL NOTES 821. _2.7.xxxx xxx-_2 .............. i ......... .......... i .................. XXXX KXX XXXXiXXX XXXX ~ XXX xxxx j~ .... $ s s L~J~L HATES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEMBER 31 $ RECEIVABLES CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount Ouo Oistrict at End of Year 8532 $ 0 . Amount of Unpaid Claims of OistrJct at Endof Year 8541