HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986"All Numbers In This Report Hust Be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar FIRE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 ~_ ,NAME OF DISTRICT Cc~ TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF A N N U A L R E P O R T ~,f. OF THE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) · ~parate Board of ~ Fire Co~issioners or ~ To~m Board &rticle 3, Section 30, of the ~eneral Municipal ~' '*'**everF/'t'**fire~**disf:rict***'%hall annuallg ~sake a report of its financial condition to t2~e Comptroller. Such report sl~ll "5. All reports shall be certified lxj the officer ~m/r/r~ the sa~e and shall be filed ~ith the Comptroller ~it. htn stxtV davs after the close o£ the fiscal gear of auch***district***.~ PLEASE MAlL REPORT TO: · S~ate of New York Office of the State Comptroller Division of~unicipal Affairs Bureau of Hunicipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred K. Smith State Office Buildins Albany. New York 12236 GENERAL FUND EDP RECEIPTS Code Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection 12262 Interest and Earnings 12401 Rentals 12410 Sale of Equipment 12665 Insurance Recoveries 12680 Gifts and Donations 12705 Refund of Expenditures 12701 Hiscellaneous (Specify) .~_~-~-~.~c& ~/l~/~l ; ~¢/~] ~.~y ~, 12770 Transfers 15031 Budse~ No,es Issued 15750 Tax Anticipation No,es Issued Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A~770 Bale of Investments TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at Besinning of Year A8501 2 __ 272 EDP ~AYNENTS Code Personal Services 13410.1 Equipment/Capital Outlay 13~10.2 Contractual Expenditures A3&10.& Hydrant Rental A3~10.4 Fire Dept,/Company Services A3&IO.& Fire Protection A3&IO.& Judgments and Claims A1930.4 State Retirement System 19010.8 Police and FiFe Retire System 19015.7 Workers Compensation Insurance Ag0&Oo8 Social Security 19030.8 Nedicel/Accident Insurance 19060.8 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Interest on Notes A97~.7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 Redemption of Notes 197m.6 Transfer to Capital Fund A9950,9 Transfer to Reserve Fund 19901.9 Purchase of Investments A9985o5 Other (Specify) A TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE $ ~77~ TOTAL PAYNENTS AND BALANCE Notes: Total Receipts and Balance must equal Total Payments and Balance. EDP Codes are for Office of the State Comptroller use. A8507 _ s CAPITAL FUND EDP RECEIPTS Cod~e Interest and Earnings R240~ $ Bonds N5710 Frem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds N2710 Capital Notes N5740 Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 Transfer From General Fund H5031 Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at Beginning of Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE N2770 NS&91 PAYMBNTS Equipment/Capital Outlay Real Property Redemption of BANs Transfer to General Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE EDP N3410.2 H3410.2 N9730.6 N9901.9 E8497 RESERVE FUND(S) RECEIPTS Interest and Earninss Sale of Assets Transfers Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS EDP Codec R2~01 R2660 R5031 R2770 Balance at BeginninS of Year R8~91 Total Receipts and Balance PAYMENTS Equipment/Capital Outlay R3~10.2 Real Property R3~10.2 Transfers R9901.9 Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year Total Payments and Balance R R8497 Total __~_3£ 7 _ Type (Purpose) of Reserve Do Not Key Type (Purpose) of Reserve ___~_~_£~_ s j~,,f 33o s ___~ ,?. ~6_7__ s __~_~_P__ ype (Purpose) of Reserve Do No~ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Income TaXeSooT21 Federal Income Taxes ......... T22 Social Security Taxes ........ T26 Foreign Fire Insurance Fund..T50 Group Insurance Deductions,..Y20 Other (specify) .... TBS TOTALS ............... Cash Bslance BeginninE of Year s__g 2o __1~ · Cash Receipts $._._Z o Cash Disbursements Cash Balance End of Year .S .a'O % D__o Not Ke~ HECONCILIATIOH OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash Balances by Fund et End of Year: General Fund .......................................................... Capital Fund Reserve Fund Total - All Funds ............................... , .......................... Bank Balances at End of Year: Name and Location of Bank Bank Balance OutstandinS Checks . ~ _...~,~ s_____~J_~ l' $ ~ Net Bank Salance s /?3?? · OTALS S./~&T&° -- S ~U~ S Petty Cash ......................................................................... Cash on Hand (Date Deposited ) ................................ TOTAL BANK BALANCES AND CASH ON HAND .............................................. 232 * Fund INVESTMENTS HELD AT DECEMBER 31) 19___ Description of Investment Purchase Price TOTAL INVBSTMENTS ......... .... ...................................................... $ *These ~otals must agree Bonds (Show each issue separately by) EDP Code TOTAL BONDS 2P1877 Notes 2P1861 Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes ~d~et Notes C_~ital Notes Bond Antici~ation Notes TOTAL NOTES 2P1862 2PL863 2P1875 2P1876 TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES DETAILED STATEHENT OF INDEBTEDNESS OutstandinS Issued Redeemed Outstanding Year Be$inninS During During End of Interest of Year Year Year of Year Issue Ea~e i 3 5 7 XXX TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF December 31 $ ~_x"]~ xxx 1-;;;_;] Nxx xxx ~!!!!~ xxx L!xx!3 xx× TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DBCBMBER 31 $ COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES ~ow~ Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District per $1,000 Cod__e Within Town of Assessed Valuation 2 DISTRICT TOTAL *Should asree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shown at top of pass i COMPUTATION OF PULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Amount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) $ 99(0 · TOWN Assessed Valuation of Fire District Within Town Equalization Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuatf6n Town C Assessed Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF PULL VALUATION= Town A $10,000 Town B 5~000 20~000 $~s~oo~ 25% $40,000 &O% ' 12,500 100% 2__0,000 Full Valuation /v'O W£ Claims Pending - Beginning of Year Plus: NOTICES OF TOP~T CLAIMS FOE T~E FISCAL ~'EAR ENDIN~ ~ ~ ~ OF ~AI~ ~ OF ~AI~ ~P ~E ~ ~P ~E 9Z~O AMOUNT PAID ON CLAIMS EDP CODE AMOUNT Notices Filed During the Year Less: 9ZTR20 9ZIR21 Claims disposed of during the year prior to commencement of court action: o By Localtty o By Insurance Carrier 9Z~R30 9Z~31 9Z~R32 9Z~R40 9ZTR41 9Z~R~2 Claims disposed of during the year after commencement of court action: · By Locality o By Insurance Carrier o By Judgment · Other ( ) 9Z~RS0 9Z~RS1 9ZTR52 9ZTR60 9Z~R61 9Z~R62 9Z~70 9ZTR71 9Z~72 9ZTR80 9ZTR81 9Z11~82 Equals: Claims Pending - End of Year 9ZTRg0 9ZTR91 AUTHORIZATION Article 4, Section 50-f of the C~neral Municipal Law "3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and keeping the record of claims shall make an annual report thereof, in su~aary, to the governing hoard of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the state comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commission. A municipal corporation, authority or commission required by section thirty of the general municipal law to file an annual report of its financial condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection with such financial report." Report Prepared by: /Name ~/ Address It is not necessary to furnish any additional information or details of the above claims or notices of claims. If there ~ere no notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this report with the Annual Financial Report. CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Dated P. O. Address~ // $' CHAIRI~IAN OF THE BOARD Add~'ess ~ STATE OF NE~ YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE CONPTROLLER