HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987· Ali Numbers IhT hi8 Report Must Se Rounded to the Nearest Dollar ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECENBER 31. 19~ HAHE OF DISTRICT IN THE TOL~] OR TO.qB OF COUNTY OF THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) FEB 2 9 1988 Separate Board of / Fire Commissioners or' Town Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General'Municipal Law ***every***fire***district*etshall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. ~ade by the***treasurer of each fire***district***." "~. All reports shall be certified by the officer mekinS the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller within sixty days after the cXose of the fiscal year of such***districtit*.'' PLEASE HAIl, REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State C~ptroller Division of'Nunictpel Affairs Bureau of Hunicipal Research and Statistics Governor Alfred F. S~ith State Office Building Albany, Ne~ Y~rk 12236 Such report sh~ll EDP RECEIPTS ~o_~d~ Real Property Taxes AIOOI Charges for Yire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2410 Sale of Equipment A266S Insurance Recovertes A2680 Gifts and Donations A2?OS Refund of Expenditures A2701 Miscellaneous (Specify) Transfers A5031 D~dget~N~tes Issued A57SO~ Tax Anticipation Hates Issued A5760 Revenue Anticipation Rotes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at Beginning Of Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE A8021 GENERAL FUND EDP PAY#EHTS ~od~ Personal Services A3410.1 Equipment/Capital Outlay A3410.2 Contractual Expenditures A3410.4 Hydrant Rental A3410.4 Yire Dept./Company Services A3410.4 Fire Protection A3410.4 Judgments and Claims A1930.4 State Retirement System A9010.8 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 Horkera Compensation Inburance A9040.8 Social Security A9030.8 Hmdtual/Accldent Insurance, A9060'.8 Interest on Bunds A9710.7' Interest on Notes ART__.7 Redemption of Sands A9710.6 Redemption of Notes A97__.6 Transfer to Capitol Fund A9950.9 Transfer to Reserve Fund A9901.9 Other (Specify) .......... A .... TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE Notesz Total Receipts and Balance must equal Total. Payments and Balance. EDP Codes are for Office of the State Comptroller use. A8029 CA Pl~AL FUND EDP RBCBIPTS Interest ind Earnings H240! $ Bonds fl5710 Prem. and Accrued Iht, on Bonds H2710 Capital Notes NS7&O Bond Afltictpa~ion Notes H5730 Transfer Frog General Fund g5031 Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS Balance at Beginning of Year TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE g2770 g8021 PAYNENTS Equipment/Capital Outlay ........... Real Property · Redemption of BANs Transfer to General Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYNENTS Balance at End of Year TOTAL PAYMENTS AND BALANCE EDP Cod_._..~e N3410.2 #3410.2 H9730.6 B9901.9 H N8029 RECEIPTS Interest end Enrninss Sale of Assets Transfers Other (Specify) TOTAL RECEIPTS EDP C_~od_e R240X R2660 R503! R2770 Balance et BeEinnins of Year R802! Total Receipts and Balance Equipment/Capital Outlay R3410.2 Real Property R3410.2 Transfers R990X.9 Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYMENTS Balance at End of Year Total Payments and Balance R8029 R R S S R V E F U R D(S) Type (Pnrpose) Total of Reserve DO Not Key Type (Purpose) of Reserve Type (Purpose) of Reserve 8 New York Stets Income Taxea..T21 faders! I~oome TaxeL. ........ T22 Social Security Taxes ........ Forelsn Fire Insurance Fund**T50 Group Insurance Deducttons***T20 Other (specify) TOTALS ............... TRUST AND ACENCY FUNDS Cash Balance BeslnninB of Year Receipts Cash Dtsburseuenta Cash Balance End of Year s__Z6 o,e£ s____~ 9, _ Db Not Kay BECONCXLXATXON DF CASH AND BANK BALANCES Caeh Balances by Fund at End of Year: General Fund ............................................................. . A .... Capital Fund ............................/............. .................... a .... Be,er. Fund .................... .... Trust and Agency Funds ........................... ... T .... Tot.1 - All Funds ........................................................ Bank Balances at End of Year: Hame and Location of Bank TOTALS Bank Balance Outstending Checks Net Beak Balance Putty Cesh ......................................................................... Cesh on Band (Dnte Deposited ) ................................. TOTAL BANK BALANCES AND CASH ON HAND ........... . ................................... Fund 1NVESTNENTS HELD.AT DECBHBKR 31s 19 Description of Investment Purchase Price TOTAL INVESTMENTS ............................................................. .. .. .. $ *These totals must agree DETAILED STATENENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds (Shov e~ch issue separately by) TOTAL BONDS of Interest Issue Bate EDP Code __Z- .......... Outstanding Issued Bedeemed Outstendin8 BeBinn!ng During DurinE End of Year Year Yenr of Yenr I 3 5 7 Tox Anticipation Notes 2P1861 Revenue Anticipation Notes BuCset Notes Cnpitnl Notes Bond Anticipation Notes TOTAL NOTES 2P1862 2P1863 2P1875 2P1876 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF December 31 $ XXX I XXX x x'x Xl XXX TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECENBER 31 ~ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES COMPUTATXON OF REAL PROPERTY TAXKS Assessed Valuation Tax Rate Amount of Tax EDP of Fire District per $1,O00 (Assessed Valuation TO~ ~ Within. Town of Assessed Valuation Multiplied by Tax Rate) 2 *Should eBree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as shown at top of paBe I COUPUTATION OF FULl, VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY TOWN Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization Within Town Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP 9ZFE s _ _ EXAMPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: Town A $10,000 Town B 5,000 To.n C _?_.t.~.oo~ Assessed Valuation ~ Full Valuation 25% 40% 100% $~0,000 12)500 TOTAL NUI2ER CF L~AINS TOTAL AI4~N~ OF CLAIF~ ~Y~AL ANOINT PAID EDP CODE NIf~ER EDP CODE ANOU~ EDP CODE Claims Pending ~ Beginning of Year Znvolving Codefundant/Tntrd Perry Defendant 9ZTRiO O~her Claims 9ZTR15 9Z~R16 2 9ZI~20 9Z1121 9ZTR25 9Z1~26 Notices Filed During the Year Involving Codefendantf~hird Party Defendant Other Claims Leas: Claims disposed of during the year prior to comenceuent of court action: * By Locality o By Insurance Carrier Claims disposed of during the year · .By Locality · By Insurance Carrier · By Judgeent - Other ( )' Claims Pending - End of Year Involving Codefendent/~nird Party Defendant Other CleiBs 9Z~130 9ZTR31 9Z'1~32 5 9Z~R40 9Z~R&i 9ZI~&2 6 9ZTRSO 9Z13~51 9ZTR52 7 9Z~R60 9ZTR61 9Z13t62 8 9Z~70 9ZTR7! 9ZTR72 9 9Z~R80 9Z~81 9Z~82 10 9Z~'R90 OZII91 11 9Z1'~95 9Z~96 12 AUTHORIZATION Article 4, Section 50-f of the Oeneral Municipal l~w '3. a. Each officer charged vith the duty of making and keeping the record of claims shall make an annual report thereof, in sumunry, to the gevernlng hoard of such municipal corporation or of such authority or co~mission and shall file a copy thereof In the office of the Ftat~ comptroller ~ithin sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such mlthority or co~ission, A ~mntcipal corporation, authority or comissl(m required by section thirty of the general municipal law' to file an annual report of its financial condition with the state comptroller shell file the report required by ~his subsection with suoh financial report," It ia not necessary to furnish any additional Information or detaJl~ on the above claims or notices of claims. If there were no notices of Tort Claims filed or disposed of, ple~r.e state "NONE" and return this report with the Annual Financial Report. (D (~) ~PiIOI~ NUJtER KDPCO~ Nunictpaltt~'s Equitable Sha~e OYCLAIN~ Alt(~T PAID GRKATER 33tAN K~UITABLE SHARE 5 9Z'~'R.3A.* 9ZTR36 9Z~R38 7 9Z'TRSZ~ 9Z'ZR56 9ZTR58 8 9ZTR6Z~ 9ZTR66 9Z3~R68 9 9Z~RT~* 9ZTR76 9ZlY~78 *tO 9Z~RS~, 9ZTR86 921'R88 11 Identify the number (coltmn 1) of claims disposed of during the year ~flere the settlement was determined in accordance vtth the rel- ative culpability of each party porsuant to an itemized decisio~ or Jur~ verdict and ~here the amount paid by the municipality vas rester than the u~nicipality~s equitable share. Enter the umntcipality*s equitable share (column 2) attd the excess aBount paid ~colusm 3). Report Prepared by: Title ( ) Address CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print or Type) ~ ' -- -~-''- Fire District and that the foliowing report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, 19 ~7 · Signature P. O. Address , ..: Dated ~ ' , 19fid. Telephone (07~) .:: Area Code CHAIRHAN OF THE BOARD Address CO/"~/'~ O STATE OF NEI~ YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COHPTROLLER CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CV C¥ C~; CV School Districts 1986 - 87 Rates per S1000 Assessed Valuation L~ Board of Assessors office dues all of the computations on your tax bill. If you have any questions regarding assessments, veterans exemptioos, aged exemp- tions, farm exemptions, minislers exemptions or the computation of a rate, please call their office at 516. 765.1937. AT 1EN'IION VETERANS: A salellite office of lhe Sutlolk Courtly Veterans Service Agency is located at CAS1. $.',uth Streel Greenpurl, N.Y. 11944; 2nd 'l'uesday ol every monlh from 9:30 A M 1.', 3 P.M. If you have any questionr- a!)out Fire Park or M~scellaneous Districts, please COrda~'t It~e commissioners Of I'lose districts. If you have any questions aboul the Town Rate, please call the Supervisor's Office at 516 765-1800. If yvu have any questions about the County Rate, please Call the County Legisla- lure's Office at 516-548-3311. The Town of Southold acls merely as an agent for the collection of school taxes, pleasc consult your local school authorities regardin§ school laxes. Receiver of Taxes, Town of Southold ~FC')RGE MELLAS TAXRAI~ PER SI.GOO Amount of taxes to be raised for State & County S 3,249,902.57 Cou~ Rate Outside Orient Mosquito District (C) $39.519 Valuatioo of Town for State ancl County outside Orient Mosquito District 77,422,800.00 Valuatioo of Town for State and County in Orient Mosquito District 4,998,391.00 County Rate in Orient Mosquito District (O) 39.518 * Amount of taxes to be raised for State and County in ~ Orient Mosquito District 197,526.42 Valuation of Town Outside Incorporated Village 78,254,865.00 Valuation of Greenport Village 4,166,326.00 Town Rate for Greenport Village (V) 34.729 TOWN BUDGET VALUATION BUDGET Highway1 $ 78,254,865 15.088 1,180,650.00 Highway2,3&4 82,421,191 7.580 624,725.00 General Fund Townwide 82,421,191 27.149 2,248,446.00 Part Town General Fund 78,254,865 35.139 2,749,762.00 Town Rate and Town Budget Cl') 84.956 6,803,583.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICTS FD025Orient $ 4,762,441 21.684 $ 103,700.00 FD026 East Marion ' 4,678,802 19.864 92,939.00 FD027 Fishers Island 6,544,681 15.433 101,000.00 FD028 seuthold 24,544,365 13.972 343,000.00 - F, D029 Cutchogue 15,036,517 18.815 282,900.00 FD030 Matlituck 18,927,227 13.943 264,000.00 FD031 E-W Protection 8,078,963 11.242 Fire 79,800.00 Water 11,020.00 PARK DISTRICTS PK065 Orient-East Marion 9,461,243 1.903 18,000.00 PK070 Southold 14,891,649 4.171 62,100.00 PK071 Mattituck 18,944,927 6.669 126,400.00 PK090 Cutchogue-New Suffolk 15,014,017 2.598 39,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS DISTRICTS WW020 Southold Waste-Water District 75,171;315 2.860 215,000.00 WD050 West Gpt. Water District 2,014,640 5.660 11,401.00 OM060 Orient Mosquito District 4,998,391 2.401 12,000.00 FF080 Fishers Island Ferry 6,544,561 21.484 140,600.00 FG081 Fishers Island Garbage 6,544,681 29.887 195,60000 CL040 Cutchogue Library 13,440,846 9.583 128,792.00 ML041 Mattituck Library 15,051,194 8.048 121,132.00 The above rates for the libraries are included in the Mattituck-Cutchogue.~chool rate. Estimated State Aid per Capita Ass:stance for Support of Local Governments to raised tot the fiscal year ending December 31, 1987 $ 150,000.00 County State Aid estimated (as per County Offices) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1987 $ 134,141,909.00