HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989All Numbers In This Report Hust be Rouflded to the Nearest Dollar ~_e_~of Accountin~ (Check One) S~n~le Entry Cash Double Entry Hodified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEB 2 3 1990 FIBE DISTRICT TREASURER yE. AR. E~DED J)ECEHBER 31, 19 ~q ~ DI~I~ IS ~ BY: (~eck ~e) Separate Board of F~re Co~ss[oners ~ or T~ Board AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law ~'1. ;~;eve~y~;~fireA~district~shall annually make a report of its financial condition to ~he Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ~Creasurer of each fire~district~." "5. All reports shall be certified by the officer makin$ the sa~e and shall be filed with the Comptroller withtm sixty days after the close of ~he fiscal year of such~Zdistrictaa;." PLEASE ~l~IL REPORT TO: Revised 1989 State of Ne~York Office of the State Co~trollar Division of hicipal Affairs Bureauof~unicipal Ras~rc~and Statintic~ Governor:ilfredE. S~i~hState Office Build~ Albany, Ne~ York 12236 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS/REVENUES EDPCODE Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection A2262 Interest and Earnings A2401 Rentals A2&10 Sale of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Refund of Expenditures A2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 Other Unclassified Revenue A2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A&30S Transfers A5031 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Ta~ Antic~pation Notes InsnedA5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued A5770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES ..TO ~' PAYNENTS/EXPEND ITURE S EDPCODE Judgments and Claims A1930.4 Personal Services A3410.1 Equipment/Capital Outlay A3&lO.2 Fire Protection A3410.4 · State Retirement Syste~ A9010.8 Police and Fire Retire System A9015.8 Local Pension Funds A9025.8 Social Security A9030.8 Workers Compensation Insurance A9040.8 Life Insurance AgO&$.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Medical/Accident Insu~anc~ A9060.8 (3) Redemption or.Notes Ag .6 Interest on Notns A97 __.7 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 interest on Bonds A9710.7 Transfer to Other Funds A9901.9 Other (Specify) A __ TOTAL PAY~ff~TS/EXPEND ITURES Fund/Cash (1) Balance at .~ Fund/Cnsh (1) Balance at B.g img of Year As02i End of Year *A8029 oq9o90 Notes: (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in checking accounts, time deposits, cash. (2) Single Entry Units Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. investments and petty *For Double Entry Units A8029 must equal Fund Equity o~ Pase 1. *~hnse must be equal. EDPCO0~ RE660 R2770 R3~:t 0.2 R99Q).. 9 R R8029 RESERVE FUND(S) .Type (Purpose) of Reserve . IOqfSo IFOR SZHGLE ENTRY LE, G'TS CNLY, _aO~_m_LE ENTRY UHI'TS HUST ZHCLUOE EACH RESERVE ZN APPROPRIATE FUND Typ~ IPurlx~el . Type (Purlx)se) of Itnser~e of Reserve ~mlh~e ~t be eqLml. RECON~X LXA'TXOI , ~l~itml F~Icl ............................ ; ...... , .... e ...... H.. · Trust ~nd AGE~"y FL~ds .............................. T ..... All Funds ........... : .................... q. ........... ,.? ............................ End of Yeir: ~ ~nd Loc~ticn of ~ TOTALS ~sh on H~nd Ih'tm I)e~osi~ced! ........................... Pert7 ~sh ......................................... Fund Dm~-ip~im~ TOTAL ZN~SI~ENTS ....................................... ~Th~ff4 totmls must Assessed Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District 'per $1,000 TO~ Cods Within To~..- of Assessed Valuation A~ount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Hultiplied by Tax Rate) ~0~-~O/gDiSTRICT TOTAL~'~ N~ ]i /~ ~/0 10~. I~ ~3 *Should asree with Receipt of Real Property Taxes as sho~n ~t top of page i COHPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF T~ABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District Equalization TO~N Wtth/n Tmm Rare Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equalization Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EXAIJPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULl, VALUATION: Town-A ~10,000 25% = $40,000 Tmm B 5,000 &O~ = 12,500 Tmm C 20s000 100~ = 20t000 Assessed Valuation ~35t000 Full Valuation ~72~500 CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASUP, ER (Please Print or Typ~) Fire District and that the following report is'a true and. correct statement of the fiuancial transactions of such Fire District for the year ended December 31, /~ . Area Code ~HA!RMAN OF TIIE BOARD STATE OF ~ YORK OFFICE OF THE STAT~