HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRIC~ Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 Telephone (516) 7344907 October 23, 1991 · he public referendum to pem~t ~he Cutchogue F~re District to ins~tute ~ Firth S~i~ ~ pr~ ~s held on ~is ~te at ~e ~t~e Fire ~e ~t~ ~e h~s of 6~ ~d ~. The results of the voting is as ~ollows; Total Ballots Cast ~/O7 Total NO votes ~ The f~ndings are true and correct as attested to by the follow4_ng; Chairman, William 8.~z~dgley Jr. pe~tor, Everett Glover Ballot Clerk, Alb~n Pletrew/~ Ballot Clerk, Dale Butler OFFICIAL BALLOT AUTHORIZATION for the establishment of a defined benefit service award program for the volunteer firefighters of the Cutchogue Fire District. CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK October 23 , 1991 Matthew 3. Martin Fire District Secretary YES NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ~NSTRUCTIONS Mark only with having black lead. To vote "YES" make a cross X mark or a check square opposite the work "YES". a pen having blue or black ink or with-a pencil V~mark in the ~//mark in the To vote "NO' make a cross X mark or a check square opposite the work "NO". No other mark than the X mark or the V'~mark may be used for the purpose of voting, and any other mark or writing, or any erasure made on this ballot outside the voting squares or blank spaces provided for voting will void this entire ballot. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. PROPOSITION Shall the Resolution of the Cutchogue Fire District in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 1991, AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEFINED BENEFIT SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM FOR THE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS OF THE CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT; STATING THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST TO BE $100,000.00 BASED ON THE EXISTING NUMBER OF FIREFIGHTERS OF TEE CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT; STATING THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL ADMINISTRA- TIVE FEE TO BE $2,200.00; STATING TEE ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST PER FIREFIGHTER TO RANGE FROM $263.00 FOR AN EIGHTEEN (18) YEAR OLD FIREFIGHTER TO $2,820.00 FOR A SIXTY-FIVE YEAR OLD FIREFIGBTER; STATING THE PROJECTED MONTHLY AWARD TO BE $20.00 PER YEAR OF ACTIVE SERVICE; STATING THAT PAYMENT OF THE BENEFIT SHALL BE IN A SINGLE LIFE ANNUITY, OR PERMITTED EQUIVALENT; AUTHORIZING FIVE (5) YEARS PRIOR SERVICE; DISABILITY COVERAGE; A PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH BENEFIT; AND SAID BENEFITS TO BE PAYABLE ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE ADOPTION OF THE PROGRAM, WHEN FIREFIGHTER REACHES SIXTY-FIVE (65) YEARS OF AGE AND COMPLETES ONE (1) YEAR OF ACTIVE FIREFIGHTING SERVICE; APPROPRIATING SAID AMOUNT THEREFORE." be approved? Deck'er 10, 1991 CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRIC~ Cutchogue, N.Y. 11935 DEC ! 2'1 Telephone (516) 734-6907 ·bis is to Cert/fF the results of the Cuteho~ue Fire Dist~i~t's election of Fire C ...... ~sioner held on the above date at the Cut~hogue Fire House between the hours of 6p~ and 9p~. The results of the voting is as follows; Total Ballots Cast Yes Votes for Robert M. Dorosk/ Yes Votes for Charles McKenna Yes Votes for James Fogarty Void Votes 239 199 37 2 1 The f~nd~ngs are true and correct as attested to by the following; Chairman, William B.Midgley Jr. pector, Everett Glover Ballot Clerk, AIbin Pietrew~cz Ballot Clerk, Dale Butler