HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991All Numbers In This Report Hust be Rounded to the Nearest Dollar Method of Accounting (Check One) ~ Single Entry Cash ~ Double Entry Hodified Accrual ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER YEAR ENDED DECEHBEE 31, 19 ~E OF DISm~ d~'/~ho?oe ~ o~ ~s or S o o~ o i o co~ or S u '~o I t< THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check One) Separate Board of Fire Commissioners X or TovmBoard AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the ~eneral Municipal Law '1. ~Aevery***fire~dintrict***shall ---ually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the ;~treasurer of each fireA~Attstrict~.'' "5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed eith the Comptroller with/n sixty days after the close of the fiscal ysa~ of SUChAAAdistrtctA~A." PLEASE HAIL REPORT TO: State of Ne~York Office of the State Comptroller Dlvini~ of Huaicipal Affairs Bureau of Hunicipal Research and Statistics Governor AlfrmtE. Smith Stats Office Buildtn$ Albany, Ne~ York 12236 Cosh Tim B~poslh potty Crab To'b1 Csmh * lnv~tmnts' TotmX XrNembumnt · * · * * · · · A~91 Sbto end Foclmml Strut· and Fodsrol, Total St~to end Fedsrtl Ibooivubleo A410 To·aX Rostriotod Assets TOTAL ASSLrTS IFil DOUBLE EMTRY Urii(,~ GHLY) EDPC:O~ A600 · ~ Liabilities Aoorumf Liebtlities DUB to bplo~m' btiremnt System Totol &0outed Linbilitie~ A601 · A657 * Hobs Pe~bb Tm( ~ti~ipeticn Hovenuo Intioipetion Tot~! Notes b~F~ Tohl Li~iliti~ To~ ~ A620 A621 A622 A631 A691 Apprap~io~od-EnmJtflGI Yeir '8 ~iobd Totol L~ ~ uqui~ AgIO Aglx * . , /$~o , i~ , /o6~'7o GENERAL FUNB RECEIPTS/REVENUES Real Property Taxes Al001 Charges for Fire Protection ~2262 Interest and Earninss ~2601 Rentals ' ~2410 Sale of Equ/peent ~2665 Insurance Recoveries A1680 Refund of Expenditures ~2701 Gifts and Donations A2705 0thsr Unclassified Ravanue ~2770 Federal Aid for Civil Defense &4305 Transfers A5051 (2)Budget Notes Issued A5750 (2)Tax Antic/patton Notes Issued A5760 (2)Revenue Anticipation Notes Issued ~770 TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash (1) Balance at Be~tnnlnE of Year A8021 P&Iq~/TS/EXPEND ITORE S t7o EDPCODE Jud&ments and Clsi-- &1930.& Personal Services A3&IO. 1 5~ J~O Rquil~eat/Capital Outlay A3~10.2 Fire Protection (Contractual) A3410.4 State Rstire~ant Systen A9010.8 Police and Pire Retire Syst~ A9015.8 Local Penston Funds A9025.8 Social Security &9030.8 ~orkers Co~p~nsation Insurance Ag0&0.8 Life Insurance &90&$. 8 /O Disability Insurance A9055.8 Nedical/Accident Insurance A9060.8 (3) Rede~ption of Notes A97 2_~o.6 3sad Interest on Notes A97 Redemption of Bonds A9710.6 Interest on Bonds A9710.7 Traveler to OCher Funds A9901.9 ~ o0 o OCher (Specify) A $ t-437 3q7 TOTAL PAtiENTS/EXPENDITURES ~ ~q 0 ~-/~ ,7.. Fund/Cash (1) Balance at ~ [ "~7~7' End of Year *A8029 / ~ -] O (1) Cash balance for single entry units should include cash in chsck/n~ accounts, trine deposits, investments and petty canho (2) S/n~leEntryUnits Only. (3) Only Bond Anticipation Notes and Capital Notes for double entry units. *For DoubleEntryUntta A8029 ~ust equal Fund Equtty onPa~e 1. vr~'l'nese nust be equal. Xnvostmnt in Soou~i~im Znvootmmt in IMp~rchu# Agr~mnts Total lnvootmnts Duo frou Othor F~ds Stab and Fedsrtl, ~ In Tim ~i~, To*SI Ro~triotsd Assets .m ,/.3 7qq H~! , .~7/ If~91 H410 · aooflmd Li~bilitie~ ~ Liebilitie. To~ol Liabilitio~ Total a#owed F~ld Bob - U.re#r~d Uns~p~priotsd To*si tkTeoer~od F~nd Equity (FOR -m~-_-~LE ENTRY ~N~TS OHLY) BI601 · H60S * H630 * I~$1 * H691 · ~cE IPTS/I~VL'~JES Interest and Earninss Prem. and Accrued Int. on Bonds Other ,(Specify) Transfar Fro~ ~aneral Fund Bonds (1)Bond Anticipation Notes Capital Notes TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES Fund/Cash Balance at Beg4n~tng of Year EDPCODE H2401 H2710 H2770 H~031 K5710 HS730 H~740 H8021 CAPITAL FUN,D ~o 0o0 3~o ooo PA~fENTS/EXPENDI~S Fire Protection Redemption of BAN*s Transfer to Other Fund Other (Specify) TOTAL PAYHENTS/EXPENDITURES Fund/Cash Balance at End of Year EDPCODE H3&10.2 H9730.6 H9901.9 H *H8029 (1) Single Entz~ Unita Only *For Double EntrY units H8029 must equal Fund Equity on Page 3. ~Fhesenust be equal. A RECEZPTS Zn~er~Bt and Eernings SLLe of Assets B~mse Bdgir~ing of Year mgroTAL RECE*rpTs ~ BALN4CE pA"tl~ENTS FL~ P~m)~iof~ T~ ~c) ~ flJ~cBs O~ (Specify) TOTAL PAYHEtJTS Bml~mme mt End of Yser m~OTAL PAYHENTS ~ND ~ EDPCOOE R~40I P~660 RE770 LqO$1 ImOZl L.z~lO · E R9901 · 9 ImOE9 RESERVE To~l 70 ooo * 3q~ /l,q , qqq~$F ~'~v oo0 f U N D(Si of liBe4rve T~e (Pm'.poee) T)'l]e (Puf~:N:me) , b~q3 , ~a77.t3 /2.1 $//,?/~ . 1$7c~q . .5~o ooo Toh]. Cesh TA200 TA,~X E; end Sec~riii# Nit~ Ca~p. plan provide- nServi~e ~rd proDr,e~ Asse'ts TA~50 TM.~X TA~ru~ TAqr~ TA460 · Sorvioo herds Ststo Betiremnt EMCOOE TA~ (; -Prop1. mbinistrttor ~otmi~ed by distriot. Hhofl progrus is mbinistr~tod by tho dlstriot ~ho T~ hnd thou~d bo used. See Sorvioo Mrds Aooo~ti~o Program procedure~ cbtod September 6, 19~0. 6 (FO~ D~LE ENI~Y ~ (]I~.y) ~uildiNm f~hin~ry *nd Ec~im~nt EOPCO~E EDPC~O~ ZNV~STI~NT ZN GEneRAL FZXED ASSETS Bands end Nob Oiff. s Sbte Aid FedBr~ 1 Aid KIK7 K TOTAL XNVESTI~NF '7a20 oo0 LZABXLZ'17ES EDIK:QOE Band &~*ic, ipetian Nob H6Z6 Cepibl No'tm Po~ble H6Z7 Bonds P~jublo N6ZO Judaea,mb end claims P~jsble m,06 O~hld* LonE-Term Debt 14689 '~0000 T~'AL ANXI41' AVAZLABLE Ne TO B~ Iq~VZD~D ,,7;e oo0 8 Be]anc~ by ~ mt End of ye~r:lZno]ud~ anh in ch~cking eooa~, time cl~osits, bwmbnnts end petty Trot end ~ Fu~h ....................................................... ~ I,,.~,nol autl'tlnding Chlmkl * * , q/7 ~'~'~ ce,h em II.nd (~ete Dmq:~i. ted! ............................................................... ZNW. STI~NTS HELD AT D~.CB~ER $~., Z9 -- 0 DETAILED STATEHENT OF XI~DNESS Bonds (Show each issue separately by) EDP Code Year Outstandin~ Issued Redeemed Outstendin8 of Interest Bea~nn~ng Durina Durin~ End Issue Rate of Year Year Year of Year 1 3 5 7 TOTAL BONDS I 2P1877 ~ XXX TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEI~BER 31 Notes Fax Anticipation Notes 2P186! ~x~ Y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Revenue AnticZpation Notes 2P1862 Y~ XXX Bud&et Notes 2P1863 ~ XXX :apital Notes 2P1875 XXXX XXX Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 X~(XX Y~ 7~O 0 o 0 9~o~ ~o - TOTAL NOTES OUTSTANDING AS OF DECEHBER 31 ~ TOTAL BONDS AND NOTES 10 Asseesod Valuation Tax Rate EDP of Fire District per $1,000 Code Vtth~nToen of AssessodVeluation ~uount of Tax (Assessed Valuation Hultiplied by Tax Rate) DISTRICT TOTAL *Should agree #ith Receipt of Reel Property Taxes as shoun at top of page 1 COHPUTATION OF FULL VALUATION OF TAXABLE REAL PROPERTY Assessed Valuation of Fire District With~nTo~n Equal~zation Rate Full Valuation (Assessed Valuation Divided by Equal~zation Rate) Total Assessed Valuation Total Full Valuation EDP Code 9ZFE EX~HPLE OF CALCULATION OF FULL VALUATION: ToenA $10,000 25~ = $40,000 Tmm B 5,000 &O~ = 12,500 To~n C 20t000 100~ = 20~000 AseeasodValuation ~35t000 Full Valuation 11 ~72~500 ~U~AL AHEXJNT OF CI. AZHS EDP ~ N~J4T TOTAL NI~NF PAZD OH CLAZHS EDP CODE 9ZT1GO gZTItXX gZl~6 g~rltZl 9Zllt26 9ZTR30 9Zl1~1 9'~3t32 S 9ZTR40 9Z'FI~X ~ 6 9ZTRSO 9Z~SI 9Z'lltS2 7 9ZTRTO 9ZVRT]. 9ZTRTZ 9 9ZTRSO 9L~P~8~ 9~I'RSZ Equ~]~: cl-~.m Pending - End of Yair ~volving CodofWt/~ird hrty Defendant X1 Claim 9ZTRgS ~ZTlt~6 12 (1) m uP lum' cl.&b~ N~IJJT PAZD GII~A*'I~R TILM4 E~JZT~BLE SHARE 1 $ 4. · 7 ~ ~ 9ZTP. G8 $ ~ ~ ~ZTR68 9 9ZTR74* 9ZTRT& 9Z1~78 10 9ZT1~4, g'ZTR~ ~ lclmtify h nmber (adum 1) of oli~,-- disused of &ring h y~mr* dm, re h .ettieant .~ cbter, in.d in ~ Niih h relstivs cmlp~iltty of m4mh ~ purmmnt to ~n ilemiimd cIsoisian or ~ry vsrdiot ~nd dm~r~ h smm~t peid by h mJnioip~liiy ~s gr~t~- b ihs mmicdp~lity's '"'?"i~b1' shin'4. Enter h s,J~ic~tp~lity's equlhdd~ dmre I~olum l) snd h mca~s ~t peid (oolumm $). I~port pr,q~r~d By: ~ Addree8 Tit~' Pham Number CERTIFICATI~ OF ~IP, E DISTRICT TREASURER (Please Print or Type' Na~e) Fire District and that the follo~ins report is a true and correct state~ent of the financial transactions of such Fire Distric~ for the year ended December 31, ]~ql Telephone (~1~) 739 - ~'~ o~. -3~q"~/ Code CHAIP. HAN OF THE BOARD Telephone Area Code STATE OF NE~ YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE 14