HomeMy WebLinkAboutDickerson, Thomas AOriginal Oath of Offic~or Volunteer Fire Policen~ (New York State Municipal Law, Section 209-C.) SUFFOLK COUNTY ~T? TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 545 I, .......T~Olg.~,lt..~.,...~.:J,g~g~.l~..gx11 ....................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) Cl~pe or Print Ns~ne) that I wi~ support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Fire Policeman Matt ituck of the ............................................................ Fire Department, according to the best of my ability. Sworn to before me, this ...~L.?.... day of .......... ................... , Notary ...../~t~ · .~...~.z ................ NOTARy PUBLIC, Stele ef No. 52-5758,~70 Qualified in Suffolk G3mmiuion Expirel March 30, IgOr' Signature .~/....~ e Post Office ..~..~,.~.~.~...~..°,..~.R...~..".'.¥.~ ......................... Original to be filed with Town (Village) Clerk. Copy to be held by Departm~. Date filed .......... .APR..~J.~..J~. .....